Han Zixuan pretended to be puzzled and asked what he had done recently.

Tan Chunqing said mysteriously: "We are all on our own, so I won't hide it from you. A big event may happen in the South China Sea recently. The National Defense Technology Company has recently researched something new, which has attracted the attention of many people, including many at home and abroad. Illegal organizations, they will definitely come to steal it. Presumably our cancer star in the South China Sea will also do something, and we will use this rare opportunity to capture it."

Han Zixuan pretended to be surprised: "It's true or not, when will there be some action."

Tan Chunqing lowered his voice and said: "It should be soon. The research results will be finished soon, and the capital will send people to pick them up. Presumably this is the time for them to act. We must make good use of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

Han Zixuan nodded while listening, Tan Chunqing continued, "I have asked Zhao Bin to leak this matter, I believe there will be results.He is full of confidence. This time, I must find out those people.

"Tan Ju, what can I do for you?"

"Zixuan, you are very useful. Recently, our police station and the national security department have joined forces to carry out secret guard work. You also know that public officials in the country are generally less able to act. You are different. I respect your personal I really appreciate your ability, I hope you can help me, unite with Wen Xuan, and catch this group of people."

Han Zixuan was worried that he would not have the opportunity to approach them, but he did not expect the opportunity to come so soon. He immediately stated that he would be serious and responsible, and promised to do his best to complete the mission of the superior.

Tan Chunqing smiled and nodded: "Zixuan, I believe in you. How about it, you go to Wenxuan now, you two discuss the specific matters, and I wait for your good news."

Han Zixuan went to Xie Wenxuan's office, and it happened that she was having lunch at noon.Seeing Han Zixuan's arrival, she was very surprised, but there was a bit of surprise on her face.

Han Zixuan expressed his attitude, this time following the instructions of the leader, he came to help.

Xie Wenxuan was very happy when she heard that, but her face was very calm, she nodded: "That's fine, but let me declare first that all your actions must follow my arrangement, and you must not act without authorization. If there is any violation, I won't be soft on you."

So, in the afternoon, Han Zixuan accompanied Xie Wenxuan to the National Defense Technology Company, where the guards had long been heavily guarded, and ordinary people were determined not to get close to it.

Han Zixuan half-jokingly said: "This place is tighter than prison handles, whoever dares to steal will not seek death."

Xie Wenxuan said seriously: "It's better to be careful. Recently, I have seen many strange vehicles moving around. Presumably those people have started to observe the location. I guess their actions will not be too far away."

"Oh, then do you know who these people are?"

"Not too sure, it must be the country's rebellion, or foreign spies. In short, we must be very careful, we must protect the country's scientific research achievements, and we must not let these people succeed."

It seems that Xie Wenxuan doesn't understand Tianxing at all.The last time she acted, she was injured.For the sake of safety, Tan Chunqing didn't say much about Zhao Bin.

Thinking of Zhao Bin, Han Zixuan planned to visit him.Taking advantage of the spare time, Han Zixuan secretly contacted Zhao Bin.After Zhao Bin received Han Zixuan's call, he readily agreed.

The two met in a quiet tea bar and chose a quiet private room to talk.Han Zixuan asked him how he was recently and whether his lover Sun Hong was well.

Zhao Bin said that everything was fine, and Tan Ju meant what he said, and Sun Hong is currently hiding, very safe.

Afterwards, the two talked about the matter in front of them.

"You've leaked this matter, what's their reaction?" Han Zixuan was very concerned about Tianxing's news, and he wanted to know who was in charge of Nanhai. It must not be Chu Xiangdong from Beijin, after all, it was too far away.

Zhao Bin smiled: "Young Master Han, I just found out your identity just now, so you are from there."

Han Zixuan didn't hide it either, because there was no need to hide it, he nodded and said, "That's right, after you know my identity, what's your reaction?"

Han Zixuan suddenly became terrified, wondering if Tan Chunqing understood.

Zhao Bin saw what he was thinking, and said softly: "I didn't tell Bureau Tan, because I don't think it's necessary, and your identity will be exposed sooner or later. You, Mo Long, will definitely participate in this operation, I guess you He is the person in charge of the operation."

Han Zixuan knew that Zhao Bin was a shrewd person, otherwise he would not have hidden it so deeply all these years. This person is indeed a talent, but it is a pity that his attitude and position are unpredictable now.

"That's right. I'm in charge of the investigation. I didn't expect Bureau Tan to follow me." Han Zixuan was full of confidence: "With my advantages, I believe I will succeed."

"Then I want to congratulate you in advance, I hope you will succeed soon." Zhao Bin said, but he couldn't tell whether he was speaking the truth.

"Zhao Bin, what is your attitude now?"

Zhao Bin was rather lonely: "I'm just trying to dawdle, as long as my future child is safe, I don't want anything else. And my identity will be exposed sooner or later, and Tianxing will definitely not forgive me at that time." , while he was melancholy.

Han Zixuan tentatively asked: "What are you afraid of? You are currently in the latent stage. Besides, only Bureau Tan and I know about your affairs. As long as we don't tell you, your safety will definitely be guaranteed."

"But this time is a turning point for me. When I act, the people from Tianxing will definitely be blocked. After the matter is over, they will definitely ask me why I didn't find out the situation clearly, so they will doubt me. And recently , I deliberately alienate them, and they will probably find out some clues." Zhao Bin sighed: "And the key point is that although Sun Hong has been explained to them, they still don't believe it. I am really very difficult. So I try not to keep in touch with them."

"Who is your contact person?"

Zhao Bin smiled bitterly: "Why should I tell you that your life may not be easy. As long as your identity is leaked, I think it will be more difficult for you than me."

"Zhao Bin, your analysis is very reasonable. But don't forget that I have an excellent team behind me, and we will be very careful."

"I really believe in this point. Ever since you approached Tan Chunqing and won over Xie Wenxuan, I knew that you are not an easy person. Besides, you can't act alone. Someone must be manipulating behind you. I don't know what the conflict between Tianxing and Molong is." I know, I don’t know who is big and who is small among them, but they can exist in this country, which shows that they have very strong soft and hard power. Han Shao, you are very good, I hope you can succeed in the future.”

Come on, let's stop talking about these polite words, and you won't tell me the truth.You are a very rare talent. We, Molong, are in the initial stage and are very interested in you.

Zhao Bin shook his head: "I'm not interested. I'm just looking forward to news from Sun Hong. As soon as the child comes, I will disappear into this world and we will go to other countries to survive."

"Brother Bin, your thinking is too simple. It seems that you really don't understand Tianxing, no matter where you hide, he will catch you." Han Zixuan shook his head with a wry smile: "Think about it yourself."

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