The campus is so cute

24 cohabitation relationship

Ye Tianyu came to He Lizi's room with his head bowed, and stood aside politely like a pissed off daughter-in-law, not daring to speak more.Seeing her like a bird, He Lizi laughed and scolded: "Come here, I have something to tell you."

"Oh, I see." Ye Tianyu obediently leaned forward, and took a sneak peek at He Lizi's improvement. Seeing that she didn't seem particularly angry, she felt a little relieved.It wasn't once or twice that she became her punching bag. She was prepared.

The two sat side by side on the bed, He Lizi patted Ye Tianyu on the shoulder, and said like a big sister next door encouraging a little sister: "Military training is going to be tomorrow, are you mentally prepared?"

"Well, thank you sister for your concern, I'm ready." Ye Tianyu breathed a sigh of relief.

"Really, I can tell you that I went through military training last year. It was very hard. I got up at five o'clock every day, went to bed at ten o'clock in the evening, and practiced military posture and running during the day. I was so tired that I was sweating every day. No, can you hold it back?" He Lizi didn't say nonsense, she also managed to get out last year.At the beginning, I also had the idea of ​​quitting, but I was afraid that my sisters would laugh at me, so I persevered.

Ye Tianyu smiled and said, "Sister, if you can get through it, so can I. We sisters can't be ashamed, and we are determined not to be deserters."

"Well, she has backbone, she is indeed my good sister." He Lizi patted her chubby face again, and said approvingly.

Ye Tianyu was very surprised. She felt that Sister Lizi must have bad intentions for being so friendly to her, but she didn't dare to bring it up.

He Lizi asked suddenly, "Does Han Zixuan also need to receive military training?"

"Well, sister, you are confused, he is also a freshman, of course he has to go to military training." Ye Tianyu secretly laughed, and sure enough, the topic turned to brother Zixuan, but she didn't know what her sister's intentions were.

He Lizi was a little hard to say, she thought about it and said, "Tian Yu, what do you think of him?"

Ye Tianyu had a bright mind, and immediately responded: "It's not good, it's annoying."

"Huh? Is that so?" He Lizi was surprised and puzzled.

"Yeah, did he hate it in the first place?" Ye Tianyu was confused, didn't Sister Lizi treat Han Zixuan like this all the time.

"Really, are you sure?" He Lizi asked back.

Oh, Ye Tianyu understood, and shook his head hastily: "No, he was quite annoying at first, but after a long time, he is quite pleasing to the eye."

He Lizi nodded: "Indeed, he is not as annoying as before."

Ye Tianyu didn't dare to laugh either, but suppressed her lips and nodded in agreement.

"What kind of relationship do you think Han Zixuan has with us?" He Lizi asked again.

Ye Tianyu was confused. He didn't know how to answer this question, so he turned his mind and said, "Cohabitation relationship."

"Well, you're right. Han Zixuan has been living with us before, so we are his mistress. He belongs to the bodyguards and servants we hired for free. Anyway, he is our exclusive man, right?" He Lizi Staring at Ye Tianyu.

Ye Tianyu felt that there was something wrong with the sentence "Our exclusive man", but he didn't dare to refute, nodded and said: "Yes, he belongs to us, he is our exclusive man."

"So, Han Zixuan can't have other women by his side, otherwise he would be considered a betrayal of us. He signed an agreement with us back then, don't you think so?" He Lizi stared at Ye Tianyu sharply.

Although Ye Tianyu is usually a little silly, but at critical moments, she still knows what to say, and she immediately understood He Lizi's true intentions when she said these words to her, and echoed: "Yes, he belongs to the three of us and sisters, so don't let other women worry about it." .”

"Well, what you said is too right, so I won't say it, you already understand." He Lizi patted her on the head lightly, and looked at her softly.

Ye Tianyu still didn't understand, she felt aggrieved and said, "Sister, I'm a bit stupid, I still don't understand."

"Stupid, what I told you just now was in vain, wasting so much of my saliva."

"Sister, remind me, I'll tidy it up properly." Ye Tianyu was about to cry, how could you be like you, who didn't speak well, but said ambiguous words.

He Lizi coughed: "Bi Yunxi, you understand. During the military training, you kept an eye on her, don't let her get involved."

Ye Tianyu laughed loudly: "Sister, I finally understand, you are really jealous."

"Nonsense, I was thinking for the sake of our three sisters. Our family finally had a man, how could we let others take the lead. Bi Yunxi is an outsider, do you understand?" He Lizi had a fierce look on her face.

Ye Tianyu hastily stated that she fully understands, this old sister, who is obviously jealous, still refuses to admit it, and insists on pulling our sisters on her back.

Ye Tianyu left the room in desperation, then quickly ran to Shen Hanyu's room, she wanted to report the military situation.

He Lizi still felt uneasy, remembering that Yu Xiaolin said that Guo Bing wanted to take revenge on him, what to do, she made a phone call.Don't do it, after much deliberation, let's send a short message.

The text message was very simple, tell him to be careful, Liu Likun wants to take revenge on him.

Han Zixuan was packing his things in the dormitory, and his brothers were also chatting, thinking about military training.After all, military training is the first class for every student entering university. Although it is difficult, it is still very attractive.

He heard the phone ring, picked it up and saw it was a text message from He Lizi.After He Lizi persuaded him to stay that day, their relationship improved.Her attitude towards him has changed ninety degrees. She is no longer cold-faced, but she is definitely not gentle either.These days, the campus has been buzzing about the rumored relationship between the two.Originally, he thought that He Lizi would definitely make a big fuss with him, but she didn't.She was surprisingly calm, and sometimes Han Zixuan even wondered if this woman was sick, drunk too much, and had a fever.

