The campus is so cute

3 beautiful women like clouds

He Tianbei heard Han Zixuan's worry, and chuckled lightly: "Don't worry, my granddaughter has become your wife, what do you think?"

Han Zixuan was a little surprised, because he had known Mr. He for many years, and had never heard that he had a granddaughter, but considering that he and Mr. He seldom chatted about family affairs, this visit to Nanhai was a further contact.

Han Zixuan looked at He Tianbei's appearance, and thought about what the granddaughter of this shady old man would look like. She probably wasn't a peerless beauty, otherwise how could she give it to me at such a low price.But he couldn't say it clearly, he just said euphemistically: "Grandpa, forget it, I'll handle the matter of finding a wife by myself, I know it well, and I will definitely not disappoint you."

He Tianbei is an old man, so he naturally saw the smallness in Han Zixuan's heart, and smiled secretly: "Well, I will take you to meet my granddaughter in a while, and see if it satisfies you."

Seeing that He Lao was being polite, Han Zixuan was really embarrassed to refuse. He just nodded with a smile as an acceptance. It was just a meeting, not a big deal, not to mention that there is no marriage contract between us, even if there was, it would be easy to reject it.

Han Zixuan asked again: "Grandpa, I will follow your arrangements when I come to Nanhai this time. What am I going to do next?"

"According to your master's instructions, find a wife. In order to undo the seal on your body as soon as possible, look for the daughters of Molong's descendants. Only by finding them can you be free. Child, you still have a lot of burdens on your shoulders." When He Tianbei said this, he sighed slightly, thinking about how powerful Mo Long was back then, but he was attacked by the enemy and fell apart. Now Mo Long has no longer the glory of the past, but there is still hope, that is, the young man in front of him .

Molong, an ancient sect organization in China, does not belong to the martial arts sect, but there are martial arts masters in it, and it recruits talents from all walks of life. The purpose is to serve the country. When the country encounters a crisis, they will stand up and turn the tide. Unfortunately, 20 years ago, a traitor appeared in Molong. He cooperated with the outside world and was attacked by the enemy. After that, Molong disbanded and gradually lost contact.

Now Molong does not have a leader, because there is no Molong Token, as to whether the Molong Token was lost or was robbed by the enemy, it has always been an unsolved mystery.

To bring Molong back to glory, first of all, there must be the Molong Order, and secondly, there must be a new head of the family, and find a way to reunite the descendants of Molong in the past and unite as one.However, it's not the past now, and it has become a climate to lose these descendants of Molong, how can they obey the mercy of others.

Han Zixuan just knows that he is from Molong. As for what mission he has to shoulder, he doesn't know. The only mission now is to find someone who is destined to lift the inexplicable seal on his body. As for what it is, he doesn't know. When the time is right, he will naturally tell him.

When He Tianbei recalled the past, his face was full of sadness, but now it was different, because of Han Zixuan's existence, he was full of hope again.

"Zixuan, I, He Tianbei, am from Molong, so my granddaughter can definitely help you, so you have to do everything possible to win her heart, do you understand?"

In fact, Han Zixuan didn't quite understand, but he understood a little bit.The master arranged for him to go down the mountain to pick up girls. To put it bluntly, he wanted to deal with Molong's daughter, but it was extremely difficult to pick up these women, because they all had huge power behind them, how could they be easily dealt with.

However, Han Zixuan likes difficult tasks, but he still has doubts in his heart. Could it be that it is miraculous that the seal on his body can be lifted after getting these girls.Alright, let's forget about these things for now. When I see Mr. He's granddaughter later, even if she looks unsatisfactory, I can only reluctantly accept it.

The two chatted for a while, and Mr. He saw that the time was almost up, so he asked Ah Fu to arrange a car to go to the residence of Mrs. He's granddaughter.

In the car, Han Zixuan asked Mr. He where he would live in the future. He really didn't want to live with the old man anymore, because he felt quite perverted to hang out with that old master every day on the mountain.

He Tianbei smiled mysteriously: "From now on, you will live with my granddaughter, Zixuan, and I will provide you with the environment. It all depends on your means."

Han Zixuan thought that this old man was really cruel, so he sold his granddaughter just like that.

But Han Zixuan asked again: "Grandpa, does your granddaughter know about this situation, that is, she sold her to me."

"Boy, what are you talking about? Who said that I sold my granddaughter, just to let you have sex. If I can't make it, it's because you're not capable. If my granddaughter likes other men, it's because you have no relationship." He Tianbei looked Calm, eyes calmly looking ahead.

Han Zixuan stopped talking, and felt certain in his heart, if that girl is good-looking, I'll make a fuss, if it really violates the laws of nature and looks like a dinosaur, then I'll just run away overnight, he doesn't want to be caught.

But he naturally imagined that the other party was a beautiful woman. Speaking of beautiful women, he thought of the long-legged girl he met while waiting for the bus, and wondered when he would meet again.

The car stopped, and there was a luxurious villa in front of him. Han Zixuan probably knew the details of the He family. Mr. He's son was a well-known businessman in South China Sea.

An old woman walked out of the door, she looked like a housekeeper and nanny. Seeing Mr. He coming, she immediately greeted him respectfully, opened the door of the villa, and then trotted to report the situation to the owner of the villa.

