The campus is so cute

305 Do you want to die

Stinky bastard, come to bully me again.Afterwards, Guo Linghua took out the recording again, it was in the hotel last night, they did discuss about dealing with Shangguanting, and Han Zixuan did say that he wanted to kill Shangguanting, so he needed to take his time.

Han Zixuan hates it, he didn't expect this woman to be so insidious and despicable.She is too kind, every move is within her calculations.

Mrs. Wang's face was very calm, she glanced at the two of them and said indifferently: "To be honest, I don't hate you, Zixuan, I know you are here on behalf of the higher-ups this time, so don't have any mental burden."

Han Zixuan just looked at Guo Linghua resentfully, like an angry little daughter-in-law.

Guo Linghua then said: "Madam Wang, forgive me. I still have a very difficult task, which is to kill your whole family, but I can't do that. But I advise Madam, be careful, there are many enemies around you Eyeing it like a tiger."

"You betrayed." Mrs. Wang looked at Guo Linghua sharply.

Guo Linghua nodded: "Anyway, I'm about to die. Before I die, I always have to leave a way out for myself."

"Who is she?" Mrs. Wang asked.

Of course Guo Linghua understood: "Wen Lan, an evil and sinister woman."

"Who." Mrs. Wang was very shocked: "Wen Lan, if I remember correctly. If she is still alive, she should be nearly 60 years old now."

Guo Linghua was obviously also surprised: "Mrs. Wang, you know her."

Wang Yunqing nodded: "I know."

Then, she glanced at Zixuan: "Zixuan, do you want to know who Wen Lan is?"

Han Zixuan's heart skipped a beat, thinking that this person should have something to do with him, he nodded hastily.

"Wen Lan, Han Xiaotian's woman." Wang Yunqing said, seemingly lost in deep memories.

It's no wonder that Han Xiaotian's woman behaves exactly the same.Wen Lan is Han Xiaotian's continuation, continuing Han Xiaotian's mission, so she founded the Dragon Demon Organization.All the previous relationships became much clearer in an instant, and Han Zixuan felt very painful.

As for the person named Han Wenxuan, it became clear obviously that he must have a close relationship with Han Xiaotian, and his name was only one letter different from his own, so he couldn't be his brother.

Guo Linghua didn't know who Han Xiaotian was, but she was a smart woman, and she immediately noticed many secret things during the period. This person must have something to do with Han Zixuan.She thought of all the things before, Wen Lan paid close attention to Han Zixuan's every move, could it be?

Guo Linghua didn't continue to think about it, but just looked at Mrs. Wang.

Mrs. Wang glanced at Han Zixuan: "Zixuan, now a gap has finally been opened in Yangcheng's door, and we finally know who the enemy is."

We, Han Zixuan, are even more confused.

Mrs. Wang smiled: "My name is Wang Yunqing, and Ma Yunfeng is my senior sister from the same school. I just started later than them, and I was the youngest among the sisters. At that time, Wen Lan was the head of Emei."

Han Zixuan was dumbfounded, no wonder she knew Mo Long very well.After thinking about it, at that time Molong's men seemed to like Emei women. It was nothing more than Emei women who were beautiful and good at kung fu. Marrying such a woman home would be honorable and a good wife.

Master Ye Qingsong had an affair with Ma Yunfeng, Luo Shenke's lover was Xiao Yunshuang, Luo Yutong was Xiao Yunshuang's descendant, and the youngest Wang Yunqing married Shangguan Longfei.So what about Shangguan Longfei's true identity?

Wang Yunqing said calmly: "At that time, my husband, Shangguan Longfei, was actually half of Molong. You probably know that Molong was very powerful at that time, and his influence spread all over the country. It's just that they dispersed later, and everyone went their separate ways. "

Han Zixuan nodded: "This Wen Lan is really evil. According to her seniority, she should be your master."

Mrs. Wang's eyes were cold: "I never recognized her as a master. She is a woman with strong ambitions. I could see her strong desire at that time, and then I left Emei decisively. Unexpectedly, today she began to treat I'm doing it."

Guo Linghua didn't expect that there were so many complicated relationships in it, but it had nothing to do with her anymore. Now that the words were brought, she should think about the funeral.She bid farewell to Mrs. Wang, and Mrs. Wang asked her what to do next. Wen Lan will definitely not forgive you.

"It's okay, anyway, I'm about to die." Guo Linghua fixed her eyes on Han Zixuan finally: "You can't go back on what you promised me, protect my sister."

Han Zixuan nodded: "Okay, you can go at ease. Tomorrow and today I will kowtow and burn paper on your grave." He said in his heart that he should die early, and I will see what other tricks you can play to gain sympathy.

Mrs. Wang frowned and looked at Zixuan: "Zixuan, you can't say that. After all, you are a husband and wife, and you should help her."

As a couple, Han Zixuan felt that this joke was not funny at all.

Guo Linghua scolded: "He is a heartless person, he doesn't care about my life at all. He promised me yesterday that he would save me."

The veins on Han Zixuan's forehead were about to stand up, and he was about to be played to death by her.

Mrs. Wang looked at Han Zixuan and said, "Since Miss Guo has betrayed Wen Lan and risked her life. Zixuan, this matter has a lot to do with you. You can't just let Miss Guo be in danger."

"What do you mean, what does she have to do with me when she dies?"

"Think about it, who is Wen Lan? That's Han Xiaotian's woman. You are Han Xiaotian's descendant, so you don't want to meet this Wen Lan. Maybe she is your mother."

What, Han Zixuan was about to throw up thinking about it, his mother was an old monster in her sixties, and she was a murderous female devil.What a joke, he doesn't want to admit it.

"In the future, if you want to investigate your own life experience, Ms. Guo will provide you with a lot of help. Besides, she is beautiful, don't you be tempted?" Mrs. Wang said.

Han Zixuan immediately shook his head: "Auntie, forgive me. It seems that you like Guo Linghua very much, so why not become Shangguan Fei's wife."

"My Xiaofei is not good enough for Ms. Guo, you are indeed a perfect couple." Mrs. Wang rubbed her forehead: "I'm a little tired, there are so many things happening at home, and I'm still waiting for me to deal with them, so let's talk slowly .”

After Mrs. Wang left, Han Zixuan said with a cold face, "Guo Linghua, do you want to die or not. If you want to die, I will give you a ride."

"I don't want to." Guo Linghua said firmly, "Even if I die, I will kill Wen Lan."

Han Zixuan was silent, and then asked: "Then who did you show that attitude to? You said you were about to die every day, and I didn't see any sign of your dying."

Guo Linghua took off her clothes suddenly, Han Zixuan was stunned: "What are you doing, you want to moleste me, and then rely on me."

Guo Linghua gave her a cold look, and continued to take off, but only took off her coat, leaving only a women's vest, exposing her white and smooth skin.

Han Zixuan is no longer Chu Ge, so he won't be tempted by this beauty.Suddenly, Guo Linghua turned around and exposed her back.

Han Zixuan froze when he saw the situation behind him.

"You have been implanted with a life-threatening chip." Han Zixuan's tongue was dry, and he struggled to say these words.

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