The campus is so cute

308 Father and Daughter Pair

Han Zixuan is now mainly investigating his own life experience. People must know who they are when they live. What's the point of living without knowing why, even if they are beautiful.

Continue to torture with words and deeds, but Han Wenxuan is such a stubborn master, he refuses to admit that he knows Han Zixuan,

Han Zixuan, pretending to be Chu Yuhang, continued to interrogate: "I heard that there is a seal on Han Zixuan, which hides a huge treasure. It is the wealth left by Han Xiaotian back then. We have been looking for it, but this kid can't see the end. Listen Do you know that he went to Yangcheng?"

Han Wenxuan shook his head, saying that he didn't know Han Zixuan at all, despite our similar names.But we really don't know each other. By the way, who is that Han Zixuan and what does he do.

Good boy, just pretend to be me.Han Zixuan has no time to continue talking nonsense with him, and of course he won't let him go, this person is very useful, according to Guo Linghua, he has a high status in Yangcheng Longmei, so he must know a lot of secrets.But it was not easy to pry his mouth open, Han Zixuan even used the usual interrogation methods.

"Han Wenxuan, you have enough backbone. I, Chu Yuhang, admire you very much. But please do me a favor. You must know how to untie that thing on my wife Guo Linghua's neck."

Your wife, Han Wenxuan complained endlessly.

But the two sisters of the Guo family in the room heard the truth. This bastard made up all the nonsense and really deceived Han Wenxuan, but you are a liar, so why do you have to take advantage of our sisters?Looking at the little girl beside her with spring eyes, covering her mouth and snickering, with a look of joy in her brows and eyes, she couldn't bear it, she always felt that the little girl must have been eaten by that wolf.

"Han Wenxuan, don't think that Yangcheng is the only one with high-tech killing methods. To tell you the truth, we killed Shangguan Longfei, and the technology we used is similar to yours. But the solution should be figured out. As long as those involved are found, it can be resolved.”

Regarding this point, Han Wenxuan would not let go if he was killed, because he had to kill that bitch Guo Linghua, otherwise he would not be able to calm down the anger in his heart.After thinking about it, this woman began to think of ways to prepare to rebel when she came to Suzhou and Hangzhou, but she hooked up with Chu Yuhang.

According to their Yangcheng investigation data, Chu Yuhang is a playboy in Beijin. Although he is quite capable, his combat effectiveness and intelligence can only be considered moderate.Guo Linghua is such a smart woman, how could she get along with him.Moreover, Beijin Tianxing had just been wiped out by the country some time ago, and he was the number one wanted criminal. It would be inconceivable for him to dare to come to Suzhou and Hangzhou at this time.

Well, look at this guy can't say anymore.Han Zixuan threw him into the basement, and then went back to the house to discuss countermeasures.

As soon as he came in, Guo Linghua's face was full of displeasure: "Han Zixuan, you play Chu Yuhang and take advantage of our sisters, what is your intention?"

"I play the role of Chu Yuhang. The purpose is very direct. It is to let Tianxing and Yangcheng start a journey of fighting. Both of them are organizations with strong combat effectiveness. With the limited strength of the few of us, we will definitely not be able to eliminate them. And the country will also I have been patient with them for a long time, and I have long hoped that the two sides will fight each other, this is an excellent opportunity."

Guo Linghua's eyes sparkled, and she couldn't help admiring in her heart.Although Guo Lingsu understood the general idea, she felt that her boyfriend was very powerful and his level of fooling people was too high, so she directly praised Brother Zixuan for being awesome.

Han Zixuan looked at Guo Linghua: "Now the important task falls on your head, you have to go home and explain the situation to your father, just say that Han Wenxuan was captured by Tianxing, he will definitely inform Yangcheng , it will definitely be very lively.”

Guo Linghua nodded, now she is focused on revenge and has no other thoughts.It's just about her father, she hopes he can understand the current affairs and make the right choice again.

Han Wenxuan and his youngest daughter disappeared at the same time, Guo Xiangtao was very anxious.One is his beloved daughter, and the other is someone he can't afford to offend. Immediately, he dropped his hands and started searching the whole city.And Guo Linghua appeared at this time, which surprised Guo Xiangtao.

