The campus is so cute

27 2 goods youth

Ye Tianyu heard the contempt in Han Zixuan's words, and immediately glared at him angrily, but seeing Bi Yunxi covering her mouth and sniggering, she felt displeased, and came to Bi Yunxi with a sullen face: "Bi Yunxi, forget what I did to you that day in the cafeteria. Warning, don't seduce my brother-in-law, why do you wipe my brother-in-law's sweat."

While continuing to serve Han Zixuan, Bi Yunxi raised her clear eyes and looked at Ye Tianyu with a smile that was not a smile: "Your brother-in-law, who is your sister? Do you dare to say her name? If Han Zixuan is really your brother-in-law, please let your sister Come talk to me yourself."

"You, why are you so shameless? My sister is at home now, so it's impossible to come to the barracks." Ye Tianyu's face was flushed with anger, and she really wanted to rush up and scratch Bi Yunxi's beautiful face. It's your face that caused harm to others.

Bi Yunxi sneered slightly and said: "Ye Tianyu, those little tricks of yours don't work well in front of me, so I seduce Zixuan, what can you do to me."

Seeing Han Zixuan falling into a sea of ​​jealousy, Shangguan Fei and the others were extremely envious. What kind of virtue and ability does this kid have to attract the little girl's attention so much.

Seeing that the situation had changed, Zhao Ming and Li Xiaoxu all evacuated one after another, not wanting to be victims of the war.The students around Han Zixuan saw that there was a lot of excitement watching, so they continued to stop and admire.

Classmate Han Zixuan is a thin-skinned man, and he hastily tried to resolve the conflict between the two. Unexpectedly, Bi Yunxi, who is usually gentle and introverted, can be quite difficult when he gets angry.I'm afraid Ye Tianyu is not her opponent, after all Tianyu is not yet full.

Sure enough, Ye Tianyu just clenched his fists angrily, unable to utter a word, and finally vented his anger on Han Zixuan, pointed at him and warned, "Han Zixuan, just wait until you get home and kneel on the washboard. Not to be trifled with."

"My little sister, it's alright, I'm afraid of you. There are too many people here, can we go home and settle the housework?" Han Zixuan didn't want to become a scandal star.

Han Zixuan turned his face and looked at Bi Yunxi with a puzzled expression: "Yunxi, what's wrong with you, you don't usually get angry so easily."

"Am I angry? Why is that woman He Lizi timid? If she wants to pursue you, she will take the initiative to make moves. She insists on doing these messy tricks."

Uh, what can Han Zixuan say? He was afraid that the two girls would fight again, so he hurriedly took out a pig's trotter and handed it to Ye Tianyu: "Come on, sister Tianyu, the food in the cafeteria is not very good. I will give you some supplements so that you can grow better." Perfect."

"He's already developed perfectly." Ye Tianyu puffed up her chest on purpose, in fact, to show off in front of Bi Yunxi.But this girl really loves to eat meat, so she took the pig's trotters and started to gobble it up.

Bi Yunxi's figure is naturally not as prominent as Ye Tianyu's, but she has been exercising since she was a child, practicing kung fu, and her body proportions are coordinated. Although her breasts are slightly small, they are round and full, like ripe peaches, delicate and charming.

"Zixuan, I want to eat and make up for it too." Bi Yunxi leaned into Han Zixuan's arms and said softly.

Han Zixuan dealt with the two girls in a difficult way. A group of people came not far away. They were all dressed in military training camouflage uniforms, so they must be freshmen.

This group of boys came directly in front of them, and one of them with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks rushed forward, staring at Ye Tianyu with an expression on his face: "Student Tianyu, you are here, and I am still looking for you everywhere."

Ye Tianyu put down the pig's trotters, looked up and saw him, and immediately had a displeased face: "You must be sick, why do you want me?"

The boy ignored the teasing, and suddenly took out a small bright wild flower from his back, and handed it to Ye Tianyu: "Tianyu, I gave it to you, I hope you like it."

