The campus is so cute

253 The Elimination Plan

The mask on Sean's head was removed. He opened his eyes and looked at the strange surroundings. It was obvious that he had been kidnapped.He cursed secretly in his heart, the Huaxia people were too courageous, they dared to attack him.

"Who are you? Let me tell you that this is a naked kidnapping. I am a dignified American general. Our country will definitely not let you go if we know about it. If you are sensible, let me go quickly." Sean said in Mandarin He spoke very fluently, but his body writhed non-stop due to anger, which not only had no effect, but made his body ache.

"Do you know who I am." Han Xiaotian's voice sounded extremely different from his age, with a deep magnetism, a bit breathtaking.

Sean's eyes widened, he looked carefully at the man in front of him, and said, "I don't care who you are, let me go quickly."

The woman with an elegant posture suddenly stepped down from the chair, and without any explanation, picked up the whip in her hand and beat Sean like a crazy female devil.

Sean suddenly became more honest and interesting, and looked at the strange pair of men and women in front of him with a little fear, his voice almost trembling: "You two, what are you kidnapping me for? If it's for money, no problem, I can call my home , as many as you want, as long as you give the number."

Wen Lan took a sip: "Sean, I know your identity. You are a major general in the US Army. You have personally participated in many wars. You are a well-known militant with countless blood in your hands. I just want to know how much blood you have. The purpose of coming to China next time."

Sean hesitated and said, "There is no purpose, just to come here to exchange work."

"Exchange work, it's not that simple, we got you from Tianxing, tell me, what is your intention in coming to Tianxing. If you don't tell me, it's fine, continue to taste the taste of the whip, let me tell you. This is the first time I hit a foreign monkey with a whip." Wen Lan suddenly laughed, looking like a ray of sunshine like a spring breeze, but it made people tremble with fear.

Sean felt that his face was burning hot, and the woman in front of him was humiliating him.They Americans have always been proud, and have never encountered such a disgrace.

"It doesn't matter if you don't tell me, we have a lot of new and good things here, and it's no problem to play with you." Wen Lan immediately ordered to prepare for execution.

In a trance, Xiao En was pushed to Xingtai, and then there were all kinds of cruel and painful instruments of torture. Damn, this Chinese woman is too vicious, what are these things.

Wen Lan brought all the cruelest punishment tools in ancient times, such as bamboo sticks, braziers, iron combs, etc. She smiled and asked Xiao En which one she wanted to try.

Xiao En obviously understands the history of Huaxia, and he said with a pale face: "I said."

"The purpose of my coming to China is mainly to take over the work of Tianxing. Tianxing was originally ours, and an agreement was signed at that time, and it will be returned to us after 25 years. Now the time is coming, and our country is worried that it may be difficult to recover Tianxing, so I arranged for me first. Come check it out."

Twenty-five years ago, Han Xiaotian's face was gloomy, and he remembered it very deeply. Twenty-five years ago, he had great glory and led Molong to create brilliance.But when he was about to create greater achievements, something happened.The country demanded that his Molong must be disbanded immediately, and he must die, otherwise Huaxia would face attacks from many countries, and a war might break out.

There was no other way, faced with many troubles and the slackness of his brothers, he had no choice but to disband Mo Long.But he was not reconciled, so he discussed the countermeasures with Roshchenk, and found someone who was similar in shape to him, disguised himself in his appearance, and died instead.

And let Roshchenke openly rebel, sneak into the sky, hide undercover, wait for his comeback, and pay close attention at the same time, because there are potential traitors in Molong, because Molong's many secrets were inexplicably known to the government that was in power at the time.

Because Mo Long has ambitions, and Han Xiaotian has plans, he wants to become the number one in China, become the king of China, become the leader of China's generation, and pass it on.

After Han Xiaotian suspended animation, he found Wen Lan.Wen Lan is his old lover, and he is loyal to Han Xiaotian.Wen Lan started to work hard and slowly developed in Yangcheng.Now her Dragon Charm has a large scale, and has successfully won over the Duan family in Yangcheng. It can be said that they have very strong strength in the southern provinces.

After hearing Xiao En's answer, Han Xiaotian sneered and said, "Sean, you Americans are too proud and arrogant. Wanting to take back Tianxing is simply a dream."

Sean said with trembling lips, "Our country knows it's difficult, so it sent me to inspect the work. See if it can be taken back, and if it can't be taken back, then proceed to the next step."

"Then let's talk about the next action plan." Wen Lan spoke, but there was an extra tool in her hand that was shaped like scissors, but it was obviously larger than ordinary scissors.What is she doing with this thing.

Wen Lan pursed her lips and smiled: "Foreign friends, I don't know if you know the history of China. In ancient times, there was a very important official position called eunuch, commonly known as eunuch."

"You, you crazy woman." Sean naturally understood the intention of the big scissors, it was too vicious.

"Speak, you must tell the truth, or I will really attack." Wen Lan didn't scare him, and came to him with scissors, and wiped his crotch.Suddenly Sean was scared to pee.Looking down, it was okay, but there was a hole in the trousers. Fortunately, the underwear inside was still intact.

"I said, we decided to set up a laboratory in Beijin. It mainly studies nuclear weapons, with the purpose of framing. At that time, we will not do anything, and let your Chinese government personally destroy Tianxing."

Han Xiaotian understood that these hateful Yankees used various means to force the government to disband Mo Long.And now he started to change his tactics to eliminate Tianxing.

Once Hua Xiaxing's development of nuclear weapons is exposed, it will inevitably be attacked by other countries.It was very similar to Molong back then.An illegal institution researches lethal weapons, and back then, Molong, an illegal organization carried out various missions in the world.

It's too insidious, although Han Xiaotian doesn't have a good impression of Tianxing.But as a Chinese, we cannot just watch the American conspiracy succeed again.

Han Xiaotian asked him how the Beijin laboratory plan was progressing. Sean said that in a few days, a North Korean would go to Beijin to bring detonators and nuclear fuel. This is strong evidence.When the time comes, we will take action.

Although Han Xiaotian doesn't want to study nuclear weapons, the two items are treasures and very valuable, so we must get them.

"If you disappeared, would the North Koreans continue to trade?"

"Certainly not, and now that I have disappeared, our country must know about it. And when the time comes, the new strategy will definitely be changed."

"Then we need your cooperation. We will put you back and let you continue to complete the transaction." Han Xiaotian said with a treacherous smile on his lips.

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