The campus is so cute

316 Marrying a Daughter

"Auntie is waiting, the timing is not right now." Han Zixuan suddenly said.

Wang Yunqing's eyes suddenly lit up, and a happy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.Han Zixuan's words were tantamount to acquiescing to her own identity, and she was still worried about it at the time.After all, Molong has trained him for many years, so it is difficult to grasp what mentality he can maintain.

Han Zixuan has his own choice, what Yang He said, is worthy of his heart and country.Because Han Xiaotian is a representative of rebellion, all his energy is now devoted to how to eliminate them.

"Is the chief awake? I want to talk to him." Han Zixuan was a little terrified by Wang Yunqing's loving eyes, he had hardly experienced family affection.Even with aunt Han Qingyun, she felt very little.

Suddenly, a thought quickly appeared in Han Zixuan's mind.Since Han Xiaotian can fake his death, what about Han Qingyun's real identity.Or, she is another force left by Han Xiaotian to make a comeback. Thinking of Han Qingyun's organization in Sichuan, its scale should be very large now.

And the key point is that Han Qingyun is the leader there, and he has the help of foreigners.Han Zixuan has only been there once, but that time has already given him a lot of shocks. The scale is large and diverse, no less than a country's test base.

And one more important point, it's hidden there, so if I let myself go to Sichuan now, I'm afraid I may not be able to find it.Han Zixuan felt that he should contact Han Qingyun immediately to test the truth.

But the previous phone number couldn't be reached, and neither could Bi Yunxi.Han Zixuan's heart became more and more uneasy. He remembered that Yang He had said recently that Bi Xiao was very mysterious, and so were the members of the Bi family. Before that, Han Zixuan judged that Bi Yunxi might be an illusory figure.

He went to Beijin many times, only the people who met the Bi family for the first time, and when he went again later.Their family has moved, and they heard from neighbors that they have returned to their hometown in Sichuan.Sichuan, Han Zixuan's eyes gradually became confused.

Seeing that he was in a daze, Wang Yunqing asked concerned: "Zixuan, are you tired recently?"

Han Zixuan hurriedly waved his hands, trying to calm himself down: "I want to see the chief now."

Under Wang Yunqing's arrangement, Han Zixuan met the chief Zhao Zekai smoothly, and his body recovered well. After all, the medical facilities here are complete and there is the best nursing team.And it seemed that he was in a very good mood. When Han Zixuan came in, his eyes never left.

However, Zhao Zekai calmed down, and politely beckoned him to sit beside him: "Zixuan, you have worked hard to protect my personal safety." Then, his eyes fixed on Han Zixuan again.

Han Zixuan was very polite: "It should be, I have received instructions from Chief Yang He to protect your safety."

Zhao Zekai nodded: "If you have something to do with me, don't be shy, just say it casually." He wished we could have a good chat and talk about the truth in our hearts.

"Chief, how is your health? Can you go out for a walk?" Han Zixuan asked with concern, then stretched out his palm to Zhao Zekai's wrist, and felt his pulse.

"Zixuan, you are also good at medicine." Zhao Zekai was a little delighted.

Knowing a little bit, Han Zixuan said modestly, and then his face showed joy.Your body is recovering very well and nothing serious has happened.

Zhao Zekai said excitedly: "Actually, I knew it well, and I wanted to go out for a long time to relax. But they didn't allow it, let me take care of it for a few more days. Or, you can go out with me." He got up while talking.

Han Zixuan came over immediately, helped him up with his hands, and at the same time picked up the coat on the side and put it on for him himself.This feeling is very warm and rare.

Zhao Zekai felt that his eye sockets were a little wet, and tried not to shed tears.The two walked in the yard, and Han Zixuan was by his side to protect them.

The two sisters Wang Yunzhu looked at the scene in the yard, and they didn't realize that they had already burst into tears.

Han Zixuan talked about Guo's family. Their family had a hard time being controlled by Yangcheng.Now I have decided to jump out of the cage, and at the same time work hard to develop the family business and contribute to the national economy.You came to Suzhou and Hangzhou this time, and you only visited Shangguan's house, not Guo's house, which is inappropriate.And at this critical stage, winning over the hearts and minds of the people is the number one priority.

Zhao Zekai nodded, and suddenly asked: "Zixuan, what do you think of me as the chief?"

Han Zixuan couldn't answer, so he just followed suit: "People say you are very good, so you should be very good. As long as the people are satisfied, you can be worthy of the Chinese people."

Zhao Zekai nodded vigorously: "I will listen to you, and I will definitely satisfy the people of the whole country."

Han Zixuan mentioned that there are many mysterious stalkers outside, assassins who don't know where they come from.This time I plan to use your opportunity to go to Guo's house to quote them to take the bait.Of course, you won't be asked to take the risk yourself, just find someone who is your size.The purpose is to catch them, and they must be alive.

For this proposal, Zhao Zekai did not hesitate, and asked not to use a substitute, he went to Guo's house in person.Han Zixuan's mouth was worn out, but he couldn't refute it, so he had to give up.

Zhao Zekai immediately arranged for a secretary to visit Guo's house in person to convey his meaning.

