The campus is so cute

315 Seduce My Sister

The screams from the basement startled the three women above, and the three women immediately stopped arguing and rushed to the basement when they saw Han Zixuan kick, hitting each other in the face.

Han Wenxuan screamed and almost fainted.

Guo Lingsu was a little stunned. I have known brother Zixuan for so long, he has always been very gentle, and it was the first time I saw his brutal and vicious side.

Guo Linghua didn't say anything, she was hesitant to listen.Chen Yuluo stretched out a hand and smiled: "Let's go back, this scene is too bloody."

The three girls returned to the top with their own thoughts, Guo Linghua asked in a daze, "Sister Yuluo, what's wrong with Brother Zixuan, are you in a bad mood, why did you treat that person so fiercely?"

Chen Yuluo looked at her innocent face: "Brother will help you teach the bad guy a lesson, who will let that person have unreasonable thoughts about you."

"Really, hehe." Guo Lingsu covered her mouth and snickered.

Guo Linghua gave Chen Yuluo a blank look, this woman is getting more and more proficient at telling nonsense and fooling people.He hastily pulled Guo Lingsu away from Chen Yuluo, but he was thinking in his heart what kind of shofar wind Han Zixuan suddenly had.

"Han Wenxuan, by now, I know everything. I am not a descendant of Han Xiaotian." Han Zixuan felt a fire in his heart. He had lived in vain for more than 20 years and was taken advantage of by others. deceive him.The most hateful thing is that Mo Long Order, which made him embark on the path he is today.

In fact, he didn't like this way.

Han Wenxuan's lips and nose were bleeding, and even a few of his teeth were broken by the kick just now, and his chest and ribs were very painful.He also learned kung fu and knew that he was almost crippled.If it is not treated as soon as possible, I am afraid that the rest of my life will be destroyed.

He looked at Han Zixuan with resentment, and reluctantly opened his mouth and said, "Since you know everything, what do you want to do?"

"It's nothing, isn't Han Xiaotian still alive? I really want to see him. Thank you for training me so hard, giving me a good skill, and allowing me to be the most beautiful girl in the world." Han Zixuan laughed, and slowly began to laugh crazily stand up.

After laughing, Han Zixuan said indifferently: "Actually, I'm a very kind person. I didn't want to do anything to you at first. I just blamed your bad luck for meeting me in Suzhou and Hangzhou."

After finishing speaking, Han Zixuan threw the phone to him: "Call your family and let them send someone to rescue you back."

Han Wenxuan didn't answer the phone, but just stared at the ground with his head drooping and his eyes empty, already in a trance.

When Han Zixuan came to the top, Guo Lingsu immediately surrounded him and asked nervously, "Brother Zixuan, what happened to that man, he must not be dead."

"I still have a breath. I won't let him die easily. It's so boring to die. Then I will find a chance to send him to Yangcheng." Han Zixuan's coldness at the moment made Guo Lingsu couldn't help but take a few steps back, silently He stood still and didn't speak.

Guo Linghua was puzzled and asked, "Han Zixuan, what do you mean?"

"Revenge for you, don't you see that I did this for you." Han Zixuan raised his cold face and stared at Guo Linghua.

Guo Linghua immediately avoided his sharp gaze, inexplicably, she was a little afraid of this man today.

"Lingsu and I are planning to go home and have a look. I don't know what's going on at home. I'm worried that Yangcheng will definitely send someone to retaliate." Guo Linghua immediately changed the subject.

Han Zixuan thought for a while and suddenly said: "The chief already knows about your family affairs. Since your family wants to leave Yangcheng, shouldn't you take some action to let the chief see your family's determination."

Guo Linghua raised her eyebrows: "How to take action, we have already captured the person in the basement, and once Yangcheng erupts, I will definitely go there in person to capture that female devil."

"This is all your verbal statement. It's a bit hypocritical. Let's be practical."

"How do you say it?" Guo Linghua frowned, feeling a little nervous.

"Look, my current status is to represent the country and have a close relationship with the chief. To be honest, as long as I say a word, your family can escape from death, and your family can also be disintegrated. The foundation established by your Guo family in Suzhou and Hangzhou was destroyed.”

Chen Yuluo on the side laughed secretly, but thinking about what Zixuan said was not a lie, he didn't have that ability before, but he does have it now.

Guo Lingsu was dumbfounded, and hurried to Zixuan to pull his clothes: "Brother Zixuan, you wouldn't do that, and Zixuan would be homeless."

Guo Linghua immediately pulled her sister back and said angrily, "Okay, tell me, we will definitely take action."

"I think so, since the chief is here. Your family should show something, invite the chief to visit your home, increase the relationship between the two parties, and at the same time let the chief have a comprehensive understanding of your home."

After hearing this, Guo Linghua breathed a sigh of relief, and a gratified smile appeared between her brows. This is indeed the best way at the moment. At this special stage, the Guo family wants to stand on the same front as the country.

"It's over, that's it." Guo Linghua didn't believe it.

