The campus is so cute

21 Don't touch your feet

Han Zixuan and Bi Yunxi had a very happy chat. After all, they can have many common topics. After further understanding, it turned out that Bi Yunxi had been living in Beijin City before.

Beijin City is actually the city where Han Zixuan lives, but he doesn't live in the urban area, but lives in a small mountain village with beautiful scenery outside the suburbs of Beijin.When the two chatted about their childhood, they realized that each other had a hard life, and no other children had a happy childhood.

The two sat silently in the classroom, falling into deep memories of each other, sometimes laughing and sometimes sad.Time passed quickly, and when it was time for lunch, the two of them naturally decided to have dinner together.

At this time, Han Zixuan's cell phone rang, and he smiled embarrassedly at Bi Yunxi and picked up the phone. The other end of the phone was a call from the beautiful girl Ye Tianyu. The purpose was very simple. He wanted to have lunch with Han Zixuan. They had agreed in the morning alright.

Han Zixuan excused himself by saying that he had some personal affairs, so let her eat with He Lizi.Ye Tianyu still wanted to ask in detail, but Han Zixuan had already hung up the phone.

Bi Yunxi asked suspiciously: "Is it a girl, Zixuan, are you good? I met some girls when I first came here."

Han Zixuan smiled unscrupulously: "It's just an ordinary friend, so don't make wild guesses. Besides, I'm not good at picking up girls right now, so I hope you can give me more advice in the future."

"Bah, Han Zixuan. Let me tell you, although my grandfather told me that I will be your daughter-in-law in the future. But I didn't agree to everything in my heart. Everything depends on your efforts. If you don't meet my wishes, I will kick you out as usual. Think about it, the arrogant freshman Xie Wenhao in our class is not bad, he looks better than you, his family background is better than yours, and the key point is that he has a soft spot for me. I plan to accept his offer Showed love." Bi Yunxi said while secretly observing Han Zixuan's expression.

But this man hasn't changed at all, he feels a little uncomfortable, I came all the way here, why, and it's not all because of you.

In fact, Bi Yunxi knew her future since she was sensible. At that time, her grandfather told him about Han Zixuan's identity and that Han Zixuan would be Molong's leader in the future, and she just wanted to be by his side and help him achieve something. big business.

When she was eight years old, she went up the mountain with her grandfather and met Han Zixuan.With just one glance, she recognized the boy.At that time, Han Zixuan was dressed in training clothes and was practicing stance with all his might. Beads of sweat dripped down his face, but he didn't notice it at all, and devoted himself wholeheartedly to practicing.At that moment, Bi Yunxi knew that this boy would definitely not be a mortal in the future.

In the following ten years, she hadn't seen Han Zixuan, but she couldn't stop thinking about him, thinking about where they would meet in the future, what the two of them would be like at that time, and what would be her state of mind at that time.

When she saw Han Zixuan for the first time, she was mostly pleased. After all, Han Zixuan's appearance hadn't changed much. If the other party was a big and thick pig, even if she was killed, she wouldn't obey his grandfather's arrangement.In fact, the reason is very simple, just like parents arrange blind dates for their children.The other party is ugly, and no one is happy in his heart.

The only thing that bothered her was the seal on Han Zixuan's body, which could only be resolved by Molong's daughter, and it couldn't be undone by just relying on a girl.This means that Han Zixuan will definitely have many women in the future, and she, Bi Yunxi, is just an unknown one among them.

And when she saw that Han Zixuan seemed indifferent to her words, and didn't care about her at all, she felt uncomfortable.But immediately she was relieved, everything was arranged by fate, who made me a girl from the Bi family.

"Zixuan, I was joking with you just now, I won't accept Xie Wenhao's show of love, don't worry." Bi Yunxi said quietly.

Hearing this, Han Zixuan burst into laughter: "Yunxi, I'm not worried, it's okay, even if you accept Xie Wenhao's love show, I will snatch you back."

Hearing this, Bi Yunxi smiled happily, and suddenly said calmly: "Zixuan, we have a special status, and we need to keep a low profile in the future. After all, there are many people around us who are paying attention to us and preventing us from rising. I'm afraid that someone will know about you and me. Identity will be against us."

"I understand, so we start to have normal contact with each other now, just like a classmate we just met, you think this is okay." Han Zixuan suggested.

Bi Yunxi was naturally happy like this, which happened to be able to slowly cultivate the relationship between the two, and she could also use this opportunity to learn more about this man.

The two agreed to go to the cafeteria to eat, and when they came to the cafeteria, it was overcrowded, because there were many students on the first day of class, and they were all freshmen.Freshmen have just entered school, and everyone's meal card has been charged, so they must come here to spend.

This is the case in schools now, no matter whether you like the food in the cafeteria or not, freshmen must first charge money.In fact, the food in the cafeteria is very average, the only advantage is that the price is cheaper.

The two ordered two set meals, the one with rice and stir-fried vegetables, and found a vacant seat to sit down.While eating and chatting, Bi Yunxi knew that Han Zixuan had never been to school, so she couldn't help worrying, fearing that he would not be able to keep up. She didn't want to see her future man as an idiot.

Han Zixuan smiled inscrutably: "Don't worry, except for the poor technique of picking up girls, everything else is passable."

"Just brag." Bi Yunxi is a cold girl on the outside, but getting along with Han Zixuan is different. She wants to show her true side, and occasionally reveal the lively side of a little girl.

"Yunxi, don't worry, I'll get you sooner or later." Han Zixuan looked at her confidently.

Bi Yunxi felt a little shy after being stared at by him, she lowered her head and whispered: "I believe you in this."

