The campus is so cute

314 Brothers Meet

Shangguan Fei came here in fear. Although he had seen the majesty of the chief on the TV news, it was the first time for the two of them to face each other at close range, and the two families still had such a relationship.

"Hi, Chief." Shangguan Fei called out in a crisp voice, and then stood beside his mother in a proper manner.

Zhao Zekai looked at Shangguan Fei, and then patted his head lovingly: "Xiao Fei, thank you for your hard work."

Mrs. Wang came over immediately and told her son not to be restrained. In our family, he is not the head of a country. He is no different from ordinary elders. Call him uncle.

Shangguanfei smiled, anyone would laugh, his family has such a strong backer.

Zhao Zekai glanced at Mrs. Wang: "Yunqing, it seems that Nanfang Petroleum has been targeted by many evil forces, and we must not relax. Starting today, Shangguan Fei is the successor of Nanfang Petroleum. As for Shangguanxiang, let us Get him out of the police station and send him abroad to continue his studies."

Afterwards, Zhao Zekai ordered the secretary around him to deal with related matters.With the chief personally presiding over the overall situation, coupled with Wang Yunqing's supervision, I believe that the Shangguan family will soon return to its original state, even stronger than before.With this experience, the Shangguan family became extra cautious.

Because the chief's body has not fully recovered, he rested after talking for a while, and everyone dispersed one after another, busying with their own affairs.

Wang Yunzhu secretly called the personal doctor to his room, and told him some instructions. The personal doctor looked very excited, then nodded happily, and went out.

Han Zixuan felt that he should make a phone call with Yang He, and he had no idea how to deal with the next thing.

Yang He asked some questions about the chief's health, and he only told Han Zixuan that he must protect the chief's safety. The situation is complicated now, so he can't relax in the slightest.

Han Zixuan hesitated for a long time, then suddenly said: "Ju Yang, can I trust you?"

Yang He was baffled when he heard this, what happened to this child, it could be due to too much pressure recently.

"Zixuan, if you have something to say, just say it, or if you have any opinions or opinions on me, you can say it. This is not the first time we have dealt with each other." Yang He was also very irritable, and there was something in his heart that always felt uncomfortable. I can't spit out fast.

"Ju Yang, I don't know much about the current political situation. I just want to know who is more suitable to be the leader of the country, Zhao Zekai or Liu Peng." Han Zixuan had a brief conversation with Zhao Zekai today, although the words were rather cryptic. However, in the speech, Zhao Zekai expressed some personal opinions on Liu Peng.It's understandable that they are doing their own thing.But what Han Zixuan learned about Liu Peng from Yang He, the number two chief was a bit too manipulative.

Yang He pondered and said: "No matter who is in charge, as long as the country is prosperous and strong, and the people are healthy and healthy, they are good leaders."

"However, you are from Chief Liu Peng's camp. I'm afraid you will turn to him in the future. And at that time, if I turn to Zhao Zekai, what should I do?" Han Zixuan didn't know how to do it, but he had a very good impression of Zhao Zekai. , I still hope that he is his father in his bones.

Yang He smiled: "Zixuan, it seems that you have a very good impression of our No. [-] chief. You just need to remember that no matter what we do, we must act in the spirit of patriotism and never betray the country. In fact, Liu Peng He is also a good person, especially in recent years, when Zhao Zekai was seriously ill, he was the one who shouldered the heavy burden. When it comes to the general election next year, it depends on the wishes of the people. But our relationship will not change, and I am still optimistic about you."

Han Zixuan did not say that Zhao Zekai might be his father, then the situation would change.After all, it has not been fully confirmed yet.And once his identity is exposed, there may be unnecessary troubles.

Wang Yunzhu got the test sheet from the personal doctor, and there were smiles on the corners of his eyes and brows.The personal doctor couldn't help shouting excitedly, because she was brought by the Wang family and knew the situation of the Zhao family very well.The reason why Zhao Zekai is in poor health is all because of his lost son.

"Okay, don't say anything about this matter, as long as you and I know about it." Wang Yunzhu kept the test sheet and ordered: "Zixuan is still weak, take care of him and get him some supplements."

The personal doctor nodded, and then went out in a proper manner.

Han Zixuan planned to go out and visit Guo Linghua.Unexpectedly, he was stopped by the doctor next to the chief, who looked cautious: "Mr. Han, you are still very weak and cannot run around."

"I'm very weak, is there any? To be honest, I also have some medical skills, and I know my physical condition, so there is nothing wrong with it." Han Zixuan said politely, "Thank you for your concern, I'm fine."

"You better stop running around, it's a bit chaotic outside now, what if something goes wrong."

"I'm fine, take care of the chief." Han Zixuan then strode away.

The personal doctor was a little at a loss. At this time, Wang Yunzhu came over and didn't say anything, just stood there and watched.Lao Wang was a little anxious: "Madam, what should I do?"

"It's okay, you go down. Remember it in the future, don't be too obvious."

Han Zixuan and Chen Yuluo came to Suhang Street, the street was full of people, as before.On the contrary, it became more lively. After all, the chief came to Suzhou and Hangzhou for inspection, and people like to run out, hoping to have a chance to meet the chief.

