The campus is so cute

235 Meet Mr. Yang

Yang Xueyi fell silent for a moment, and her face turned pink.Someone passed by and saw that the two were arguing fiercely, and they were puzzled.

"Hey, aren't these two heroes who just came back from a mission? Why is there a quarrel here?" The person who came was Yang Xuerui, who happened to pass by here, and saw that his sister had a quarrel with Han Zixuan, so he hurried over to check what happened. thing.

"It has nothing to do with you." Yang Xueyi said unceremoniously, then turned her head and left angrily.

Yang Xuerui glanced at Han Zixuan: "Zixuan, my sister must have caused you a lot of trouble, you have worked hard on this task."

It's okay, I didn't want to take her with me at first, but if she insisted on coming, it's my bad luck.

Yang Xuerui asked him if he had anything to do tonight, if there was nothing important, go with him.His father will greet him personally and congratulate him.

How dare Han Zixuan refuse to ask him when Director Yang came to South China Sea, his whereabouts are really erratic.Yang Xuerui's eyes were a little strict, and she said in a low voice, I'm afraid something big is about to happen.In the evening, he will definitely explain it to you in detail.

Well, Han Zixuan agreed to his request.Go back to the dormitory first, and meet the brothers who have been away for many days. Everyone knows that the hero is back, and they all come to congratulate him.Han Zixuan asked Huang Boqing how the saber company was doing.Assessments are held every week.

Huang Poqing pulled his face and said: "Grass, why did you come back so early, my career as an acting instructor is over."

Good guy, it seems that my days are gone, this kid must have a bright future.Li Tieniu said that Bo Qing was very good, he managed the saber company in an orderly manner, and every week new recruits came and old ones left.The competition is very fierce, and the traveler and the leaders appreciate his ability very much.

Han Zixuan smiled: "Bo Qing, don't worry. The position of the instructor is still yours. I am erratic, and I am afraid I will leave again."

"How should I put it, maybe there is another task. Let me tell you, the leader does not have such partiality, and the task is entrusted to you. You have made meritorious service, and we are stagnant. That's not okay." Huang Poqing muttered, the last time Han Zixuan Bringing two beautiful beauties to carry out the mission, of course Luo Yutong does not count, but with Yang Xueyi by his side, no one would be envious.

Lu Chengwen actually made a joke and asked him what breakthrough he had with the two girls.

Han Zixuan punched him a few times: "You boy, after staying with Ah Huang for a long time, your tongue has become sharper. Stop screaming at him in the future, it's not good."

Everyone laughed and asked him to meet him at night.Although there is no big fish or big meat, the buddies have a deep love for each other. Eating some pickles and steamed buns together is heart-warming.Han Zixuan said it would be another day, he had other things to do, but asked them to save all the steamed buns, and save some for him.

Han Zixuan left in Yang Xuerui's car. He didn't ask any questions on the way, but he had a bad feeling in his heart.It is estimated that something important must happen.

The car actually drove into the urban area, Han Zixuan asked where it was going.

Yang Xuerui said to go to my house, my grandfather and my father are there.Oh, Yang He's father, Yang Xueyi's grandfather, he hasn't met yet, thinking that he was also an important figure in Molong back then, his heart couldn't help but get a little excited.

After arriving at Yang's house, he followed Yang Xuerui upstairs, unexpectedly, Yang's house was very ordinary, not like the luxury villa he imagined.

After ringing the doorbell, the door opened, and it was the Yang family's nanny who opened the door.Nowadays, Yang Qihua has been living alone. Although he is still healthy, he needs someone to take care of him in daily life.

After entering the room, Yang He, who was watching TV in the living room, turned his head to look at Han Zixuan, smiled slightly, and said hello.

Han Zixuan was not restrained, looking around, the room was very big, there were several rooms.But there was no Yang Xuerui's grandfather, but the door of a room was ajar, and there was a sound of someone answering the phone. He just wanted to hear what happened, but the conversation was over.

Then the door opened, and a hale and hearty old man came out. He had a kind face, but there was a threat in his eyes.

Yang He immediately introduced Han Zixuan to the old man.Yang Qihua smiled: "Zixuan, I know you. Unexpectedly, you will be so old in a blink of an eye."

Han Zixuan pretended to be polite and dealt with it, then Yang He asked the little nanny to go out for a while, they had something to talk about.

Although the nanny doesn't know what this family does, she can tell at a glance that it is a powerful family. She must be careful when doing things in such a family, otherwise there will be trouble.Because she saw several times that they were driving the wrong cars.

The little nanny took a coat and went out.

Yang He asked Han Zixuan to sit down, and then asked straightforwardly: "How is the mission going? I heard it went very well."

Han Zixuan said vaguely: "It's okay, I didn't encounter any trouble. Thank you for your concern."

"Zixuan, I have something to tell you. Don't get excited when you hear it." Yang He said solemnly: "I will send someone to follow closely your every move on this mission, especially when you are in Chengdu. Picked you up, and then you went to the mountains in the southwest, and then disappeared."

Han Zixuan showed a look of surprise. He didn't expect that he would be followed. He was always cautious when doing things, and he didn't find anything unusual along the way.

Yang He continued: "And the people I arranged saw with their own eyes that a group of people armed with weapons directly destroyed the counterfeit banknote base of Henry's gang. This group of people must be the power under your current control, led by your aunt Han Qingyun The Molong Base exists."

"You know all about it." Han Zixuan couldn't believe it, but then he was relieved. As an important figure in the country, it must be easy for Yang He to investigate himself.I blamed myself for not being careful enough, knowing that Yang He had observed him a long time ago, but made a mistake.

Yang He saw that he was a little discouraged, and smiled: "What's the matter, I'm afraid I know the cards in your hand."

"That's not true. What's mine is yours, and what's yours is the country's. I'm willing to share it with the country."

Yang He nodded and said: "I hope you say this from the heart. Zixuan, we don't want you to go astray. Obviously, the existence of your Al Qaeda organization threatens the security of the country, but I hope they can exist. Because I I believe that as long as you manage him well, you can definitely become an important force in the country."

"You really don't intend to exterminate them." Han Zixuan asked tentatively.

Yang Qihua spoke, silly boy, how could we do this, this is also your master's hard work, he will be very happy to see your current growth and progress.We asked you to come here today because we hope you can manage this mysterious force well.Be concealed and become a sharp knife of the country.

Yang He went on to say, I also went to Chengdu to have a look, and it was indeed not easy to find.Obviously your aunt Han Qingyun is indeed talented, and she is also willing to help you with things.The next thing you have to do is to go back to Chengdu and take charge of it all.

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