The campus is so cute

11 Catch the Hooligans

Guo Bing rushed to the hospital in the morning. He didn't expect his elder brother to take his sister into the hospital. He wondered if his elder brother was too tired last night and almost died of exhaustion.

When he arrived at the hospital, Guo Bing pushed open the door of the ward, and said with a smirk: "Brother Kun, you must have done it too hard last night. Why did you get into the hospital? That little girl He Lizi must be so happy." In fact, he I also miss He Lizi, and hope that Brother Kun will get tired of playing He Lizi one day, and he will be satisfied as a substitute.

"Fuck you, you fucking shut up." Liu Likun was extremely annoyed, he reached out to pick up the teacup on the table and smash it at Guo Bing, but he found that his right hand couldn't use his strength, and grinned in pain.

Guo Bing only realized something was wrong at this time, because Brother Kun's right hand was wrapped with a white medical bandage, and his face was pale. He didn't have the excitement after playing with the girl just now.Knowing that something happened last night, he immediately came up to him nervously and said with concern: "Brother Kun, calm down, why did you do this?"

Liu Likun glared at him fiercely, feeling that this matter was too embarrassing. Since his debut, he had never suffered such a big loss.But Guo Bing is his confidant, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and say: "Don't mention it, I've suffered a loss, and it's all your fault. You don't even know that there is an awesome bodyguard next to He Lizi."

Guo Bing continued to understand the situation, and only then did he know the whole story. He frowned and said, "Yu Xiaolin didn't tell me that He Lizi had a bodyguard. This matter was indeed my negligence. Brother Kun, please forgive me."

"Okay, you should investigate this person's background right now, and when I'm discharged from the hospital, he must be abolished." Liu Likun said viciously.

Guo Bing hastily stated that he must find this person and get back face for Brother Kun.

Han Zixuan was packing up his things in his room, feeling extremely bored. He had visited all the interesting places in the city, and there was nothing that could attract him. He looked forward to enrolling as soon as possible. To be honest, school is a longing place for him. I have never been to school, because I have to train hard every day, and I am moving towards the goal set by the master.

Enrolling this time is a great test for him, and at the same time, he does not forget the goals set by his master, picking up girls, finding the daughter of Molong's descendants, and breaking the seal is the right way.

When he was lost in thought, there was a knock on the door, and he opened the door to see Ye Tianyu looking into his room with his head outstretched.After the incident in the morning, Han Zixuan was a little jealous of this eccentric little girl, fearing that some unbelievable words would come out of her mouth again.

"Brother Zixuan, are you busy?" Ye Tianyu was extremely well-behaved, like an unscrupulous baby.

Han Zixuan was quite cautious: "Don't be busy, pack your things and get ready for school."

"Oh, I'm not busy, let's play together." Ye Tianyu pouted her chubby little mouth, wishing that someone could kiss her.

Han Zixuan hastily refused: "Play with you, forget it. Besides, you three sisters are at home today, you can play with them."

"They ignore me. I'm bored by myself, so you can play with me. It's interesting for us to play games." Ye Tianyu began to act like a baby. To be honest, girls of this age have this special ability, obviously Sister Tianyu is more talented, coupled with her beautiful face and fully developed body, she is extremely attractive.

"But I don't know how to play games." Han Zixuan didn't talk nonsense. Although he had also touched computers, the master didn't allow him to play games, but let him study some boring things like programming and strings.He is quite interested in these things, but he really doesn't have much contact with games, at most he plays small games such as fighting the landlord and playing cards.

"It's fine, I'll teach you." Ye Tianyu took Han Zixuan's hand and ran upstairs without waiting for Han Zixuan's rebuttal.

Han Zixuan originally wanted to refuse, but it was rare for his little sister to have the cheek to make such a simple request, so it was too shameless for him to refuse.

Arriving at Tianyu's room, the furnishings inside changed immediately from He Lizi's room. This place is completely a child's boudoir. The whole room is pink, including the curtains, bed sheets, and even the wardrobe.And full of dolls, all kinds of cartoon pictures, just like entering the animation kingdom

In fact, he wanted to see Shen Hanyu's boudoir more, think about what the boudoir of this elegant goddess would look like, and looked forward to being able to enter it one day.

When the two came to the computer, Ye Tianyu asked Han Zixuan what kind of games he played. There were shooting games, fighting games, racing games, and games to upgrade and fight monsters. Let him choose at will.After thinking about it, Han Zixuan chose to fight, after all, he prefers this type.

Ye Tianyu nodded: "Then let's play King of Fighters. This game has been around for many years, and you probably have played it too."

Han Zixuan shook his head: "I haven't played it before, but you can teach me. I don't have any special strengths, but I have a high understanding."

Ye Tianyu pursed his lips and said, "Just brag, and watch me torture you to death in a while."

The King of Fighters game is indeed very good. Han Zixuan was hooked when he first came into contact with it. At the beginning, he didn't know any big moves, just punched and kicked, but he was killed by the little girl ruthlessly.

Han Zixuan exclaimed: "Tianyu, you cheated, how could you use this glowing trick, you bully me."

Ye Tianyu laughed wildly: "Idiot, I'll teach you."

Afterwards, Han Zixuan also learned how to use the ultimate move, so the two fought. After all, Han Zixuan played for the first time, and in the end the three characters he used were still defeated. He still couldn't stop the big girl Mai Shiranui. Do you think she is the anime version of Ye Tianyu?

The main purpose of Ye Tianyu's invitation to Han Zixuan was not to play games, but to seduce him and catch him molesting himself.

