The campus is so cute

289 The Merry Miss

Han Zixuan followed Shangguan Fei to explain the purpose of this thing. It is currently a very advanced killing weapon.developed by an organization.

Shangguanfei asked immediately, it must be Tianxing who did it.

Han Zixuan shook his head: "Not necessarily, as far as I know, there is an organization in Yangcheng that also has this technique." He held back, and did not explain Guo Linghua's background.

Guo Linghua must have a purpose in coming to Suzhou and Hangzhou this time.If it was really Guo Linghua who did it, then the direct intention of the master behind her is obvious, and he is ready to attack Shangguanting.

But this stupid Shangguanting was still kept in the dark, thinking that his old lover could not bear him.

Shangguan Fei murmured about Yangcheng, and then he looked doubtful: "Zixuan, we can be regarded as good friends, you know more than me, please tell me more details."

Han Zixuan thought for a while, and then mentioned the two terrorist organizations in China, Tianxing and Yangcheng.At present, the two sides are at odds, and there is a vague intention of going to war. Through your father's sudden death, I can guess that both of them are targeting your family's status and power.

Although Shangguan Fei half-understood what he heard, his brother's suspicions were eased a lot.He really didn't want his brother to be the murderer of his father. If so, he really didn't know how to face it.

Han Zixuan asked him who he met when he returned home, and whether he met other people besides Guo Linghua.

He had an intuition that Shangguanting would definitely not be very clean, and he always felt that this person was sinister and cunning.Also, if Guo Linghua wanted to deal with Shangguan Longfei, there was no need to resort to such methods.You can directly look for opportunities to start, because no one will doubt her.After all, her identity is secret, and even I don't know her origin.

However, using Shangguan Longfei's heart disease stent to install this life-threatening chip, causing the illusion of Shangguan Longfei's heart disease death, is even more suspicious.

Shangguan Fei said that he only saw his two half-brothers, and they were very sad.However, he finally mentioned Shangguan Xiang's suspicion that the murderer who framed his father pointed to his elder brother.

"Zixuan, what should we do now? No matter what, I must find out the truth of the matter. Otherwise, I will never sleep or eat in peace." Shangguan Fei said in a sad tone, tears blurred his eyes.

"I will help you. But right now you still have to stabilize your emotions, especially in front of your elder brother. Although he is suspicious, you must not be patient. Don't blame me for speaking viciously. Your elder brother is not a good cake. If he is really The murderer who killed your father, then it may not be impossible to kill you." Han Zixuan finally warned: "You have to pay more attention, there are still strangers in your house, especially in your elder brother's room."

Shangguanfei felt that what Han Zixuan said was very reasonable, so he temporarily covered up his sadness and nodded: "Don't worry, I won't take risks and do stupid things."

Han Zixuan didn't dare to stay longer, he simply treated Shangguan Longfei's wound, it seemed that there would be no change, and he was about to enter the furnace for cremation tomorrow, no one would notice.

Han Zixuan left Shangguan's house and was on his way back to the hotel.He began to clarify the situation in front of him, when did Guo Linghua come, how was Shangguan Longfei's health when she came, and if Shangguan Longfei had already been admitted to the hospital at that time, many of her suspicions were ruled out.For some reason, Han Zixuan didn't want her to be the murderer.Once the murderer is Guo Linghua, then the two will definitely become enemies.

And Shangguan Ting is an unfilial son, he just wants to scold him.Your father is still lying in the coffin, so you hang out with your daughter.Guo Linghua is a woman with a bit of ability, she looks cold, she must be coquettish when she is charming, otherwise she will be so fascinated by Shangguan Ting.This woman is too dangerous, no, her master is even more dangerous.

Her master must be a woman, what kind of woman must be strong in martial arts, he thought of Ma Yunfeng, the Taoist priest of Emei.Could the people of that era have anything to do with Mo Long?In fact, he was just guessing.

When they arrived at the hotel, they still hadn't waited for Chen Yuluo to come back, so they couldn't help feeling a little worried.

Besides, when Chen Yuluo went to Guo's house, although he had never been there, he was there with Han Zixuan last time, and the location was still very familiar.The Guo family is not as good as the official family, and there are no strict guards. There are only two gatekeepers outside the gate, listless, telling nasty jokes to pass the boring time.

Chen Yuluo decided to get closer to listen to what they had to say. After hearing a few words, he cursed shamelessly in his heart, and wanted to turn around and leave. He went to the back courtyard wall and decided to turn over and jump in.

Suddenly she stopped again, because the conversation between the two immediately jumped, and only one person said: "Qiangzi, whatever the origin of that Mr. Han, our Patriarch will give face."

"Who knows, I heard that it seems that someone came to our house to propose a marriage. She should know our eldest lady, but then again, our eldest lady is quite mysterious. When did the eldest lady like it? Shangguanting." The one named Shuanzi gave a sinister smile: "It turns out that our eldest lady is still a restless master, quite coquettish, don't look serious on the outside, she might be a whore in her heart."

Qiangzi immediately warned him, don't fucking talk nonsense, once the lady hears about it, your life will be thrown away. As servants, we should pay more attention to our mouths.

Shuanzi immediately shut up, and then the two began to chatter about some useless things.

When Chen Yuluo came, he had already done some homework on the Guo family.Guo Xiangtao has two sons and two daughters.But the two sons are not very outstanding, they are just bastards.The two daughters are very outstanding, and they are peerless twins in Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Although Guo Linghua has never met, but looking at Guo Lingsu's appearance, she knows that she must be a peerless beauty.And from Han Zixuan, this woman has a mysterious background and was born in Yangcheng.At that time in the Duan family, it was this woman who had the final decisive battle with Zixuan.Guo Linghua played a very important role in the unraveling of the grievances between the Chen family and the Duan family.

Suddenly, she started to think wildly again. Could it be that Zixuan has something to do with her.Once a woman falls into emotion, her thoughts will inevitably be limited.

When the cold wind came out, Chen Yuluo immediately woke up, what was he thinking about, don't forget the most important thing.So, she jumped over the wall and began to explore the secret under the cover of night.

The Guo family is very famous in Suzhou and Hangzhou, and they consider themselves businessmen.The main economic industries of the family are silk, leather, etc., and the Guo family has grown bigger and bigger in recent years, becoming a wealthy family and an important force in Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Villas, pavilions, gardens, rockeries, beautiful scenery lingered, but Chen Yuluo was not in the mood to appreciate them.She glanced around and saw several lights flickering.She looked around, and there were four main buildings, one of which was a large villa, and the other three were small villas.

All the members of the Guo family live here, which covers a large area, so Guo Xiangtao built four houses, one for himself, and one for his two sons who are already married.His two daughters live together.

The largest room should be where Guo Xiangtao lives. Chen Yuluo immediately shifted his gaze to the other three houses.She walked in quickly, judged one by one, and finally locked Guo Lingsu's room.

What should I do, rush in rashly?Although she has been with Guo Lingsu for a while, she also knows that this girl is definitely not as innocent as she appears on the surface.And once he was caught by her inattentively, the consequences would be even more disastrous.

Now that you're here, you can't return empty-handed, you have to take a risk and try.

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