The campus is so cute

254 choose cooperation

Sean naturally didn't believe that he would have such a good life, they would let him go, but he still asked by luck: "You really let me go."

Han Xiaotian nodded, and changed the topic: "However, we want the North Korean stuff."

Sean's expression changed immediately, and he immediately shook his head to express that he would not cooperate.If the U.S. government knew that he was doing business with the Chinese, and that doing so was treason, he would inevitably die in the end.

Wen Lan on the side said: "Don't worry, if you really can't get along anymore, you can stay with us, and we will have no problem raising you."

Who are you guys, Sean finally couldn't help asking.Since coming in, he still doesn't know what role the other party is.Before coming to China, he did a lot of homework, knowing that the situation here is complicated, and there are various forces, but none of them are as powerful as Tianxing.

However, he was robbed by this group of people in the sky.

"My name is Han Xiaotian. You may not know it. Twenty-five years ago, the president of your country would tremble when he heard my name. Today, I will make the world continue to tremble." Han Xiaotian is still very rampant.

Of course Sean didn't know the name, but the arrogance exuded by the man in front of him made his heart tremble.

"25 years ago, there was no Tianxing in China at that time. There was an organization named Molong, and I was the owner of Molong." Han Xiaotian mentioned the past, with vicissitudes in his voice. Years passed in a blink of an eye, and history seemed to be in front of him .

Xiao En still didn't know what Molong was, he was confused.

Han Xiaotian knew that the conversation in front of him was a waste of time, so he only gave him the final choice, whether to cooperate or not, if not, there is only one dead end.And he also threatened, don't think it's over when you die, we won't let your family members go.

Later, Wen Lan mentioned the name of Sean's wife, who works as an accountant in a company in the United States, and mentioned his daughter, who is currently in high school and has good academic performance, and she especially likes music.

Xiao En's face changed suddenly, but he had no choice but to bite the bullet and agree: "I choose to cooperate."

Very good, Wen Lan clapped her hands, and then took the initiative to extend her hand: "General Xiao En, I am very glad to be able to work together, and I wish our cooperation success. But for the sake of safety, we will make a small mark on your body, as long as you dare If there is a violation of the rules, then you know the consequences."

Later, she called a man, and she called his name Qian Zhao.He was in his mid-thirties and looked very refined, with a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose.

Qian Zhao greeted Wen Lan and Han Xiaotian first, then came to the back of Xiao En, and started to move towards the back of his neck.Sean only felt numb for a while, and then passed out.

When he woke up, he immediately felt something strange about his neck. He stretched out his hand and touched it. There were gauze and bandages.What the hell did you do to me.

Qian Zhao smiled: "General Sean, it's just a little trick. A chip is implanted in your body. Once you have a change, we can control your life and death. At the same time, it also has a tracking system, no matter where you go , we all know that."

Sean's face was ashen. Of course he understood this technique, but he didn't expect this group of people to know it.Right now, he can only let them control his own life and death.

Han Xiaotian: "When will the North Koreans bring the things here?"

"It should be a few days later, and it will not be delivered directly. North Korea will arrange a special plane to land directly in Beijin." Xiao En said: "In a few days, it will be the anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and North Korea. At that time, North Korean leaders will come Huaxia talks, the two sides reached an agreement on some bilateral matters."

Han Xiaotian squinted his eyes and said, "It seems that North Koreans also participated in this operation."

"It is true. North Korea is secretly researching nuclear weapons. We all know it. But many countries obstruct them. They are very depressed. The main person in charge of escorting the nuclear fuel this time is the North Korean leftists. They are radical and reached an agreement with our country , as long as we can successfully frame Huaxia, our country will not obstruct their further research."

Damn it, Han Xiaotian sneered in his heart, it seemed that he was going to be the savior again this time, well, at the same time, he announced that he was coming out of the mountain again.

Let Xiao En go down temporarily, Han Xiaotian and Wen Lan discussed the next action strategy.Wen Lan said: "Xiaotian, you have been protecting this country before, but you ended up like this in the end. Haven't you forgotten this historical lesson?"

"You are wrong. I just want to get nuclear fuel. This is a good thing that can bring us infinite wealth." Han Xiaotian said: "I will not continue to be so stupid. On the contrary, this time we have to work steadily and steadily. The ultimate goal , control Huaxia."

"The goal is quite ambitious, but the road ahead is difficult." Wen Lan said softly: "But don't worry, I will always be by your side."

"This time is different from the past. I had a group of good brothers by my side before, but they betrayed me and alienated me, making me where I am today. Today, I only believe in myself." Han Xiaotian glanced at Wen Lan: " And of course you, without you all these years, I definitely couldn't survive."

"Okay, let's start to study the action steps. First, arrange someone to follow Sean and closely monitor his every move. At the same time, go deep into the Beijin Tianxing organization. The time is right to control Beijin. After all, there are many rich resources here. "

Wen Lan said that there is no problem, why not arrange for Yao Ji, she has rich combat experience and is a new face, no one in Beijin knows her at all.What's more, she is a woman, so she will definitely not be taken seriously.

Han Xiaotian smiled: "Thank you, you have trained many excellent female agents over the years, and I found that women are sometimes more powerful than men."

Wen Lan said: "By the way, there is another important person, Han Zixuan. He has been walking for a while now, and he is a very important person."

"We won't see each other for the time being. Years have passed in a flash. This child must have worked very hard."

Wen Lan said: "I haven't seen him before, but I just heard Yao Ji mention this man. He has a good kung fu, a clear mind, and a firm will. He is working hard on the road to grow Molong."

Han Xiaotian was quite relieved: "I would like to thank Ye Qingsong, he helped me raise such an excellent child."

Han Zixuan and Chen Yuluo arrived at Guo's house in Suhang. Because they have been here before, they are not too unfamiliar with this place.

The person at the door knew Han Zixuan and went in to report immediately.Soon, Guo Xiangtao came out in person, smiling all over his face: "Nephew, why are you free to visit us, we are so happy."

Han Zixuan also said some polite words, and then followed into Guo's house.He looked around, but Guo Linghua and Guo Lingsu were not there.

Guo Xiangtao smiled: "They are not at home, Linghua is visiting relatives, Lingsu is at the school, and she seldom comes back recently."

"Is there something wrong with you, just tell me."

Han Zixuan said it was nothing serious, he passed by your house on business in Suzhou and Hangzhou, so of course he wanted to come and see it.After all, did we know each other back then? By the way, what is the relationship between your family and the Shangguan family?

"It's fine, we're all in peace, and we don't have any business dealings with each other." Guo Xiangtao said meaningfully. Speaking of which, I need to thank you a lot. You were considered a help last time, otherwise our family might be destroyed.

It's not so exaggerated, you have a pair of powerful daughters, they are very capable.By the way, I remembered, I met Guo Linghua in Yangcheng, she was very beautiful.

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