The campus is so cute

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Han Zixuan stood in the yard feeling unhappy, A Dong approached and asked concerned: "Young Master Han, I know you are very unhappy, because the eldest lady is going to get married soon."

A Dong also sighed and said to himself, in fact, I have met the young master of the Zhang family, he is a nice guy, he has always been very familiar with the eldest lady, they are actually a perfect couple when they walk together.But the situation is different now, Young Master Han, you have appeared, I think you are more compatible, and you have paid so much for the Shen family, the eldest lady should stand by your side.

Han Zixuan was depressed, an outsider sees things clearly, why she pretended to be confused, remembering that she said that I was He Lizi's boyfriend during the meal, so the crux of the problem appeared here.

Thinking of He Lizi, she didn't seem to know anything, she just sent him a text message to ask how the situation was, but she didn't arrive at Shen's house.This girl is innocent and kind, although she has a temper, that is her personality.

He Hongchao, he should show up when the old man celebrates his birthday. Han Zixuan is looking forward to this day very much.

At this moment, the door opened, and a handsome young man walked in, wearing a spotless suit and leather shoes.A Dong rushed up to meet him, saying, "Young Master Shen, you are here too, and Miss just came back too."

The handsome man frowned immediately, and glanced at Han Zixuan: "I know you, Han Zixuan, we finally meet."

Han Zixuan nodded: "You must be Shen Mingrui."

Shen Mingrui, Shen Zhirong's adopted son, was actually the product of Shen Zhirong's extramarital affair. At that time, he was not recognized by his family. Later, when Shen Zhirong had a car accident, his only hope was that Shen Mingrui could be recognized by his family.

Shen Songtao couldn't bear to see his son continue to suffer, so he had to admit his identity.However, Shen Mingrui's life was not good. Although he was also the young master of the Shen family, he seemed to have a label on him as a counterfeit.Coupled with the continuous suppression by Shen Zhiqiang and his son, his life was actually very miserable.

"Hanyu is back too, I'll go see her." Shen Mingrui smiled at Han Zixuan, then walked into the room.

Han Zixuan also followed into the room, staring at the melancholy man in front of him, sighing silently in his heart.

When Shen Zhirong and Shen Hanyu were planning their future life and chatting happily, Shen Mingrui appeared.His appearance immediately broke the peace and tranquility in the room, Shen Hanyu's face immediately darkened, and Shen Zhirong at the side sighed softly.

Shen Mingrui called Dad, and suddenly became shocked: "Your legs can stand up now."

"Haha, actually I wanted to tell you a long time ago, but I was afraid that you would lose your composure and they would know about it." Shen Zhirong said happily.

A rare smile appeared on Shen Mingrui's face, he turned his head to look at Shen Hanyu, and said softly: "Hanyu, you are finally back."

Shen Hanyu was depressed, she never admitted that he was his elder brother, just like she never admitted that Shen Qifeng was her younger brother afterwards.

Han Zixuan interjected: "Although I am an outsider, I still want to say it. Now that the Shen family has reached the most critical moment, we must all unite as one. Hanyu, in fact, you know how hard Mingrui has been. It is not easy for Nian to live under the ravages of Shen Zhiqiang and his son."

Shen Mingrui looked at Han Zixuan gratefully, but didn't say anything.He was originally a man of few words, coupled with the influence of the environment, he hardly spoke much at ordinary times.

That's right, what's wrong with Shen Mingrui, all the problems are caused by his father.At this moment, Shen Zhirong had a sad expression on his face, just as he was about to explain something, Shen Hanyu had already come in front of Shen Mingrui, and timidly called brother.

Shen Mingrui smiled happily, revealing rows of emerald white teeth, and the sunlight came in, making him look even more sunny.

Han Zixuan said: "Brother, you should smile more, the clouds of sorrow will soon dissipate, and the warm sunshine will shine in soon."

Shen Hanyu blushed inexplicably when he heard him calling brother.Shen Mingrui pursed his lips: "Then what should I call you from now on, what about my brother-in-law?"

Shen Hanyu hurriedly said: "Don't talk nonsense, we don't have that kind of relationship."

Shen Zhirong said that everyone is here now, let's plan the next action plan, and then he looked at Han Zixuan with earnest eyes: "Zixuan, I need your help again."

