The campus is so cute

288 Dissecting a Corpse

Shangguanfei told Han Zixuan about the situation at home, he was angry and troubled by his elder brother's ignorance, and even hooked up with the young lady of the Guo family again.

Han Zixuan was startled when he heard this: "You said Guo Linghua is at your house right now."

"Well, it seems that in a few days, she will really become my sister-in-law." Shangguanfei didn't have a deep impression of Guo Linghua herself, only remembering that she didn't change her infatuation with her eldest brother at the beginning. people separate.Now that the two are together again, it can be said that they have gone through untold hardships, and it can be considered a positive result.

Han Zixuan looked worried, and as Yang He analyzed, both Yangcheng and Tianxing were ready to attack.

Shangguanfei expressed his doubts in his heart, doubting the real cause of his father's death.

"What did your elder brother say." Han Zixuan began to doubt whether Shangguan Ting did it, or whether Guo Linghua forced him to do it.He killed his father for the sake of a confidant's smile. This kind of thing has happened in history.It is not a good thing for him to go to the court, and he may do such absurd and wicked things.

Because the two have a good relationship, Shangguanfei did not hide it: "My elder brother said something happened at home, and my father had a heart attack after hearing about it. Because many secrets in the family were stolen by the Tianxing organization, Zixuan, this Tianxing is too domineering, I now suspect that they are going to attack our family."

Han Zixuan began to think about it. After all, Shangguanting joined Tianxing.Should these words be said to Shangguanfei? I'm afraid it will damage their brotherhood. Shangguanfei may suspect that I'm playing tricks and deliberately blackmailing his elder brother.For the former, he knew that he was unhappy with Shangguan Ting.

But for the good of Shangguan Fei, he decided to confess and told Shangguan Fei's unknown secret.

"Zixuan, you lied to me." Shangguan Fei couldn't believe his ears. He felt that his elder brother had many shortcomings, but they all set out to fight for the rights and interests of the family.His father trusted him very much, how could he do such a thing behind his back.

The last time the Xu family had an accident, Shangguan Longfei was merciless and directly drove Xu Zhenyi out.

"Shangguan Fei, why should I lie to me? What good is it for me? I won't get involved with your family's interests at all, let alone I don't dare to be interested. I just remind you, you should also be careful, your elder brother is definitely not a kind person. You My father died very strangely, and I suspect it may have something to do with him."

"You mean, he murdered his own father." Shangguan Fei's eyes were about to burst, how could this be possible.

"People change. He secretly joined the Tianxing organization, so it can be seen that this person has deep scheming. And once his affairs are exposed, your father will definitely not forgive him. Once Tianxing threatens him, he may really He can do some unimaginable things." Han Zixuan was full of confusion in his heart, which group of people did it.

Shangguan was impulsive and wanted to go home to explain the situation to his mother and expose his brother.Han Zixuan hastily dissuaded him: "It's not wise to do this. Your mother is an ordinary woman. When your father died, she was shocked and felt very uncomfortable. Once she finds out about your brother's situation, she will definitely feel even more uncomfortable. What if it happens? Unfortunately, the consequences cannot be ended. And now that you doubt my words, why don't we confirm it together, you can see if what I said is true, and don't ruin our brother's feelings."

Shangguanfei felt that what Han Zixuan said made sense, he was not a child now, he should have grown up.

"Zixuan, what should we do now." He was flustered for a moment, lost his backbone, and threw all the problems to him.

"Now you doubt your father's death, but I also doubt it. I know some medical skills. I want to see your father's body and find out the reason." Han Zixuan entered Shangguan's house for another purpose, to investigate the truth of the matter.

For the convenience of action, Chen Yuluo was temporarily asked to stay in the hotel, but Han Zixuan also gave her a task to find a way to contact Guo Lingsu, and he wanted to know the current situation of the Guo family.

Chen Yuluo said that she could visit Guo's house at night to investigate clearly.Han Zixuan felt a little dangerous and worried about her.

"Don't worry, to be honest, I'm more worried about you. After all, Shangguan's house is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den." Chen Yuluo carefully told him to be careful, I'm fine, I'm only looking for Guo Lingsu, I don't see anyone else, I don't trust others.

All right, so the two acted separately.

Han Zixuan couldn't blatantly follow Shangguan Fei into Shangguan's house, he asked Shangguan Fei to go back first, and acted as his eyeliner inside, while he took the opportunity to jump into Shangguan's house.

At night, after all, the defense was much lax.Especially on the side of the mourning hall, no one is willing to run here at night, so be cautious.

Han Zixuan went very smoothly and found Shangguan Fei, and the two came to the mourning hall together.When he came to the corpse, there was an ice cellar here, and Shangguan Longfei's corpse was still intact.

Han Zixuan just studied Xiao En's corpse some time ago, and he has no fears about checking the four people at present, and after the last incident, he checked every place very carefully.It can be seen that Shangguan Longfei has no skin trauma, the real cause of death is really difficult to judge from the surface.

After all, an autopsy is not possible, and the real cause of death cannot be found out. If the death was caused by a heart attack, it would not be obvious from the outside.Han Zixuan turned Shangguan Longfei's body over, and Shangguan Fei beside him was filled with sadness.

Han Zixuan mainly looked for chips, but he didn't find anything on his back and neck.If Guo Linghua did what he did, he might still use this method.But did not find.

Still unwilling to give up, he took out an electronic magnet from his body, and he had already considered it carefully when he came.He groped around the body with a magnet, the back, the thighs, and never let go of any corners.Then turn the body over again and probe the front chest.

In the part near the heart, something abnormal was found, there is something here.

"Xiao Fei, does your father have a history of heart disease?"

"I don't know, maybe there is." Shangguan was puzzled.

Han Zixuan hesitated to ask: "Xiao Fei, I have a request to dissect this place. But I'm afraid you won't agree."

Shangguan didn't naturally understand Han Zixuan's intentions, so he thought for a while: "It's ok, but after I'm done, I'm afraid I'll show my flaws and be discovered by them."

"You don't have to worry about this, I will try my best to heal the wound, and they won't pester another corpse." Han Zixuan promised.

With Shangguan Fei's permission, he started to do it.He took out the knife and started to fight, but Shangguan Fei didn't dare to look at it, he felt that he was too cruel, and made him suffer even though his father was dead.

Soon, Han Zixuan discovered the clue. It turned out that Shangguan Longfei really had a history of heart disease. There was a bracket here, but it was puzzling. There was a small thing next to the bracket that attracted him. The latter one is somewhat similar, but smaller and more refined.

Another chip, Han Zixuan had to sigh with emotion.Today's people are really too powerful, and they can control even killing.Presumably Shangguan Longfei was put in when he was in the bracket.

Han Zixuan showed this thing to Shangguan Fei, and briefly explained the purpose of this thing, which can control life and death, but there is one thing, this thing can only be controlled within a distance, which is a bit similar to Bluetooth technology.Therefore, the murderer should be in your home.

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