The campus is so cute

275 major cases

Chu Xiangdong and his son returned to the capital in embarrassment, and complained when they saw Chu Xiaotian.Beijin is a territory controlled by them. After years of painstaking efforts, it has been developing steadily, but now such a tragic situation has appeared.

Can Chu Xiaotian not be annoyed, but he is not discouraged, after all, his roots are in the capital and the South China Sea.He looked at the father and son and asked suspiciously: "Why are you two, Luo Junyan and Luo Wenbin?"

Chu Xiangdong and the two stared at each other. They were very anxious when they were running, and they didn't care about too many people at all.But the two of them understood that Luo and his son would not be easily taken down by the military.So where did they go.

Chu Yuhang hurriedly said: "Grandpa, it's not that I'm supercilious. The people of the Luo family are not kind. I always feel that the Luo family doesn't really follow us. They only come to our house, as if they have some purpose."

"No matter what the purpose is, their man knows a lot about us. Once he goes to the enemy's side, it will be very bad for us."

Enemy, Chu Xiangdong was puzzled: "Father, what kind of enemy are you, Molong and his gang? They haven't formed yet, there is only one Han Zixuan, and they can't make trouble."

Chu Yuhang said bitterly: "It's a pity, I left too hastily, and I didn't kill Han Zixuan. If I get rid of him, it will be done once and for all."

Chu Xiaotian sighed and cursed: "You are really confused, do you know how Xiao En died? It was the people from Yangcheng who did it. They are our number one enemy."

Chu Xiangdong and his son were silent, but Chu Yuhang had many doubts: "Grandpa, who is there in Yangcheng, and when did we become enemies with them?"

This is also a problem that bothers him. Before that, he only knew that there was an alliance of assassins in Yangcheng, and Duan Fengchen was the leader of the alliance.But a small killer alliance will never interfere in the country's internal affairs, presumably there are still people behind Duan Fengchen manipulating it.Judging from the situation, this person has been secretly an elite for many years, and he just started to emerge today.

And the key point is that this person dared to confront Tianxing. It has been more than 20 years, and such a thing has never happened. Who are they?

Chu Xiangdong suggested: "Father, the people in Yangcheng must have enmity with me, so let's not procrastinate, let's take the opportunity, and don't end up raising tigers."

"I still need you to teach me this truth, but I should figure out who the person over there is. There is another key issue. Whoever exposed it must be a local person in Beijin. You have been there for many years. This person Who could it be?" Chu Xiaotian frowned tightly, he had an ominous premonition in his heart, he always felt that embarrassment was coming.

Chu Xiangdong said that he remembered that Xiao En called all the local political figures in Beijin at that time, and it must be one of them. I know the names, but these people are all suspects.

Chu Xiaotian said word by word: "Then kill them all, and don't leave a single one alive."

At night, Han Zixuan naturally slept in the Chen family. The Chen family had already accepted him as the son-in-law by default. Although it was not disclosed that the matchmaker was marrying, Chen Jingzhi didn't want to pay too much.

He asked what title Han Zixuan gave his daughter. After all, you have a wife, and everyone in Beijin knows, but my daughter is no worse than Shen Hanyu, so there must be an explanation.

Chen Yuluo said with displeasure on his face, "Dad, you don't have to take care of my affairs. Although Shen Hanyu is Han Zixuan's wife, they are not registered, and they are not much better than me."

"Really, then we must seize the opportunity and register tomorrow." Chen Jingzhi was very excited. Although he was also reluctant to let his daughter marry a pervert, Han Zixuan was chosen by his daughter.They can only accept it, but there must be a conditional frame, and it must not be inferior to the mistress.

Han Zixuan was very embarrassed, if he secretly registered with Chen Yuluo, Shen Hanyu and the others would definitely complain.To be honest, he loves all these kind and excellent girls, they are all in his heart.

Chen Yuluo could see his embarrassment, but following him didn't require a status, it was just because of happiness and comfort.

Chen Yuqi smiled from the side: "Dad, don't worry about it. Young couples can do whatever they want. Isn't naked marriage popular now?"

"But you need to get a certificate for a naked marriage." Chen Jingzhi was forcibly pulled away by Chen Yuqi. In fact, he knew that his daughter must have followed him for no reason, but he must strive for the greatest stability.Maybe one day, Han Zixuan kicked Yuluo into the air, his daughter got nothing, and lost her youth in vain.

Back in Yuluo's room, Han Zixuan was about to speak, but Chen Yuluo had already thrown himself into his arms, covering his mouth with a pair of white jade hands, and arched his delicate and weak body against him: " Zixuan, I only ask you one thing, and you must promise me."

"Tell me, baby, [-] pieces will do."

"You can't leave me. If you leave me, I'll commit suicide for you." Chen Yuluo pouted her sexy lips, her brows were affectionate, and there was a warning in her reproach. Don't have the charming charm of a small family girl.

"Then you also promise me one thing." Han Zixuan said in turn: "Honey, why don't we raise a baby, when your father has a grandson, he will be happy and won't doubt me anymore."

Chen Yuluo slapped him shyly, and shook his head vigorously: "I'm not doing it, I'm still young, I don't want to be a mother yet, I still want to play with you for a few more years."

Han Zixuan came to Beijin with two missions. The cause of Xiao En's death was basically understood, and it was manipulated.There is another character who investigates the leakers and kills them.

He hesitated. After all, he didn't want to do such a thing as extermination. Going against his original intention, he must not become the country's murderous tool.Now, he has such an intuition that he seems to be Yang He's gun, and he can be used as a gun.But you must not shoot indiscriminately.

Luo Yutong and the others have basically finished dealing with their affairs here. Those who have been re-arrested have been arrested, and those that should be confiscated have been reported to the local government, hoping that they can provide information about Tianxing.But there was nothing to gain, and these people shook their heads to express their ignorance.

"Captain Luo, don't you still want to continue to investigate to the end?" Han Zixuan saw that she was still persistent, and kindly reminded her.After all, Tianxing is not easy to mess with. They have lost money this time, and they may counterattack at any time.

"Thank you for your reminder, I have my own measure." Luo Yutong decided to go back and report the situation, waiting for the order from the superior.

The two stayed for a few more days, Han Zixuan secretly investigated the leaker, and Luo Yutong secretly observed Han Zixuan to see what he was doing.

On this day, a very serious case occurred in Beijin. The mayor of Beijin, the chief of the public security bureau, and the heads of various departments were killed one after another.

The news spread quickly and caused an uproar.

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