"Take it aside, you're sick. I've said it hundreds of times. I don't like you. You don't look in the mirror to see what kind of virtue you are. It's scary to look like this. Your mother is really brave. The big one let you out." Ye Tianyu showed a fierce look, staring at the other party with big eyes and sarcasm.

The people on Han Zixuan's side burst out laughing when they heard this.Bi Yunxi couldn't help but pursed her lips into a smile. This Ye Tianyu was indeed a child, and he didn't consider the other party's feelings at all when he spoke.Although this boy is a bit crippled, it's not as serious as she said.

The boy saw everyone around him laughing and felt insulted.His face turned purple eggplant, he looked at the people who laughed at him bitterly, came to Ye Tianyu and said with a sullen face: "Tianyu, I admit that I like you, but you humiliated me in front of everyone, how embarrassing it is for me. "

"What does it have to do with me? You're the one who brought shame on yourself." Ye Tianyu said nonchalantly, then turned to continue chatting with Han Zixuan and the others.

Guo Shui felt that he was too shameful. He and Ye Tianyu were freshmen classmates. He was fascinated by her super plump breasts just after entering school, so he launched a violent attack, but he was indifferently despised by the other party.Ye Tianyu has humiliated him like this more than once, but he has a thick skin, as long as he is firm, he will definitely be able to touch the hearts of beautiful women.So take the trouble to continue to launch the offensive, don't hit the south wall and don't look back.

Guo Shui simply gave up his entire face, knelt down on one knee, holding flowers in his hands with a sincere expression on his face: "Tianyu, I like you, promise to be my girlfriend."

The sudden change left everyone dumbfounded.Some people continued to despise him, while others applauded him because he was really brave.

Ye Tianyu was dumbfounded, she didn't know what to do, and it was the first time she met such a shameless man.

The pig's trotters from Han Zixuan's mouth spewed out all of a sudden, shit, he's wicked enough, this kid is a character, a shameless person is invincible, you're fucking kind.

Ye Tianyu hurriedly looked at Han Zixuan, wondering: "Brother Zixuan, what should I do, please help me quickly."

"I don't care, the man you recruit yourself, you solve it yourself."

"You, you don't talk about friendship. You come to our house, and I have always been good to you." Ye Tianyu grabbed Han Zixuan's hand and begged.

"Really, are you really that good? Don't forget, I don't care that you and He Lizi teamed up to frame me. Tianyu, this man is quite infatuated, you just follow him." Han Zixuan booed, Bi Yunxi echoed from the side He said: "Ye Tianyu, what Zixuan said is correct, there are not many infatuated men these days, and we should cherish one when we meet one."

Guo Shui looked at Han Zixuan gratefully, it was not easy, someone finally recognized him.

Ye Tianyu is about to cry, Sister Lizi, Sister Yu, who will save me.But none of them were there, and the only person he could rely on was Han Zixuan.But this bastard actually saw me making a fool of myself in public and ignored me.

Suddenly, she threw herself into Han Zixuan's arms: "Brother Zixuan, how could you be like this, I have always liked you, it is impossible for me to like others, can you dump me to other men?"

Han Zixuan hurriedly flung his hands away, but Ye Tianyu stuck to him like an octopus.

Guo Shui raised his gaze quickly, and looked at Han Zixuan suspiciously.

Han Zixuan looked embarrassed: "Tianyu, don't talk nonsense, there is nothing between us, very pure."

"No, you touched my breasts, you touched me, I am yours. How can you be like this, you pat your ass and leave after eating." Ye Tianyu plunged his head into it fiercely. In Han Zixuan's arms, he said in his heart that you are a stinky man, let you ignore me, and I will make you a bad smell for thousands of years.

Ye Tianyu approached Han Zixuan's arms, inexplicably feeling at ease, she whispered, "Brother, please, help me, if you encounter difficulties in the future, I will definitely draw my sword and stand by your side."

Han Zixuan saw that Ye Tianyu was indeed in trouble, but you can't talk like this, wouldn't it damage my reputation, but it seems that I did touch her breasts, have you touched her breasts? touched.

