The campus is so cute

231 The Young Master and the Maid Have an Affair

Song Jingtian returned to his room, but found a woman sitting in the room. The woman looked very young, wearing a light pink pajamas, which was very seductive.

When the woman saw Song Jingtian came back, she immediately rushed forward and kissed him heartily.

She is Song Jingtian's lover and a servant girl of the Song family. She was hired from outside. After coming to the Song family, she has been serving Song Jingtian's daily necessities. She was originally a young rural girl, but seeing the luxury and atmosphere of the Song family Inevitably heartbroken.And Song Jingtian is a little boy, so he naturally won the favor of girls.And Song Jingtian was also dishonest, and he won it within less than a month after coming. Many people knew about the two secretly.

The members of the Song family also turned their eyes and closed their eyes. Young people are always impulsive.Mr. Song called him several times, hoping that he would pay more attention.Song Jingtian restrained himself a lot, and this girl named Cuilan was called away by Song Jingtian's mother, who scolded her and hoped that she would be more honest in the future and stop seducing her son.

After that, the two of them didn't communicate very much, and they acted as if they didn't know each other when they met.Song Jingtian was very surprised today, why did she come to his room, and she was so enthusiastic that it made people want to stop.

"Cuilan, why are you here? Be careful that my mother will beat you again if she sees it."

"Young master, please take pity on me. You are getting married tomorrow, and I am afraid we will never see each other again. Let me accompany you tonight, just for one night, okay." Cuilan's face was pink, her eyes full of temptation In a coquettish manner, she gently lifted the hem of her pajamas, held the man's hand and squeezed her chest vigorously, moaning coquettishly.

Song Jingtian drank some wine, how could he resist such a temptation.And Cuilan said something that a man could not refuse.He lowered his head and kissed her fiercely, stroking Cuilan's body wantonly with his big hands.Cuilan cooperated with him, knelt down and began to undo his belt.

Song Jingtian suddenly remembered the treasure Leng Yu gave him, and just now he was thinking of finding a woman to test it out.Unexpectedly, Cuilan appeared, damn it, God's will.

Cuilan was puzzled and asked, "Master, what is this?"

Song Jingtian smiled frantically: "Good stuff, it will definitely satisfy you in a while, and you will have endless aftertastes."

Cuilan was very flattering, and said flatteringly: "Master, you are very powerful, you don't need this thing at all."

"You also said that tonight is our last night, and I want to spend a crazy night with you."

Cuilan felt happy when she heard this, and immediately went to get a water glass, watched Song Jingtian swallow it with her own eyes, and then began to undress him, with skillful and sophisticated movements, and the two of them were naked in a short while.

Han Zixuan took Chen Yuluo's hand and ran towards Song Jingtian's room. At first Chen Yuluo didn't quite understand, but then he understood immediately, and said, "Zixuan, don't look, let's go find He Lizi."

"After reading it first, I'm afraid that old man Leng Yu will lie to me. He said that pills are more effective than smoking. I don't believe it. I want to see how powerful it is." Han Zixuan pulled Chen Yuluo to continue walking, and Chen Yuluo had no choice but to follow, her heart was beating wildly, and she didn't know what she would see in a while.

Soon, the two came to Song Jingtian's room. The room was brightly lit, and two figures were entangled together. One could tell that the two were kissing, and the sound of gasping and gasping could be heard.

Han Zixuan glanced at the window, it was so high that ordinary people would not be able to see the whole picture clearly.He pondered, "Yuluo, I'll hold you, help me see what's going on inside."

Chen Yuluo kept shaking his head, but refused to agree.But Han Zixuan had already picked her up and told her to watch carefully to see if Song Jingtian had changed.

Chen Yuluo felt as if her buttocks were supported by a pair of powerful hands, and she felt shy all of a sudden.However, according to Han Zixuan's request, he looked in through the gap in the window.After just one glance, she opened her mouth wide in surprise. A man and a woman in the room were having shameless intercourse. The woman twisted her delicate body crazily under the man, and yelled, "Master, you are so kind, use your strength!" , try harder.

In fact, Han Zixuan had heard that the dogs and men in the room were doing business, and deliberately teased her, wanting to see her reaction.Chen Yuluo immediately turned her head, looked down at Han Zixuan, and almost begged for mercy: "Zixuan, let me down."

Han Zixuan didn't continue to embarrass her, he put her down and asked, "What's going on in the room."

Chen Yuluo grimaced: "I don't know, you can see for yourself."

"Okay then, I'll take a closer look too." After finishing speaking, Han Zixuan was about to grab the window and climb up to have a look.But was held down by Chen Yuluo: "Don't look at it, what's there to see. Song Jingtian is doing bad things with his maids. Unexpectedly, the Song family is so dignified that there are so many filth in it. Such a family will perish sooner or later."

"Really, it's interesting that the young master has an affair with the maid. Then I want to see if the maid is pretty and has a good figure." Han Zixuan's smile deepened.

Chen Yuluo stopped him, refusing to let him see it.And threatened him, if you want to see, she will get angry and leave here immediately.Han Zixuan said it's okay not to read it, you have to repay me.

Chen Yuluo pursed her lips, cast a sideways glance at him and said, "I can think about other things except that shameless request."

"Let me kiss you." Han Zixuan said.

No, you took advantage of me this night, it's not enough.Chen Yuluo muttered, but put his face close to Han Zixuan, and put a symbolic touch on his forehead, and then he had a little conscience, let's evacuate here, I don't want to stay in this place any longer.

Han Zixuan touched the drool on his forehead, lowered his voice and said, "Wait a little longer, I'm afraid something will happen to Song Jingtian soon."

Chen Yuluo immediately understood, and the two of them stayed under the window, listening to the chirping and humming in the room. Suddenly, their voices became louder, but it wasn't a **** moan but a painful howl. The two of them lost their voice, and the air was as silent as dead ashes.

Han Zixuan and Chen Yuluo looked at each other, and then they stood up, Han Zixuan was still supporting her, she looked deeply into the window, both of them on the bed were motionless, they seemed to have died.

After Han Zixuan put her down, Chen Yuluo's heart was still surging: "They are all dead, old man Leng's medicine is too overbearing."

Han Zixuan also had lingering fears: "Yeah, Yuluo, I'm a little confused. Why is Song Jingtian dead, but I'm alive? Why?"

"You are fate." Chen Yuluo gave him a blank look, and then urged to get out of here quickly, someone from the Song family will come in a while.

Han Zixuan took her hand and quickly left here, then ran towards the northeast, this is where He Lizi lived.The two glanced at each other, as if they had a good understanding of each other, their bodies bounced up and flew directly to the roof.

Because there are no windows outside this room, the two can only do so.After getting on the roof, Han Zixuan gently moved a few tiles, and suddenly a gap appeared, through which everything in the room could be seen.

There were two people sitting in the room, namely He Hongchao and He Lizi, and they were having a conversation.

He Lizi asked: "Father, we are getting married tomorrow, do you think Song Jingtian can die?"

"It shouldn't be a problem. Han Zixuan will definitely not let him live, so don't worry. At that time, as long as Song Jingtian is dead, we can go back safely. Your mission has also been successfully completed."

"Dad, I promise you to complete this task, and you have to promise me that you will not fight against Zixuan."

He Hongchao glanced at his daughter: "No problem."

Han Zixuan and Chen Yuluo looked at each other, what was going on.

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