Beijin fell into chaos for a while. Some time ago, the national army came to wipe out some rebellious party organizations, which made people panic. After only a few days, all the prominent and respectable people in Beijin died. What is going on? The country is going to be bloodbathed. Why exactly.

There are fewer pedestrians on the street, and people are talking and speculating.It is certain that corrupt officials are rampant here in Beijin. It is true, this place is rich and the officials protect each other.Most of those who fell were corrupt officials, but there were also many popular politicians.Could it be that if the country wants to take it all in one pot, the officials in other provinces will also become afraid. They don't eat and drink too much, and they don't dare to lead Xiaosan around to show off. They are more against the rules.

Han Zixuan understood that the country must have done it.But it was too domineering.

The country must know that something so serious has happened.But what is surprising is that the country did not investigate the matter in depth, but immediately transferred people from other places to fill the vacancy.The people who came could not help but look sad, living in fear every day.

But the family members of the deceased will not stop there. They petition every day and go to the capital to file a lawsuit. They must understand the ins and outs of the matter.Even if you die, give an explanation.

Of course Yang He knew that Tianxing did this, and it must be closely related to Chu Xiaotian.This person has always been vicious and vicious, and he has a bargaining chip in his hand, so he doesn't pay attention to the country's leaders at all.

He immediately went to Liu Peng to find out how to deal with this matter. If he didn't give an explanation, the quarrel would go on forever, and people in other provinces would also be dissatisfied.

Liu Peng said they would be charged with leaking state secrets.After a period of time, this matter will gradually fade away, and it is no big deal.I think that although Chu Xiaotian's handling methods are a bit ruthless, it is also to protect us. If you think about it, if we confess our relationship with Tianxing, we will be in more trouble.

Yang He is an upright person, but he boarded the pirate ship. He thought that Liu Peng would be able to settle the Tianxing matter, but now it seems that he is not the best candidate.

As for the No. [-] Chief, his physical condition is not very good now, and he has not intervened in the affairs of the country for many years.Wait a few more years, and the No. [-] head retires, so Liu Peng will naturally become his successor.But can the country be handed over to such a person?

"Chief, Chu Xiaotian is too domineering, and his methods are vicious. I proposed to replace him before. I think a decision must be made." Yang He's tone was very strong.

Liu Peng sighed: "Lao Yang, you know that too. Tianxing has been managed by Chu Xiaotian for many years, and his eyeliner is everywhere. It is not easy to replace him. And you also know that he has the information about our cooperation with Tianxing. Evidence, Tianxing has done a lot of shady things over the years. Once it is exposed, you and I will face the possibility of resignation. And Yangcheng is imminent, and we still have to rely on Tianxing to help us solve the trouble."

Liu Peng continued: "You and I both know that Chu Xiaotian is backed by Americans, once we touch him, it will be more troublesome, difficult, anyway, now is not the best time, do you think I don't want to kill him. "

Yang He knew that he was also in a difficult situation. As the leader of the country, he had to consider every aspect of his affairs. If he made a wrong move, he would lose everything.However, he still emphasized that after the Yangcheng crisis is resolved, it is better to shut down Tianxing, so that he will never come out.

"That's all for later. How is the investigation in Yangcheng now? What's happened to them recently."

"I will investigate closely and report immediately if there is any action. How will the Americans react to the chaos in our country? They have no good intentions and want to see the civil turmoil in our country."

"So we must stabilize the situation. Now Beijin is in chaos. You still have to work hard to control the situation. The only problem right now is Yangcheng. After solving these problems, everything will be fine for us," Liu Peng said earnestly. Looking at Yang He.

Yang He went to Beijin himself, mainly to appease the newly appointed officials.And tell them that the previous people all ended up like this because of the crime of leaking secrets.The country will definitely deal with this matter seriously, you don't have to worry, as long as you do your job wholeheartedly.

Han Zixuan was very angry in his heart, Tianxing was indeed too cruel.Now, it was impossible for him to investigate the leaker, and he was sure that person was among the dead.What made him even more angry was Yang He's attitude. Han Zixuan felt that this person was a standard politician, and everything was for profit.Well, from today onwards, I, Han Zixuan, will never obey your orders, I'm a bitch.

After Yang He dealt with the matter, he contacted Han Zixuan, because he had contacts with people in Yangcheng before, and hoped to provide relevant information, and the next goal was to kill these people.

"Director Yang, forgive me for being powerless. I don't want to get involved in your affairs. Look at the dead in Beijin. Many of them have good political achievements. But they died unjustly for no reason, and Xiao En came to gather them together with great fanfare. Together, anyone will have thoughts in their hearts, complain a few words, and say something on the Internet, and they will be punished with death. I am not convinced, and I want to tell you, don’t plan my life path, I will not obedient."

Yang He didn't expect things to turn out like this, so he could only say earnestly: "Zixuan, you have to understand my hard work. Without me, do you think you can live? Can your master enjoy life quietly on the mountain? You people have been cleaned up long ago."

"Look, I finally told the truth. I think you must have participated in Molong's destruction back then, and I even guess that you were the one who led the army." Although Han Zixuan's words were suspected of being ignorant, they were still true. That's right.

At that time, in order to avoid suspicion, someone from the Yang family had to stand up and serve as the leader of the suppression force.The Yang family had no choice but to elect Yang He, the eldest son of the Yang family.Yang He was in his thirties at the time, so he understood everything.

Moreover, the country has announced an order that as long as Han Xiaotian dies alone, and the others do not pursue responsibility for the time being, the Molong organization will be disbanded on the spot.Yang He thought that the state's order was not wrong at the time, because Han Xiaotian was too rampant at that time, and he should be eradicated if he disobeyed discipline.

"Your grandfather was a bastard back then, and he really deserved to be killed. Do you know that in order to complete a mission, your grandfather even killed innocent people with blood, and the crimes he committed are even more than today's Tianxing. If you continue to complete his career, say To be honest, I should have killed you directly." Yang He had a fierce look in his eyes.

"But I didn't do anything, because I know that you are a child, and you don't understand many things. It was your master who told you. He is a stubborn person, an idealist, and still firmly believes that Mo Long can continue to exist. I Let me tell you the truth, in the future, various organizations will never be allowed to appear again in the country. After the Yangcheng crisis is resolved this time, the country will clean up all of them, including the organization you secretly set up in Sichuan."

Han Zixuan was puzzled: "But why didn't you kill me directly, wouldn't it be once and for all, and even on the surface you told me to support me, and made that fake gesture for someone to see."

"Because you have Molong Token in your body, this thing is very important. And this thing must be in the hands of the state." Yang He said with burning eyes.

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