The campus is so cute

236 Call at will

Han Zixuan was a little upset in his heart, all his actions were under Yang He's nose, which meant that he had no secrets to speak of.In other words, he is very clear about the people around him. Once he makes a mistake one day, or does something that betrays the country, he will definitely use the people around him to kill me.

Yang He saw his doubts: "Han Zixuan, don't worry. Our Yang family is not your enemy. The reason why we know your situation so well is because we really care about you, and your future and future are closely related to the fate of this country. closely related."

To talk nonsense, I'm not just an heir, Han Zixuan suddenly felt very tired inside.I have no freedom, and my life is controlled by others. To be honest, I am really uncomfortable with this kind of life.

"Ju Yang, there should be no problem in Chengdu, right? My aunt Han Qingyun is one of my own, and she will definitely help me. And there are many other people I have arranged for me. There is absolutely no problem with safety, and no secrets will be leaked."

Yang He pondered and said: "I hope so, but you still have to go back there as soon as possible, only if you grasp it yourself is yours, otherwise everything is an illusion."

Han Zixuan still has a lot of things to deal with for the time being, it is impossible to waste time there, doing nothing all day long.

Yang He glanced at him: "What are your plans now."

"I, I have no idea, all my activities are arranged by you. Entering the army, going out to perform tasks, which one is my real idea."

"Then what do you want to do?"

"I'm a bit tired and want to relieve myself."

"It's too early for you to be relieved. Since you don't want to go back to Chengdu first, well, there is a very important task for you right now."

Come on, Han Zixuan frowned: "Ju Yang, the country's talent is so popular, why did you choose me? What if I die one day, what should I do?"

"Only you are capable of this task." As he said, Ju Yang took out a photo from his pocket. It was a foreigner, in his forties, with a bald head, and his appearance looked a bit vicious.

"Do you know who he is?"

Han Zixuan shook his head to express that he didn't know each other.

Yang He said his name was Xiao En, from country M.He is a militant who likes to wage aggressive wars.And he has already come to our country, and it is not clear what he wants to do. Your task is to find out his intention.

Han Zixuan thought for a while, remembering the news Chen Yuluo sent him when he left Beijin.Tianxing is controlled by people from country M. Could it be that Xiao En has something to do with Tianxing.

"Where is he?"

"Beijin. A place you are very familiar with." Yang He looked at him thoughtfully and asked, "Could it be, what do you know?"

Han Zixuan thought for a while and asked, "Ju Yang, Grandpa Yang, let me ask you. Think about how Mo Long was destroyed back then."

Yang Qihua sighed and said, "The country wiped them out. Although I didn't participate in the operation, I know it very well."

"Since the country is going to be wiped out, why do you want me to carry the banner of Molong again now? Why, wait until I grow stronger, and then kill me."

Yang Qihua immediately explained: "Zixuan, don't get me wrong. Molong was in full swing at that time, and many actions threatened the interests of some foreign countries. For this reason, many countries united and demanded that our country must eliminate Molong. At that time, the head of our country's government wanted to Taking the overall situation into consideration, Mo Long had to be sacrificed.

Han Zixuan smiled bitterly: "At that time, I took the overall situation into consideration, so I won't do it now. Although our Huaxia country is not very strong, we can't be so useless."

Yang Qihua said seriously: "Zixuan, you can't say that. You know how tense the situation was at that time. If Molong is not destroyed, it may lead to a war. Once a war breaks out, the consequences can be imagined. The people of our country It will definitely be hit mercilessly, and the loss will be even more serious."

Han Zixuan stopped talking, he knew that Yang Qihua would definitely not lie.But he really couldn't accept such a cruel reality.

"Then you are cultivating me now, and foreigners will know about it. One day they will ask you to destroy me with your own hands, what will you do then?"

"No, nothing like this will ever happen again. Zixuan, 20 years have passed, and our country's strength has made a breakthrough. It's not what it used to be. And the current state leaders are very capable. Courageousness, I will never make the mistakes of that time again." Yang He's sonorous words did not give Han Zixuan much confidence, he was not confused, and now, although Huaxia is already strong, it is still unable to compare with some powerful countries such as m and f .

Yang Qihua said from the side: "Zixuan, you have to have confidence in our country. If you don't even have confidence, then we don't need to develop Molong. Your master's training for many years has turned you into nothing."

Han Zixuan thought for a while, there was no need to continue dwelling on the past.After all, he was not there at that time, but since the matter was already in front of his eyes, he would not see the tragedy at that time happen again.

"Okay, I believe you. Then let me ask you why the stars appear."

Yang Qihua's complexion was heavy: "Actually, Tianxing appeared to replace Molong, but the head of Tianxing is not your grandfather Han Xiaotian, but Chu Xiaotian. Chu Xiaotian is a scum, we all know that he works for the people of country M .It’s just that we signed an agreement with the people of country M, and all the actions of Tianxing are under their authorization, but the ownership belongs to us, which means that the power is still in our hands.”

Han Zixuan laughed loudly: "Don't be stupid, the people of Country M are afraid that they will tear up the original agreement and plan to take back the ownership of Tianxing."

Yang He's face was stern: "Zixuan, maybe you know something inside."

"I also just found out that Tianxing recently sent someone from country m to take over all the work here. I guess Sean is this person."

Yang Qihua cursed inwardly for being despicable, fuck, you bastard from country M.Words don't count, it was clearly written in the agreement at the time, 25 years later, they have nothing to do with Tianxing.At that time, whether the sky star exists or perishes, they will not participate.

Yang He nodded: "It seems that the government of country m has already started to take action, just like before, to intervene in Molong's incident. It's just that it was destroyed at the beginning, but this time I'm afraid it will be picked up by itself and become their sharp weapon."

"No, I have to report to my superior immediately." Yang He looked at Zixuan and said, "Hurry up and go back to the army, get ready, and go to Beijin soon. Regardless of whether Xiao En is related to this matter, we must find out about him all actions."

Han Zixuan left Yang's house and traveled with Yang Xuerui by car.Both of them were silent on the road, obviously the atmosphere of the conversation just now was very dignified.

When they arrived at the army, Yang Xuerui stopped the car and stopped him: "Zixuan, don't worry, our Yang family is with you and will definitely support you with all our strength."

Han Zixuan smiled: "I am just a gun, you can use it as you like."

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