The campus is so cute

23 You are a beast

For this result, the whole class couldn't believe it.A smug smile appeared on the corner of Xie Wenhao's mouth. He stood up pretending to be generous and thanked Bi Yunxi, and then pretended that he would be a good monitor and set an example.

Han Zixuan was also very surprised by Bi Yunxi's choice, thinking that I finally got into the school and finally got a chance to be a cadre, but unexpectedly, I was blackmailed by my own people.

Bi Yunxi turned her face and said perversely: "Zixuan, I know you are very busy, and you have no intention of being a class leader, so you won't blame me."

"How can it be, I am grateful to you, you still understand me." Han Zixuan was a little confused about Bi Yunxi's temperament, woman, what changed, he felt that he met a very good test subject yesterday , and applied to her the techniques of making eyebrows that I read from books.Now it seems that everything is a luxury.

Shangguan Fei was very discouraged, he bumped into Han Zixuan and mocked him: "Zixuan, I thought you had settled Bi Yunxi, but it turned out that's not the case."

Han Zixuan smiled sarcastically: "Not yet, still working hard."

After class, Xie Wenhao came to Bi Yunxi, took out a gold bracelet from his pocket and handed it to her, changed yesterday's overbearing, and replaced it with a smiling face of a handsome young man: "Yunxi, here it is for you."

The students immediately rolled their eyes, Xie Wenhao is really rich, he is really generous in his actions, and it is really expensive to pick up girls.But think about it, what a gold chain is to Mr. Xie, it's just a drop in the bucket.

Bi Yunxi frowned slightly, but did not raise her head, and said with displeasure in her voice, "Xie Wenhao, what do you mean?"

"It's nothing interesting, just show gratitude. You voted for me, and I'll give you a bracelet. This is called reciprocating." Xie Wenhao thought that Bi Yunxi's vote for himself must be interesting to him.

It's right to think about it, he is a rich and powerful young master, and you, Bi Yunxi, are nothing more than a girl from an ordinary working family. If my dignified young master took the initiative to show his favor to you, you must be very happy.Rejecting me yesterday was due to a girl's shyness. Today, she deliberately voted for me, which is actually a secret gesture of favor.

"I'm sorry, I never accept other people's things, and they are men's things." Bi Yunxi's voice was slightly cold.

Xie Wenhao felt that the girl was embarrassed to accept his gift in public, so he continued: "Yunxi, don't be like this, I know that you are definitely willing to accept my gift in your heart, but you are too embarrassed to accept it because of sympathy. It doesn't matter, from now on In the beginning, you were my girlfriend, and it's normal for a girlfriend to accept things from her boyfriend."

Bi Yunxi became angry, and looked up at Xie Wenhao viciously: "Xie Wenhao, are you sick? It doesn't make any sense for me to vote for you. I just don't want my man to work too hard, so I gave you the monitor. You think too much, why don't you If we are not familiar with each other, we will call my full name Bi Yunxi from now on."

Wow, the classroom is boiling again.Shangguan Fei and the others understood Bi Yunxi's meaning, oh, it turned out to be the case, the woman loves her husband, good for you, Han Zixuan, it took only one day to confirm your identity, it's too domineering.

Xie Wenhao's face turned red, he naturally understood what Bi Yunxi meant, and turned to look at Han Zixuan unhappily.In fact, from the very beginning, he didn't care about this unremarkable boy who was dressed as a rural person, but he didn't expect that he would take the lead and occupy his favorite girl.

"Your name is Han Zixuan." Xie Wenhao said word by word, with anger in his tone.

Seeing that the matter had reached this point, Han Zixuan had no choice but to solve it himself.He nodded with a smile and asked back, "What's the matter with you?"

Xie Wenhao asked uncertainly, "What's your relationship with Bi Yunxi?"

"Does it have something to do with you? That's a private matter between us." Han Zixuan felt that Mr. Xie was not cute enough sometimes, and the girls of the family obviously rejected him, so you still have the cheek to join in the fun.

"It didn't matter before, but now it does. I warn you, stay away from Yunxi in the future, she is the woman I, Xie Wenhao, have planned." At this moment, Xie Wenhao has become the same as yesterday, flamboyant and domineering.

Seeing him, Han Zixuan thought of Yang Xueyi, there are always some annoying people these days.