Guo Xiangtao knew about this a long time ago, and he was very excited when his daughter told him.Moreover, the chief acted quickly and sent someone here, and the matter has been settled.He immediately arranged for his servants to clean up and tidy up the internal affairs, making sure to give the chief the best impression.

"Linghua, Lingsu. Han Zixuan is our family's benefactor. When our family was at a loss, he helped us point out a road. I don't even know how to thank him."

Guo Xiaolei and Guo Xiaoxin laughed and said, "Dad, it's not easy. Marry your daughter, you already have this idea. I think that Han Zixuan has a lot of background, maybe he is a relative of the emperor, and our family may be more prosperous in the future."

"That's right, that's the only way." Guo Xiangtao glanced at the two daughters, and found that their expressions were different.The youngest daughter, Su Su, was blushing and shy, but happy.As for Linghua, there was displeasure in her eyes and a dismissive expression on her face.

Guo Xiangtao came to Guo Linghua: "Linghua, you are not young this year. You have reached the marriageable age. If you delay for a few more years, you will become an old girl. I decided to marry you to Han Zixuan."

What, both sisters cried out.

Guo Linghua was dissatisfied, and Guo Lingsu was also dissatisfied, but their emotions were different.

Guo Lingsu wanted to speak, but her sister preempted her: "Dad, there are many ways to repay, so there's no need to sacrifice me. Besides, Han Zixuan may not be fond of your daughter, so don't put money on yourself."

In a word, Guo Xiangtao was completely wiped out, and what Linghua said made some sense. This matter still needs to be pondered slowly, and it is best to communicate with Zixuan.

Guo Lingsu immediately said: "Sister, since you don't want to marry, then I..." Just about to say marry, but Guo Linghua blocked her mouth and threw her into the room like carrying a bag.

In the room, Guo Lingsu was dissatisfied: "Sister, what are you doing?"

"How many times have I told you that you are not allowed to like Han Zixuan, and you are not yet 20 years old, what are you in a hurry for?" Guo Linghua glared at her fiercely: "He is a romantic son, what's so good, he will make you fascinated .”

Guo Lingsu smiled foolishly: "Sister, you don't understand love."

Pooh, you brat, you know what a fart.

"Susu, I can warn you that Han Zixuan will come tomorrow, you have to pay attention to the influence. Our Guo family women have dignity, do you hear me?"

"I know, sister, don't worry. Brother Zixuan will definitely come to propose marriage in a few days, but it's definitely not you, so don't think too much about it." Guo Lingsu smiled happily, her face full of happiness.

Mr. Chief visited the Guo family in person, and the matter quickly spread in Suzhou and Hangzhou.The streets are under martial law and the police are in place.Because of the assassination of the chief executive last time, this time the Suhang Police Department cannot make another mistake. If they make the same mistake again, then the Suhang Police Department, the mayor, and the leaders of the municipal party committee may all step down.

Han Zixuan was worried about the chief's safety at first, but now it seems that he is too worried.Now he devotes all his energies to searching for the assassin.And Wang Yong also stated his position, this time, he will definitely not underestimate the enemy.

Han Zixuan and Chen Yuluo analyzed what methods the assassins would use. Of course, long-range sniping is definitely the first choice, and if they hit a hit, they can immediately retreat, and it is not easy to find them.

However, it cannot be ignored that assassins will adopt close-range assassination methods. After all, they are all desperadoes who kill without blinking an eye, and they will not hesitate to complete the task.

Han Zixuan had wandered around the streets between Shangguan's house and Guo's house many times. Every building around was guarded by the police. There were not enough police officers, so special police were deployed, and even people from the armed police force were mobilized. It can be said that all available resources were used.

The road for snipers seems to be blocked, because before the news was released, the police force in Suzhou and Hangzhou had been secretly deployed and guarded tightly. Not to mention a person with a sniper rifle, even a fly would have difficulty escaping.

Han Zixuan was very satisfied. There was still half an hour before departure, but he was still worried, so he wandered around the street a few times to check for any omissions.

Duan Hongjun shook his head vigorously: "Damn, the inspection is too strict, it seems that the only option is to assassinate at close range."

Duan Hongying regretted it a bit, why did he have to come to Suzhou and Hangzhou to carry out such a dangerous task, and at the same time blamed his father, why did he step on Wen Lan's boat.Every country is the same, and traitorous countries do not end well.

"Little sister, what are you thinking, tidy up quickly, it seems that we can only use knives." Duan Hongjun glanced at her.

"Brother, cancel this mission. What's the use of holding a knife, you can't get close at all. And you really treat the national police like a cannon, even if we can assassinate, we will definitely die." Duan Hongying is not timid, but just thinks that such a death So worthless.

"What nonsense, don't forget our mission. If we violate the mission, we will die as usual. It's better to die bravely. Maybe we can really kill Zhao Zekai." Duan Hongjun hid a personal dagger in his trouser waist, and then inserted a sharp military stab into his waist. in the boots on the feet.

Duan Hongying didn't say anything, and was also preparing according to her brother's appearance. Suddenly, she caught a glimpse of Han Zixuan who was patrolling the street, and her eyes lit up.

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