The campus is so cute

312 Donating Blood to the Chief

As the gunshots sounded, the people around suddenly panicked.Immediately afterwards, someone shouted loudly: "No, the chief has been shot, he should be treated quickly."

Han Zixuan immediately ran to the chief while looking around to find the source of the shooter.Soon, a figure flashed out of a tall building.He asked Chen Yuluo to follow the figure, and hurried to the chief himself.

The gunshots reminded me that many of the enthusiastic crowd had dispersed just now. Of course, some enthusiastic citizens actively gathered around, concerned about the chief's safety.

The chief was only shot in the arm, his face was pale, but he still said to the people around him firmly: "Everyone, I have no problem, everyone, don't panic."

Some of the chief's fans shouted angrily, waved their fists and shouted: "Guard the chief's safety, paralyzed, whoever fired the gun, I will kill him first."

The bodyguards around the chief were a little ashamed, there were still loopholes in such a sophisticated security work, and now treating the chief is the first priority, the bodyguards immediately dispersed the crowd, there might be assassins here.

Suddenly, in the crowd of people waving their fists and shouting, someone squeezed towards the chief.When he was about to get close to the chief, the waving fist turned into a sharp weapon for killing, and he rushed directly at the chief.Han Zixuan's eyes were sharp, and before the man approached, he rushed over and held down the man's arm.The man frowned, seeing that it was Han Zixuan, he broke free immediately, and ran away like a loach.

And Han Zixuan didn't have time to catch up, maybe there are still such assassins around.Of course, everything happened too suddenly, and people's attention was on protecting the chief. Only a personal bodyguard next to the chief saw Han Zixuan's actions and gave him approving glances.

At this time Mrs. Wang and members of Shangguan's family came out. I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen.Immediately arrange for the chief to come in, arrange for the guards of the Shangguan's house, cheer up, and the police immediately dispatched to surround the Shangguan's house.

Zhao Zekai naturally has a personal doctor by his side, because he is not in good health and suffers from high blood pressure and other diseases.His wife was worried that he would be in danger when he came out, so he arranged for a personal doctor.

The doctor immediately took out the medicine box and started treating the chief immediately.

Han Zixuan, on the other hand, was mixed in with the Shangguan family, watching what happened just now. China is not at peace now, and the head of state travels in danger, and he doesn't know which side of the force it is.

Mrs. Wang comforted her sister, her brother-in-law must be fine.But Wang Yunzhu has no sadness on his face, his eyes are firm, and he faces everything with a smile.

Suddenly, the personal doctor ran out from the room where the chief was placed: "Madam, the chief is bleeding too much. In fact, it was not the arm that was shot, but the internal organs. Now the bullet has been taken out, but the chief is weak and must replenish blood immediately. The blood bag I carried with me has been used up."

What can I do? The chief's blood type is very special, and he ignored it when he arrived.Mrs. Wang immediately ordered people to go to the blood bank of the hospital, and at the same time asked the bodyguard servants at home if they had the same blood type as the chief.

Han Zixuan was listening on the sidelines, and his heart suddenly moved, because his blood type really matched the chief.Could it be that he was really the prince, then he shook his head and smiled wryly, it was just a blood type match.Now that the chief is in danger, he must stand up.

He immediately came to Mrs. Wang's side: "Mrs. Wang, my blood type matches the chief very well. Let me draw my blood."

Mrs. Wang took a look at Han Zixuan, nodded happily, and immediately arranged for the personal doctor to bring Han Zixuan into the room to replenish blood for the chief.

After Mrs. Wang arranged Han Zixuan's affairs, the chief's wife Wang Yunzhu came over immediately, her face also full of joy: "Sister, the person you are talking about is this Han Zixuan, so similar."

"Sister, he is Han Zixuan. He was the descendant of Molong Han Xiaotian back then, but I still suspect that he was your child and was stolen by Molong and his gang." Mrs. Wang whispered: "Just in time, we will take advantage of the opportunity of Han Zixuan's blood donation. You can check his genes by the way to see if it matches your brother-in-law. If it matches, then he is your son."

