Duan Hongying was born as an assassin, and he always regarded Chen Yuluo as his idol when he debuted.In the battle of the Duan family in Yangcheng, although she lost by a slight disadvantage, it boosted her self-confidence.At the same time, the two families just laughed away their grievances, and Duan Hongying's mentality towards Chen Yuluo changed.

So, she began to collect a lot of information about Chen Yuluo, including what tasks she had performed before, the highest record of killing 18 people with bare hands, etc., which made her admire and envy her, and even fantasized that one day she would surpass her record .

However, since that incident, news about Chen Yuluo has become less and less, and the Chen family has gradually faded out and started to do normal business.

Last time, when their brother and sister went to Beijin to kidnap Xiao En, she heard the explosive news.The daughter of the Chen family got married, and at the Shen family, she and Han Zixuan were indeed seen together side by side, as if they were staying together and flying together. At that time, Chen Yuluo's face was no longer cold and cold, but was replaced by a warm and cheerful look. smile.

Chen Yuluo's transformation brought a big shock to Duan Hongying. Suddenly, Duan Hongying realized that she was a woman after all. No matter how many people she killed, no matter how difficult the task was, her sense of happiness was pitiful, or even nonexistent.Happiness, the word began to plant seeds in her heart.

This time I met Chen Yuluo again in Suzhou and Hangzhou, and found that she has changed more and more. She has a mature and charming style, a graceful and moving figure, and a charming smile. Duan Hongying envies and longs for her.

The man who changed her was Han Zixuan. This man must have an extraordinary personal charm.She recalled the few encounters with Han Zixuan, and only vaguely remembered the confident smile on this man's face and his chic demeanor.But in this assassination operation, Duan Hongying has a strong intuition that he will definitely fall under his feet.

Duan Hongjun followed his sister's gaze and saw that it was Han Zixuan.After getting nervous for a while, I immediately pulled my sister to the back of the building.He scolded, "little sister, what are you doing?"

"I didn't do anything, I just saw an acquaintance." Duan Hongying found herself stuttering a little, and didn't even dare to meet her brother's eyes.

"Xiaoying, you like him. Don't forget our identities. We are killers, and killers can't have feelings. Sometimes they even treat their parents like this." Duan Hongjun's voice was full of vicissitudes and even a trace of helplessness.

Duan Hongying's face turned slightly red. Do I like him? Duan Hongying doesn't know. She doesn't understand love, and even family affection feels weak to her.

"When did it start?" Duan Hongjun asked angrily. If the younger sister is in this posture, she must not be suitable for the mission.

"Brother, what nonsense are you talking about? It's nothing." Duan Hongying immediately shot back, she was just thinking that sister Yuluo changed after him, so what about changing herself, she is an idiot in the field of love.

"It's not the best, clean it up right away. We have to do something today, we can't delay any longer. Yangcheng is about to erupt, and we have to go back there to help the Holy Mother." Duan Hongjun straightened his clothes, his eyes revealed determination And decisive.

Han Zixuan checked and found nothing wrong. The street is under martial law today. Citizens are not allowed to go on this street. The windows of every house must be closed tightly. Once opened, the snipers ambushing around will shoot.Because all statements have been made in advance, no loopholes will be ignored.

Han Zixuan called Wang Yong over. Wang Yong was the leader of Zhao Zekai's personal bodyguards, and he was also a member of the Wang family.It stands to reason that his status is not low, and he is usually a proud master.

But now, he has to obey the orders of a little man.Although he was grateful to Han Zixuan for what he did that day, he vaguely felt that the existence of this person threatened his status.

"After a while, you and the chief will switch places, and you will take the chief's car."

Wang Yong quickly understood what Han Zixuan meant. He was not afraid of death, but he just felt unhappy.

"Han Zixuan, please pay attention to your identity. You are only here to help protect the chief's safety, and I am the head of the bodyguards." Wang Yong gave him a hard look.

Han Zixuan was very helpless, and he couldn't turn his back on him, after all, he had a very important mission.

At this time, the chief's wife came out, and seeing Wang Yong staring at Han Zixuan, she felt displeased immediately, and immediately came to ask what was going on.

Wang Yong said that Han Zixuan overstepped his authority and played tricks on our bodyguards. He has no such right at all.

With a slap, Wang Yunzhu slapped Wang Yong: "Why did I tell you before?"

Wang Yong covered his face, lowered his head and said, "All actions are subject to Han Zixuan's arrangement."

"Then what else do you have to say?" Wang Yunzhu is a gentle person who never gets angry, but today, she just got angry. All the mothers in the world dote on their children.

Han Zixuan was a little uncomfortable, but he understood everything, and a warm current gushed out of his heart.

Wang Yong stood there stupidly, it didn't matter if his wife slapped him, but he just didn't understand why his wife took care of Han Zixuan so much.

Suddenly, he seemed to understand.Han Zixuan in front of him must have a strong backstage, and his wife also has some taboos.Well, today I admit it.