It was rare to receive a text message from her, and it was considered a greeting of concern for him.Han Zixuan felt very relieved, and replied her thank you, I will be careful myself.

Seeing the reply to the text message, He Lizi's heart was beating wildly, as if she was having an affair, her face was flushed, she thought for a while and replied: "What are you doing? Have you packed your things? You must perform well in military training."

Huh, Han Zixuan was surprised, this girl seems to be seriously ill.But people are friendly and caring, and I can't let them feel cold, so I replied: "I'm cleaning up, I will definitely behave well."

He Lizi stared at the phone screen, a little dazed, not knowing what to say next.Thinking about it, he wrote: "Sister Yu found out about Bi Yunxi, she told you to be careful, otherwise you will come back and kneel on the washboard."

Han Zixuan couldn't laugh or cry when he saw this text message, Sister Yu, how could Sister Yu care about me.In an instant, he understood that these were all activities in her heart.Could it be that she was interested in me? Thinking about how she didn't try to defend the relationship between the two, thinking about her sudden concern for him tonight, Han Zixuan was secretly proud.

I thought it was difficult to pick up girls, but I never thought it was actually very simple.Master, although you didn't teach me, your apprentice has learned everything by himself.A smirk appeared on Han Zixuan's mouth. The Shangguan who was packing up saw his hateful face and said with contempt: "Zixuan, what are you beautiful? Let me tell you, during the military training, men and women sleep separately. will sleep with you."

"Vulgar, just stay and go." Han Zixuan was thinking about how to reply He Lizi's text message, and after thinking about it, he might as well not reply, and let He Lizi make trouble.

Sure enough, He Lizi waited for a long time, but Han Zixuan did not reply.She was furious and threw the phone on the bed vigorously, thinking to herself: "Han Zixuan, you didn't reply to my aunt's text message, just wait and see."

The ruthless military training has begun, and the students are all heroic, wearing camouflage uniforms, not to mention, apart from their poor temperament, they are really a bit of a soldier.

All the freshmen gathered on the school football field, and under the leadership of various counselors and monitors, they were ready to go.

Before departure, the school must give a speech.The first is the principal's speech, which is nothing more than polite words. I hope that the students will enjoy the military training and not be afraid of it.Then the director spoke again, which was basically a bunch of nonsense.

Then the director changed the topic: "Next, the representative of freshmen is invited to speak. Everyone applauds warmly. Welcome Yang Xueyi."

Yang Xueyi and Han Zixuan were all stunned. Why was she the freshman representative? Couldn't they use boys?

Yang Xueyi was also dressed in camouflage, but even so, she still couldn't stop her beautiful face and graceful figure. The boys were drooling, admiring the goddess in their hearts against the scorching sun.

Han Zixuan had a confrontation with Yang Xueyi before, and he knew that this girl was arrogant and had a strong family background.And it was reasonable for her to be the freshman representative.After all, Yang Xueyi was popular on campus in high school. Occasionally, I heard gossip that Yang Xueyi was a student specially invited by Nanhai University.

Originally, Yang Xueyi was going to Tsinghua University and Peking University in Yanjing, but her family was in Nanhai, and she was wronged to come to Nanhai University at the warm invitation of the president and director of Nanhai University.

Yang Xueyi did not hold the manuscript in her hand like the leader, but raised her head high and confident, looking at the dark crowd below the stage, a little bit of excitement surged in her heart, this is the feeling she wanted, high above, Especially the freshman representative is her, she is a girl, she can be fearless and even surpass men.

Her voice is clear and clear, every word is pearls.First of all, give a high hat to the leaders of the school, and thank the leaders for giving her the opportunity to speak.Then he praised Nanhai University as a well-known university in China, and coming to Nanhai University was the right choice for the students.

The last is her personal speech. This girl is thick-skinned enough, she claims to be a genius girl, a student specially invited by Nanhai University.As soon as this was mentioned, the headmaster's face was a little ugly, but he couldn't say anything. They had no choice but to bite the bullet and listen to who made the Yang family tough. Anyway, it's not a secret.

Yang Xueyi continued, "Although I am a girl, I am not weak. This military training is the best time. I want to prove to everyone that I, Yang Xueyi, can definitely endure hardships, and I am even harder than boys.

The female students were excited when they heard it, and the male students were secretly angry when they heard it.Han Zixuan was very calm, thinking that the students in the school are really interesting, there are freaks everywhere.Xie Wenhao is an example, this Yang Xueyi also has a mental illness.You can't keep a low profile as a human being, you can die if you don't pretend to be aggressive.

The director felt that although what Yang Xueyi said was very good, it was not conducive to the unity of the students, especially male and female students would cause conflicts, so he gave her a wink to signal that the speech should end quickly.

Yang Xueyi understood the director's expression, she was secretly proud, and then she finally said: "Everyone, my speech is over, but before I finish, let me say a little about my personal thoughts."

The director's head hurt a little, but he didn't dare to drive her off stage.Just pray that no more outrageous things are said.

Yang Xueyi took off her military cap, and her long hair fell down smoothly, revealing her fair and delicate facial features. Because she was wearing a cap just now, many students didn't see her face clearly.Now that the hat was taken off, I suddenly felt as if a goddess had descended, staring at her with wide eyes.

Han Zixuan also looked at it again, but wanted to see how she would continue to embarrass herself.

I only heard Yang Xueyi's lips lightly raised and said: "I know that I am very beautiful. Many boys want to pick me up when they see me, but I warn you, you are not qualified at all. A man who can pick me up with Yang Xueyi has not yet been born. So I remind you Those stinky men with evil intentions, don't follow me like a fly, it's disgusting to see. My words are finished, thank you."

Wow, what a total explosion.

Han Zixuan is about to take off his clothes and call his father and mother. My god, there are such shameless women in the world.

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