He Hongchao was stunned. The TV news clearly reported that the car crashed and people were killed. Why did Shen Hanyu appear in Beijin again? Maybe something went wrong halfway.His heart trembled, Han Zixuan must not have discovered this matter.

"Second brother, why do you have to kill them all? Anyway, Shen Hanyu is about to get married soon, and there will be no threat to you. Now I feel that trouble is coming, and I'm afraid Shen Hanyu has already found out about it."

Shen Zhiqiang was even angrier: "He Hongchao, you are usually very cautious in doing things, why are you so entrusted this time?"

"Second brother, don't worry. Pay attention to the changes in Shen Hanyu's expression to see if she notices it. By the way, Han Zixuan is very dangerous, you should always be careful." He Hongchao reminded: "Especially your wife, don't show anything Horse feet."

Xue Yuqin kept listening to the conversation between the two, and when her husband hung up the phone, she stared at him with staring eyes: "Didn't you say that Shen Hanyu was dead, why did he appear alive again?"

"Okay, don't make any more trouble. Be more honest these days, don't talk nonsense." Shen Zhiqiang was very guilty, and cold sweat began to break out slightly on his forehead.

Xue Yuqin snorted coldly: "What are you afraid of? Anyway, that girl is about to become a member of the Zhang family. She will have nothing to do with us in the future. It's a pity that she missed this great opportunity."

Shen Zhiqiang gouged her out fiercely: "Stop talking, get in touch with Hanyu more these two days, and see how she reacts. And keep an eye on that kid surnamed Han, Hong Chao said that this person is very dangerous, by the way, you Looking for Qifeng, it seems that they seem to know each other."

Shen Hanyu talked with Shen Songtao for a while, and she remembered that she should see her father. She hadn't seen her for many years, and she didn't know how he was.It is estimated that he is still the same, sick all the year round, and can only rely on a wheelchair to spend the rest of his life.

Thinking of her father, she hated the family, as well as Smiling Tiger's second uncle and his wife Xue Yuqin. She had a hunch that her father's death had something to do with her second uncle, but there was no direct evidence.

Shen Songtao could see what Hanyu was thinking: "Go and see your father."

Shen Hanyu came out of the room, and Han Zixuan rushed to greet him: "What are you guys talking about, you haven't forgotten what I told you when you came here, have you?"

"Well, I know, besides, I told you, my grandpa might not believe it."

Han Zixuan seemed to see it more clearly: "In fact, your grandfather is not confused, but now he is old and has no energy. Now all the rights of the Shen family are in the hands of your second uncle, and he really can't do anything."

"Don't talk about it, come with me to visit my father. In fact, think about it, I am an unfilial daughter." Shen Hanyu felt ashamed of her father, and did not go back to visit her after two years away from home.

"If you have difficulties, he will understand you." Han Zixuan drove to another villa, Shen Hanyu was stunned: "Zixuan, how do you know that my father lives here."

Han Zixuan felt that there was no need to hide it, anyway, the answer would be revealed soon: "I've been here before."

"When, why don't I know."

"Hehe, after seeing your father in a while, you will know everything."

Han Zixuan's mysterious smile made Shen Hanyu feel flustered. Before coming here, she said that she would gain something. Could it be related to his father, and he seemed to know his life experience very well, even some secrets that she never told Lizi and the others, how did he know? .

When the car arrived at the villa, it was still A Dong who opened the door.Seeing Han Zixuan, Ah Dong couldn't help being surprised and said, "Young Master Han, why are you here?"

Then he was even more astonished: "Miss, you are really back."

Han Zixuan glanced at A Dong and smiled: "How is it? It's been pretty good recently."

A Dong was very impressed with Han Zixuan. During that time, Han Zixuan would give him some benefits every day when he came. During that time, A Dong made a small fortune.But then Han Zixuan disappeared, and he would still think of him sometimes.

Shen Hanyu can be sure that Han Zixuan has indeed been here before, so the only purpose of his coming here is his father. Could it be him? Thinking of this, her face suddenly brightened.

Han Zixuan nodded: "Your father's leg should be healed, and he should be able to stand up now."

