The campus is so cute

159 A Virtuous Woman

After separating from Zhao Bin, Han Zixuan received a call from Xie Wenxuan, inviting him to their house for dinner at night.

Han Zixuan frowned suddenly: "What do you mean?"

Xie Wenxuan was very angry: "What's the meaning of what you said, my grandfather is very kind to you, shouldn't you look at him, he talks about you every day, you have no human touch at all."

Han Zixuan was ashamed in his heart, after disappearing for such a long time, he should really visit his old man when he returned to South China Sea.It's just that after hearing Xie Wenhao's words, he seemed much more hesitant.He should go, he asked one more question, will your whole family be there tonight?

Xie Wenxuan gritted her teeth tightly: "Will you come if you like?" Then hung up the phone.

Forget it, even if Xie's family members are present, it's not a big deal.

After Han Zixuan went to Xie's house, he was very quiet, only Mr. Xie Zhongxian was at home alone, and Xie Wenxuan was by his side.

Mr. Xie was very happy to see him. He held his hand and asked him what he was up to a few days ago. Wen Xuan said that you were busy with important things after you left Nanhai.

Han Zixuan said that he was a bit busy and it was all personal matters.Xie Wenxuan interjected from the side: "Grandpa, Young Master Han is very busy. He will accompany his future daughter-in-law back to Beijin to visit his father-in-law. Can you not be busy?"

Han Zixuan smiled wryly, Xie Zhongxian glanced at his granddaughter furtively, but was secretly happy in his heart.He immediately asked Zixuan whose daughter-in-law was in Beijin.

"Grandpa, the Shen family in Beijin, I guess you should know about it too." Han Zixuan felt that there was no need to hide it, because Xie Zhongxian, like his own grandfather, took great care of himself.

Xie Zhongxian nodded: "Beijin Shen's family, Shen Songtao, I know this person. Their family is also an established family in Beijin. With their support, I believe it will definitely help you on your future path."

Soon, the food was served, and only the three of them ate together.

Han Zixuan asked: "Where are uncles and the others, haven't they come today?"

Xie Zhongxian said helplessly: "They are usually very busy, how can they have time to see me. So in the future, you should come often and see me more, otherwise I will be lonely."

Han Zixuan hurriedly stated that as long as he was free, he would definitely come here often.Xie Wenxuan didn't speak, but just listened silently.

Afterwards, Mr. Xie asked him what he was busy with now, and Han Zixuan said that he had nothing to do at the moment, and it happened that Bureau Tan asked me for help, and he was with Wenxuan right now.

Xie Wenxuan was immediately displeased: "Han Zixuan, I didn't ask you for help, you came to the door on your own initiative."

Xie Zhongxian was very happy when he heard this: "Zixuan, I know about this matter to some extent. I was worried about Wen Xuan's safety. The last incident almost killed her. Fortunately, I have you. This time you are by her side, so I feel more at ease. .Grandpa has only one sentence, you must take care of her."

Han Zixuan stated that he would definitely take good care of her and not let her get hurt at all.Xie Wenxuan stopped talking and ate with her head down, feeling a faint warmth in her heart.

After eating, Xie Wenxuan went into the kitchen to clean up.Han Zixuan was puzzled: "Grandpa, shouldn't she show it to me on purpose, to show that she is also a virtuous woman in the kitchen."

Xie Wenxuan rolled his eyes at him: "What are you doing to show it to you? I'm already very virtuous."

Xie Zhongxian said with a smile: "Zixuan, I can assure you of this. In addition to being motivated at work, Wenxuan is also very good at home. She is very strict with herself. She cooked all the meals tonight. I think Is your food delicious?"

Really or not, Han Zixuan was very surprised.He thinks that Xie Wenxuan, an unfeminine woman like her, probably has no emotion at all at home, and she must leave herself in the study to study the case or read the materials every day after get off work.I didn't expect that she could cook and do things that women should do.

Xie Zhongxian said obediently: "How about it, my granddaughter is still very good."

Han Zixuan couldn't help but to praise, this woman is really capable inside and out, the work she has done has made many men ashamed, but she didn't expect to be able to control her at home.Han Zixuan nodded in admiration: "Yes, whoever marries her in the future will be a blessing to all men in the world."

"Really, you think so too, Zixuan, are you interested in Wenxuan?" Xie Zhongxian immediately climbed up. Today when Han Zixuan came, he had been thinking about how to open his mouth, and the opportunity came soon.

Han Zixuan immediately shook his head: "Grandpa, don't joke like that. Besides, I already have a wife, so I'm late."

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if a good man has three wives and four concubines. You have only one daughter-in-law from the Shen family. I have investigated you very clearly. And with your special status, you will definitely have many female companions in the future. Our Xie family really loves you." I don't mind, as long as you sincerely treat Wen Xuan well, it's enough to show the same affection."

