The campus is so cute

311 Possibly the Crown Prince

Mrs. Wang's inscrutable appearance aroused Han Zixuan's curiosity. Ever since he had a conversation with He Hongchao, he was eager to know who he was, and the most hopeful answer was that he was not Han Xiaotian's descendant.

Because he has been down the mountain for so long, he has basically understood the past history through many people, and he knows that Han Xiaotian's behavior is a rebellion of the country, and it is very shameful to become his descendant.

"Madam Wang, if you have any clues, please tell me. I am very eager to know who I am now. You had friendship with Mo Long and the others back then, so you must know a lot."

Wang Yunqing pondered for a moment: "I'm just guessing, not necessarily accurate. After you hear it, don't take it seriously, it's just for reference."

Han Zixuan immediately sat back on the chair, and Chen Yuluo beside him was also extremely nervous. She understood his mood at the moment and could only extend her hand to comfort him.

Wang Yunqing didn't talk about Han Zixuan's affairs, but talked about family affairs.Her elder sister's name is Wang Yunzhu, their family was originally the children of officials, and their father was a member of the Standing Committee of the State, otherwise Wang Yunzhu would not be able to marry Zhao Zekai.

Han Zixuan listened quietly. Although he had nothing to do with him, he fell into the story Mrs. Wang told.Mrs. Wang came slowly. After my sister married Zhao Zekai, our family suddenly underwent great changes, and my father resigned for no reason.In the officialdom, it is complicated. My father understands what's going on, and someone deliberately suppresses it.

At that time, my father was also tired, and my father only had us two daughters, so there was no need to be competitive.My sister stepped into a wealthy family, and the future will be full of blessings and misfortunes. It is hard to guess.He didn't want me to follow in his footsteps, so I married Shangguan Longfei.At that time, Shangguan Longfei was just a small businessman, but he had ambitions and believed that he would be able to take off in the future.

Afterwards, Shangguan Longfei's business grew bigger and bigger, and later he started the oil business, and gradually gained his status today.Of course, the rise of our family is closely related to my sister, but we will not make it public, so as not to cause trouble for them.Later, the country valued the profit of oil and asked the country to control it.Moreover, the method of marriage is also used to achieve the purpose of manipulation.It doesn't matter, I can't embarrass my sister and brother-in-law because of this little thing.

In fact, these are intentionally done by the opposing faction of the Zhao family, and we don't want this big cake to be owned by our family.These years, I have been very low-key, and I have lived in peace.But the idea of ​​both Tianxing and Yangcheng coming here just now may be an internal means of the country. When the chief comes, it will be clear.

Han Zixuan was at a loss as to what this had to do with him.

Mrs. Wang signaled him not to worry, and continued: "Speaking of my sister and brother-in-law, despite their superficial beauty, they have heart problems and have no children."

Both Han Zixuan and Chen Yuluo were surprised. For people like them, once they have no children, it means that their rights cannot be inherited, which is a very serious problem.

"Could it be impossible to give birth?" Han Zixuan felt that it was inappropriate to ask such a question, but the words popped out of his mouth instantly.

"No." Mrs. Wang shook her head, her face showing melancholy: "I lost it, my sister's son was lost. He was lost not long after he was born."

Lost it, Han Zixuan said in his heart that he was too careless, but on second thought, it is absolutely impossible to lose it, the Zhao family has a strict family, how could it be lost.Unless it's stealing, but this thief is so awesome that he dared to steal the chief's family's child.

The child, Han Zixuan's heart moved, he looked at Mrs. Wang for the newborn child.

And Mrs. Wang was also staring at him: "Zixuan, the first time I saw you, I thought you looked a lot like my brother-in-law."

Han Zixuan hurriedly stopped: "Ma'am, the resemblance between people does not explain the problem. Many people in the folks look like movie stars, and even if they are packaged, it is impossible to tell the authenticity. But they have nothing to do with each other."

Mrs. Wang continued: "Zixuan, I haven't finished my words. At that time, Molong was on the verge of disbanding and falling apart. Wen Lan and the others hated the country, especially the Zhao family who were in power at that time. So I suspect that they stole My sister's child, so I made you the heir of Molong. In fact, the purpose of disguise is revenge. The children of the Zhao family will be Molong's descendants in the future. two."

Han Zixuan didn't want to continue listening, so he immediately stopped Mrs. Wang from talking.How is it possible, everything is absurd, is it just a fantasy drama, how can there be so many coincidences, if I was a member of the Zhao family at that time, how could Han Xiaotian and the others keep me, and let Ye Qingsong train me, they would have given me a long time ago I kill.

Mrs. Wang stopped and continued: "I'm just analyzing it. Of course, you have to find all the results."

At this time, someone came in and reported: "The chief's plane has landed, and the party is heading to our place."

Mrs. Wang asked people to go out to prepare, got up and said to Han Zixuan: "You should also prepare, no matter what, you have a heavy responsibility now, you must protect the safety of the chief."

Han Zixuan's head was in a mess at the moment, he was struggling to find his own life experience, eager to know what his parents looked like.If it is true that Mrs. Wang said that he is a descendant of the Zhao family, he feels that this story is not reliable at all.

Chen Yuluo was quite excited: "Zixuan, maybe you really are the prince."

Han Zixuan nodded his forehead with his hand: "Prince, Yuluo, you are not crazy, how could this kind of thing happen to me. Don't fantasize, we are just petty citizens."

Suddenly, outside Shangguan's house was very lively, even a little noisy.Han Zixuan poked his head out to watch immediately, it turned out that the head and his party had already arrived.The streets are full of people, reaching out to shake hands with the chief.

Han Zixuan searched along the flow of people, and when he saw Zhao Zekai, he was stunned.As Madam Wang said, she looks very similar to him. This person is about fifty years old, tall and handsome, but looks a little tired.But with a smile on his face and a cordial conversation with the people around him, he seems to have no airs at all.

Looking at the woman next to him, not to mention the words noble and gorgeous, she is a noble atmosphere.The two are indeed a perfect match. Han Zixuan has long known that Zhao Zekai and his wife have a high status in the hearts of Chinese people, especially his wife, who is called a talented woman.Assisting Zhao Zekai's side, won the hearts of the people.

Suddenly, Han Zixuan realized a major event, the streets were full of people, if someone wanted to assassinate, it was very easy.Although Zhao Zekai had bodyguards around him, there was still danger.

Han Zixuan immediately called Chen Yuluo, and the two walked out of Shangguan's house and onto the street.Start looking around, looking for any holes.Damn it, I forgot the main task.

The streets are full of tall buildings, and it is too easy for the enemy to adopt sniper tactics.Although the local police in Suzhou and Hangzhou have already investigated, there will still be loopholes.

While Han Zixuan was thinking, suddenly gunshots rang out, and the target was Zhao Zekai.

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