Han Zixuan persuaded the chief to let him temporarily switch identities with Wang Yong. It might be safer for him to be caught in the flow of bodyguards.

The chief had no objection, on the contrary, he liked this feeling very much. He was used to being superior, so it was inevitable to experience the feeling of a small citizen. He looked at Han Zixuan appreciatively: "Zixuan, you should be more thoughtful, and you really need to be on guard."

The chief's vehicle set off, and Han Zixuan sat with Shangguan Fei.Now he is a man of the hour in Suzhou and Hangzhou, and he has become the most eye-catching figure in Suzhou and Hangzhou in an instant. In recent days, he has been very busy.Shangguan's is not a small company. It is a leading company in Suzhou and Hangzhou, and even in China.

Shangguan Fei has also changed a lot, although he doesn't like his current life very much.But sometimes, you don't have the right to choose, because fate is meant to be that way.

"President Shangguan, I haven't seen you for a few days, you are much more majestic."

"Prince, don't laugh at me, there will be a day when you will suffer." Shangguan Fei also knew about Han Zixuan's life experience, and he couldn't help feeling emotional, the fate of the two suddenly changed drastically.

Han Zixuan rolled his eyes at him: "What nonsense, I haven't thought about being a prince yet."

"Zixuan, we can be regarded as good brothers. You must be the crown prince. In the future, I will try to curry favor with you and gain some privileges for our family." Shangguanfei looked at Chen Yuluo who was pursing his lips and grinning, and could not bear it. Can't stop saying: "Crown Princess, what are you laughing at?"

Crown Princess, Chen Yuluo was stunned, this title is so affectionate, she likes it.

"I was thinking, fate is too ruthless, and you are also considered brothers and sisters."

Han Zixuan said to Shangguan: "You go to Guo's house today, you two should have a good talk. In the future, we will cooperate in many ways, and don't think about fighting for power and profit. You are all Huaxia's enterprises. Only when you are strong can Huaxia be strong."

"Hey, I'm starting to share the country's worries and problems, and I'm entering the role so quickly." Shangguan Fei laughed sarcastically: "I heard that you have a good relationship with the chicks of the Guo family, aren't you a bit selfish?"

"Fuck you, by the way, you have already become the president, shouldn't you also find a wife? After all, you are very tired every day, so you must have a warm bed when you go home." Han Zixuan looked at Shangguan Fei laughed.

Shangguan Fei shook his head: "I'm not in the mood yet. After all, my father and brother just died. And I have a lot of courage on my shoulders, so I can't be distracted."

"Sure enough, he is an ambitious young man, much better than me."

Chen Yuluo sat aside and said mockingly: "You think that everyone is like you, and you know how to pick up your sister every day. Are you going to accept it when you go to Guo's house this time?"

Shangguanfei became interested, and immediately asked: "Zixuan, the Guo family's peerless double arrogance is not bragging, who are you going to attack?"

Han Zixuan shrugged: "Either the two attack together, or forget it. I am a kind person, I can't just watch their sisters separate, can I?"

Beast, Shangguan Fei cursed in his heart.

Chen Yuluo rolled her eyes and gave the man a charming look.

Soon, the car stopped, because it was about to arrive at Guo's house, and the tense moment was coming.

At this time, the chief got out of the car and walked towards Guo's house with big strides.Wang Yong has been by Zhao Zekai's side all year round, so it can be said that he has a very clear understanding of his every word and deed. It can be said that it is more than enough to fool outsiders this time.

The real chief, however, was mixed in with the flow of bodyguards and was responsible for protecting the safety of a bodyguard.

The brothers and sisters of the Duan family followed all the time, thinking that there was no chance to strike.After all, once the car drove into Guo's house, the opportunity disappeared.Unexpectedly, the chief got out of the car. This was their last chance.

Han Zixuan and others walked behind, he was not worried, if ten or eight came, he and Chen Yuluo would attack, he did not believe that the assassin's kung fu could be much better than the two of them.

Duan Hongjun took a look at the crowd. There was still about 50 meters away from Guo's house, and he couldn't delay any longer. He glanced at his sister beside him, and saw that she was also nervously looking ahead, ready to fight.

"Little sister, we only have one chance, one hit. If we miss, I'll pester them, and you retreat quickly." Duan Hongjun said.

Duan Hongying nodded: "Brother, since we are going to die, we will die together."

Duan Hongjun felt his blood boil when he heard the little girl's words, his whole body was full of strength, and he said in a low voice, "Come on."

Then look at the bodies of two people protruding from the back of a building, and then run away in anger, with murderous intent written all over their faces.The policeman in charge of street security saw the two, and immediately shouted with a gun: "Who is it, back up, or I will shoot."

"We want to see the chief. We have grievances." Duan Hongjun shouted loudly. Although he knew that there was a dead end, he felt that he still needed to find a way to break through, so he thought of the scene of the ancients intercepting and killing.

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