When Yu Xiaolin heard that Han Zixuan was going to marry a beautiful woman in the city, she thought to herself that you should just dream, but she continued to tease: "Really, then do you know what is required to marry a beautiful woman? Can you meet the requirements of a beautiful woman. "

Han Zixuan was at a loss, and asked flatteringly: "I don't know, you are from the city, tell me."

"Silly boy, if you want to marry a beautiful woman, you must have capital." Yu Xiaolin hated this person at first, but now she thinks this boy is quite simple, and teases him happily.

"What capital, do you think I have that capital?" Han Zixuan asked naively.

Yu Xiaolin continued to laugh, reached out and pulled He Lizi's sleeve and teased: "Lizi, this silly boy is quite interesting, why don't you tell him, after all, you are considered a beauty."

"Okay, stop making trouble." He Lizi glared at Yu Xiaolin slightly with a stern face. Even though she was angry, Han Zixuan still felt that beautiful women are very attractive, and being angry is also beautiful.

At the same time, he thought to himself that this woman's name is Lizi, which really fits her voice and smile. He sighed secretly, if he could marry such a wife in this life, he would be satisfied. As for the breasts are not plump enough, it doesn't matter, I will massage.

Seeing that He Lizi ignored her, Yu Xiaolin didn't care, she continued to talk nonsense with Han Zixuan.It is said that a man must have a graceful appearance, and he must have a luxury car deposit in a villa.Han Zixuan felt sad when he heard this.

Seeing that he was a little depressed, Yu Xiaolin cheered up and said, "It's okay, silly boy, work hard. When you earn a lot of money, my sister kicks her current boyfriend and goes back to the countryside with you."

Han Zixuan was very excited on the surface, but he muttered in his heart, forget it, you are not qualified.

At this time the bus came, He Lizi took Yu Xiaolin and walked towards the crowd, Han Zixuan followed closely because they took the same bus.

Yu Xiaolin turned around and asked, "Boy, is it your first time riding in a car, are you excited?"

Han Zixuan said in his heart that you really took me for a fool, so he deliberately said: "No, there are four-wheeled carriages, and they run really fast."

"Stupid boy, you're killing me." Yu Xiaolin couldn't help asking, "What's your name, and what's your main purpose in coming to South China Sea?"

What are you doing? Could it be that you still want to pick on me? Han Zixuan said nervously, "Sister, do you want to pick on me?"

As soon as this remark came out, many people around him heard it, and immediately attracted everyone's attention. The pig brother just now was a little dazed at the moment, shit, what the hell, rural people dare to come to the city to pick up girls, and even turned back.

Yu Xiaolin didn't get angry, she giggled happily, and winked in her ear: "You are silly, you really think of yourself as a rich man. When you get on the bus, do you need my sister to buy the ticket for you?"

"No, I still have the fare."

One after another, everyone started to get on the bus. Han Zixuan and the male pig with glasses were at the back. The pig hurriedly approached and said enviously: "Brother, you are so brave. cramp."

"It's nothing, it's so-so. Have you seen that long-legged beauty? She will definitely be my wife in the future." Han Zixuan said quite seriously at the moment, with a serious expression on his face.

The man with glasses was suddenly frightened by Han Zixuan in front of him. For a moment, he couldn't see Han Zixuan's face clearly. He only felt that his eyes were blurred. What was in front of him was not an idiot from the countryside, but an elegant young man.Temperament, temperament changes everything.

After getting on the bus to buy a ticket, it was Han Zixuan's turn. He reported to the station, and the conductor said it was two yuan.So he started to pay, and took out a hundred-yuan bill casually.

The conductor frowned and said, "Is there any change?"

Han Zixuan shook his head: "No."

The conductor looked Han Zixuan up and down, judging from his many years of experience in selling tickets and observing people's clothing and attire, this person was just an ordinary migrant worker, and now he is really flamboyant enough to show off even when buying a ticket by car.But as a public official, she couldn't say much, she just said angrily: "I can't break it here, you can see who I can borrow some change from."

Indeed, nowadays buses use bus cards, and not many people get on the bus to buy tickets, so the conductor does not have much change in his hand.

Han Zixuan continued to shake his head: "I'm alone, and I can't borrow money. How about it, I don't need to look for it." He handed the money to the conductor, and then walked into the carriage.

This scene naturally fell into the eyes of many people, Yu Xiaolin and He Lizi naturally also saw it, and their expressions were slightly shocked.

Naturally, the conductor couldn't accept hundred-yuan bills. If she did, she would be severely punished. She hurriedly shouted, "Hey, wait, I can't accept this money."

The man with glasses was lost in Han Zixuan's aura just now, but he still didn't recover, and thought of making friends.He hastily took out two yuan and came to the conductor, exchanged it back for a hundred yuan bill and came to Han Zixuan's side: "Dude, you are so flirtatious, why don't you take a taxi if you are so rich."

Han Zixuan lowered his voice and said, "In order to share the car with the beautiful woman?"

The man with glasses seemed to understand that this boy deliberately played this trick to attract the attention of beautiful women. My good guy, I really underestimated him.

Han Zixuan took over the hundred-yuan bill: "Thank you, there are still many good people, and there is a chance to return the two yuan to you."

"Forget it, brother, let's make friends. My name is Cai Xiaomeng. What about you?"

Cai Xiaomeng, this body is really strong enough, Han Zixuan smiled and said: "Han Zixuan, you are my friend."