"Linghua, why are you back? Didn't you leave Suhang after Shangguanting died?" Guo Xiangtao thought that his daughter's mission had failed, so she must have left Suhang and returned to Yangcheng.

"I didn't leave because Han Wenxuan arranged for me a more difficult task, asking me to kill everyone in Shangguan's family." Guo Linghua said coldly.

Guo Xiangtao gasped, obviously his daughter did not complete the task.Once Shangguan's family is bloodbathed, such a big thing will definitely spread.

"Linghua, you accept and agree."

"Can I not agree? If I don't complete the task, not only will I die, but our whole family will die as well." Guo Linghua looked at his father's aging face and thought that he had devoted his whole life to the Guo family.

"Linghua, you can't do this. The Shangguan family has deep roots, and our family will definitely be found in the end. The Shangguan family belongs to the state, and our family will be ruined by then." Guo Xiangtao was not confused. Now, he regrets his hasty decision, why did he insist on cooperating with that woman.

"Dad, I'm not young anymore. These years of experience have made me grow a lot. I have a new idea. I plan to leave Long Mei and stay away from that crazy woman." Guo Linghua's eyes were firm, and Guo Xiangtao was infected at this moment. .

He was in great pain, and confessed: "Linghua, Dad is sorry for you."

Guo Linghua actually hated his father, who destroyed her originally peaceful and comfortable life, and also destroyed her character, making her what she is now.Every time she sees the innocent, lively and cheerful look of the little girl, she is very envious.

Guo Xiangtao suddenly understood: "So that's how it is. Han Wenxuan told me that the problem can be solved in three days. Could it be that he asked you to kill Shangguan's family within three days?"

Guo Linghua nodded: "Dad, I am a dying person. To be honest, I have no gratitude to you, only resentment. But I don't want my sister to follow my path. She is not yet 20 years old, and with Wen Lan's personality , she will definitely take the little sister away in a short time."

"I won't agree." Guo Xiangtao's voice was almost roaring.

"Linghua, what do you mean by people who are about to die?" Although Guo Xiangtao outwardly didn't care about Guo Linghua, and even ruined her life, she was the one who loved her the most in his heart, because the more he felt guilty, the more he loved. deep.

Guo Linghua said about her current situation, she might be wiped out at any time.The main purpose of Han Wenxuan's visit this time is not to complete the task, but to kill me.Just think about the many missions before, Wen Lan never sent anyone over, she was very cautious and would not send too many people.But this time Wen Lan sent her most trusted person to follow Guo Linghua, obviously she had seen that Guo Linghua was unreliable and was ready to kill him at any time.After all, she knows a lot of things, Wen Lan's usual method, there are no secrets in the mouths of dead people.

Guo Xiangtao stood there blankly, a turbid tear flowed from his old face.Regretful, desperate, the old man frantically beat himself with his fist, why is he alive, let his daughter suffer for him.

"Dad, don't be like this. I'm fine now, because Han Wenxuan is under our control for the time being." Guo Linghua stretched out her hand to persuade her father. Seeing him so sad, she felt even more uncomfortable.

"Linghua, what are you talking about?" Guo Xiangtao immediately woke up from his grief.

Guo Linghua then mentioned that they had already controlled Han Wenxuan, and they wanted to take advantage of this matter, a war of the century was about to break out.Only this chance can we escape from Longmei, otherwise our whole family will have no chance.

"You said that Han Zixuan is with you, and Susu is also here." Guo Xiangtao breathed a sigh of relief, and he was relieved that his little daughter was safe.

"Susu is very good, and she seems to like Han Zixuan." Guo Linghua had to admit that the little girl was indeed in a whirlwind of feelings, but she was a little unhappy in her heart.

"Forget about that, I still admire Zixuan very much. You go back and tell him, I thank him on behalf of the whole family, and I will do as you said now." Guo Xiangtao wiped the tears from his eyes, his fighting spirit was high.

Guo Linghua was relieved that her father was not confused, and the Guo family could still be saved.

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