The campus is so cute

10 Best candidates

When the three girls heard this, they immediately exploded. He Lizi suddenly threw herself at Han Zixuan and yelled angrily, "Han Zixuan, are you a man? Seeing that I bullied you, you are still indifferent and just watching from the sidelines."

Ye Tianyu stomped his feet angrily, gouged Han Zixuan fiercely with his big eyes, and cursed: "Han Zixuan, you are the only man in our room. We women are being bullied, but you don't have the guts to rush up. It's really shameless." Shame on you, you don't deserve to be a man, just castrate your little bitch."

Sister Tianyu has understood everything since she found out what a man's lower body is from Baidu, and then she continued to explore to understand the essential difference between a man and a woman.

Ye Tianyu's words shocked everyone in the room, Han Zixuan was dumbfounded, He Lizi froze, Shen Hanyu covered her head and looked at Ye Tianyu in disbelief.

Ye Tianyu knew that what he said was a bit rascal, and also knew the consequences, so he hurriedly shut up, bowed his head in embarrassment and remained silent.

Shen Hanyu glared at her fiercely, but what could she say, she hurriedly changed the subject to look at Han Zixuan and said, "Han Zixuan, I know that Li Zi was definitely not bullied, how did you deal with it at that time?"

Han Zixuan took a sneaky look at Ye Tianyu, and said to himself, little girl, just wait and see how I deal with you later.

"It's nothing. At that time, Liu Likun was going to commit violence, but I forcibly stopped him. This kid had a guilty conscience. He was probably intimidated by my unyielding power, so he walked away in despair." Han Zixuan didn't want to exaggerate the matter, there's no need Bragging about the great achievements of last night, as if asking for credit.

Shen Hanyu knew that the situation would definitely not be that simple, but it was not easy to ask anything now, as long as she knew that Li Zi was not bullied, she smiled slightly: "Thank you, you can go down to wash up first, and I will call you when I have breakfast. "

Han Zixuan continued to be astonished, he had upgraded again, and could have breakfast together.

Seeing that Han Zixuan was gone, Shen Hanyu grabbed Tianyu's fleshy little hand and said viciously: "Tianyu, you have learned badly. Where did you see what you said just now?"

Ye Tianyu hurriedly removed Shen Hanyu's hand that was holding her, and ran away in embarrassment, but said in his mouth: "Sister, I am also an adult, why can't I know."

He Lizi snickered and said, "Sister Yu, this little ancestor of our family is really extraordinary. Seeing that Han Zixuan's face turned green just now, it's really refreshing."

"Okay, let's stop this matter. Girls need to know how to be reserved and have a little self-restraint. When you go down to eat later, you thank Han Zixuan. It must be that he rescued you from Liu Likun yesterday. It's not as simple as it seems on the surface , Liu Likun is a villain who will take revenge, and Han Zixuan must be in trouble." Shen Hanyu was relatively calm, so he naturally understood that there was a problem.

"It's okay, Han Zixuan will always suffer a lot if he wants to pick on me, how can he let him succeed in vain, besides, I was confused yesterday, who knows if he secretly attacked me, I have no idea." He Lizi is not grateful to Han Zixuan In her heart, she thought that the reason why Han Zixuan lived in their house was to pick on her.Since you want to pick up girls, you have to pay a little.

"You, you wronged Han Zixuan, he carried you upstairs yesterday, and you vomited all over him, you dead girl who doesn't know what to do." Shen Hanyu tapped her forehead lightly and reminded: "Lizi, we The terms can be modified appropriately, don't be too harsh on him."

He Lizi was stunned, but she refused to admit that she vomited on him, and said coldly: "It's impossible to modify the terms. Sister Yu, you just have a good heart, don't be fooled by his appearance, men are duplicity Bad guy."

Shen Hanyu sighed slightly, but didn't say anything.

For breakfast, Han Zixuan really had dinner with them, but Ye Tianyu didn't go downstairs, probably she was still shy.He Lizi buried her head in her meal and ignored him at all.Shen Hanyu is a reserved and steady woman, she will never talk too much to Han Zixuan.This breakfast was very dull, but Han Zixuan felt very happy, and his status changed unknowingly.

Today is the weekend, it is rare for Shen Hanyu to rest at home, his dance training class is over, because he is about to enter college life soon.She told He Lizi not to run around, take a good rest for two days, and prepare for the new semester of college life.

He Tianbei called Han Zixuan, and he has already arranged the enrollment situation. He can report when he arrives at the school. He can choose his major freely, as long as he is happy.

After breakfast, Shen Hanyu planned to take a good rest and went back to her room.Naturally, He Lizi would not sit with Han Zixuan, and brought a breakfast to Ye Tianyu's room.Han Zixuan went back to his residence and started to prepare, but he felt that there was nothing to prepare. Enrollment was actually just a formality. His goal was to find Molong's predestined friends, and maybe he could meet there.

He Lizi went to Ye Tianyu's room, Ye Tianyu clutched his stomach and complained incessantly, seeing the Bodhisattva who rescued the suffering came, he took He Lizi's hand in a desperate way: "Sister Lizi, you are so kind, you are the best for me."

"Right, hurry up and eat, or you'll be eaten up by that bastard downstairs." He Lizi squinted her eyes, staring at Ye Tianyu's eating.

