Han Zixuan bid farewell to Shen Hanyu's two daughters, and immediately returned to the hotel.

Yang Xueyi opened the door and looked at Han Zixuan unexpectedly. Is this man sick? If he doesn't stay with his wife at night, why did he come to us? Could it be that he wanted to steal something.But it shouldn't be so blatant. Thinking of this, her pretty face flushed slightly.

"What are you doing back here? You should be lying on a woman's belly at this time."

Han Zixuan ignored her teasing, and told the two girls solemnly: "Pack up quickly and get ready to go."

Where to go, Luo Yutong couldn't help asking.

Han Zixuan originally wanted to go to Beijin alone, but he left, what should Luo Yutong and the others do? Even if he wants to leave, he should say hello to them.According to his feeling, if he acts alone, the two women will definitely follow him.Because Yang Xueyi has a mission on her shoulders, and Luo Yutong will also have doubts in her heart, and will follow him secretly.

It's better to be open and honest with the two: "We are going to Beijin."

What to do in Beijin, the two girls were puzzled at the same time. They did not receive the task assigned by their superiors. Recently, they were asked to relax during this time. Could it be that Han Zixuan took them on a trip.But I was too anxious, I should let people sleep.

"Save people." Han Zixuan didn't want to talk nonsense, so he asked the two to get dressed quickly.

Hearing the words of saving lives, the two women really believed it, thinking that there was really an urgent task.When both of them were ready, Han Zixuan greeted them, and the three of them left the hotel and drove away.

In the car, Yang Xueyi finally couldn't help asking: "Hey, why are you in such a panic, who are we going to rescue in Beijin, you should tell us something."

"My future wife, Lizi He."

What, the two girls were taken aback, it's possible that He Lizi was kidnapped, no wonder he was so anxious, but your wife was kidnapped, it has nothing to do with the two of us.

After all, Luo Yutong has professional ethics: "How long has Miss He been kidnapped, who is the kidnapper, and do you have any clues. Have you notified the local police in Beijin?"

Han Zixuan glanced at the two of them, smiled wryly in his heart, and said, "My wife is going to marry another man, I'll go get her back."

The two women's jaws almost dropped when they heard this, what a mess.

Yang Xueyi said in disbelief: "No way, last time we met He Lizi in the mall. I also gave you time to let you make out. Why did she change her mind after only a few days?"

"You know what a fart, my woman won't change her mind. She is also forced to be helpless. It was all forced by his father. You just follow along. I will handle the rest."

The two women were really angry when they saw Han Zixuan. They had been in contact for a long time, and it was the first time they noticed that he was angry.Usually he is cynical, laughing and joking, taking advantage of jokes.No matter how difficult the task is, you can handle it with a smile.

Yang Xueyi stuck out her tongue, and still muttered: "Hey, it's not entirely the fault of He Lizi. Who wants her husband to be a playboy, I think you have to find your own reasons fundamentally."

Luo Yutong tugged at her clothes and told her to stop talking.

Yang Xueyi said unhappily: "This is a kind reminder to him. The matter of He Lizi has sounded the alarm for him. Men should stop playing with fire. It is easy to play with fire in the end."

"Then I will continue to ask, whose young master from Beijin robbed your woman." Yang Xueyi didn't know why, but she felt a little relieved, she admitted that she was not an evil person.But what happened today, I was so happy when I heard that his woman was robbed.

"Song family." Han Zixuan glared at her angrily, this stinking girl is so gloating.

The Song family, Yang Xueyi gasped, the Song family is a wealthy family in Beijin, definitely the number one.Looking at the entire China, it is also one of the best big families.

Is He Lizi's father very discerning? He has found such a big backer for his daughter.Hearing that He Lizi's family is in business, she must be a combination of commercial interests. Unfortunately, she has also become a victim of love.Thinking back to the last time the two met in the mall, it seemed that many problems had arisen.

Seeing that Han Zixuan was ignoring her, Yang Xueyi told Luo Yutong about the Song family's affairs. How powerful it is, I'm afraid it may not be successful this time, so she will attack Han Zixuan in disguise.

Although Luo Yutong didn't understand these things, she absolutely believed that Yang Xueyi would not just talk nonsense.She was worried that Han Zixuan would do something extraordinary and damage the reputation of the army.

She kindly reminded him that he hoped he would not be too impulsive and make things worse.Although the leader gives you a vacation, you can't let you do whatever you want.

You two stinky bitches, if I had known this, I would have left you in the hotel.Shut up, all of you, and be honest.

Yang Xueyi looked at him in astonishment, and even called her a stinky bitch, we are still young girls, how can we be so hurtful, but the two of them stopped talking.In the car, he closed his eyes and fell asleep peacefully.

When it was just dawn, the two women opened their eyes.Seeing that the world in front of him suddenly changed, he had already arrived in Beijin City.Yang Xueyi asked where we should go first.