Chen Yuluo smiled and said, "Zixuan, it seems that you are really the prince."

Han Zixuan gave her a blank look: "What's so ridiculous, I'm quite annoying."

"Zixuan, I'm always laughing in my dreams. It turns out that my man is the prince. What woman doesn't want her man to be an amazing person."

"Okay, it's not good to be a prince. The current political situation is chaotic. If some people know my true identity, the consequences will be even more troublesome. You can keep this matter in your heart and have fun secretly." Han Zixuan nodded her The forehead, women, are sometimes more vain than men in their bones.

"Zixuan, who do you think did the assassination of the Chief? Someone from Yangcheng."

Han Zixuan shook his head: "I can't tell, but we need to be vigilant. I'll ask Guo Linghua, maybe she can help us."

When they came to Guo Linghua's private residence, the two sisters were idle and bored, playing chess.When the two saw Han Zixuan coming, they couldn't help being surprised.Guo Lingsu is a missing lover, and the amorous feelings between her brows are fully revealed.Guo Linghua, on the other hand, cared about the outside world and was eager to know a lot of things, so when she saw Han Zixuan coming, she was also very enthusiastic.

Guo Lingsu wanted to pounce, but was held down by her sister. Susu stared at her sister very unhappy.

"Is there anything going on here?" Han Zixuan asked the two sisters.

"Everything is fine. I heard that the chief came and was assassinated. Now he is staying at Shangguan's house. How is the situation?" Guo Linghua asked concerned.

"I got a gunshot wound, so I'm fine now." Seeing the awkward posture of the two sisters, Han Zixuan asked playfully, "What are you sisters doing, you're just joking around."

Guo Lingsu finally felt aggrieved and said, "Brother Zixuan, my sister won't let me like you, what should I do?"

Both Han Zixuan and Chen Yuluo were stunned, Guo Linghua stood up and came to Han Zixuan, with a warning in her eyes: "Han Zixuan, do you hear me, don't do anything to my sister."

Han Zixuan nodded: "I understand, don't worry." Then he asked: "Where is Han Wenxuan, I'm going to meet him now."

Guo Lingsu was very dissatisfied with Han Zixuan's answer just now, how could it be like this, he didn't have the courage of a man at all.Guo Linghua glanced at her sister, and smiled triumphantly: "Well, I'm right, this man is not reliable at all."

Han Zixuan has no time to pick up girls right now, the current situation is complicated, and the key is to ensure the safety of the chief.Guo Lingsu wanted to rush over to ask for clarification, but was stopped by Chen Yuluo, who persuaded her in a low voice: "Susu, Zixuan has a lot of things to deal with now, so don't bother him. He will come to you when everything is over. "

Guo Linghua gave Chen Yuluo a blank look: "Chen Yuluo, don't play tricks on the side."

Han Zixuan ignored them and went to the basement to see Han Wenxuan.

Han Wenxuan has been suffocating in the basement for several days, and he only has one meal a day to ensure that he will not starve to death.Because she couldn't control her bowel movements, her crotch was soaked, and the air was filled with the smell of urine.He is the majestic young master of Yangcheng, but now he has become like this, even if he goes out in the future, he will feel ashamed and ashamed to see his father and the others.

Hearing someone coming in, Han Wenxuan hoped that his father's men would dare to rescue him.When he saw the person coming, he was stunned.Because he had seen photos of this person, and detailed information about him in their Yangcheng.

"Han Zixuan."

"That's right, it's me." Han Zixuan sized up Han Wenxuan, covered his nose and teased, "It doesn't taste good, I'm wronged."

Only then did Han Wenxuan realize that it was not Chu Yuhang who kidnapped him, but Han Zixuan in front of him.We are our own people, why should we treat me like this.

"Brother, I'm your brother." Han Wenxuan was so embarrassed that he came to Han Zixuan's feet like a dog crawling and cried: "Brother, you can't treat me like this, let me go, I will take you back to Yangcheng, see us Grandpa."

"Our grandfather, what do you mean?" Han Zixuan's eyes sharpened immediately.

Han Wenxuan has long had enough of this kind of suffering, he is not afraid of torture, but the days when he cannot take care of himself are too difficult.He couldn't die, and living was uncomfortable. He was really worse than a pig and a dog. He was afraid of such a day.

"Grandpa Han Xiaotian, he didn't actually die. After Molong disbanded, he hid in Yangcheng." Han Wenxuan didn't know that Han Zixuan already knew a lot about his life experience, so he told the truth.

Han Zixuan naturally showed a stunned expression, secretly thinking to Han Xiaotian, who is cunning, this person is really insidious enough.

"Really, that's great, so my relatives are all here." Han Zixuan was so excited that a few tears came out of the corners of his eyes.

"Yeah, brother, untie me quickly, and I'll take you to see his old man. He has missed you all the time, but he has something to hide, so he can't meet you." Han Wenxuan felt relieved when he saw that he was crying, and his safety was fine. up.

Unexpectedly, Han Zixuan raised his leg and kicked him hard in the ribs, with a plop, Han Wenxuan fell against the wall, and he let out a scream, clutching his ribs with one hand in excruciating pain.

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