"Hehe, in fact, when I went down the mountain, Master arranged a great goal for me." Han Zixuan said with infinite longing.

Bi Yunxi was immediately attracted, raised his head and asked: "What goal, but the goal that your master arranged for you must be very difficult, so don't have too much burden on your heart."

"Actually, it's nothing. Master told me not to let go of any pretty girls in Nanhai University. To be honest, it's really difficult for me, but I'm motivated, and I will work harder in the future."

"What, your master is a bastard." Bi Yunxi said viciously.

"Yunxi, you are a bit disrespectful. If Master and other old people hear about it, they will definitely kick you out and make you unable to be the daughter-in-law of the Han family." Han Zixuan said jokingly.

"Cut, who cares? It's nothing if you don't become the daughter-in-law of the Han family. It's enough for me to be your own wife in this life." Bi Yunxi seemed to have just recovered from his strength. Knowing that he had been fooled, he put down his chopsticks and reached out to hit Han Zixuan.

Little did they know that the scene of the two playing was witnessed by two girls. He Lizi and Ye Tianyu also came to the cafeteria to eat. The two were looking for a place with the lunch box, and found that Han Zixuan was eating with a beautiful woman.

And the two chatted very speculatively, and now they are still flirting.

Ye Tianyu's eyes were burning with fire: "Sister, what should I do? This guy told us that he has a personal matter to attend to. It turned out that he was having dinner with beautiful women and picking up girls by the way. I was so mad."

He Lizi didn't know why, but when she saw Han Zixuan with other girls, she felt inexplicably agitated, and she couldn't explain it.

"Forget it, don't bother him, let's continue looking for a place." He Lizi turned her eyes away and said a little lonely.

"Which place are you looking for? Is there an empty seat next to them? Let's go to their side and ask Han Zixuan what's going on. We haven't seen each other for a long time, but he started hooking up with other girls and didn't pay attention to us at all." Is it?" Ye Tianyu pulled He Lizi and walked towards this side, and He Lizi reluctantly followed.

Ye Tianyu came to the table of the two of them, patted the table angrily and said, "Han Zixuan, what are you doing, are you picking up my sister while my sister is not here?"

Bi Yunxi stretched out her hand to hit Han Zixuan just now, and suddenly felt that something was wrong. Firstly, the two people had different genders, and secondly, the two people had different identities. The most important thing was that she felt that doing that was a bit too hot, like a flirting couple, she Thin-skinned, sorry.He let go of his hand and lowered his head to eat quite shyly.

Han Zixuan also planned to tease Bi Yunxi for a few words, and suddenly he felt that Bi Yunxi was a good experimental textbook, because in front of her, he felt self-sufficient and found a strong self-confidence, unlike in the beauty's apartment, facing the three demons. At that time, the days passed in fear.

Never thought that the most difficult devil came to the door.

With food stuffed in his mouth, Han Zixuan forcefully forced a little smile: "Hey, you guys are here to eat too."

Ye Tianyu ignored Han Zixuan, and began to look at Bi Yunxi. Just now, she and He Lizi noticed that the girl sitting opposite Han Zixuan was pretty. Looking closely, she turned out to be a pretty young girl.

"Hmph, who is she?" Ye Tianyu asked He Lizi to sit down while lecturing, and she deliberately arranged for He Lizi to sit next to Han Zixuan, and herself to sit next to Bi Yunxi.

Bi Yunxi was a little astonished, what happened to her eyes, who are these two beautiful girls who suddenly appeared, it can be seen that they are very familiar.

Han Zixuan hastily introduced: "This is my classmate, named Bi Yunxi. Let's go out for lunch together."

Ye Tianyu looked sideways at Bi Yunxi, and then asked Han Zixuan, "How many girls are there in your class?"

Han Zixuan raised his finger: "Just one, not many."

Ye Tianyu breathed a sigh of relief, luckily it was only a girl.Then she stared at Bi Yunxi and said, "Why did you eat with Han Zixuan instead of someone else?"

Bi Yunxi was a little dazed and didn't know how to answer.But now she understood everything, this pink and lovely girl liked Han Zixuan and regarded herself as a competitor.Okay, I didn't expect the opponent to appear so soon, and suddenly she realized something was wrong. Who was the girl sitting silently next to Han Zixuan? She hadn't spoken since she came here. Through observation, she found that many people in the cafeteria were looking at them here.

She looked at Han Zixuan puzzled and asked: "Zixuan, who are these two, don't you even introduce them to me."

Confused by Ye Tianyu, Han Zixuan patted his brain and said, "I forgot to introduce you to each other."

He pointed to the side and said, "She is He Lizi, I guess you should have heard of it."

Bi Yunxi had naturally heard of He Lizi's name, she hastily stretched out her thin white palm: "So it's He Lizi, a well-known school belle."

He Lizi also took the initiative to extend her slender hand, and the two shook hands symbolically. He Lizi said helplessly: "What school belle is just a false name. Your name is Bi Yunxi, and your name has a poetic and picturesque flavor. You really live up to your name." .”

Bi Yunxi smiled modestly, then looked at Ye Tianyu: "Zixuan, who is this cute little sister?"

But Ye Tianyu took the initiative and said: "My name is Ye Tianyu, don't call me little sister in the future." In order to show that she is not young, she deliberately raised her chest and raised her head, showing her proud chest.Seeing her birdlike appearance, He Lizi kept frowning, this girl just showed off when she was fine, she was so mad at me.

Bi Yunxi covered her mouth and snickered, this girl is quite interesting.

Suddenly, Ye Tianyu said: "Bi Yunxi, Han Zixuan is my brother-in-law, you can have dinner with him, but don't touch me, otherwise my sister will be jealous."

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