Han Qingyun asked where Han Zixuan lived now, and Han Zixuan said that he had just bought a house in Nanhai, and Shen Hanyu had already moved in.

"Don't let her participate in this matter, go to my place, and we will discuss a specific action plan."

It turned out that Han Qingyun also had a house in Nanhai. She was traveling all year round and needed a place to stay.

When they arrived at Han Qingyun's house, the three of them began to discuss the matter in secret.

Han Zixuan was at a loss: "Auntie, why do we have to steal information? This matter is too risky, and if there is a mistake, it will definitely be life-threatening."

"This is our job, Zixuan. From today on, you have to slowly adapt to your life. The previous period of experience has provided you with a wealth of experience, and then we will start planning our path." Han Qingyun looked He said solemnly: "You must have a full understanding of our opponents. Tianxing is very powerful, and our growth is urgent. But this time, Tianxing will definitely take action, and we will definitely not let them succeed."

At first, Han Zixuan felt a bit grudged. He always felt that this action was too risky and meant to be against the country. The older Mo Long was encircled and suppressed by the country because he was against the country. A profound historical lesson lay before his eyes. He has to remind himself all the time.

However, once Tianxing got involved in the matter, he couldn't let it go.

The three began to discuss specific action steps. The defense technology company was heavily guarded, and it was impossible to directly enter.The best time to act is when they are handing over, so you must understand the rules of action of the outer sentry.This time, the task of monitoring is fully entrusted to the local police and national security personnel in the South China Sea, and they are the main breakthrough.

Han Qingyun looked at Han Zixuan and smiled: "Zixuan, I know you have a good relationship with Xie Wenxuan, and you also have friendship with Tan Chunqing, so the burden falls on you."

Han Zixuan understood that Han Qingjun let him know the inside story, hey, originally he wanted to try not to have any contact with Xie Wenxuan, because Xie Wenhao's words made him very upset.But the matter happened to be too urgent, and only through Xie Wenxuan could the goal be achieved as soon as possible.

First, you need to understand the situation before you can specifically formulate the next steps.After Han Qingjun assigned the tasks, she went back to her bedroom to rest.

There are only Han Zixuan and Bi Yunxi in the room. They haven't seen each other for many days, and their longing is like a spring spewing tide, out of control.The two hugged passionately and kissed lingeringly.

"Yunxi, I didn't contact you a few days ago, I thought you disappeared."

Bi Yunxi leaned in his arms, her eye circles were slightly red: "When I was in Chengdu, my aunt's management was very strict, and she was not allowed to answer the phone at will. I miss you too, I miss you to death." She caressed carelessly with a pair of white jade hands, Eat Taste: "You have finally dealt with Shen Damei, you probably won't think of me."

"Yunxi, I feel ashamed of you."

Bi Yunxi hurriedly stopped his mouth, shaking his head: "I am willing, and Sister Hanyu is very kind, she is better than me, I will not be jealous."

"To be honest, I'll take you home to see them later. Liz is here too, and they miss you very much."

Bi Yunxi nodded happily.

Han Zixuan invited Han Qingyun to visit his home together, but Han Qingyun shook his head and refused, forget it, it's your home, I won't participate, and I'm not familiar with them, so don't make trouble.Zixuan, don't forget the big things, it doesn't matter if your children love each other, as long as you remember your burden.

When Han Zixuan led Bi Yunxi back home, Shen Hanyu and He Lizi were naturally very happy. They had been together before, and they got along very well.The room suddenly became lively and more harmonious than before.However, Shen Hanyu played a supervisory role to prevent Han Zixuan, a hungry wolf, from stealing her younger sister, but now, she has completely become an accomplice.

While He Lizi was going to the toilet, Han Zixuan also went in.He Lizi jumped in fright and said angrily, "What are you doing, get out quickly, you're going to be a hooligan again."

"I'm telling you something very important, do you want to hear it?"

Seeing how serious he was, He Lizi nodded, "Speak up, hurry up."

"I met your father during the day, and we had a brief talk about the two of us."

He Lizi was startled, and immediately asked: "How is it, you didn't talk about it?"

"The situation is not optimistic, he doesn't want us to be together." Han Zixuan sighed softly.

He Lizi's face turned pale immediately, and she said angrily, "Then how did you answer, did you compromise?"

"Lizzie, before answering your question, I'll tell you my identity first. After listening to my story, you can make a judgment later." Han Zixuan has decided that this matter cannot be kept secret, she will know sooner or later of.

Han Zixuan started from the fact that he came to the South China Sea to find Molong's daughter and break the seal.The original purpose is purely to get close to you and want to pick you up.But my level is limited, and I have never won your favor.But now the relationship between us has changed subtly. I really like you. I'm afraid that after I say it, you will be sad.

Your father knows my identity, my life and future are indeed very dangerous, and it is indeed not safe for you to follow me.So, I think what your father said makes sense.

He Lizi couldn't listen anymore, and went back to the room crying. Shen Hanyu and Bi Yunxi were very surprised.

