The campus is so cute

309 The Great War Is Coming

Wen Lan has not received any news from Han Wenxuan for a day. According to the usual practice, they will contact each other every day to report on work, task progress and so on.

Han Shaofeng was so anxious that he couldn't sit still in the hall and walked back and forth.Just looking at the two old people sitting in the center.

Han Xiaotian and Wen Lan looked at each other, both guessing what happened, and an ominous premonition struck.Suddenly Qian Zhao ran in and said in a panic: "Report, something happened to the young master, and he was captured by Tianxing in Suzhou and Hangzhou."

Han Shaofeng immediately asked: "Who sent the news."

"Guo Xiangtao, he is our important stronghold in Suzhou and Hangzhou, his news cannot be false." Qian Zhao looked at the two people on the stage, after all, they are the ones in power.

Wen Lan suddenly stood up, and said to Han Xiaotian: "Xiaotian, it seems that we must take action, and it's time for revenge."

Han Xiaotian had a look of excitement in his eyes, and he has been dormant for more than 20 years. He has never gone out these years, and has been living in his own world. Every day is like a year. He feels that he is wasting his life. If he continues to be like this, his willpower will gradually fade away.

Han Xiaotian looked at Wen Lan with a grateful smile: "Wen Lan, you have worked hard for so many years."

Wen Lan smiled, full of confidence: "Brother Tian, ​​we will definitely succeed this time. In ancient times, Gou Jian, the king of Yue, tried his best to break through the sky, and we can also rebuild our glory."

Han Xiaotian hummed: "Notify the people below to prepare for battle at any time. Qian Zhao, you should contact Guo Xiangtao immediately and ask him to investigate the details clearly, and we are ready to go to war."

Han Xiaotian turned to look at Wen Lan: "Notify the people in the Yangcheng government that they are ready to declare independence at any time, and then start going north to eliminate Liu Peng."

Regarding the Liu family, Han Xiaotian will never forget that it was Liu Zhongquan who accepted the American suggestion and brought in Tianxing, and finally forced him to declare Molong to disband.And his brothers later fell apart and fought on their own.These spineless guys have no courage at all.

Han Xiaotian calculated carefully, who can stand on the same front with him now, Roshchenk is one of them, his most trusted brother, it was with his help back then that the whole family escaped smoothly.

Ye Qingsong is one of them, he is loyal to him, it is time to contact him, I am afraid he still does not know that I am still alive, no matter what, I am very relieved for him.

The rest of Yang Qihua, He Tianbei, Bi Xiao and others are all incompetent and cowardly idiots. When I meet them in the future, I will humiliate them.

Han Shaofeng was most concerned about his son's life and death, once he fell into Tianxing's hands, he would definitely suffer.He hoped that his father could rescue his son as soon as possible, but Han Xiaotian said coldly: "Why save him, an incompetent person."

Han Shaofeng was dumbfounded, how could his father be like this.By the way, my father was like this 20 years ago, ruthless and disrespectful.Han Shaofeng looked at his father complainingly, and then left angrily.

He returned to his place of residence and began to think, Tianxing and Longmei have never had any disputes, because no one dared to break the deadlock first, and they were both in awe of each other.Tianxing needs to be stable, and Longmei needs to develop. Now is not the best time to declare war.

And the key point is that Tianxing thought that Han Xiaotian was dead long ago, and would never associate Yangcheng with Han Xiaotian, why Wenxuan was caught by Tianxing's people in a daze.Moreover, Suzhou and Hangzhou were already their bases, and the people from Tianxing did not infiltrate them at all.What was going on, he was very worried.

The Yangcheng side is in full swing, and the Suzhou and Hangzhou side is also very lively.The two re-elected heads of the Shangguan family died, although the murderer Shangguan Xiang was caught.However, the evidence is limited and not enough to convict, and the investigation is still underway.

The Shangguan family is the most important family in Suzhou and Hangzhou, and they must choose a new heir.But what puzzled everyone was that at this time, Mrs. Wang stepped up to the front desk, and she began to talk about all the affairs of Shangguan's family.