Ye Tianyu said vaguely while eating: "Sister Lizi, there is a very serious problem now. Since Han Zixuan sent you home last night, his status has gradually changed. At least Sister Yu's attitude towards him is much better. You vomited all over him, and Sister Yu asked him to take a shower in our bathroom, and arranged for him to have breakfast together this morning, it probably won't work, this man is about to go to heaven."

He Lizi nodded vigorously: "You are right. Sister Yu even told me to revise the terms and give him a proper relaxation of the policy, but I severely rejected it."

Ye Tianyu exclaimed: "No way, looking at Sister Yu's attitude towards Han Zixuan, maybe she is interested in him."

He Lizi thought it was impossible, what kind of character is Sister Yu, a beauty like a fairy, in college, there are not many men who pursue her, because she has an outstanding temperament and a charming appearance, but she is the dream lover of all the men in the college.For this reason, sometimes she is quite upset, feeling that her school belle's name has been overshadowed.

But she respects Shen Hanyu in her heart. First of all, they are cousins. Secondly, she understands Sister Yu's family situation and knows her dissatisfaction.

"Tianyu, you're overthinking. Sister Yu is cold outside and hot inside. We all know that she just doesn't want to offend others. Besides, what charm does Han Zixuan have, which can attract Sister Yu's attention." He Lizi was full of disdain. Still dissatisfied.

Ye Tianyu jokingly said: "Yes, a country guy from the countryside is not handsome, has no money, and no culture. How could he attract Sister Yu's attention? To be honest, I don't even think of Han Zixuan, let alone Sister Yu." .”

He Lizi felt that she had met a bosom friend, and an idea came to her mind: "Tian Yu, do you hate Han Zixuan?"

"Of course I hate him. I've hated him since the first day he lived here." Although Ye Tianyu said this, she didn't have such a strong feeling deep in her heart. But she is a fool, so she can naturally understand He Lizi thought.

"Okay, then let's find a way to get this annoying man out."

Ye Tianyu found it interesting, and immediately regained her energy. At this time, she had almost eaten, wiped her oily mouth with a tissue, and said with a smile: "Okay, I agree, it must be fun."

He Lizi nodded: "Of course, but this matter needs your help, only you can drive Han Zixuan away."

Ye Tianyu was confused, and pointed himself with his hand: "I, what can I do."

He Lizi posted it up, whispering in her ear, Ye Tianyu pricked up his ears, listened carefully, and kept nodding, and when he understood, he immediately shook his head: "No, I won't do it, I'm a big girl, how can I suffer. "

In fact, He Lizi's method was very vulgar, she asked Ye Tianyu to call Han Zixuan, then threw herself into Han Zixuan's arms, grabbed his hand and yelled molestation, at this time He Lizi rushed in and grabbed Han Zixuan molesting the girl.

"It's okay, at most let him hold your little hand, what are you afraid of." He Lizi continued to bewitch.

Ye Tianyu was not stupid, and asked instead: "Then why didn't you seduce him yourself, I'm still a child, so I probably don't have enough attraction for him."

He Lizi pretended to be exaggerated: "You are not a child anymore, you have to cut his thing this morning."

Ye Tianyu immediately blushed: "Sister Lizi, don't mention this, I regret it to death, it's that damned Han Zixuan who made me embarrass myself."

"Okay, sister won't tease you anymore. Tian Yu, you've grown up. Look at your development now. Your breasts are bigger than mine. Men like women with big breasts. You can definitely attract his attention." He Lizi said Here, I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable. I am a few years older than Ye Tianyu, but my figure is not as good as hers. I don't know what this girl eats and grows so big.

Ye Tianyu was immediately elated, thinking of the admiring eyes of the boys and the jealous eyes of the girls in high school, she felt a sense of accomplishment.But she still disagreed, and retorted: "Actually, mine is not too big. Sister Yu's breasts are beautiful. How about letting Sister Yu seduce Han Zixuan?"

"You are stupid, how could sister Yu agree." He Lizi heard her praise Shen Hanyu's beautiful breasts, and she felt inferior again. There were three women in the room, except for the servant Li Ma, she had the smallest breasts, and she was also a woman. How can you be happy.

"Oh, that's true. Besides, letting Sister Yu seduce Han Zixuan, I think it would be a waste of Sister Yu if he took advantage of it." Ye Tianyu expressed his emotions.

"So, this task can only be entrusted to you. You are the best candidate. And more importantly, if you are not full, you will go to jail for molesting Han Zixuan. Don't you want to see his miserable appearance?"

"Really, it's so powerful, but I still don't do it." Ye Tianyu held on to the last line of psychological defense tightly.

He Lizi was a little annoyed: "Ye Tianyu, I heard that the game you play needs to be recharged. My sister will charge you and let you buy the best equipment."

Ye Tianyu was a little loose, and there was a light in his eyes.

He Lizi continued: "You will also enter the university together soon. After entering the school, I can cover you and no one will dare to bully you."

Ye Tianyu pursed his lips, but still did not agree.

He Lizi finally said: "Ye Tianyu, since you entered middle school, you have lived and boarded at my house. I have never said a word. How is my sister taking care of you? Tell me something of your conscience."

Ye Tianyu quickly covered her mouth with his hand, and said firmly, "Sister Lizi, stop talking, I will do it."

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