The campus is so cute

313 Seeking power

Han Zixuan chatted nonsense with Wang Yong before losing interest. He worried about Chen Yuluo's safety and hoped that she could find out the murderer as soon as possible.

Finally, Han Zixuan wished Chen Yuluo back.When she came to Shangguan's house, there was a small episode, the guards in front of the door did not allow her to enter.Fortunately, Mrs. Wang arrived in time to avoid trouble.

Wang Yong was amazed and puzzled, it seemed that this Han Zixuan was not an ordinary person, the two wives seemed to be very concerned about him.

Knowing that the other lady was the chief's wife, Chen Yuluo couldn't help but look at it a few more times, hoping to find some answers.Wang Yunzhu looked at this girl named Chen Yuluo. She had a beautiful appearance, a nimble figure, and her brows were full of atmosphere. She was such an excellent girl.

Han Zixuan immediately asked her how the situation was and if she could keep up with that person.

Chen Yuluo shook his head pessimistically: "I didn't keep up. By the time I got to the building, there was no one there."

Han Zixuan couldn't blame Chen Yuluo, after all, the assassination of this group of people today was not an ordinary person, and ordinary people would not dare to do such a crazy thing even if they had the courage.Then the doubts are the two most terrifying organizations in the country.

Tian Xing and Long Mei, Long Mei are more likely.After all, Tianxing is still controlled by the country on the surface. If Long Xiaotian wants to do things like assassinate the chief, he must weigh the weight. Once it is exposed, then he has come to an end.

Long Mei probably did it, Madam Wang asked Han Zixuan: "Zixuan, what did you notice?"

"It's just an analysis. I suspect it's someone from Yangcheng." Han Zixuan looked at Mrs. Wang.

Mrs. Wang looked at her sister, and Wang Yunzhu's eyes shot out with anger: "These damned gangsters will one day destroy them."

Han Zixuan was puzzled, the higher-ups had already started to act, maybe Zhao Zekai didn't know about it.He understood that the person behind Yang He was the deputy chief, Liu Peng.Oh, now Liu Peng is in charge of everything, after all Zhao Zekai is currently recuperating.

At this time, the personal doctor said that the chief had woken up, and the two wives would go immediately.Naturally, Han Zixuan would not go. After discussing and analyzing with Chen Yuluo, he reckoned that the chief was still not safe, and there would definitely be another wave of action.

When Yang He received the news that the chief had been shot dead, anger immediately appeared on his face. Fortunately, the chief was safe.He immediately came to Liu Peng's office, staring at his blood-red eyes.

Liu Peng got the news one step earlier, he looked at Yang He: "What's wrong, you suspect me of doing it."

"Yes." Yang He didn't hide anything: "Liu Peng, if you want to be in power, I won't interfere. But if you use despicable means to seek power and position, I will definitely not agree."

Liu Peng sneered and said, "Yang He, if I did it, would I be so incompetent? Why did I choose the critical stage now. And next year will be the general election, so I won't be stupid."

But Yang He still didn't believe it, and immediately asked Liu Peng to call Chu Xiaotian, and he wanted to intervene in person.

Soon Chu Xiaotian got in touch, and Liu Peng reprimanded him.Chu Xiaotian was stunned for a moment, then he understood, and shouted out his innocence: "Ju Yang, it's not me. I, Chu Xiaotian, have been working hard for so many years, so I don't do stupid things. And now I'm very busy. It’s a mess, and I’m putting all my energy into it.”

Yang He originally wanted to ask if you were responsible for Shangguan Longfei's death, but Liu Peng was by his side, so he resisted asking.In fact, he knew that Liu Peng planned to take over Shangguan's oil resources, and resources were wealth.

Seeing that Yang He hung up the phone, Liu Peng's face softened a lot: "Yang He, we have been old friends for many years. We have cooperated with each other for so many years, and no one has kept secrets from anyone. Although I wish Zhao Zekai would die, but if he If you are dead, you must be pointing the finger at me, why don't I lift a rock and shoot myself in the foot."

Although Liu Peng's explanation made sense, Yang He still focused his suspicion on him.Without saying anything, he left the office angrily.