The two played a few more rounds, and Ye Tianyu yelled: "It's too hot." As she spoke, she took off the pink T-shirt outside, revealing a cute little vest with cartoons on it, which is actually not much bigger than a bra. Sister Tianyu's perfect and dynamic breasts were completely exposed.

Han Zixuan didn't notice it, he was still fighting, and suddenly felt a piece of white shaking in front of him, mistaking it for Mai Shiranui, and after he checked carefully, he found out that it was Sister Tianyu's chest shaking again.

He swallowed and wanted to remind her to put on her clothes, but he felt that it was unnecessary. After all, sister Tianyu took off her clothes for him to admire, so why should he pretend to be a gentleman, so half of his attention was on the game, and his eyes sneaked at her. That white meat bun.

Ye Tianyu naturally saw that Han Zixuan was peeping at her, and cursed inwardly: "Sister Lizi is right, all men are perverts, especially this rural Han Zixuan, who is the scum of perverts."

"Brother Zixuan, play with the computer for a while, and I'll get something to drink." Ye Tianyu smiled at Han Zixuan.

Han Zixuan tilted his head and nodded: "You go, I'll wait for you."

Ye Tianyu left the room and hurried to He Lizi's room. He Lizi got a little impatient waiting, anxiously looking forward to see through. Seeing Tianyu coming in, she hurriedly asked: "How is it? I saw him enter your room just now."

"Everything is normal, Sister Lizi, you will follow me for a while, and as soon as I yell insults, you will rush in to catch the hooligans." Ye Tianyu looked excited.

He Lizi looked at Ye Tianyu's exposed breasts and said enviously, "Tianyu, you really sacrificed yourself to catch the hooligans."

Tian Yu said nonchalantly: "I can't bear to let my child not be caught by a wolf, and I can't bear to take off my clothes and not be caught by a hooligan. There is no other way. All for the sake of the overall situation, I will forcefully sacrifice a little. Let alone that pervert Han Zixuan has been sneaking at me, sister, You're right, men like women with big breasts."

He Lizi always felt uncomfortable hearing this sentence, feeling that Ye Tianyu belittled her for having small breasts, but at the moment she didn't bother to care about it, and encouraged her, "Come on, it's all up to you."

Ye Tianyu returned to the room and handed Han Zixuan a cold drink in his hand: "Brother Zixuan, you are thirsty, drink something."

Han Zixuan was a little fascinated, even if he was fighting against the computer, he still found it quite interesting.He took the cold drink and said thank you, then rejoined the game.

Ye Tianyu sat next to him and watched him play, thinking about how to seduce him, thinking of the TV series she had watched in the past, where women seduce men, they dressed in extremely sexy clothes, and then hugged the man and said sweet words.

But she is an innocent little girl. Even if she has an idea in her heart, it is a bit difficult for her to implement it. What should I do? I have to fight hard. She bit the bullet and said to herself secretly: "Ye Tianyu, you can do it, you can definitely seduce it successfully." Men's."

So, Ye Tianyu sat next to Han Zixuan, put his fleshy little hand around Han Zixuan's shoulder and said naturally: "Brother Zixuan, it looks like you're doing well, you really are very talented."

Han Zixuan said in embarrassment: "That's natural. After I practice again, I can completely kill your big girl."

"Brother Zixuan, you are so bad, you keep looking at his chest." Ye Tianyu said immaturely. Speaking of it, it is indeed a bit difficult for a 16-year-old child to seduce a man.

Han Zixuan stopped and said awkwardly: "Sister Tianyu, you misunderstood. I was talking about the fire-breathing girl in the game, not you."

"Then you say my breasts are good-looking, or Mai Shiranui's are good-looking." Ye Tianyu bewitched.

Han Zixuan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "They all look good."

"Tch, you haven't looked at it yet, how do you know which one looks better? Brother Zixuan, take a look and compare which one looks better." Ye Tianyu's voice was soft and sweet, and Han Zixuan felt numb all over, as if entering a dream.

Ye Tianyu shook his arm and said coquettishly: "Look, my classmates all said that I have small breasts, and they laughed at me behind my back."

"No way, yours is already very big." Han Zixuan lowered his head sideways, just in time to catch sight of the ball of pink and tender meat buns.

Although Ye Tianyu was shy, he still bewitched: "Brother Zixuan, look again, is it really big?"

Han Zixuan swallowed, lowered his head and said affirmatively: "Big, very big." At this moment, he kind of forgot the existence of danger, and was really admiring the perfect breasts in front of him.

Suddenly, Ye Tianyu grabbed Han Zixuan's head with both hands, pressed hard on her chest, and shouted: "Indecent, catch the rascal."

Then He Lizi held a wooden stick in her hand, she didn't know where she found it, she rushed in and rushed to Han Zixuan's side, facing him with a dull stick.

But she missed it. When Han Zixuan heard Ye Tianyu call the word "molest", he realized the danger and knew that he had been fooled.

No matter how strong Ye Tianyu's hand is, how could it resist Han Zixuan.Han Zixuan shook his head like a lion, like a football head. He smelled the faint fragrance of sister Tianyu's chest, and felt the greasy and smooth skin around his mouth. At the same time, he evacuated safely. left.Although a set of movements needed to be broken down, Han Zixuan completed it in less than two seconds.

He Lizi's wooden stick didn't hit Han Zixuan on the head, but hit Ye Tianyu's chest fiercely. Ye Tianyu wailed in pain and fell to the ground.

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