The campus is so cute

237 I met you in my dream

After Yang He returned to the capital, he immediately reported the matter to his superiors.The above attaches great importance to it, and quickly held a meeting to discuss it.

Those who participated in this meeting were all important people in the capital. The most important person was Liu Peng, the current No. 50 head of the Huaxia Kingdom.

There were also some other officials in the capital, from the Beijing Police Department, from the Security Bureau, from the army, and some more prestigious figures participated.

Yang He showed Xiao En's portrait in front of everyone, and then said that this person is a dangerous person, and that coming to China this time may not be good for our country.Requesting superiors to immediately propose corresponding strategies should not be underestimated.

Some people put forward a different view, thinking that a person who comes to our country alone, no matter how powerful he is, may not be able to make waves.Director Yang, you must be worrying too much.Although the people of country m like to start wars, they may not dare to target our country.

The speaker was a leader of the army, and he was Zheng Rong.Some time ago, because of the matter between Zheng Hongtao and Yang Xueyi, the two had a little unpleasantness.Therefore, Zheng Rong deliberately contradicted Yang He.

Many people have put forward their own opinions. Most people think that Yang He is making a big deal out of a molehill. Although Xiao En is a militant, his coming to our country does not mean that he has sinister intentions. This matter should be handled safely.Once we handle it improperly, I am afraid it will really cause conflicts between the two countries.

Liu Peng nodded: "Well, I will seriously consider it. At the same time, go back and discuss with the chairman. Today's meeting will be dissolved first."

Everyone dispersed, and when Zheng Rong passed by Yang He, he snorted slightly.They used to have a good relationship, but now there is a little friction.

Yang He ignored him and followed Liu Peng directly.Liu Peng glanced at him: "Come with me to the office."

When he arrived at Liu Peng's office, Yang He continued: "Chief, I suspect that Xiao En's coming to China this time has something to do with Tianxing. People from country M signed an agreement with us back then, and 25 years are coming soon. I'm afraid they will change. .”

"Yang He, maybe you know something."

Yang He would not hide anything from Liu Peng, and the relationship between the two had always been very harmonious, so he told about Han Zixuan.And Liu Peng also knew that Han Zixuan was a very rare talent.And know that he has the blood of Molong, and his identity has a special origin.

After listening to Yang He's narration, Liu Peng said with a serious expression: "How about this, arrange for Han Zixuan to go to Beijin to find out the details of Xiao En personally. But there is one thing, don't conflict."

Yang He showed joy, and reminded at the same time: "Chief, the Tianxing matter cannot be neglected. I am worried that the people of country M will not give up easily."

Liu Peng said that both Tianxing and Molong are our country's secrets, and this kind of thing should not be known to too many people.Tianxing has indeed developed well under Chu Xiaotian's control these years, it would be a pity if it was handed over to them.

But if, I mean if, that day comes.It doesn't matter if you give them Tianxing, after all, Tianxing belongs to them, it doesn't belong to us.

Yang He was a little excited and said: "Chief, do we have to be patient all the time?"

Liu Peng sighed: "Yang He, don't get excited. Do you want to witness the outbreak of war with your own eyes? Once a war breaks out, who will bear the consequences. Our country needs peaceful development now, that's all right, you go down."

Yang He was angry, but he couldn't vent it.He just doesn't understand why the current leader has no courage at all, it was the same then, and it is still the same now.In his memory, Liu Peng was a ruthless character, but at a critical moment, he became like this.

Without delay, he immediately flew to the South China Sea and went to the third brigade in person.

Yang He met Han Zixuan directly, explained the mission to him, and went to Beijin himself to investigate Xiao En closely.If this person has misbehavior, he can be killed first and played later.

Han Zixuan was puzzled, you mean I can kill him.He never thought that his country could be so bold, and his previous doubts about Yang He's words were instantly dispelled.

Yang He looked at Lu Guangzong: "Old Lu, I'm afraid Zixuan is a bit lonely by himself, so you can arrange another capable officer."

Lu Guangzong thought for a while, why not just send Luo Yutong, the last time they performed the mission together, they cooperated tacitly, and you know this soldier has excellent conditions in all aspects, so he is absolutely qualified for this mission.

Soon Luo Yutong came, she was surprised, she had only been back for a few days and had a new task, and it was carried out with Han Zixuan again.I don't know how I feel in my heart, so I immediately go back and pack up, ready to go.

Because this mission is very special, almost no one in the entire team knows about it.After the two disappeared for a few days, everyone discovered that they both disappeared at the same time.Yang Xueyi found out, and immediately asked her brother what the two of them were doing.

Yang Xuerui said that a secret mission was carried out.

Yang Xueyi was very upset why she didn't take me with her.Yang Xuerui looked at her sister strangely: "Xueyi, what's the matter with you, you like to perform tasks so much, then okay, I'll arrange for you right away."

"Not interested, where did they go?" Yang Xueyi still asked persistently.

Yang Xuerui shook her head: "I don't know."

Yang Xueyi left angrily, cursing Han Zixuan in her heart, why did she take Luo Yutong instead of her.

Han Zixuan and Luo Yutong left the barracks, Luo Yutong didn't say a word on the way.He felt that the atmosphere was a bit cold, and asked half-jokingly, "This time you will be on a mission with me, what role do you plan to play?"

Luo Yutong glanced at him: "The superior didn't ask for it, he just said that I cooperate with you."

"Yes, all your actions are under my command." Han Zixuan smiled: "Well, let's change, how about I play your lover."

Luo Yutong ignored him. After she came back, there were many doubts in her mind.The last time I went to Beijin to see Luo Shumin, some of Luo Shumin's words made her confused, and there seemed to be some kind of relationship between her and Han Zixuan.But she couldn't figure it out, and finally she couldn't help asking.

"Han Zixuan, have you known me, or our family?"

Han Zixuan was stunned for a moment: "How do you say this? I remember when I was in school, I would dream of a woman who was very similar to you."

"I'm serious, do you know our family very well? Also, last time at Shen's house, when you had an accident, your father-in-law asked me and Yang Xueyi, he thought we might like you, and let us fight for you devotion."

Han Zixuan's eyeballs were rounded, he really didn't know that there was such a thing.He immediately asked and then, you didn't do such a thing, did you?

"Of course not, I don't like you." Luo Yutong rolled his eyes: "But Luo Shumin said some very strange things."

"What." Han Zixuan's throat felt a little dry, maybe she knew it now.

"She said the two of us can't, what the hell is going on."

Han Zixuan rubbed his forehead: "Perhaps, you two are virgins. Do you know that the first time a virgin hurts a lot, I was crazy at the time, I'm afraid it will hurt you two."

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