The campus is so cute

307 What does it mean to start?

Guo Linghua stared at Han Zixuan with anger: "Han, you really did it first."

Something's wrong, I just said that I would introduce my sister to me, why did I deny it in a blink of an eye.He knows that women change faces quickly, but don't take it like this. I've captured your enemy and killed the donkey.

Seeing the two quarreling, Guo Lingsu hurriedly tried to persuade her: "Sister, what are you arguing about?"

Guo Linghua immediately asked: "Sister, did he attack you?"

Guo Lingsu was confused: "Sister, what does it mean to start?"

This simple and silly child probably doesn't know what a hymen is.That's right, the mother in the family died early, and her elder sister was not at home, so she probably didn't know much about the girls' physical problems.How should I put it, simply said bluntly: "That is, have you slept together yet?"

No matter how pure Guo Lingsu was, she understood what it meant, her face was flushed red, and she stammered: "Sister, what nonsense are you talking about, brother Zixuan and I are very pure, we have never even held hands."

What else did Han Zixuan say, Guo Linghua stopped him, and then took him to the inner room. She wanted to lecture him alone: ​​"Han Zixuan, you can't pick on my sister."

"Why not? Didn't you agree to introduce her to me just now?" Han Zixuan was secretly happy, and the guilt in his heart was finally reduced a lot.

"I mean, introduce her to you as your younger sister, so that you can't do anything." Guo Linghua argued, how could she let her younger sister get along with such a vile man.

"Okay, the mouth is on your face, no matter what you say, you're right. That's fine, I won't date her anymore, it's okay to date you, you agree." Han Zixuan was quite angry, this woman tricked me again, Use my purity to help her with affairs.Hey, I'm so pure.

"I have to think about it, wait for me to reply to you." Guo Linghua gave him a sideways glance: "Let's deal with Han Wenxuan's matter now, and we can talk about our matter later."

Well, Han Zixuan knew it in his heart, and the result was predictable, he was just too kind.

He opened the pocket, revealing Han Wenxuan's face.Han Zixuan stared at him carefully, trying to find similarities between the two, but happily, there was no similarity at all.

And Guo Linghua quickly rummaged through his pockets, found the start switch, and then ruthlessly still on the ground, stomping hard until it was broken into pieces.

"That's the end, but they will still make the start switch." Han Zixuan was puzzled.

"Let me live for a few more days before we talk about it, and we can think about it later." Guo Linghua took Guo Lingsu's hand: "Sister, let's go chat with sisters, we haven't seen each other for a long time, my sister really misses you."

This is over, and the rest of the stall is left to myself.Well, Han Zixuan decided to interrogate this man because he wanted to know more secrets.

Han Wenxuan was woken up by a basin of cold water. When he woke up, he found that he was tied up all over. There was a young man standing in front of him, scanning him with sinister eyes.But the man was wearing a mask, so he couldn't see what his face looked like.

"Who are you and why did you kidnap me?" Although Han Wenxuan was kidnapped, he was not particularly afraid.In the training they received, including the various tests they experienced after being captured, he knew in his heart that he would definitely be able to stand firm.

"You report your name first." Han Zixuan asked.

Han Wenxuan laughed loudly: "Boy, you dare to tie me up even if you don't know who I am. Let me tell you, let me go quickly, or I will make your death ugly when I turn over."

Suddenly, he remembered that it was all caused by that little girl Guo Lingsu, damned girl, she was human.The person in front of him must be with Guo Lingsu, could it be Susu's boyfriend.Susu found out that I was interested in her, so she deliberately asked someone to teach me a lesson, which is ridiculous.

"What about Susu, what about the little bitch."

"Susu, who is Susu?"

"Your party."

"Oh, you said that little girl, my young master saw that she was pretty, so I had already enjoyed it just now. She is your horse, not bad." Han Zixuan had a wretched expression on his face.

Under what circumstances, Susu was enjoyed by the man in front of her.Fuck, I must have met a hooligan.Han Wenxuan carefully observed the surrounding environment and was shocked.He is a little familiar with this room, having been here several times before.This is clearly Guo Linghua's secret address.

