The campus is so cute

22 fierce campaign

Han Zixuan stared at Ye Tianyu dumbfounded. When did I become your brother-in-law? He saw Ye Tianyu give him winks and glanced at He Lizi. He couldn't laugh or cry, and secretly squinted at He Lizi.

He Lizi didn't seem to hear anything, she ate with her head down.

Bi Yunxi thought to himself, hello Han Zixuan, you told me just now that you are terrible at making eyebrows, and now you are his brother-in-law, you are deep enough to pretend to be with me on purpose.

But she felt that there were too many people in the cafeteria, and most of them were looking at them, so she couldn't explain it clearly, so she smiled: "Student Ye Tianyu, you are overthinking, Zixuan and I just met."

Ye Tianyu was quite satisfied with Bi Yunxi's answer, and reminded: "That's good, Bi Yunxi, in fact, you look pretty good, there is no need to pester my brother-in-law. Besides, there are a lot of handsome guys in our school, and you can choose whatever you want. You will forgive me." My brother-in-law, or my sister will make him kneel on the washboard when I go home."

He Lizi spit out a mouthful of rice, this dead girl is good at making up stories, who made her kneel on the washboard.Suddenly, her face flushed slightly, and she hurriedly killed the evil thoughts that just popped up in her mind. I was thinking about something.

Bi Yunxi could see clearly that the relationship between He Lizi and Han Zixuan must be unusual, and just now Han Zixuan secretly looked at He Lizi, stinking man, I just came here, so you give me eye drops.

But she wanted to know the answer, so she turned to Ye Tianyu and asked, "May I ask who is your sister? Is it the famous He Lizi?"

Ye Tianyu was about to take it for granted, but He Lizi hurriedly waved her hands: "It's not me, don't talk nonsense, this girl is talking nonsense."

In fact, Ye Tianyu made up the word "brother-in-law" on purpose for the simple purpose of telling Bi Yunxi to leave as soon as possible, because she didn't want her to have too much contact with Han Zixuan.

Seeing that He Lizi was not up to snuff, Ye Tianyu had a brainstorm: "My sister Yu, she is a tigress, and she hates men messing around outside."

Han Zixuan was in admiration of Ye Tianyu's brains, this girl was usually stupid, but today she suddenly became smarter.He Lizi couldn't help applauding for her, anyway, Sister Yu wasn't here.

Bi Yunxi really took it seriously, I really didn't expect it.This Han Zixuan is not honest at all. There are so many women appearing now, but in the future it will be worth it. Fortunately, I am here. I will check for you and kick out all those irrelevant women.

Han Zixuan couldn't tell what the meal tasted like, it was quite painful.It's a pity that he didn't know how much the men onlookers envied him.Now Han Zixuan is a relatively well-known freshman, because rumors that he is He Lizi's boyfriend have spread all over the campus. Today, seeing that he actually had dinner with He Lizi, this rumor is even more credible.

At the same time, seeing that he was accompanied by two other beauties, he wished he could go up and scratch his handsome face. It's really popular these days to have a good face.

After eating, Ye Tianyu didn't forget to remind: "Brother Zixuan, remember to go home and sleep at night, otherwise sister won't let you go."

Han Zixuan smiled embarrassingly, and it was not until the two left that his heart gradually calmed down.

Bi Yunxi said with a cold face: "Han Zixuan, you are a super liar."

"I, I don't."

"Not yet, didn't you say you don't know how to pick up girls?"

"Yes, but they took the initiative to provoke me, what should I do?"

"Why do not you go to hell."

A woman, no matter how kind a woman is, is still a devil, turning her face is faster than turning a book.

When going to school the next day, Han Zixuan came to the classroom early. He heard that military training was about to begin, and he would also go to a local army in Nanhai City for training. This is a tradition for freshmen at Nanhai University. Physical fitness, defending the home and the country.It is pure nonsense, in fact, it is to torture students in disguise and test their ability to resist beatings.

Many students talked about it. They learned from their seniors and sisters that military training is very hard and there is no meat to eat.