"I'm sorry, you're late, I've booked her a long time ago." Han Zixuan said still tepidly, "Xie Wenhao, there's nothing wrong with a man picking up a crush, but you have to be on a first come, first served basis."

"What do you mean? Could it be that you have known each other for a long time?" Xie Wenhao didn't believe that Han Zixuan had an advantage over himself, and he was unwilling to lose to such an unknown character.

"Hehe, you're right. I remember that I was only ten years old and sister Yunxi was eight years old. We played together during the day and slept in the same bed at night." Han Zixuan said casually.

As soon as this remark came out, the class suddenly fell into a big explosion. **, Han Zixuan, you are a fucking beast, you coax a girl into bed when she is only eight years old.

Hearing Han Zixuan's nonsense, Bi Yunxi couldn't help reaching out and pinching him severely, but she didn't refute. Instead, she lowered her head and remained silent. Silence means acknowledgment.

Xie Wenhao felt dizzy, and waited for Han Zixuan with a cold face: "Okay, just wait for me, sooner or later I will snatch Yunxi back."

You must be sick, Han Zixuan cursed secretly as he watched Xie Wenhao leaving angrily.There are so many beauties in Nanhai University, why do you insist on robbing me.

Shangguan Fei and the others immediately gathered around, wanting to gossip, but were scared away by Han Zixuan's fierce white eyes.Seeing that Bi Yunxi was silent, he laughed and said, "Yunxi, actually, you don't have to worry about it. We each took advantage of each other once, and we evened each other."

"When did I take advantage of you? Why do you want me to be in school in the future? Everyone seems to know that I am with you." Bi Yunxi pouted her sexy little mouth, making people want to kiss Fangze.

Han Zixuan hurriedly explained: "Impossible, our bodies were still developing at that time, it was impossible to do that thing. Besides, I can't do it if I want to, and I can't have sex next time."

"Rogue, I'm ignoring you." Bi Yunxi hit Han Zixuan and hurriedly left the classroom.

Han Zixuan looked at the lovely and charming figure of Bi Yunxi leaving, and felt a little proud, thanking Master for rewarding me with such an interesting girl.

He Lizi was quietly reading in the class. These days, she quickly became a hot topic of discussion on campus. Of course, most of them were talking about her rumored boyfriend, freshman Han Zixuan.For this, He Lizi did not give any explanation. If she wants to be a school belle, she must have the courage to face discussions with others and even criticize her behind her back every day.

Because she didn't explain, everyone acquiesced, most people complained for He Lizi, why did that Han Zixuan take the lead, the boy was very depressed.

Yu Xiaolin naturally also knew the news, she was obviously more shocked than others, she never thought that the boy she met at the bus stop that day was Han Zixuan, and he suddenly became He Lizi's rumored boyfriend.In fact, she also knew that when he was drunk that day, Han Zixuan rescued He Lizi from Liu Likun, otherwise He Lizi wouldn't know where to wipe her tears now.

For several days, the two have not been in touch.To be honest, she regretted it.But it was too late now, and the friendship between the two was completely broken.But she was not reconciled and wanted to win over He Lizi again.

Yu Xiaolin came to He Lizi's table and sat down quietly, and said bravely: "Lizi, you are still angry with me. Indeed, I called Guo Bing and the others that day, and I just wanted to take revenge on you. You said such nasty things to me."

He Lizi raised her head slightly, and said with a cold face: "Yu Xiaolin, you don't need to explain, you and I are no longer friends."

"Well, I admit that I am humble and not worthy of being your friend. In fact, it was a mistake when we first met. I am your shadow, and I am just to show off your noble foil." Yu Xiaolin laughed at herself: "He Da Miss, I envy you for having a wealthy family, I envy you for having a prominent family background, I am friends with you for a purpose, I hope I can have a better future in the future, and I hope to get favors from you."

He Lizi stopped talking. She used to be friends with Yu Xiaolin. It was very simple. The two chatted very speculatively. For this reason, she learned to lower her posture, crowded the bus with her every day, and ate meals in the cafeteria with her every day. .She gave up all the luxury cars, satchels, and gold and silver jewelry, for what reason, so as not to cause psychological pressure on her.

But this world is very realistic. It is very difficult for the poor and the rich to be friends.She suddenly felt that Yu Xiaolin was actually quite difficult, because her family was relatively poor, and there were two brothers and sisters who went to school. For this reason, she gave up her dignity and flattered her rich boyfriend.