"But I didn't touch you, I just took a look." Han Zixuan corrected.

"Then you helped me, and I'll let you touch it." Ye Tianyu went all out, and the most important thing was to overcome the difficulties in front of him.

"Really let me touch it." Han Zixuan felt a little itchy in his heart. When he played games with sister Tianyu last time, he had always cherished this dream, but it didn't come true.

"Let me touch it." Ye Tianyu said with a blushing face.

Well, I'm also despicable for once, if I don't take advantage of it, I'm a hooligan.

Han Zixuan gently pushed Ye Tianyu away, pulled him aside, and said to Guo Shui who was still kneeling on one knee, "Student, get up. I can't accept you kneeling to me like this."

"****, let go of my little sister Tianyu." Guo Shui realized that he had been tricked, and made a wedding dress for someone else despite his hard work.

"This classmate, please speak more civilly. We are all college students, don't act like a primary school student, open your mouth and shut up like your mother, it's embarrassing." Han Zixuan looked at the boy in front of him, really didn't know what to say, he was better than Xie Wenhao And disgusting.Although Xie Wenhao is domineering, but he has some capital. How can my little sister Tianyu be your girlfriend if a toad wants to eat swan meat.

"Fuck you, who are you, what kind of civilized person are you pretending to be in front of me." Guo Shui was extremely annoyed, and rolled up his arms and sleeves in a gesture of beating someone.

Han Zixuan said disdainfully, "I'm Han Zixuan."

Guo Shui was slightly stunned, and then suddenly realized: "Oh, you are Han Zixuan. I heard that you are very good at being a freshman, and you even caused an affair with a beautiful school girl. You are very good at picking up girls."

"A little bit better than you, at least it won't be embarrassing." Han Zixuan looked at him with a mocking expression, what kind of support does this kind of guy have, and his speech is so stinky.

"****, I'm so mad." Guo Shui pointed at Han Zixuan and said angrily, "Do you know who I am, and you dare to talk to me like this."

"I don't know, I dare to ask your name."

"Guo Shui, the leader of the freshmen, although everyone calls me Brother Shui, which is a bit ugly, but I am so unique." Guo Shui looked smug, as if reporting his name was quite a blessing matter.

Pot of water, the people beside Han Zixuan burst into laughter when they heard the name, and stared at him with the clown's expression.

Guo Shui didn't understand, and said with a sideways face: "Smiling fart, be scared."

"Brother Shui's name is really elegant and pleasant. It turns out he's a dishwashing pot. No wonder his speech is so stinky." Han Zixuan said sarcastically, wondering what he was talking to this guy. It was a waste of time.

"Fuck, you fucking insulted me again. Kid, don't be arrogant, do you know who my brother is? Do you know who my brother hangs out with?" Guo Shui occasionally felt that the name was not pleasant, but it was the first time I heard someone bury him like this.

"Oh, what's your brother's name?" Han Zixuan joked.

"My brother is not Shui, my brother is Bing, and my brother is Guo Bing. My brother is not well-known, but my brother's eldest brother is very awesome. It is Liu Likun, hahaha, you must be scared silly." I wanted to report my family background, but the other party didn't agree with me, so I held back until now before reporting my big brother's reputation.

Only then did Han Zixuan understand, and nodded: "Brother Kun's people, no wonder. I heard that Brother Kun is still in the hospital, has he recovered from his injury recently?"

"Hey, you actually know Brother Kun. How do you know that Brother Kun is in the hospital? Could it be that you are also Brother Kun's younger brother?" Guo Shui was surprised, but he didn't expect the other party to know Brother Kun's reputation.

"Hehe, I'm sorry, I'm not Brother Kun's younger brother, I'm the one who got Brother Kun into the hospital." Han Zixuan finally understood, this guy is a whore, purely second-hand.

"What do you mean, I don't understand." Guo Shui was at a loss, unable to turn his head around.

"Your brother Kun was sent to the hospital by me, you understand."

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