Li Xiaoxu was not worried about the lack of meat, but worried about whether his small body could stand up. Indeed, he was nearly 1.7 meters five, but his body was as thin as a woman. For this reason, he had a long face and was unhappy.I want to refuse military training, but I don't have the guts.Guessing in my heart, that Xie Wenhao from yesterday definitely didn't need military training, who made him an idiot.

When Bi Yunxi came to the classroom, he still attracted the boys' attention.But yesterday, I saw that this girl's personality was quite cold, and I lost interest.Beautiful women are beautiful, but they have a cold personality, so men should stay away from them.

Seeing that there was an empty seat next to Han Zixuan, she sat next to him without hesitation.

Shangguan Fei and the others wanted to ask what they talked about yesterday, but Han Zixuan didn't go back to the dormitory, which made them very itchy.Seeing the two get bored with each other today, I feel admiration in my heart, brother Zixuan is awesome, his method of making beautiful eyebrows is better than mine, and I will learn a few more tricks from him in the future.

The boys in the class all know Han Zixuan's name, He Lizi's rumored boyfriend, and now they see him getting together with his new classmate Bi Yunxi, and they all admire him in their hearts. Damn, handsome faces are a passport these days.They feel that Han Zixuan has nothing outstanding, the reason why he can attract the attention of beautiful women is all due to his face, or his ability in bed, the cowherd is now domineering.

The students were still discussing the incident of Xie Wenhao yesterday, so it is estimated that this boy will definitely not come, Pan Shaoqi is really unlucky to meet such an arrogant student.

Everyone was chatting, and Pan Shaoqi opened the door and came in. He still had a bright smile on his face, as if yesterday's incident hadn't seriously affected him.

Behind him was Xie Wenhao who beat up the teacher yesterday.

Pan Shaoqi walked up to the podium and nodded for Xie Wenhao to come in.He thought for a while and said: "Some unpleasant things happened yesterday, but they have all been resolved. Now that student Xie Wenhao is back in our class, everyone applauds and welcomes him."

There were occasional applause in the class, Han Zixuan's dorm buddies and Bi Yunxi naturally wouldn't applaud, mother, what is this?Pan Shaoqi is really useless, there is no way, who made him an ordinary counselor.

Xie Wenhao changed his domineering attitude from yesterday, and became much gentler.He walked up to the podium and introduced himself again: "My name is Xie Wenhao. It's a pleasure to meet you. Yesterday, because something happened at home, I was in a bad mood, so I had some disputes with Teacher Pan. Here, Teacher Pan and I Apologize."

Then, he actually apologized to Pan Shaoqi, and his attitude was indeed very sincere.Pan Shaoqi waved his hand to express his understanding: "Young people, who is not impulsive. By the way, I had a dispute with the teacher when I was in school. I won't remember it. Go back to your seat."

Xie Wenhao was staring at Bi Yunxi when he was on the podium. The main reason why he stayed was Bi Yunxi, and he stayed for her.But when she found that Bi Yunxi was sitting next to a boy, she immediately felt uncomfortable, and looked at Han Zixuan with fiery eyes.

Han Zixuan didn't understand this, but he was just curious that this Xie Wenhao was interesting, what the fuck did you do in school? If you said that you came to study hard and study for a PhD in the future, I wouldn't believe it if you were killed.

Xie Wenhao stepped off the podium, and the buddy who accepted his cigarettes yesterday immediately stepped aside enthusiastically: "Brother Hao, sit here."

Xie Wenhao didn't refuse, and had a helpful expression on his face.

Shangguanfei poked Han Zixuan: "Zixuan, this Xie Wenhao is awesome. Yesterday he gave us a big blow, but today he suddenly changed his face 180 degrees. It can be said that he can bend and stretch. This kid is a character."

Han Zixuan also quite agrees with this, this kid is quite evil anyway.

When Pan Shaoqi saw that all the students had arrived, he immediately announced the matter: "Starting tomorrow, everyone will receive a one-month military training. The military training place is in the third army of the city. Our school's new students will have military training here every year. Military training is to train students in all aspects. It is a test of ability, I hope everyone will cherish this opportunity even more. There must be no escapees, otherwise you will write bad reviews on your files when you graduate, students, are you clear?"