"Xiaolin, don't talk about it. In fact, you are a very sincere person, but what happened that day is unforgettable for me." He Lizi put down the book and nodded to her: "Okay, even if this matter is over, I will not talk to you." I don't care about it, but we really can't continue to be friends."

Yu Xiaolin forced a smile: "I am satisfied with your forgiveness, I really don't have any extravagance." After speaking, she turned her head and left silently.

He Lizi suddenly said: "Xiaolin, in fact, you can live a new life. Stay away from Guo Bing and the others. They are not serious and good men, and they are not worth what you pay so much."

Yu Xiaolin turned her head and smiled bitterly: "I think so too, but where did I meet a good man, unlike you, I met Han Zixuan."

"He, he's not a good man either." He Lizi thought of Bi Yunxi, feeling a little apprehensive.

"Maybe, but you, Guo Bing, and the others are much better." Yu Xiaolin seemed to have thought of something, came back to He Lizi and lowered her voice, "Lizi, let me tell you something, it's related to Han Zixuan."

He Lizi was puzzled and pricked up her ears to listen.

"Liu Likun is still in the hospital now. He already knows about Han Zixuan and ordered Guo Bing to find someone to take revenge on him. You remind Han Zixuan to be careful."

He Lizi immediately became alert. She knew that Liu Likun was an insidious villain who would take revenge. She smiled and nodded at Xiaolin: "Thank you, I will tell him."

After hearing what Yu Xiaolin said, He Lizi didn't have the mood to continue reading. For some reason, she was now very worried about that annoying guy. Since when did she start caring about him.

Wanted to call him, but hesitated.Once you make a phone call, wouldn't you reveal your thoughts? No, how could she, a dignified young lady, do such a thing.

In the evening, Shen Hanyu's three daughters had dinner together. Ye Tianyu called Han Zixuan and asked him to come back, but Han Zixuan refused, saying that he would not go back because he would have military training tomorrow.

Shen Hanyu noticed that He Lizi was absent-minded, and asked with concern: "Lizi, what's wrong with you, you are still not feeling well."

"Oh, I'm fine."

Ye Tianyu said with a smile on his face, "Sister Yu, let me tell you the truth, Sister Lizi is jealous, because of Han Zixuan's jealousy."

He Lizi put down her chopsticks and stared at Ye Tianyu: "Ye Tianyu, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"Where am I talking nonsense, now the whole school knows that you and brother Zixuan are boyfriend and girlfriend. But Han Zixuan doesn't talk to you at all, and now you are tired of being with that Bi Yunxi all day long, you have a taste for it."

"Ye Tianyu, shut up." He Lizi was not in the mood to continue eating, she gave Ye Tianyu a hard look, and went upstairs to her room.

Ye Tianyu stuck out her tongue: "Hmph, that's obviously the case, and I still refuse to admit it."

Shen Hanyu didn't expect so many things to happen just a few days after entering school.She asked Ye Tianyu exactly what happened, and who was that Bi Yunxi.

Ye Tianyu has a big mouth, so he talked about what happened in the school recently, mentioning Bi Yunxi, Ye Tianyu was also very annoyed.Such an outstanding beautiful freshman came out of such an inconspicuous museum department.

Shen Hanyu understood that she had more delicate feelings, so she understood that Ye Tianyu was not talking nonsense, Li Zi must have developed feelings for Han Zixuan.What to do, as their eldest sister, it is their duty to solve their emotional problems.But she was still emotionally blank, she turned her head to look at Ye Tianyu, despite her young age, this girl had piercing eyes, and she could immediately see what was going on in He Lizi's heart.

"Tianyu, you will go upstairs to enlighten your elder sister Lizi in a while. You sisters are very affectionate, don't let her continue to worry. After a long time, I'm afraid she will get sick." Shen Hanyu said worriedly.

"Oh, really, it's so serious. Sister Yu, go ahead, I won't say anything. Besides, Sister Lizi is bothering me now, I'm afraid of her." Ye Tianyu shook his head and refused.

Suddenly, He Lizi poked her head out and shouted at Ye Tianyu: "Ye Tianyu, are you full? Come upstairs when you're full. I have something to talk to you about."

Ye Tianyu pulled a long face and looked bitter: "Sister Yu, I'm afraid."

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