The campus is so cute

230 Erotic Play

Leng Yu was immediately dumbfounded. After all, the Song family had fed them for nothing for so many years, and now they were asked to commit betrayal. They really couldn't do it.Moreover, the Song family is so powerful that once things are revealed, their lives will be in danger.

Han Zixuan bowed his head and spat, didn't you say you are loyal to me, you can't even do such a small thing, what's the use of keeping you.

Seeing that Han Zixuan was going to be ruthless, Leng Feng quickly stopped him, and begged: "Young Master Han, don't worry, we will definitely do things for you. Song Jingtian is one thing on the outside, but another on the back. It's really not a good thing. Third brother, you just Do it."

Leng Yu had no choice but to agree.

Han Zixuan remembered another important matter, and asked them where Miss He was being locked up now.The four said that they didn't know the details, but they should be in the Song family.

Han Zixuan said that you should investigate this matter for me immediately, and if these two matters are settled, I will give you the antidote.Then I asked them how they felt now, and the four said they were weak and their mouths were dry.

Han Zixuan snickered and said, "It's okay, just find a girl later."

The four of them were dumbfounded, seeing that Han Zixuan didn't look like he was joking, they hurriedly begged for mercy and gave him an antidote.Han Zixuan gave Leng Yu the antidote alone, because he had an important task.

"Old guy, if you dare to report the news, your brothers will die, you can figure it out yourself."

Leng Yu was terrified, this young master was really sinister, he could only follow orders.

Han Zixuan let Leng Yu go and let him go out to execute now.He was waiting for the good news here, while Chen Yuluo stood aside blankly, his mind was in chaos.She said anxiously: "Zixuan, what if the old man informs me?"

Leng Feng immediately expressed his position: "Don't worry, girl. Although my third brother is not a good character, we have a good relationship. He will not make fun of our lives. And we will definitely be loyal to Young Master Han."

Han Zixuan had nothing to do, chatting with a few people.Talking about what happened to Master back then, I learned from their mouths how coquettish and chic Master was, and how famous he was in the Jianghu.

Leng Feng asked: "Young Master Han, why are you the true master of Molong? Could it be that you are the successor of the Molong organization that was in turmoil 20 years ago."

"You know Mo Long."

"Of course I know, but I have never been able to join in. Now that you have come out of the mountain, please take us in, young master." Several people fled everywhere back then, avoiding the pursuit of their enemies.I have always hoped to join Molong and become an umbrella.But how could Ye Qingsong let people with bad deeds like them join and subdue them, if they want to join Molong, they need to wait for time, if there is fate, they can meet the future Allah Molong.

Han Zixuan said that it depends on your third brother's performance, if I am happy, I will recruit you.

Besides, Leng Yu went to the front hall to look for Song Jingtian, wondering what to do.After turning my mind, I got an idea.

Almost the whole family of the Song family was celebrating, and of course Song Xuyao ​​was not present. He hid in his room and was secretly angry, hoping that something would happen to the wedding tomorrow.

Song Jingtian drank a lot of wine and was very happy.Song Changtu glanced at it and said: "Sedum, it's almost done, don't drink, there are important things to do tomorrow, and the whole family is watching you."

"Okay, Grandpa, I'm going back to rest now." Song Jingtian toasted with everyone present, the welcome banquet was over, and everyone went home to rest.

Leng Yu waited at the door of Song Jingtian's room, Song Jingtian hummed a little song complacently, and when he saw Leng Yu coming, he smiled all over his face: "Third Master, why are you here?"

Because the Leng brothers helped, Song Jingtian was very polite to them, and calling them uncles was also regarded as respecting them.

"Master, I'll come and see you. It looks like you've had a lot of wine. Don't delay tomorrow's big event."

"It's okay, there must be something for you to come to me."

"It's nothing serious, I'll bring you something good." Leng Yu took out a medicine bottle from his pocket and said, "This medicine is very effective, it will make you energetic and full of fighting power in bed."

Song Jingtian understood immediately, his eyes lit up, he took the medicine and put it in his pocket and smiled wretchedly: "Third Master, you still understand me, thank you."

"By the way, you'd better try this medicine today, because its durability is very good. I'm afraid you'll be busy tomorrow and forget what to do." Leng Yu said attentively.

Song Jingtian said cheerfully, "Okay, thank you very much."

"By the way, which room is Miss He in?"

Song Jingtian asked suspiciously, "What's the matter?"

"I have another good thing here. As long as you give this to Miss He, she will definitely be obsessed with you. Because the two treasures I researched are complementary and closely related." Leng Yu whispered in his ear again While muttering a few words, Song Jingtian was beaming when he heard it.

It's so amazing, Song Jingtian asked in amazement.

"Master, do you still have to doubt me? I'm an expert in this area."

Song Jingtian thought to himself that since He Lizi came, he has not seen her.Because grandpa ordered, don't disturb Miss He without authorization, she will definitely show up on the wedding day.

Song Jingtian immediately found his personal bodyguard and whispered in his ear, the man nodded busyly, then left with something in his hand.

Leng Yu said that his elder brother was still waiting for him, so he went back first, and congratulated the young master on his successful wedding, which will be successful soon.

Song Jingtian waved his hand: "Thank you, I will remember your kindness."

Song Jingtian arranged for his bodyguards to secretly send the things Leng Yu gave him to the servants next to Miss He, and ordered the servants to take the opportunity to put the things in the tea cups that Miss He drank.These servants were all Song Jingtian's people, because after knowing the relationship between He Lizi and Han Zixuan, he became more careful and arranged many people to closely observe He Lizi's every move.

Leng Yu followed behind the bodyguards, paying attention to which room Miss He was placed in.

Soon, he discovered that the bodyguard had gone northeast. The Song family's house was very large and had many rooms. It was very easy to hide someone, but very difficult to find them.Because there are many bodyguards and guards everywhere during the day, they are closely guarded.

After the bodyguard entered a room, he came out in less than 2 minutes. He must have returned to Song Jingtian.And this is where Miss He lives.Leng Yu understood clearly, and then went back to report the situation to Han Zixuan.

Han Zixuan couldn't help but nodded, but still worried: "Okay, you stay here for now, I'll go and have a look, if you dare to lie to me, I'll deal with you when I come back." Then he pulled Chen Yuluo and left up.

Chen Yuluo didn't want to be there for a long time, so he came out and asked with a sigh of relief, "Why are we going?"

"Didn't I tell you, open the room."

Chen Yuluo glared at him, and spat at you to be more serious, I accompanied you out on missions, and I didn't just let you take advantage of it.

Then I will take advantage, Han Zixuan stretched out his hand to wrap Chen Yuluo's willow slender waist, and squeezed it tightly, but it was more than sensual.

Chen Yuluo's body froze immediately, but she didn't dare to make a sound, worried that the Song family would come out.I could only twist my body, my face was very red, but fortunately it was covered by the night.

"Don't move, I'll take you to the theater."

"What kind of play are you watching? You still have time to spare."

"A erotic drama."

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