Han Zixuan smiled heartily: "Why should a family be polite." He also figured it out, since you, Shen Hanyu, don't attack, then I'm the only one to take the initiative.

Shen Hanyu pretended not to hear, and went out to pour tea.Several people agreed and decided to kill Shen Zhiqiang on the day of the old man's birthday, because there must be a lot of people coming that day, celebrities from the business world and political leaders, if they expose Shen Zhiqiang's bad deeds in front of them, it will be difficult for him to escape.

Han Zixuan then looked at Shen Mingrui: "Brother, the Shen family will fall on your shoulders in the future, don't let us down."

Shen Mingrui hastily declined: "Zixuan, leave it to Hanyu, my status is embarrassing, and I don't have much talent, so I can't bear this burden."

Shen Hanyu came out with tea: "Brother, don't refuse. At present, only you are in charge of the Shen family's business, and there is no one else but you. Let's stop giving birth. In order to make the Shen family prosperous, or to make father happy, you should stand Come out. Let the world see that you, Shen Mingrui, are the successor of the Shen family."

Shen Mingrui felt that his blood was boiling all over. He had been bullied for so many years, and it was time to stand up.

After briefly discussing the decision, Han Zixuan looked at the time and felt that he should go back, otherwise they would be suspicious.

Shen Hanyu nodded, and happily hugged his father again.Shen Zhirong whispered quietly in her ear: "Hanyu, you have to fight for your own happiness, don't let yourself live in regret."

After returning to the Shen family, Shen Zhiqiang's wife, Xue Yuqin, was extraordinarily considerate, asking questions, like a kind elder.Shen Hanyu still maintains a slight indifference, and she has never had any feelings for her second trial.

Xue Yuqin got a bad nose, and after going back to her room, she was secretly sulking, "I'm a girl, sooner or later I will let you die quickly."

Shen Zhiqiang hurriedly asked her how the situation was, and whether Shen Hanyu was aware of it.Xue Yuqin was sulking, but who knew, that girl saw that I was not in a good mood, and kept her face cold.

"That's good, she has always been suspicious of us." Shen Zhiqiang rolled his eyes: "Zhang Jiahao will come tomorrow, and then we should quickly discuss the marriage between the two families, and strive to marry Hanyu along the way."

In the morning, the Shen family was very lively, because Zhang Jiahao came with a big gift.He went to pay old man Shen his birthday first, said some polite words, and cared about the old man's physical condition.

Shen Songtao looked at Zhang Jiahao, and his mouth was full of joy. He accepted this future grandson-in-law from the bottom of his heart.Hanyu is also well-known as a talented woman in Beijin, and the two are absolutely a match made in heaven.

Zhang Jiahao's last topic brought Shen Hanyu: "Grandpa Shen, I heard that Hanyu is back."

"Your boy, your ears are really long. I came back yesterday, and I will ask her to come out later. You can meet and communicate." Shen Zhirong continued: "Jiahao, try to get your order before Hanyu leaves Beijin." The wedding banquet was held together."

"I can't ask for it." Zhang Jiahao vowed: "Grandpa Shen, don't worry, I will definitely treat her well for the rest of my life."

After washing up, Shen Hanyu came to grandpa's room to greet him, and happened to meet Zhang Jiahao.

Zhang Jiahao's eyes were suddenly dumbfounded, and he hadn't seen him for several years.Shen Hanyu has become more mature and beautiful, generous and elegant, beautiful and intelligent, all the beautiful words are hard to describe her beauty.

Shen Hanyu was stunned for a while, then smiled and walked into Zhang Jiahao: "Old classmate, I haven't seen you for a few years, but you are still in high spirits and become more energetic."

Zhang Jiahao smiled and shook his head: "Hanyu, you are the same, you are still beautiful, and more attractive." He was ecstatic, since he was in school, he has been secretly in love with her, and today he finally got the chance.

Shen Zhirong immediately said: "You young people, go out and chat, there must be more topics."

Zhang Jiahao and Shen Hanyu came to the yard, the air was fresh, the sun shone in, and the shadows cast on the two of them were beautiful.

Suddenly, Han Zixuan also walked into the courtyard. He put a hand on Shen Hanyu's shoulder very naturally and asked with a smile, "Hanyu, who is this handsome guy?" , Gentle and elegant, Pianpianjia son.

If I hadn't shown up, the two of them would definitely be together.But I'm here, Zhang Jiahao, you can only step aside.

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