The campus is so cute

287 Unforgettable

Shangguan Xiang glanced at Shangguan Fei: "Shangguan Fei, I didn't expect you to come back. I heard that you are studying in Nanhai." His tone was very polite. You must know that he had never taken the initiative to talk to him before.

Shangguan Fei looked sad: "After all, he is my father." He didn't pay much attention to the other party, because they rarely communicated with each other.In this family, he only talks to his elder brother Shangguanting, other people have never looked at him directly, and he doesn't care too much.

Shangguan Xiang sneered in his heart, what can you do when you come back, it's nothing more than pretending to be filial.You are even more unworthy of fighting for power, and you can't even get a little bit of money.But he has already made up his mind that although Shangguan Fei has no ability, he is still a member of the Shangguan family.

Now, he can be said to be alone, and it is very difficult to keep up with the official court.Shangguan Yun's mother is a bit capable, but their family is too soft and has no intention of fighting for power.And Shangguan Fei is an illegitimate child, if he can come today, he must have fantasies in his heart.It's better to unite with him. Although we know that this idea is ridiculous, it's better to use the other party's filial piety to deal with Shangguanting.

"You are really a dutiful son, but unfortunately you are an illegitimate son. If you are from the dignified Shangguan family, I believe that your father will definitely hand over the family business to you. It is much better than Shangguanting."

Shangguan didn't know that there was a rift between him and his brother, they were just fighting for the rights in the family.But now, their family has completely collapsed, and it is basically impossible for him to fight against his brother.

Shangguanxiang went on to say that Shangguanting was wrong, his father's funeral had not yet been held, and he started to make arrangements to marry the second wife, which was too shameful.

Regarding this, Shangguanfei remained silent.Because he saw it just now, what his brother did was really chilling.But his current role is that of an illegitimate child, so he dare not make rash comments.

Shangguan Xiangming knew that it was useless to talk to him, but he always had to find someone to vent his inner dissatisfaction.He continued: "As far as I know, our father has always been healthy and healthy, and he has never heard of any disease. Now that he died suddenly, I always feel that there are many strange things in it."

"During my study abroad in Europe, I was mainly engaged in medical research. According to my father's face, he didn't die from a heart attack. Although it seems that there was no fatal wound on his father's body, it is generally the same as what they said. But I I took a quick look just now, and there are a lot of doubts in it.”

Shangguanfei doubted what he said, aiming to slander his elder brother, but he believed it a little bit, and asked, "What you said is true or not."

Shangguanxiang nodded: "Really. It would be fine if we could invite an expert to re-do the autopsy. But who among us has this right?"

That's right, now Shangguan Longfei died in a hurry and did not make a will.However, according to the principle of legal tradition inheritance, Shangguan Longfei's three sons are equally distributed, while Shangguan Yun is a soft persimmon, even if he inherits, he will be deprived by Shangguan court in the end.As for Shangguan Xiang, he is alone now, so I'm afraid it may not be in his hands. In other words, everything in the Shangguan family is basically controlled by Shangguan Ting.

After all, he is the eldest in the family, and he has already replaced Shangguan Longfei in the business field, so his family's status is much stronger than theirs.And presumably over the years, he has accumulated a lot of contacts. He Shangguanxiang has been studying abroad all year round, so he is no match for him.

Shangguanxiang said unwillingly: "Hey, now our family is in Shangguanting's hands, and our buddies will not have a good life in the future. Forget it, it's useless to tell you more, you are not much better than me, even have no inheritance rights."

After leaving his father's mourning hall, Shangguan Fei decided to talk to his elder brother about how his father died.After going to the elder brother's room, seeing that he was still affectionate with the daughter of the Guo family, he became even more irritable.My heart said that my eldest brother was too ignorant.

"Brother Fei, you're here to see father." Shangguanting glanced at him, and then continued to show affection to Guo Linghua. He is now in a very good mood and can finally control his own life.

Seeing Shangguan Fei coming, Guo Linghua left her seat in a sensible way: "Ting, you brothers must have something to say, I'm going out first."

Seeing her leave, Shangguan Fei was immediately displeased: "Brother, how could you do this. Father's body is not cold yet, yet you are looking for flowers and asking willows."

"Fart, what is looking for flowers and asking willows? You know all about my marriage with Linghua. If it wasn't for the delay because of things last time, she would have become your sister-in-law. In fact, she is also your sister-in-law. Be more polite when we meet in the future." Shangguanting also knew how the outside world saw him, but he didn't care about that.

"Well, I just want to talk about my father now. Did my father really die of a heart attack?"

"Of course, I can still lie to you. You haven't been at home for many years, and you don't know your father's physical condition. After all, he is old, and his body is definitely not as good as before. Some time ago, because of a problem in the family's business, he was a little emotional. lead to a heart attack."

"There is a problem with the family business, what is the problem?" Shangguan Fei didn't understand.

"It's useless to tell you, after all, you don't care about family affairs. But you are my younger brother, let me tell you the truth, you knew more or less what happened to the Xu family last time, and now that evil organization has popped up again, no Knowing how to do it, he even stole our family secrets. When my father found out, he was very angry, and he suffered a heart attack, and unfortunately died." Speaking of this, Shangguan Ting squeezed out a few tears.

Shangguanfei believed it, Tianxing, it was them again.From this point of view, this evil organization is preparing to take action against our family and intends to occupy our family.

"Okay, don't think about it so much. My father will be buried tomorrow, and our Shangguan family will be handed over to our brothers. We must not live up to my father's last wish, and we must manage the family affairs well. Otherwise, my father will die with regret."

Shangguan Fei left home at night and went straight to find Han Zixuan.

Han Zixuan was very anxious, he told Yang He about this matter, unexpectedly Yang He didn't know that Shangguan Longfei died, it seems that Shangguan's family kept a secret and didn't say anything about it.He immediately asked Han Zixuan to investigate the ins and outs of this matter clearly.

The Shangguan family is very important, especially their family controls the country's important energy sources, and they must not be allowed to fall into the hands of others.

"What if it falls into the hands of the Celestials? After all, the Celestials are still under your management." Han Zixuan asked back.

"That's not okay. If Tianxing really did it, I will report it to the higher-ups. But I suspect it was done by Yangcheng. You also said that the Guo family in Suhang is very close to the people there. No matter who they do Yes, none of them." Yang He said firmly: "There can be no negligence in the energy issue, and it must be in the hands of the state. Once these people get it, the state will be very embarrassing."

When Han Zixuan was anxious, Shangguan Fei finally appeared.He immediately asked what happened.

Shangguanfei trusted Han Zixuan very much. Whether it was because of their personal relationship or because of Han Zixuan's other status, he was a member of the army and acted on behalf of the country.Moreover, Shangguanfei knew that Han Zixuan was not simple, and there were many secrets hidden behind it.However, he only believed in him.

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