The company is still operating as usual, there is no disorder on the oil platform, everything is as usual and orderly, and rumors spread that Zhao Zekai, the head of State No. [-], and his wife came to Suzhou and Hangzhou to investigate the matter, so as to appease the hearts of the people and pay attention to people's livelihood.

Zhao Zekai hadn't come out for a long time, because there were a lot of gossip that he was sick, and he was very sick.At present, many matters in the country are handled by Liu Peng.But this time, his appearance was quite unexpected, even a bit abrupt.

Liu Peng's brows were furrowed. Now it's a critical stage, and the battle between Tianxing and Yangcheng is about to begin.It's time for him to show his skills. As long as these two forces are successfully eliminated, his reputation and status will surely rise, and it will be a matter of course to replace Zhao Zekai at that time.

Although there are still many supporters of the Zhao family among the standing committee members.But Lao Zhao has not asked about political affairs for many years, and he can even be said to have let go of it. Such a person can be said to have no political achievements at all, and it is inevitable to step down.

And the most important point, Lao Zhao has no heirs.In the early years, he had a son, but he was lost when he was born. Few people knew about it. Old Zhao said that the child had an incurable disease.But many people inside know the reason of the matter, but they dare not tell the outside world.

In China, there are usually two habits in the succession of chief executives.The son inherits the father's career, but it must go through a referendum and the approval rate must reach more than half.The other is the principle of fair competition. He, Liu Peng, is absolutely confident that he will win the next year's competitive election.

Next, it's time for the fire between Yangcheng and Tianxing to burn.Han Zixuan is indeed a talent, but it's a pity that he is a descendant of Han Xiaotian, after this matter is over, this person can't stay.

Liu Peng immediately called Yang He: "Yang He, the chief is leaving."

Yang He nodded: "We have already set off, and we will probably arrive in Suzhou and Hangzhou in the afternoon." He arranged the security work for the chief executive's trip this time.Although he is close to Liu Peng, he also respects Zhao Zekai very much.

Inside Huaxia, there is its own independent gang.It is Liu Peng and Zhao Zekai who are the two biggest forces. Although Yang He is close to Liu Peng in name, he is not satisfied with Liu Peng's handling of many things recently, and he can vaguely see his ambition.Yang He has his own ideas, no matter who wins in the coming year, he will treat it with a normal mind.

"Tell me, why is he going to Suzhou and Hangzhou this time? Suhang is very close to Yangcheng, and Yangcheng is likely to be in turmoil soon, so it's impossible for him to die." Liu Peng thought that Yang He was his confidant, so he said nothing very casual.

"Chief, you can't say that. Such a big event happened in Suzhou and Hangzhou. Chief Zhao is worried about the situation there. He understands the situation and understands the people's sentiments. From this point of view, he has taken a step ahead of you." Yang He's words faintly A little angry.

Liu Peng was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "How is Zhao Zekai's condition?"

"It shouldn't be serious. The bureau doctor said it's just a little high blood pressure. You'll be fine after taking the medicine." Yang He continued: "It's really chaotic in Yangcheng. Recently, news came that the price of goods there was soaring and the traffic was chaotic. , there are faint signs of an outbreak."

"Okay, this is the day I've been waiting for." Liu Peng smiled, then turned to look at Yang He: "Yang He, you are also responsible for this."

Yang He was a little upset: "I just want to wipe out the evil forces. I hope this turmoil will not be too big and the people will not be hurt too badly."

"Hey, I think so too. Immediately tell Suhang to protect the safety of the chief."

Yang He was stunned: "Don't you want him to die?"

"Nonsense, no matter how you say it, Zhao Zekai is my boss, how can I do this." Liu Peng was slightly angry.

Yang He went out, feeling very depressed and in a bad mood.He immediately contacted Han Zixuan, the chief went to Suzhou and Hangzhou, he must protect the chief's safety, it is very possible that the people in Yangcheng are ready to do something.

When Han Zixuan received the order, the corner of his mouth twitched, it was me again.

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