Shen Hanyu flew into the yard like a cheerful bird, and Shen Zhirong was standing in the garden, waiting eagerly.He has received news that the two will return to Beijin today.

The father and daughter embraced, and the servants on the side were crying secretly.

Han Zixuan glanced at A Dong: "A Dong, you didn't tell Shen Zhiqiang about this."

"Young Master Han, I did everything according to your orders. In fact, I belonged to the master. When Shen Zhiqiang bought me, I was forced to do so. Besides, why would I give my life to that kind of person? Don't slap me in the face It's gone." Ah Dong stood aside in shame.

Han Zixuan patted him on the shoulder: "Remember, the Shen family will change hands soon, and you will be proud of your choice today."

Shen Hanyu and Shen Zhirong had endless heart-to-heart conversations, and she rarely showed a smile. It was the first time in many years that she smiled so happily.

Han Zixuan didn't bother them, and told Ah Dong to keep an eye on them, just in case something happened.Order Ah Hong and the others to buy vegetables and cook, and celebrate today.The servants went to work happily, and the eldest lady came back. They had been looking forward to this day for a long time.

Shen Zhirong called Han Zixuan over: "Zixuan, Hanyu asked me when we hooked up, how do you want me to answer."

Han Zixuan smiled: "Just tell the truth."

When Shen Zhirong left, Shen Hanyu stared straight at Han Zixuan: "Zixuan, thank you, thousands of words can't express my feelings, I don't even know how to repay you."

Han Zixuan said in his mouth: "It's nothing, I'm just doing my best." But he said in his heart that you just promise with your body, there is no other way to repay me.

"Actually, I understand that you are picking on me. But you played tricks and didn't work hard on me, costing my relatives, especially my father. That is my fatal weakness, Han Zixuan, you succeeded." Shen Hanyu's eyes It turned dark: "If you can snatch me back from the Zhang family, I promise to serve you by your side for the rest of my life."

Han Zixuan was not particularly happy, why is this woman's feelings so indifferent, you can't keep your eyes open and look at the man in front of you, you don't even feel a little bit excited.

In vain, Han Zixuan was slightly disappointed, and said with a lonely expression: "If you like Zhang Jiahao, you can marry him, and I will not stop you."

Shen Hanyu looked at his leaving figure, feeling a little bitter in her heart.What to do, she can't like him, because Lizzie also likes him very much.How could she snatch a man from her cousin.

Shen Zhirong was the happiest when eating.Thinking of Hanyu returning home this time, there is another important event, marriage with the Zhang family.

He glanced at Han Zixuan and said, "Hanyu, although Zhang Jiahao is good in character and knowledge, but you have to ask yourself."

Shen Hanyu said leisurely: "Dad, you can stand up now. I am very satisfied. I don't want anything extravagant. Love, marriage, everything depends on fate, let God take control. Our Shen family is currently on the verge of crisis. If I If I can stand up and save it, I will definitely do my best.”

Shen Zhirong was a little confused, and looked at Han Zixuan in doubt.Your kid's movements are too slow. After such a long time, there is still no movement.

"Then you and Zixuan..." Before Shen Zhirong finished speaking, Shen Hanyu immediately interjected: "We are just ordinary friends, and he is Lizi's boyfriend."

After dinner, Shen Zhirong talked to his daughter alone: ​​"Hanyu, Zixuan is pretty good, very good, why didn't you choose him."

"He's just too good, Li Zi has a special liking for him, why should I get involved." Shen Hanyu showed pain on his face: "Besides, grandpa asked me to talk, I have to marry Zhang Jiahao, I have no choice. "

"Actually, you have a choice. As long as I take over the Shen family again, we can make decisions about our lives without looking at other people's eyes."

"Dad, now the power is in Shen Zhiqiang's hands, how can you compete with him with your hands empty?"

"Hanyu, let me tell you something. Zixuan has already found the driver who caused the accident and locked him up secretly. Besides, your brother Shen Mingrui and Bi Yunfan are in control of the company. As long as I stand up again, the Shen family belongs to us."

Shen Hanyu couldn't believe her ears, everything was arranged by Han Zixuan, how many surprises this man wants to give me.

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