He instantly understood that everything was done by that big bitch Guo Linghua.He looked down at his pocket, it was empty, the starter was long gone.

"You and Guo Linghua are in the same group, and she is." Han Wenxuan was very annoyed. This woman was so bold that she not only violated the order, but also dared to kidnap me.

"Han Wenxuan, what are you talking about? Believe it or not, I'm going to kill you now." Han Zixuan saw that this guy was like this, and he was still so arrogant, so he couldn't help stretching out his hand and slapped him twice.

Han Wenxuan's face was livid, it seemed that Guo Linghua had indeed betrayed, otherwise he would not have told the man in front of him his name.

"Who are you?" Although Han Wenxuan was slapped a few times, it didn't matter to him. It was just a bit useless for normal training subjects.

"It doesn't matter who I am, I just want to find out the whereabouts of one person." Han Zixuan squatted down and looked at Han Wenxuan. The men and women who came out of Yangcheng were really different. They were all good men and strong women.

"Who?" Although Han Wenxuan was reluctant, he still asked curiously.

"Han Zixuan, where is he?" Han Zixuan asked.

Han Zixuan, Han Wenxuan muttered the name of this person, of course he knew the existence of this person.In their Yangcheng, only a few people know this secret.Because he is an important secret of the Han family, only his father Han Shaofeng, grandfather Han Xiaotian and others know about it.

"I don't know." Han Wenxuan immediately shook his head and asked, "Who the hell are you?"

"Tianxing, Chu Yuhang." Han Zixuan said.

Damn, it really is a Tianxing person.It's really unlucky, I forgot to tell my fortune when I went out.How could I meet someone from Tianxing?Um, no, why did the Tianxing people ask Han Zixuan, why did they ask me.

"Han Wenxuan, don't be sloppy with me. You Yangcheng sent Guo Linghua to Suzhou and Hangzhou with the purpose of engulfing Shangguan's house. It's a pity that you are one step too late, Tianxing has already controlled Shangguan court."

Han Wenxuan's face was very ugly, Guo Linghua must have betrayed him, but this girl would be tempted by the wind, seeing that her life could not be saved, she immediately took refuge in her new master.

Chu Yuhang, do Han Wenxuan know this person's name, the young master of the Chu family?But after hearing that Chu Yuhang disappeared, why did he suddenly appear in Suzhou and Hangzhou?

"Chu Yuhang, we have not violated the river water with your Tianxing well water. We have not had any enmity for so many years. We don't want Suzhou and Hangzhou, let's give it to you Tianxing head office." Han Wenxuan began to consider retreating. The demise of Jintian Star has something to do with them.

"I'm not interested in you, I just want to know the whereabouts of Han Zixuan. I heard that he came from Yangcheng and is your brother."

"It's nothing at all, I don't know this person." Han Wenxuan shook his head hastily.

"Don't you really know me? Don't give me a sloppy eye. I heard that Han Zixuan's mother seems to be called Wen Lan."

When Han Wenxuan heard this, he almost turned into a zombie.Whoever fabricates rumors will not make up stories.If this matter got to Wen Lan's ears, that old hag would definitely go crazy.

"Young Master Chu, who did you listen to. I don't even know who Wen Lan is."

"Fuck you, stop pretending to me. Do you think that many people don't know the secrets of your Yangcheng, do you think we Tianxing are fools? Your organization is called Long Mei, and the leader is Wen Lan. Wen Lan has an illegitimate child It's called Han Zixuan, Han Zixuan is domineering in the Jianghu, not because of your backing."

Han Wenxuan stopped talking. He felt extremely wronged and said helplessly, "Young Master Chu, do you know how old Wen Lan is? She is almost 70 years old this year. Even if she can sow seeds, she may not be able to bear fruit."

Damn, Wen Lan is so old, Han Zixuan was surprised, but finally he felt much more at ease, he was not that old hag's person.

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