The campus is so cute

258 A Foreign Land

Han Zixuan returned to Beijin and immediately went to Yang He to discuss countermeasures.

Yang He has been waiting for his news, and after listening to it, the expression on his face is very calm, and there is no panic.Han Zixuan couldn't help admiring that the country's leaders are really different, and they don't panic when encountering major events.

"I now finally understand what game they were playing."

Han Zixuan also made a rough guess, but he was not sure, and asked: "Director Yang, this time it is the Americans who are playing tricks, their real purpose is to destroy Tianxing."

Yang He nodded, and looked at Han Zixuan with relief: "Zixuan, you have seen the reality clearly. I think Molong was destroyed by them according to this routine, and now they are beginning to repeat the same mistakes."

"Then what should we do? Although Tianxing and I belong to hostile forces, we can't just stand by and watch the American conspiracy succeed."

"That's right, the Americans' move is really vicious. Once the world's public opinion knows that the Chinese illegal organization is secretly developing lethal weapons, then this organization will definitely disappear. The pressure of public opinion plus the pressure of the domestic people will make people breathe It's very difficult." Yang He frowned: "And the key point is that North Korea is involved this time, I'm afraid the Americans want to watch the fun. I hope there will be conflicts between us and North Korea because of this matter, and they will reap the benefits of the fisherman. .”

Han Zixuan began to guess in his heart what Guo Linghua's master did, which made people full of doubts.

"Zixuan, if this news is true, then we must start from the source. There is still a period of time before the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. We must inform the North Korean authorities of this matter so that they can clarify the situation and not cause trouble because of it. So you have to go to North Korea yourself."

Ah, Han Zixuan was slightly surprised: "As long as we keep a close watch on the North Korean people and check closely, we will definitely check them out on the plane."

"That won't work, because the upcoming visit will be the new generation of leaders of North Korea. They have a positive attitude and long for peace between us. Do you know that there will be reporters from all over the world following up and interviewing, and once the matter is leaked, it will be a threat to both sides. Neither is good, and the outside media will use this matter to exaggerate."

Han Zixuan tentatively asked: "Ju Yang, it's not my villainous heart. Could this matter be a secret collusion between the United States and North Korea to target our country?"

"Impossible. North Korea has always had good relations with our country, and they hate Americans. How could they reach an agreement with them. It must be a conspiracy between some radicals in the North Korean country and the Americans. Have you seen that, although this Sean He is a very important general-level figure, but as far as I know, his reputation in the United States is not very good, because he is warlike and has become a figure targeted by the world. Many factions in the United States want to kill him. This time, the Americans in Play a game with us."

Yang He asked him to leave now. When he gets there, contact our country's mission in North Korea. I will call him in advance. When he gets there, he will help you.

It was the first time he went out to perform a mission, Han Zixuan was excited and a little nervous, he asked Yang He if he could take someone with him, after all, it was too lonely alone.

Yang He wondered: "Zixuan, this mission is an order from me personally, and the country doesn't know about it."

What, Han Zixuan opened his mouth wide.There are many doubts in my heart.

Yang He explained: "Our country is actually very complicated, and there are many factions in power in the country. Once things get to the top, there will definitely be many disputes. It is easy to mess up, and everything is in the stage of suspicion now, so you have to go to North Korea The investigation is clear. So I can't arrange people at will, you are the person I trust the most, and only you meet the conditions."

Han Zixuan asked if he could bring the people around me. They don't have any powerful background, so there is no problem.He mentioned Chen Yuluo's name.

Unexpectedly, Yang He knew this person. After all, he knew a lot about the Chen family's case.

"Chen Yuluo, okay, let her follow. By the way, where is Yutong?"

Han Zixuan smiled wryly: "We separated, she should go back to the army."

Yang He nodded: "I also just found out her real identity, it turned out to be a descendant of the Luo family. And I know what happened in Beijin a while ago, she was really in pain. As far as I know, her family members are still alive.”

Han Zixuan was stunned, but Yang He waved his hand: "You should ask her about some things yourself, you have to deal with her properly, after all, she is the most important person for you to unlock the seal."

When you come back safely from North Korea, we will start to consider unlocking your seal and taking out the Molong Token.

Han Zixuan contacted Chen Yuluo, but Guo Lingsu was a troublesome one. In fact, it's not a problem to let her go. After all, he already knew what he wanted to know from Guo Linghua.But her sister asked me to protect her. Once she made a slight mistake, he really couldn't bear the responsibility.

"Erya, go home." Han Zixuan smiled: "You know the way home."

Guo Lingsu pursed her lips: "What are you doing, you caught me, and let me go after you've used me up. You're so rude."

"Then what do you want." Han Zixuan teased: "You really want to be my second wife, but you don't have a place, and Yuluo hasn't been ranked yet."

"Bah, you're so pretty. Why are you going?" Guo Lingsu resumed her previous lively and mischievous spirit, her eyes glistening.

I'm going out on a mission, so I can't take care of you for the time being.You are so old, you can definitely go home.

"No, I've never been out, I don't know how to get home, you can't leave me, otherwise my sister will know I'm lost, and she won't let you go. Where have you been, you must take me with you." Guo Lingsu began Get noisy and stalk.

It is absolutely impossible to take her with you, after all, there are many dangers, and this girl is pure on the surface, but what is her heart like.But on second thought, maybe from her, she could know Guo Linghua's secret, and figure out who her master is by ear.

"It's okay to take you, but there is only one requirement, all your actions must have my permission."

Guo Lingsu nodded with a smile on her face: "No problem, but I also have a request. When sleeping, I must sleep with Sister Yuluo. What if you sell me secretly?"

Because to go to North Korea, you must have a passport.But there is a convenient way to pass from the northeast of Huaxia, just follow the tour group.

So, the three of them set off immediately, first took a plane to the Northeast, and then signed up for a local tour group to travel to North Korea.

The two women have obviously never been to North Korea, so they are a little excited about it.Although Chen Yuluo was splashing around when he was young, he had never been here.

Everyone has heard that this country is poor and backward, its industrial foundation is weak, and its people's living standards are very poor.But everyone knows that the country's military level is not weak, and all the country's funds have been used for military affairs in recent years.Moreover, the secret development of many lethal weapons has become an important target for many countries to beware of.

Guo Lingsu was very obedient, she didn't ask anything, Quan Dang came to travel to relax, and she seemed to be in a very good mood, and she didn't complain and resist the two of them at the beginning.

The three of them came to North Korea with the tour group. Looking around, it was not as bad as imagined. Although the urban construction was general and not at the level of a developed city, the infrastructure was still sound.

Their tour group arranged the best three-star hotels in the local area, and the tour guide arranged rooms for them and told them not to run around. There will be many activities in the future.

The three of Han Zixuan were not in a hurry, and followed the tour group for a day, visiting local scenic spots and enjoying the enthusiastic performances of their children.At the end of the day, Han Zixuan's only feeling is that the people here are very simple and hospitable.

In the evening, the tour guide counted the number of people, and everything was normal, so they went back to rest.

And Han Zixuan and the others are ready to move, leave this place, and go to the capital of North Korea.

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