He Lizi yelled a big liar, and then started to pack her things, intending to leave this place of right and wrong.Shen Hanyu and Bi Yunxi immediately came to ask her what's wrong, she was fine just now, why is she so sad.

"Sister Yu, I was deceived. Han Zixuan is not a human being, he is a liar. You have also been deceived, he doesn't love you at all, he loves your family's status and power, he is just an insidious villain." He Lizi said Li talked endlessly, his body trembling violently because of anger.

Shen Hanyu didn't understand the specific situation yet, so she hurriedly asked Han Zixuan.

Han Zixuan helplessly spread his hands and said, "I told her the truth and my identity, because this matter will be exposed sooner or later, I don't want to tell her in the end."

Shen Hanyu was also very helpless, and He Lizi's reaction was also an instinctive one.

Holding the bag in her hand, He Lizi stared at Han Zixuan viciously: "I really regret that I hated my father because of this. Why didn't you die in the car back then."

It was useless to persuade anyone, He Lizi continued to curse.Her personality is just like this, she dares to love and hate, she wanted to fall in love with Han Zixuan regardless of her parents' opposition.Now that she knew the truth, she sadly refused.

Han Zixuan already knew that there would be such consequences, but he still wanted to say that he didn't expect to hurt the woman he likes in the end.Although it hurts now, it will not be too serious after all.

Shen Hanyu was also very anxious, but she couldn't dissuade her, and finally He Lizi left here, leaving here with resentment in her heart.

Bi Yunxi comforted him not to worry, Lizi just couldn't figure it out for a while.She is still young and has little experience in dealing with emotions.If she could face these things calmly, then she would not be He Lizi.

Han Zixuan shook his head: "It's okay, as long as she's safe and sound." He looked at Shen Hanyu, hesitant to speak.

Shen Hanyu threw herself into his arms: "I won't leave you an inch, Liz doesn't have to worry too much. She is still a child, I believe she still loves you, and she will come back to you sooner or later."

Bi Yunxi also immediately expressed his opinion: "Zixuan, I took the initiative to look for you back then, and I will never leave you."

Han Zixuan nodded: "I know that you are all the best women in the world. It is already a blessing to have one of you. God has favored me so much."

When He Lizi returned home, He Hongchao was very calm and asked softly, "Why are you back?"

He Lizi cried: "Dad, I was deceived by Han Zixuan."

He Hongchao hugged his daughter and comforted him: "I know, now you finally understand my original purpose, remember my words, and don't continue to associate with him in the future."

"Well, I won't think of him again." He Lizi nodded vigorously.

He Hongchao took the opportunity and said: "Lizi, if you really want to fall in love, Dad can recommend some candidates for you, and I guarantee that the character and family background will be the best choices."

But He Lizi didn't refute: "It must be the best man, definitely better than Han Zixuan." Afterwards, she immediately poohed: "Why did you mention him again, I'm so annoying."

He Hongchao didn't dare to rush forward, and comforted him: "You should make some adjustments during this time, and wait until the time is right."

He finally breathed a sigh of relief, he thought there would be some fights with Han Zixuan, but now it seems that all the problems have been resolved.

Although He Lizi temporarily left his life, Han Zixuan couldn't be depraved because of this matter. He needs to cheer up now, so only doing things can make him feel better.

On this day, he came to the Nanhai Police Station, and his appearance immediately attracted the attention of the people in the police station.Many people are familiar with him and know that he has a good relationship with Chief Tan of the police station, and has friendship with Captain Xie Wenxuan.

When Han Zixuan met Tan Chunqing, the two greeted each other politely like old friends.Han Zixuan first thanked him for his help regarding Dong Changjie's promotion.

Tan Chunqing waved his hand politely: "That's not a problem. I know Dong Changjie. He is first-class in character and work ability. I think he was promoted too late. He is a talent, Zixuan, can you recognize such a man?" Very nice friends."

The two talked nonsense again, and Tan Chunqing asked him what he was up to recently, and he hadn't been here for a long time.Han Zixuan casually talked about his going to Beijin, talking about irrelevant things.Tan Chunqing didn't listen carefully either, he narrowed his eyes and said, "Zixuan, let me tell you something, you know about Wenxuan and I being assassinated last time, right?"

Han Zixuan nodded: "Of course I know, and I also participated in it."

"Of course, thanks to your help, we fought together and caught Zhao Bin, a big fish in our bureau. I reported this matter to the superiors, and they attach great importance to it. They are currently actively investigating this matter. It won't be long before these cancers will surface."

Han Zixuan nodded in agreement and asked, "Maybe there is progress now."

Tan Chunqing shook his head: "Hey, it's difficult. I just thought of you when I saw you today. Would you like to help me share my worries, and I will credit you when the time comes."

"I don't have any skills, I'm afraid I can't help you."

"You kid, you will be humble." Tan Chunqing squinted and said, "Zhao Bin reported to me that the organization called Tianxing has taken actions recently. You must help me and catch the mastermind behind the scenes."

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