When the car drove into the small courtyard, Han Zixuan looked at everything in the courtyard through the window, his eyes were full of greenery, as if he had entered a green corridor, and he immediately felt at ease.Rockery fountains, large gardens, open-air swimming pools, and the scenes seen on TV are all available.Han Zixuan couldn't help being a little dazed, no wonder people are willing to come to the city and want to be rich. Although the countryside has flowers, grass and water, how can it be compared with here.

As soon as the car stopped, Han Zixuan saw three girls rushing forward, one of them opened the car door for Mr. He with a happy face, and said excitedly, "Grandpa, you haven't been here for a long time, you miss me so much."

"Lizi, I miss you too. You all came out." He Tianbei looked at the two girls behind his granddaughter, and looked at Han Zixuan strangely.

But Han Zixuan was a little silly, he didn't expect He Lizi to be the granddaughter of He Lao, the long-legged beauty on the bus, the world is really small.

When He Lizi opened the door for Mr. He, she saw her grandfather glanced to the side, and then she realized that there was a stranger here. She looked at it carefully, and she was suddenly surprised that this rural man was sitting in his grandfather's car.

Han Zixuan got out of the car with a calm expression, and followed He Tianbei closely, but his face seemed a little bit shy, because he suddenly found that there were two girls behind He Lizi, and they were so beautiful.

He Tianbei first pulled He Lizi to Han Zixuan and introduced: "Zixuan, this is my granddaughter He Lizi, let's get acquainted." The old man was full of complacency at the moment, and he thought to himself, boy, please open your eyes this time, don't look at me. She looks too good-looking, but my granddaughter is very beautiful.

Then he said to his granddaughter, "Lizi, this is Han Zixuan."

He Lizi felt very depressed at the moment, she never thought that the villager at the station would come to her home, and seeing that her grandfather and him were very close, like a family, how could she be happy.

Han Zixuan slowly recovered from the initial shock, stretched out his hand and said politely: "It's the first time we meet, please take care of me in the future." After all, he will live here in the future, so he must behave politely.

How could He Lizi shake hands with the hooligan, she just snorted coldly, then turned and left.Everyone was amazed by this scene. Mr. He felt that his granddaughter was a little rude. You are a dignified lady, don't you understand this bit of etiquette?

Han Zixuan knew it in his heart and didn't care about it, instead he excused He Lizi: "Grandpa, maybe Lizi doesn't like dealing with strangers, it's okay, it will be fine after a long time."

He Tianbei sighed slightly. He really didn't expect that Zixuan's first impression on Lizi would be so bad. He was suspicious. Han Zixuan's appearance was not bad, and there was nothing wrong with his words just now. Why did he not recruit his granddaughter? See you soon.

At this time, the youngest girl with a baby face said mischievously, "Grandpa, who is he? Why don't you introduce me?"

Han Zixuan looked at this girl and felt terrified in his heart. In fact, he had already looked at the two girls behind He Lizi. To be honest, his eyes were very treacherous.He found that this baby-faced girl had big breasts despite her young age, and she was called **** in a vulgar word.In fact, student Zixuan occasionally watched the films of the Japanese country, so he knew a little bit about it.

He Tianbei immediately woke up from the depression just now, touched the girl's head with a kind face: "Tian Yu, this is Han Zixuan, you should call him brother Zixuan."

Ye Tianyu stretched out her fleshy little hand obediently, and said innocently: "Brother Zixuan, my name is Ye Tianyu, and I welcome you on behalf of the Beauty Apartment."

Han Zixuan returned the gift, shook her little hand, and said with a smile, "Hello, you look so cute."

Ye Tianyu stuck out her tongue coquettishly, then pushed the beauty behind her to Han Zixuan and introduced, "Brother Zixuan, this is Miss Shen Hanyu, the number one beauty in our beauty apartment, let's get to know each other."

Shen Hanyu is obviously the oldest among the three girls. She felt that Ye Tianyu's speech was a bit unpleasant, so she gave her a slight look, and then extended her hand generously: "Shen Hanyu, welcome."

Before Han Zixuan could feel the warmth of the opponent's palm, Shen Hanyu withdrew his hand, and then said to He Tianbei: "Grandpa, don't stand there, go into the room and talk."

Han Zixuan was slightly stunned, maybe it was because he really had too little contact with women, just now Shen Hanyu just stared at him with all kinds of flair.He couldn't tell, Shen Hanyu looked a bit seductive, especially her big eyes that seemed to be able to talk.

Looking at her graceful figure, Han Zixuan felt that his body was a little hot, maybe this is the so-called feeling of heartbeat.Indeed, Shen Hanyu is a fairy-level beauty. Although Han Zixuan has rich experience, he is still a beginner in front of women.

Seeing Han Zixuan's greedy eyes, He Tianbei reminded: "Zixuan, don't worry, take everything slowly, don't try to eat a fat man in one bite."

How could Han Zixuan admit it, he shrugged and said, "Grandpa, you are overthinking, I just wonder who they are."

He Tianbei explained: "Tianyu is a child of my good friend's family, and has been living here. Hanyu is Lizi's cousin, and has lived here for a long time. From now on, you will gradually understand." Turn around: "Zixuan, this environment is not bad, it can be said that there are so many beautiful women, it all depends on your ability."

Han Zixuan naturally understood what He Lao meant, and smiled slightly: "Not bad, thank you, grandpa."

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