The campus is so cute

306 Watching Orangutans

Guo Linghua put on her clothes again, her gaze was still cold: "How about it, what else do you want to say."

Han Zixuan showed apologetic expression: "It turns out that what you said is true, I thought you were playing some tricks with me, and the purpose was still to use me."

"That's right, I've been using you. When I came to Suzhou and Hangzhou this time, I actually expected the ending. But I'm not reconciled. I want to kill Wen Lan. She ruined all my life." Guo Linghua turned He turned his head to look at him: "That time I accidentally saw you following me, I made up my mind, I want to find a way to save myself, that person is you, I know you must have a way."

"Just trust me that much, I'm not a god-man."

"But you are still very capable of doing unexpected things sometimes. I am actually a very strong woman. I never trust anyone or count on anyone."

"I can tell, you're really in trouble this time, begging me all the time." Han Zixuan said sarcastically.

"You are wrong, I didn't beg you, it was your willingness." Guo Linghua glanced at him: "Now I know you better, you are more eager to know Yangcheng than I am, and you want to know the situation there."

"Okay, I am willing, then I am very willing to help you untie the thing on your back, okay, I will go to Han Wenxuan now and kill him." Han Zixuan was very angry, even if he was a good person, he was so useless .

"Can you do it? Don't forget, you may be brothers." Guo Linghua said coldly.

"Now I finally understand why Wen Lan pays so much attention to you. If you are really a descendant of Han Xiaotian, then you are one of their pawns."

Chess pieces, Han Zixuan thought about these two words, chess pieces.He feels this more and more now.Life is so sad sometimes, you don't even know how you came to this world.

Guo Linghua saw his sadness, and comforted him: "Don't think so much, and deal with the matter in front of you quickly. If I don't do anything within three days, I will die."

"If you die, just die, so you don't bother me." Han Zixuan was depressed.

"That's not important, the key is my sister, don't you like her?" Guo Linghua's eyes sparkled.

Han Zixuan felt a little guilty, and hurriedly asked, "What do you mean?"

"You're a pervert, how can you not be tempted when you see a beautiful woman. Last time, you took my sister to North Korea, and when I came back, I found that something was wrong with her. You probably didn't kill her."

"No, I'm not that shameless. I won't do anything to children." Han Zixuan hastily argued, but in fact he didn't need to quibble at all.

"Don't worry, I won't use you for nothing. If my sister and I can survive, I can consider introducing my sister to you."

No way, there is such a good thing, he looked at Guo Linghua with a salivating expression: "I only want you."

"Okay, I'll think about it." Guo Linghua said lightly.

Han Zixuan trembled all over, all the good things in the sky have happened to me, it's too nonsense.

But time is running out, it seems that I must have a head-to-head confrontation with Han Wenxuan.He immediately went back to the hotel, and discussed with Chen Yuluo the next action plan, the goal, to kill Han Wenxuan.

What to do, it is definitely not possible to go directly to Guo's house.It seems that the only option is to sacrifice Guo Lingsu.

Now, Guo Xiangtao is planning with Han Wenxuan how to cleverly compete for the stall left by Shangguan's family.Now that their family has no backbone, they must start as soon as possible.

Han Wenxuan was full of confidence: "Three days, we will start after three days."

Guo Lingsu is no longer a carefree child, because since she ate marshmallows secretly, she felt weird. She checked the information online, but she has not found any marshmallows that match this taste.What the hell is it?

She also heard about the great changes in Shangguan's family.And knowing that this matter was related to her sister, she was a little frightened, worried about her sister's safety.But she couldn't ask her father and the surname Han, she listened to Han Zixuan's words, honestly, pretended to be innocent, and pretended not to know anything.

Just now, she received a text message from Han Zixuan.The little girl is now in an emotionally sensitive period, and she fantasizes that the man she misses can please her and praise him every day, but she is also very sensible, knowing that he must be busy, and now that the situation is complicated, it is even more impossible for her to sneak out for a tryst.

After reading the content of the text message, she was very angry.He actually asked me to take the initiative to seduce the man surnamed Han, and made an appointment to meet at the zoo.

It's a zoo again, so shameless.The little girl blushed when she thought of the ambiguous and charming past few days ago.She went to see Han Wenxuan just like this, and said timidly, "Brother Han, are you free tonight? I want to invite you to the zoo to see orangutans."

Han Wenxuan flipped through a book casually in his hand, his eyes widened after hearing this: "Susu, why go to the zoo to look at the stars, can't we also look at them in our yard?"

"It's not the stars in the sky, I want to see the gorillas in the zoo." The little girl pretended to be an ape-man, which was so cute that it almost sucked Han Wenxuan's soul out.

This little elf is much more charming than your sister.Han Wenxuan's heart moved, everyone said that girls are prone to heat, and she must have fallen in love with me these few days when I was in their house, but she didn't dare to have a tryst with me at home, that's why she chose such a crappy place.A zoo is a zoo, why not give her to that tonight.

Han Wenxuan said solemnly: "Susu, what are you going to do? If you have something to say, just tell your brother. Don't beat around the bush."

Guo Lingsu was ruthless, her face was dizzy, she lowered her head, fiddled with her dress, kicked the ground, and said word by word: "Brother, you are so bad, you deliberately teased me. I'm leaving, and I'm ignoring you."

Han Wenxuan touched his nose, then hurriedly chased after him and shouted, "See you soon."

At night, with a bright moon shining on the ditch, Han Wenxuan leisurely appeared in the zoo. After looking around for a few times, he didn't find Susu's shadow, so he shouted: "Susu, I'm here, where are you?"

"Brother, this way." Guo Lingsu poked her head out of a grove and waved to him: "Brother, I'm ready, come quickly."

Han Wenxuan was furious, mother Xipi, the little girl is really bold and unrestrained.So, he showed the essence of the big bad wolf and rushed directly to the grove.As soon as I entered, I suddenly felt something was wrong, and there was an unusual sound of wind in my ears.

No, he is also a veteran of the rivers and lakes, and he has received special training in secret, and his intuition tells him that he has been fooled.But it was too late, suddenly felt his head was covered by a big bag, and then someone hit him on the back of the neck, he felt his body sinking, and fell down in a daze.

Seeing that Han Zixuan had succeeded, Guo Lingsu asked in confusion, "Brother Zixuan, what are you going to do? Kill him?"

Han Zixuan tied up his pockets and said to Guo Lingsu, "Help your sister save her life. You should go back first and be careful."

"You saw my sister, I want to see her now." Guo Lingsu hastily pulled Han Zixuan back.

Han Zixuan hesitated for a moment: "Okay, then follow me."

Han Zixuan was carrying his pocket, followed by Guo Lingsu, the two of them looked like robbing robbers.I didn't go to the hotel. After all, it was too obvious and easy to be spotted.Finally went to Guo Linghua's secret address.

Guo Linghua had been waiting for a long time, and opened the door to welcome Han Zixuan, but she didn't expect her sister to come too.She immediately scolded Han Zixuan, why did she bring her here.

Guo Lingsu hadn't seen her sister for a long time, and she rushed forward immediately after meeting, telling her sister's love.

Han Zixuan looked at Guo Linghua: "You have also seen it, she is very worried about your safety, and she is worried about you."

Guo Linghua vaguely felt that something was wrong, and looked at Han Zixuan: "You told my sister already."

Guo Lingsu raised her teary face: "Sister, brother Zixuan is my boyfriend, of course he told me about your situation."

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