The campus is so cute

209 Thunderbolt

Old man Liu was very excited when he saw his old woman finally stood up. He knelt down in front of Han Zixuan in public, expressing his gratitude.

Han Zixuan immediately helped him up: "It's nothing, my subordinate hurt you just now, we should say sorry to you."

"My little injury is nothing, but I didn't expect that my mother-in-law's illness will be cured. It's so worth it." Old man Liu didn't know how to repay, and he was caught off guard: "Comrade police, thank you very much, I will be a bully in the next life." The horse can't reciprocate."

Han Zixuan told him not to get excited, your wife's body is still very weak, and now she needs to take a good supplement and buy more nutritional supplements.If you are short of money, say hello to me.

Old man Liu said that I didn't spend the money you gave me just now, it was enough, since the other party doesn't ask for anything in return, I must know his name.

Han Zixuan reported his name, and Old Man Liu remembered it in his heart.

Both Yang Xueyi and Luo Yutong were shocked by what happened in front of them, but Luo Yutong acted very calmly, and said to old man Liu: "Old man, you don't need to be grateful to him, since he is a doctor, it is his duty to treat people. Right, Instructor Han."

Han Zixuan smiled, but said nothing.Seeing that the time was almost up, they gave a few more instructions, and the three of them left.On the way back, Yang Xueyi kept begging for the opportunity for Master Han to teach her. Han Zixuan said that learning medicine is just like learning martial arts, which requires talent.

You already have a high talent in martial arts, presumably you shouldn't have a big breakthrough in medicine, so let's focus on one.

What, you are a genius, we are mediocre.Yang Xueyi didn't bother to argue, but thinking about it, she didn't seem to be interested in this aspect, forget it, learn more martial arts from him in the future, that is the root of saving lives.

Because the task was completed, the three of them immediately returned to the South China Sea.The mission went well this time, and Han Zixuan had already explained the situation to Lu Guangzong.

Lu Guangzong was very happy. In view of his outstanding performance this time, he was given a holiday so that he could take the opportunity to rest and adjust, with a maximum period of one month.Yang Xueyi is very happy to know that she must report to the army in one month.

But Luo Yutong looked sullen, and talked less along the way.Yang Xueyi asked Han Zixuan what plans he had next, why don't we go on a trip, because he had been studying all the time and had no time to travel.Now is the opportunity, take advantage of it.

Han Zixuan said that I will go home to see my wife first, and you can arrange it yourself.

Yang Xueyi pouted unhappily when she heard this, and then she thought about it, he is quite family-friendly, and indeed he is a good example of a man, but he is just flirtatious, and those women are stupid and follow him, hey, it's unreasonable, The world is crazy.

When they arrived in Nanhai, Han Zixuan arranged for the two of them to stay in a hotel first, and he went home first.In fact, Yang Xueyi can also go home, but if she leaves, Luo Yutong will be left alone, so she will accompany Luo Yutong.On the way, she also found something strange about Luo Yutong, always thinking about something.

At night, the two were still in the same room.

"Sister Tongtong, what are you thinking? I've noticed something wrong with you since I came back."

"It's nothing, I'm a little disturbed. By the way, Xueyi, why don't you go home, I remember your home is in Nanhai."

"It's no fun to go home. My parents are not here now, so I can only live with my grandfather, which is boring. How about we sisters chatting, just to be with you."

Thank you so much, Luo Yutong smiled sincerely.

"That damn bastard, fooling around with women again, left us two behind. How could he do this along the way, leaving us two beautiful women aside? Could it be that the two of us are not as attractive as his wife, Don't men like to steal food?"

"Xueyi, what are you talking nonsense, do you still want to be taken advantage of by him? You forgot that time in the hotel, he humiliated both of us." Luo Yutong stopped talking, and deeply remembered that time, the man's devil's hand was on her buttocks Wanton ravages.

"Sister, you still said that I forgot all about it. It's all your fault, you made me remember, and it made me mad." Yang Xueyi's fierce and cute, in fact, in the eyes of many people, she is a proud and even arrogant girls.In fact, she also has her cuteness in her heart, her girl is reserved and gentle.

"Xueyi, I remember you said that there was something wrong with his identity and that he was a dangerous person. So your father arranged for you to supervise him. I want to know what his identity is."

"Sister Tongtong, why are you so happy to care about him? Could it be that you like him too." This word was very cleverly used, and it instantly revealed her thoughts, but she didn't realize it yet.

"Xueyi, don't think about it. This person is quite special, and he must have a special background. I just want to know more, and I have no other ideas. And he has many wives, so I won't go into troubled water."

"Then why do you ask him about his background? Tell him the truth, otherwise I won't tell you." Yang Xueyi deliberately teased her.

Luo Yutong begged her, hoping she could tell.However, Yang Xueyi teased her on purpose. If she admits that she likes Han Zixuan, she will tell him, otherwise, there will be no talk.

Finally, Luo Yutong stopped asking.

When Han Zixuan returned home, the two women were naturally happy, after they finished showing off their affection.Seeing that Han Zixuan was in a good mood, Shen Hanyu hesitated and said: "Zixuan, let me tell you something. If you don't come back today, I also want to tell you in the next two days."

Seeing her serious expression, it is possible that something important has happened.An ominous premonition filled Han Zixuan's heart, maybe something happened to their family, but it didn't look like it.

Shen Hanyu said in one breath: "He Lizi is engaged. The man is a wealthy son of Beijin. She has already gone to Beijin and the wedding is about to be held."

What, Lizi He is getting married.Han Zixuan's heart suddenly burst into pain. He remembered that the last time the two met in the shopping mall, when the two were parting, Li Zi had said similar farewell words, so it turned out to be this.

It's your fault, girl, you really don't wait for me at all. I didn't say that I would have a showdown with your father when I returned from my mission. Why did things change in just a few days?

"Could it be that she has gone to Beijin now."

Shen Hanyu nodded: "I've already gone, and I left yesterday. The invitation she sent me seems to be three days later, and the wedding will be held in Beijin."

"I know all the wealthy families in Beijin, who they are."

Shen Hanyu said that it was Song Jingtian of the Song family, the most favorable contender among the future heirs of the Song family.

My day, Song Jingtian.Damn it, I think the two of them got acquainted back then, and they gave each other face.Song Jingtian also took good care of Han Zixuan and provided him with a lot of information.

But this guy robbed my woman, Han Zixuan clenched his fists and said immediately: "I'm going to Beijin now."

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