Han Zixuan was very embarrassed: "Grandpa, I..."

Xie Zhongxian understood: "I know, you are not interested in Wenxuan."

Han Zixuan shook his head hurriedly: "Grandpa, I don't mean that, I just think it's too sudden."

Xie Zhongxian smiled and said: "To be honest, our family had a meeting a few days ago, because our Xie family will assist you wholeheartedly in the future, but your identity must be from our Xie family, so you can only be my grandson-in-law of Xie Zhongxian Yes. My sons don’t have any objections, Wenxuan? I can see that she is interested in you, but she’s just ashamed to speak up. As long as you nod your head and agree, the marriage is basically settled.”

Xie Wenhao really did not lie, the Xie family really had a meeting.

"Grandpa, emotional matters cannot be forced, it depends on fate. If we have fate, we will definitely come together. If there is no fate, we can't force it." Han Zixuan can only say these vague words. He is very conflicted in his heart now. Feelings, we have to wait until the end of this operation to talk about it.

Xie Zhongxian nodded: "You're right, so I didn't mean to force you. The initiative is yours. I hope you can firmly grasp the opportunity, because my granddaughter is really good."

At this moment, the kitchen door opened, and Xie Wenxuan walked in, and the two of them stopped talking about it immediately.Xie Wenxuan said that she should go home, take a good rest, and continue to work tomorrow.

Xie Zhongxian immediately got up to send him off: "Wenxuan, although work is important, you need to rest more. Especially since your body has just recovered, don't push yourself too hard." Afterwards, he gave Han Zixuan a hard push, with obvious meaning.

How could Han Zixuan not understand: "Grandpa, then I'll go back too, so I won't bother you."

"Well, you have to come here often, kid, otherwise I won't be happy."

Han Zixuan and Xie Wenxuan walked out of the community together. He saw that it was getting late, so he stepped forward and said, "I'll take you back, it's too late."

Xie Wenxuan immediately refused: "No, I'm used to it by myself, but you should go home quickly, your wife is still waiting for you."

"It's okay, I told her that she will be very busy in the next few days." Han Zixuan hurriedly opened the car door: "Let me drive. You must be very tired after working all day and coming back to cook again."

Xie Wenxuan didn't refuse either, and after getting into the car, she leaned on the back of the chair and closed her eyes quietly.

Han Zixuan glanced at it, feeling a little moved in his heart.He understood that Xie Wenxuan must have taken the initiative to ask to cook tonight. Xie's family has servants, so it is obvious where she needs to do it herself and what the purpose is.Women seldom go to the kitchen these days, except for loved ones.For example, Shen Hanyu didn't dump him at all before, but now she takes care of him every day is a living example.

Xie Wenxuan was obviously exhausted, and fell asleep while leaning against the car.

Han Zixuan immediately took off his coat and put it on her body. At this moment, he looked at her quietly and found that she was actually quite beautiful. There was a slight blush on her fair apple face, and her facial features were delicate yet soft, especially the one on the chin. The small mouth is so bright that people can't help but want to kiss Fangze.

Further down, the choppy figure, he has seen her half-naked posture before, and at the same time, he also knows that this woman has a very individual character, and never wears trendy underwear, it is a pity that this pair of plump **.He immediately stopped thinking, started the car and drove towards her home.

Soon, we arrived downstairs at her house.Xie Wenxuan beside her was still asleep, Han Zixuan couldn't bear to disturb her waking up, so he turned off the fire and got out of the car.

He opened the car door, gently pulled her up, let her lie on his back, and walked upstairs step by step.

At this moment, Xie Wenxuan has woken up, but she still pretends to be asleep, her body is tightly pressed against his strong and powerful back, and she has longed for the existence of warmth in her heart for a long time.

After arriving home, Han Zixuan gently placed her on the big bed, and planned to turn around and leave.Then he turned around and came back, carefully took off her shoes and socks, loosened her coat, then covered her with a quilt, put the car keys beside the bed, and went downstairs and left gently.

Xie Wenxuan waited to hear that the man had left the room, and immediately bounced off the bed.At this moment, there were tears in the corners of her eyes, she hurried to the window and waited quietly.Soon, that familiar figure appeared in front of my eyes until it slowly disappeared and I couldn't see it.

Then, she fell back on the bed.In fact, when she was washing the dishes just now, she heard the conversation between grandpa and him.I don't know why, but I feel a little bit happy in my heart, I just hope that fate can shine on the earth, so that they can be closely connected.

This night, Xie Wenxuan slept soundly, always feeling sweet in body and mind, but Han Zixuan suffered from insomnia.

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