Han Zixuan said: "Let's go to my father-in-law's house first, you can rest there, and we will go back after my business is done."

The car arrived at the Shen's house, and the Shen's house has changed a lot now, with a scene of prosperity.The Shen family's address is located in a large villa on the outskirts of the city. When Han Zixuan got out of the car, someone approached him immediately.When he saw that it was his business, he immediately greeted him with a smile: "Young Master Han, why are you here, please come in quickly."

"Go back and tell Shen Mingrui that I'm here." Now Shen Mingrui is the head of the Shen family.

Yang Xueyi and Luo Yutong got out of the car, looked at the majestic Shen family, and felt admiration in their hearts.Soon Shen Mingrui came, he was very excited, he walked up to embrace Han Zixuan warmly.

Han Zixuan gave him his current status and identity.And his own happiness is also his help, no matter from any point of view, Han Zixuan is his noble person.

Shen Mingrui was pleasantly surprised and surprised at the same time: "Why are you here? It's strange. Yesterday Lizi's father came, and you showed up today. Could it be that you have some kind of connection."

"Oh, is He Lizi here?" Han Zixuan asked impatiently.

Shen Mingrui shook his head, but did not see Li Zi.And He Hongchao stayed for a short while, then left.He came to see my grandpa, after all, he is considered a family.Although his family business has a huge foundation now, worldly sophistication is still indispensable.

In this way, you don't know the purpose of his coming to Beijin.

I don't know, maybe I'm here to discuss business.

"Talk about bullshit, hurry in and explain it to you later." Han Zixuan then called Yang Xueyi and the two over, and said to Shen Mingrui, "Make arrangements for them."

Shen Mingrui was stunned when he saw Yang Xueyi and Luo Yutong, and immediately asked someone to arrange it.He went to the inner room with Han Zixuan, and took the opportunity to tease: "Young Master Han, you always take women with you when you go out, they are your new love, does Hanyu know?"

"Don't talk nonsense, the two of them are not yet friends who came with me. Don't ask more questions, go see your father quickly."

Shen Zhirong was very happy when he heard that Han Zixuan was here.He actually came out to greet him in person, and after a few polite greetings, he entered the room.

Shen Zhirong asked strangely: "Zixuan, you are very busy, you don't come to Beijin for no reason, and I don't know anything about it. Is there something important, and the expression on your face is obviously unhappy."

Han Zixuan didn't hide anything, saying that the purpose of He Hongchao's coming to Beijin was to marry the Song family.

The two were surprised at the same time.He Hongchao came here yesterday and didn't reveal a word at all.This He Hongchao, what is he going to do? He clearly knows that the Song family is the most wealthy family in Beijin, and there is a great competitive relationship with their Shen family.

His marriage with the Song family is just a disguised form to make things difficult for the Shen family.Shen Zhirong also understood that when He Hongchao was not well-off, he was in awe of the Shen family.Now that his wings are hardened and his abilities are strong, he has his own ideas and doesn't take the Shen family seriously anymore.

"Zixuan, did you come to Beijin for this matter? What do you want to do?"

"Stop this marriage." Han Zixuan said.

Shen Zhirong nodded and said, "You're right. They must not be allowed to marry. He Hongchao is ambitious. He may not be able to reach into their territory one day."

It seems that Shen Zhirong doesn't know He Hongchao's character, he can do anything for the sake of benefit, he doesn't care about family affection or love.

But Han Zixuan still told the truth, he came for He Lizi.The two listened and looked at each other.Shen Mingrui shook his head and smiled wryly: "Young Master Han, I knew from the beginning that your relationship with He Lizi was definitely not innocent, so it's better to reveal it now."

Shen Zhirong knew this son-in-law to some extent, he was very capable, but he was a little too flamboyant.He felt a little sorry for his precious daughter, and was hesitating when he received a call from Shen Hanyu.

On the phone, Shen Hanyu showed everyone's demeanor, explaining Zixuan's intentions for this visit to his father, and hoped that his father could do his best to help.Lizi and Zixuan met first, and speaking of it, she still destroyed their third party, and she has always owed Lizi in her heart.I hope this time can help the two reconcile as soon as possible.

Shen Zhirong sighed: "Hanyu, you are so stupid."

"Dad, it's not easy to live a lifetime. The most important thing is to meet the right person. Zixuan is everything to me. Only when he is good can I live well. Besides, without him, would we be where we are today?"

Shen Zhirong is not pedantic, his family used to be a big family, and it was common for men to have many wives.Since his daughter was so persistent, he couldn't say anything.

Han Zixuan heard it sincerely, and was deeply moved.

Shen Zhirong stated that he will try his best to support.But you can also see that neither He Hongchao nor the Song family can afford to mess with us, and we can only rely on your own ability.

"It doesn't matter, as long as you can support me secretly, I will be satisfied."

Shen Mingrui asked with concern: "Zixuan, what are your plans?"

"I know Song Jingtian well, I'll talk to him first."

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