Everyone made it clear with one voice, and they were determined not to be deserters.

Pan Shaoqi nodded with satisfaction: "For the convenience of management, although our class has a small number of people, we still need a squad leader. Next, we will hold a democratic election to see who will be our squad leader and be responsible for some things during the military training."

To choose a class leader, the students immediately became excited and chatted with each other, thinking who would be more suitable to be the class leader.

Pan Shaoqi originally planned to vote by secret ballot, but felt that it was unnecessary. After all, the number of people was small, so he could just recommend each other directly. Whoever got the most recommended votes would be the class leader.

He explained his intentions, and the students all agreed.So one by one the students stood up and recommended candidates for the monitor.

Shangguan Fei was the first to stand up and said, "I recommend Han Zixuan. He is suitable to be our class monitor because he has a broad mind and promises to bring good news to our class. He will lead us forward."

Pan Shaoqi nodded and said, "Okay, but you don't need to mention the reasons for the recommendation. These things are too empty, and it will take time to confirm." He wrote Han Zixuan's name on the blackboard.

After accepting the cigarette, Ma Liang stood up and said, "I recommend Brother Hao. Brother Hao is wise and powerful, and he is the best candidate for monitor."

Li Xiaoxu went on to say that I recommend Han Zixuan, and someone called Xie Wenhao on the other side.Somehow, a competition for the squad leader came up between the two of them.

At first, Xie Wenhao didn't know who Han Zixuan was, but later he realized that it was the unremarkable boy next to Bi Yunxi, and his heart was burning with jealousy.

Pan Shaoqi marked the number of votes on the blackboard, and when the recommendation of twelve students ended, the two had the same number of votes, and they both had six votes.He smiled slightly: "It seems that our monitor competition is still very fierce, and it must be between these two students."

Han Zixuan didn't expect that he was quite popular, besides the three people in the dormitory, there were three other classmates who recommended him, and the purpose of recommending Xie Wenhao and those classmates was obvious, to curry favor with the eldest son of the Xie family.

Pan Shaoqi looked at Han Zixuan and Xie Wenhao, and suddenly he made an astonishing discovery.Because both of them are handsome, it's just that Xie Wenhao's handsomeness is very flamboyant, while Han Zixuan is obviously more restrained.Just like the family background of the two, Xie Wenhao is a real son-in-law, and Han Zixuan, Pan Shaoqi has never been able to figure out his family background.In fact, he originally wanted to give Xie Wenhao the position of squad leader, but judging by the current situation, it's really hard to say.

"Han Zixuan, Xie Wenhao, you two don't need to vote, because no matter who you vote for, that person can't compete with you. Now there is only one classmate who didn't vote." Pan Shaoqi looked at the only girl, Bi Yunxi.

In fact, the classmates have also discovered this point. Bi Yunxi's vote is related to who gets the position of monitor, and it also hides another deep meaning.Because Xie Wenhao made a domineering confession of love to Bi Yunxi yesterday, but he was rejected.But now, Bi Yunxi was sitting next to Han Zixuan, and there seemed to be something unusual between the two of them.

The students were all guessing who Bi Yunxi voted for, which meant that she had more feelings for whom. Judging from the current situation, Han Zixuan had an absolute advantage, because Bi Yunxi was sitting next to him.

Shangguan Fei poked Han Zixuan: "Congratulations, you have become the squad leader, and you will have to take care of the younger brothers in the future."

Han Zixuan didn't take it seriously, monitor, he wasn't interested.

Bi Yunxi slowly stood up from the chair and asked Pan Shaoqi: "Teacher, can I abstain from voting?"

The students were like deflated balls, anxiously waiting for the result, but she was lucky enough to insist on this song.

Pan Shaoqi seemed to be deliberately embarrassing her, and shook his head: "No, and you have to choose between the two of them. You can vote as you like, we are not electing deputies to the National People's Congress, so don't worry too much about it."

"Oh, then I'll vote for Xie Wenhao."

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