Wang Yunzhu was overjoyed, the main purpose of their visit to Suzhou and Hangzhou this time was to meet Han Zixuan.Taking advantage of the opportunity of dealing with things in Suzhou and Hangzhou, he hopes to meet his long-lost son.And Wang Yunzhu was already a little crazy at the moment, he decided that Han Zixuan was his son, and after Han Zixuan donated blood, he would treat him well.

Wang Yunqing said: "Sister, don't be happy, don't be anxious. I have already disclosed this matter to Zixuan. He himself has been very confused about his life experience and has been searching hard. Even if he is really your son, I hope you will calm down, after all, the opposite side of brother-in-law has been staring at you, this assassination must be their masterpiece. If Zixuan's identity is exposed, he will also be in danger."

Wang Yunzhu listened quietly: "Then what should we do, we must recognize each other."

"Time will explain everything. He is a good boy with a bright future. After being trained by the people of Molong, he is not only superb in martial arts, but also extremely smart. He came down from the mountain this time with many tasks and missions. Wait for him After completing the task, it will not be too late for you to meet each other." Wang Yunqing took out a tissue and handed it to her sister.

"Don't worry, you have been waiting for more than 20 years, wait any longer."

Soon, Han Zixuan came out of the room, and at the same time the personal doctor also came out.The personal doctor's face was full of smiles, and he told the two wives that the chief was all well, and that all vital signs had returned to normal, and that it was enough to rest for a few hours.At the same time, he praised Han Zixuan for sacrificing his life for righteousness, which is a real man.

Wang Yunzhu did exactly what Mrs. Wang said, he just expressed his gratitude to Han Zixuan.Han Zixuan stared at the noble woman in front of him, feeling warm inexplicably. The two gazed at each other in the air, as if everything around them stopped in an instant.

Han Zixuan was the first to get out of this feeling, and came to Mrs. Wang's side and said, "I asked Yuluo to track down the whereabouts of the assassin. She hasn't come back yet, so I'll go and have a look."

Wang Yunzhu couldn't help shouting: "But, your body is still very weak."

Han Zixuan smiled and expressed his gratitude for her concern: "I'm fine."

Han Zixuan came to the yard, waiting for the news of Yuluo, his mind was still haunted by what happened just now.Suddenly someone beside him patted him and handed him a cigarette.

Han Zixuan looked up, it was the bodyguard who gave him approving looks just now.He was not polite either, picked up the cigarette, and the man immediately took out the lighter and lit it for him.

The man opened his mouth and said, "Brother, you have good eyesight and skill. I was lucky to have you just now, otherwise the consequences would be hard to imagine."

Han Zixuan asked: "This elder brother, what's your surname?"

The man said frankly: "My name is Wang Yong, the bodyguard next to the chief." The man named Wang Yong continued to stare at him with admiration: "Just now I heard that you donated blood to the chief again, good job. You are worthy of being a citizen of China. , On behalf of the chief and his family, I thank you."

Han Zixuan was a little confused as the leader of the whole family.

Wang Yong smiled: "Actually, I am a member of the Wang family, and the chief's wife is an aunt of mine who lives far away. With her strong recommendation, I can come here to do this sacred and glorious profession. However, today I **** It’s shameful, I almost made a big mistake, and it’s all thanks to you, brother.”

"I have inquired with Shangguan's family. Your name is Han Zixuan, and you are very familiar with Shangguan's family. Brother Han, what do you do for work? It seems that your skills are very good."

Han Zixuan thought for a while: "I'm also a bodyguard."

"Oh, it turned out to be a colleague, no wonder your eyes are so sharp." Wang Yong continued to ask: "Brother, who is the object of your protection?"

"I'm just an ordinary bodyguard, not as majestic as you."

"Brother, don't worry. When the chief wakes up, I will definitely recommend you personally. It's a pity that a talent like you is buried in the world." Wang Yong was very enthusiastic.

Han Zixuan glanced at him: "This bodyguard is a bit interesting, but he's too innocent. He really treats me like an ordinary person."

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