Liu Peng looked at Yang He's background, and a murderous intent was revealed in his heart.Although Yang He is a talented person, if he can't be used by me, then he can only be killed.

At this time, the phone rang, and Liu Peng picked up the phone: "Hello, Helen."

"Liu Peng, I heard that your country is in turmoil and Yangcheng is about to erupt." Helen's tone was a little complacent. Although the two are partners, Huaxia is a threat to the United States. It will be beneficial for the other party to be weak.

"Helen, you're a little gloating." Liu Peng said in a bad tone.

Knowing that she was being too direct, Helen immediately softened her voice and said, "By the way, I have some good news for you. I have thought about the ownership of China's Tianxing for a long time, and decided to keep it in your control according to the previous agreement." , we will not interfere."

"You are so kind." Although Liu Peng was happy in his heart, he was unmoved.

"Liu Peng, we are partners. Only when you are strong will it be beneficial to us. And now that you are at the most critical stage, I have notified Mr. Chu, and he will follow your arrangements." Hailu finally said: "Congratulations You hit the ground running and won next year's general election."

After hanging up the phone, Liu Peng smiled.

Zhao Zekai woke up and understood what happened. Of course, the most touching thing was Han Zixuan's blood donation.Zhao Zekai was overjoyed and asked to see Han Zixuan immediately.

Wang Yunqing immediately warned: "Brother-in-law, don't forget what I reminded you before, everything must be patient."

Han Zixuan was very excited when he saw Zhao Zekai. After all, the other party was the number one figure in a country. Although he was arrogant, he was never afraid of big men. Since he came into contact with Yang He, he had long been used to it.But meeting Zhao Zekai was different after all.Han Zixuan's mood was extremely complicated, but Zhao Zekai was indeed very calm, he only said thank you, not too enthusiastic.

Han Zixuan was somewhat disappointed in his heart, and he didn't know why he had such emotions.

"Han Zixuan, I know your situation. You are currently serving in the third brigade, and this time, with Yang He's approval, you are here to carry out a secret mission at Shangguan's house."

Han Zixuan nodded, he had nothing to hide from the chief.

"Then tell me about the situation you have so far, how did Shangguan Longfei and Shangguan Ting die." Zhao Zekai glanced at Wang Yunqing, with sympathy and resentment in his eyes.

Wang Yunqing has come out of grief. This woman has a special experience, a special family background and identity, and her ability to handle things is different from ordinary people.

"Zixuan, report the situation you have to the chief, there is nothing to worry about."

Han Zixuan eloquently explained that Shangguan Longfei's death was caused by Shangguan Ting, who secretly joined the Tianxing organization.There is a rebellious heart in his heart. This time he murdered his father, and there are people from the stars behind him.

As for the person who killed Shangguanting, her name was Guo Linghua, and her previous identity was a female agent of Dragon Charm, codenamed Enchantress.Later, he rebelled, and now he controls Han Wenxuan, an important person in Yangcheng.

Zhao Zekai listened quietly, nodding continuously.Han Zixuan finally couldn't bear to ask: "Chief, do you understand what I said?"

Zhao Zekai was stunned for a moment: "Zixuan, you think me too simply, oh, people say that I am seriously ill and don't care about the political situation. Actually it's not true, I understand all these things."

Han Zixuan was ashamed. Thinking about it, how can a dignified head of a country not understand the political situation.It's so chaotic in Yangcheng, can you not care, don't you know?

"Zixuan, analyze the situation in the future."

Han Zixuan thought for a while: "Yangcheng is about to erupt, and there will be great chaos in the country. But the country will definitely eliminate them. Director Yang told me to use this opportunity to let Tianxing fight with the Yangcheng group, and finally let them all be destroyed. .”

"Good trick." Zhao Zekai sighed, and then his eyes lit up and asked, "Who do you think sent me to assassinate me?"

Han Zixuan said without hesitation, "It must be from Yangcheng."

Zhao Zekai nodded, but did not speak.Then he looked at Mrs. Wang: "How is the situation of Shangguan's family now?"

Wang Yunqing said to himself: "Everything is business as usual, except that no one is in charge of the overall situation right now."

Zhao Zekai glanced at the door a few times: "What about Shangguan Fei, why didn't this kid come here?"

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