Cai Xiaomeng was slightly surprised, because Han Zixuan's name is too artistic, how could it be from a rural family, he thought the other party was called Zhuzi, Erniu, Tiedan or something like that, and he was suddenly surprised.

The two chatted, Cai Xiaomeng said that he is currently a student of Nanhai University, and it is now during the summer vacation, he is bored wandering around the city, admiring beautiful women by the way, he is slightly embarrassed to say this.

Han Zixuan only said that he came to visit relatives, but didn't say much.

Yu Xiaolin poked He Lizi and muttered in a low voice, "What's going on, am I being fooled?"

He Lizi curled her lips: "It's nothing, the bumpkins from the countryside are like this now, afraid of being ridiculed by the people in the city, they deliberately put on an old man's attitude."

"Interesting, it's really interesting." Yu Xiaolin wanted to move closer to Han Zixuan, always wanting to say something, but was stopped by He Lizi, who warned: "Forget it, you are not finished yet, you can I have a boyfriend, be careful I tell the truth."

Yu Xiaolin was a little reconciled, she didn't know why, but she always felt that this man was very special, and she had a strange thought in her heart, that the man was a super big guy, and he just put on a low profile on purpose.

Strange to say, in the car, Han Zixuan no longer glanced at Yu Xiaolin and the others, the excitement of chatting while waiting for the car just now was gone.For this reason, Yu Xiaolin felt a little uncomfortable. Finally, a man took the initiative to strike up a conversation, but there was no result.Hey, in fact, every woman longs to be noticed by a man. Just now, Han Zixuan flattered her with a few words of beauty, which made her feel a little carried away.

When they arrived at the station, Han Zixuan and Cai Xiaomeng left a phone call with each other. The moment Han Zixuan revealed his mobile phone, everyone in the car gasped in amazement, because he was using the most high-end smart phone in his hand, which was said to cost tens of thousands.

When Han Zixuan got out of the car, Yu Xiaolin wanted to cry but complained that He Lizi blocked her way of making money. It turned out that the other party was really a rich and wealthy lady.

He Lizi was also wondering at this moment, maybe she was too blind.

According to the address, Han Zixuan came to a quiet courtyard house. Although it is located in the center of the city, the place is very unique. There are some old houses left over from the past. According to the usual practice, they must be demolished and rebuilt into high-rise buildings.However, there was no movement here. As for why, Han Zixuan understood in his heart.Mr. He, that's no ordinary person.

Knock on the door, and soon an old man walked out of the door, about fifty years old, dressed as a servant.Han Zixuan revealed his identity, the old man greeted him warmly, and ran forward quickly, and walked towards the back room.

Han Zixuan was waiting in the living room, and after a while, a loud and dull voice came: "Zixuan, you are finally here."

Han Zixuan had met Mr. He before. Mr. He's real name was He Tianbei. Mr. He often went to the mountains to chat with his master before, and they became acquainted at that time.

Han Zixuan hurriedly stood up and saluted politely: "Grandpa, I'm here, am I late?"

"No, it just happened to come. I have been waiting for the message from your master, looking forward to you every day." He Tianbei ordered his servant Ah Fu to serve tea, looked at Han Zixuan with a smile on his face, and couldn't stop praising him : "My boy, I'm getting more and more energetic, but the clothes are simple. If I change them, I'm sure I'll attract the eyes of the big girls and the little wives."

Han Zixuan was quite shy: "Grandpa, don't make fun of me, I don't have that ability."

At this time Ah Fu served the tea, He Tianbei waved him away, and there were only two people left in the room.

He Tianbei said rather mysteriously: "Zixuan, what instructions do you have for going down the mountain this time, and what tasks did your master arrange for you?"

When it comes to the purpose of going down the mountain this time, Han Zixuan is a little hard to say, but there is no need to pretend in front of He Tianbei, besides, everything is arranged by He Lao when he comes here, presumably the master and He Lao must have communicated in advance.

"The master told me to go down the mountain to practice and to pick up girls." Han Zixuan expressed his dissatisfaction, "I have gone down the mountain to practice before, and followed the master to visit the mountains, but this time I am asked to do this. I really find it hard to accept."

"What's unacceptable, you've been studying art for decades, you're basically a disciple. And you're an adult, don't tell me you don't want to marry a wife." He Tianbei joked.

Han Zixuan is a man, so he naturally likes beauty and wants to marry a wife.So he didn't evade, nodded and said: "Although that's the case, there must be a goal in marrying a wife. Who should I marry?"

He Tianbei laughed loudly: "Zixuan, your master must have a purpose in arranging you to come to my place, don't worry, everything will follow my arrangement."

Han Zixuan regained his spirits immediately, after all, marrying a wife is a major event in life, from his tone, it seemed that he arranged the marriage for himself.This is not a child's play, I am considered a good-looking talent, I have not seen what the woman looks like, how can I be so hasty.

"Grandpa, I'll take care of this matter myself. I will work hard to pursue a girl I like, and I don't need you two old people to take care of me." Although Han Zixuan said it very tactfully, He Tianbei naturally understood it.

"Zixuan, you are not an ordinary person. Have you forgotten the seal on your body? An ordinary girl will definitely not succeed."

Han Zixuan immediately understood, nodded earnestly and said, "Grandpa, then you can't lose me and find a prettier girl."

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