Han Zixuan nodded: "Let's leave it at that for the time being. You go back and discuss it with your father and prepare to make plans."

The two sisters from the Guo family left, and Han Zixuan followed Chen Yuluo on the way back to Shangguan's house. Chen Yuluo asked puzzledly, "Zixuan, I think you didn't make something clear just now."

"What do you mean?" Han Zixuan looked at her.

Chen Yuluo rolled his eyes: "I'm sure you have ulterior motives, I just can't guess right now."

"Let's come out, do you feel something is wrong?" Han Zixuan asked in a low voice.

Chen Yuluo immediately became vigilant, looked around, and suddenly said, "Someone is following us secretly, but their tracking methods are very sophisticated, and we won't find it if we don't pay close attention."

"This group of people should have come here today. They have been wandering around Shangguan's house. It is obvious that the target is the chief."

Chen Yuluo immediately asked, "Could it be that the people from the previous wave are here again?"

"It's very possible, but it's also a bit strange. On the day when the chief came here, I caught an assassin among me. When the assassin saw me, he ran away in a panic. Obviously he knew me." Han Zixuan carefully recalled the scene that day. , that man, very ordinary, middle-aged, disappeared while still on the street.

Chen Yuluo hadn't heard of this before, but after hearing it, he smiled: "It's normal, the people in Yangcheng must have your information, so it's normal to know you."

Han Zixuan nodded, maybe, but this time we must catch him alive, we can't let the other party escape again.Therefore, I plan to set up a bureau, use the chief to visit Guo's house to confuse the other party, and use this opportunity to catch them.

Chen Yuluo suddenly understood Han Zixuan's intentions.But she was worried that the chief might not agree to it, after all, the risk factor was too great.

Go back and communicate with the chief, if you don't clean up this group of people, it will always be a trouble after all.

Behind a hidden corridor, brother and sister met, Duan Hongjun shook his head regretfully: "No way, Zhao Zekai has been staying at Shangguan's house, basically never coming out, never having a chance."

Duan Hongying said worriedly: "Brother, Han Zixuan and Chen Yuluo are also here, I'm afraid it's a bit troublesome."

Duan Hongjun echoed: "Yes, sister, brother, to tell you the truth, this task is too difficult, and it involves great danger. Once we fail, our brothers will be finished."

Duan Hongying pouted: "Yeah, it's really disturbing. Why did you give us such a difficult task? If you go back empty-handed, how will you explain it? I heard that Wen Lan is very scary, and he is very strict with his subordinates."

"Don't think about it so much. Anyway, we came out with a mission. Let's try our best to complete it. Even if we die, it's our fate."

Hearing this, Duan Hongying became emotional: "Brother, do you think that Yangcheng will be independent in the future, and can those promises that Wen Lan said can be fulfilled? I have an ominous feeling, not only our brothers and sisters are going to die, but Yangcheng may also die." It may not be able to withstand the capabilities of the national army."

Suddenly, Duan Hongying became envious of Chen Yuluo: "Brother, look at the Chen family. They were from a family of killers just like ours back then. Now their family has been cleansed and started a legitimate career. And Chen Yuluo has also found a good home, it is said that Han Zixuan is from the army, and his roots are upright, I really envy sister Yuluo."

Duan Hongjun glared at his sister: "Xiaoying, you have to remember. From now on, we are the opposite of Han Zixuan and the others. We didn't find an opportunity today. If the opportunity is right, I will kill them both."

"Brother, what are you doing, you are not allowed to kill Han Zixuan." Duan Hongying said with her mouth open.

Duan Hongjun frowned, looked up and down at the younger sister, and saw that her fair face turned rosy for no reason, and she avoided his sight.He is not a fool, he immediately understood what was going on.

"Xiaoying, what do you mean by that?" Duan Hongjun's tone was very unfriendly, and his eyes were full of viciousness.

"Brother, it's not interesting. After all, we have dealt with them. Although they have different backgrounds, they are also considered to be the best among young people. Don't you often tell me that they are sympathetic? I think they are talents. If we can win us Wen Lan will be happy for sure."

"Fart, forget that you fought Chen Yuluo to the death, and you were defeated by her, don't you feel ashamed?" Duan Hongjun scolded.

"There's nothing shameful about it. Chen Yuluo made his debut earlier than me, so he should be better than me." Duan Hongying retorted: "Okay, let's not talk about it, let's find a place to rest, and continue to follow tomorrow."

"I haven't finished my sentence yet. When I have the opportunity, my first assassination target will be Han Zixuan." Duan Hongjun gritted his teeth and said.

"Brother, I hate you." Duan Hongying left angrily.

Duan Hongjun followed behind, muttering: "Han Zixuan, you are quite capable. You have seduced my sister. It seems that I must kill you."

When Han Zixuan returned to Shangguan's house, Wang Yunqing made an appointment with Han Zixuan alone, but before he opened his mouth, he spoke first.

"Mrs. Wang, I understand everything, so you don't need to explain it to me."

"In this case, it will save me a lot of trouble. You can go see your parents now."

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