The campus is so cute

259 Service Girl

Han Zixuan glanced at Guo Lingsu: "Erya, we are going to escape from here, and we will jump out of the window later, you have no problem."

Guo Lingsu felt extremely uncomfortable hearing him call the name Erya, because the name was too rustic.But this guy is used to shouting, and she doesn't bother to argue with him.She smiled and said, "Interesting, you don't have to worry about me, I'll just follow your example."

The three of them were ready and just about to open the window.Suddenly the door rang, and the voice of a waitress said to deliver the service.

Han Zixuan asked the two if they had made an appointment, with displeasure in his eyes.Because there is a task this time, you must behave properly.The two women shook their heads and said that they didn't order any service, which might have been done by the tour guide.

"Both of you go back to the bed and get ready, and you need to change your clothes." Han Zixuan signaled them to move quickly with his eyes, then came to the door and slowly opened it.There was a neatly dressed girl standing outside the door. Han Zixuan was very surprised, because after coming here for a day, he found that the women here were very conservatively dressed, and very few of them wore dresses that showed their thighs.

But the woman in front of her was very stylishly dressed, with heavy makeup, similar to a lady in a nightclub.

The woman whined: "Sir, do you need any service?" Then she even poised her head and squeezed her relatively plump breasts towards Han Zixuan.

Han Zixuan immediately understood that these days, no matter whether the country is rich or poor, being a prostitute is an indispensable occupation.He carefully observed the woman in front of him. If the heavy makeup was removed, it should be said that her appearance was not bad, with thick eyebrows and almond eyes, a small mouth like a cherry, and a light chin.Korean people are actually not bad looking. I remember watching the costume movie Dae Jang Geum, and the women in it are very punctual today.However, it is popular in South Korea to use a knife to make the face look like a celebrity. I don't know if the woman in front of me is genuine.

Anyway, it's simply boring, why not tease the woman: "How much?"

The woman's almond eyes shone with lightning: "Handsome guy, you can watch it." Then she jumped up and entered the room.He was surprised to find that there were two women sitting on the bed in the room, and they were also beautiful women.

Looking at the expressions on the faces of the two women, there was an absolute change. One of the women looked very cold, and she stared at the service girl with her cold eyes.On the other hand, the other young girl, with her big black eyes on her youthful and innocent face exuded curiosity, and occasionally turned her eyes to look at the woman next to her with a snickering expression.

Han Zixuan was very embarrassed: "She insisted on breaking in, but I didn't let her in." He looked at Chen Yuluo, begging for mercy.

The service girl pursed her lips and said with a smile: "Sir, I didn't expect you to be quite flirtatious. There are two delicate beauties hidden in the room."

Chen Yuluo stared, but did not express his opinion.

Han Zixuan looked helplessly at the waitress: "Sorry, today is not a good day, I'm not feeling well. Come back tomorrow, I invite you, do you think it's okay?"

The service girl chuckled: "Sir, you should be in good health. Could it be that at a young age, you have the kind of disease that men are least willing to talk about."

Chen Yuluo finally got angry: "Get out, don't insult my man." As she said that, she jumped off the bed, ready to throw out the annoying woman in front of her.

However, the situation changed suddenly, the service girl's eyes lit up suddenly, she did not dodge Chen Yuluo's extended hand, but actively wanted to subdue him.

The situation was changing rapidly, and Chen Yuluo was also experienced, so he immediately launched a counterattack, and the two women fought in the room.Han Zixuan also realized that something was wrong, the service girl had a problem and came to assassinate them. ***, I didn't offend anyone here.

Unless there are people from Huaxia.But he doesn't have any enemies there. His biggest enemy, Chu Yuhang, probably doesn't have time to deal with him. He is busy entertaining Guo Linghua and Xiao En.

The service girl's movements are crisp and neat, obviously receiving special training.But within three moves, Chen Yuluo gained the upper hand, and subdued her, pressing her hard against the wall.Then he drew out the dagger, pointed at her forehead and asked coldly, "Who are you, and who sent you here?"

The service girl didn't panic, but looked at Han Zixuan: "Han Zixuan, hurry up and ask your woman to release me. We are our own people. Director Yang Heyang asked me to contact you."

Han Zixuan immediately signaled Yuluo to let her go, and quickly asked, "Oh, what is your identity?"

The woman said that my name is Su Jin, and I am a Chinese spy stationed in North Korea.Yesterday Yang He contacted her personally, saying that someone was going there, and hoped that she would closely cooperate with him in all his work.

Su Jin simply understood the purpose of Han Zixuan's trip and the people who came, so she wanted to test his ability.Because the people sent by Yang He himself must be absolutely extraordinary.So she did this trick on purpose. She didn't expect a woman's kung fu to be so fierce. Fortunately, she was well-trained, but she didn't expect the opponent's strength to be too strong.

Han Zixuan was relieved, with an apology on his face: "Miss Su Jin, I'm sorry, I don't know your identity, and I took advantage of you just now, just kidding."

Su Jin blushed slightly, and said heartily: "It's okay, I took the initiative to test you, I hope you don't take offense." Then she looked at Chen Yuluo and complimented: "Miss Chen, you are very good, I admire you."

Chen Yuluo didn't say a word. She was not interested in spies or agents. She was just protecting his man.So he stepped aside and chatted with Guo Lingsu.

Su Jin glanced at Guo Lingsu: "Aren't there only two people, why is there one more?"

"She's my younger sister. She said she had never been to North Korea. She came here to see the scenery." Han Zixuan made up a reason, and Guo Lingsu was also very cooperative, calling Zixuan brother sweetly, and then retched, mother, old lady Lost.

Su Jin said: "Come with me immediately, and I will take you to meet Mr. Zhao Huayang, the ambassador to North Korea."

Han Zixuan joked that if you don't come, we are going to escape by jumping out of the window.You've saved us a lot of trouble.Miss Su, lead the way.

The few people finished their preparations, and then jumped out of the window and left. The hotel here is not high-rise, only the second floor.Han Zixuan noticed that although Guo Lingsu's movements were a little clumsy, he intentionally ouched when he landed, but he still found some clues, this girl was obviously trained.

After Guo Lingsu landed, she deliberately said, "Brother Zixuan, where are we going?"

Han Zixuan secretly laughed, this girl has a bit of a knack for pretending to be crazy.If you are sold, do you want to do it?A daughter-in-law here is cheap, but many men can't afford it, why don't you give it to them.

Guo Lingsu stared at her eyes fiercely: "Don't you dare, Miss Ben will go home and file a complaint, so you can't eat and walk around."

Su Jin led the way, twisted and turned to a private house, which was very similar to the Huaxia countryside.She said that she was staying here temporarily, and wanted to make the two ladies feel wronged. Although the room was not big, it was clean and hygienic.

"Han Zixuan, I will secretly take you to see Mr. Zhao right now."

He followed Su Jin and turned a few more streets, and finally came to a fairly luxurious building with strict guards, but obviously, Su Jin and the others knew each other, talked a few words, and then let them in.

Su Jin first contacted Mr. Zhao's secretary and explained to him the purpose of coming, and then the secretary went to invite Mr. Zhao out, and soon Mr. Zhao came out, thinking that he was a middle-aged man in his fifties, with a kind appearance and an elegant figure.

"Mr. Han, welcome to come. I've been waiting for you. It's almost time for you to come." Zhao Huayang answered enthusiastically. He was suddenly stunned when he saw Han Zixuan's appearance, his eyes filled with astonishment.

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