The campus is so cute

318 Marriage Proposal Big Oolong

The policemen in charge of guarding were stunned for a moment with their guns in hand, they did not dare to shoot in front of the chief.In this split second, the Duan brothers and sisters broke through the police guard circle and came to the crowd of chiefs, but were immediately blocked by layers of bodyguards.

The brothers and sisters of the Duan family shouted loudly, demanding to see the chief.

Wang Yong had wireless pocket earphones in his ears, and at this moment he heard Han Zixuan's voice: "Let the two of them come in, and take a chance to kill them."

Although Han Zixuan was standing at the back of the crowd, he still recognized the brothers and sisters of the Duan family. It seemed that it was indeed the method used by the people of Yangcheng.

Apparently Chen Yuluo also saw it. After all, their family has a historical connection with the Duan family. She hurriedly grabbed Han Zixuan and whispered: "It's their brother and sister. They are so stupid. Isn't this sending them to death?"

Han Zixuan sighed: "Actually, some people are not afraid of death at all, let's catch them first."

Soon the bodyguards responsible for protecting the chief's safety parted, revealing a road in the middle.The brothers and sisters of the Duan family walked a few steps closer to the chief.Suddenly, the two took out sharp knives from their trouser waists and ran directly to the chief's back, because Wang Yong's back was facing them.

If he faced the Duan family brothers and sisters head-on, the Duan family brothers and sisters would definitely not attack, after all, they knew the face of the chief.When Wang Yong turned around indifferently, with a confident smile on his face, he held the gun with both hands at the same time, and the barrel of the gun was directly against the heads of the two people.At the same time, the sharp knives of the Duan brothers and sisters also touched Wang Yong's body.

The two brothers and sisters suddenly saw clearly that the person standing in front of them was not the chief, but the action had already begun, and there was no way to save them. The knife in their hands continued to stab forward vigorously.But it didn't pierce the opponent's body.There was a steel plate hidden in Wang Yong's chest, and Han Zixuan told him to hide it in his clothes to avoid danger.

At first Wang Yong didn't take it seriously, thinking that the assassin couldn't get close to his body at all.The body movements of the two assassins exceeded his imagination. Fortunately, there were steel plates protecting them. Otherwise, even if they fired their guns, their stomachs would have been pierced.

When the two brothers and sisters lost their minds for a moment, the bodyguards around rushed up, and their movements were crisp and neat. They pushed them down, removed the murder weapon, cut their hands behind their backs, and came up with a slap on the handcuffs.

Wang Yong withdrew his pistol and smiled gratefully towards Han Zixuan behind the crowd.No matter what, this guy has a strong background, and I will get along with him peacefully in the future.

At this time, a person slowly walked out from the crowd of bodyguards, and it was Zhao Zekai.Zhao Zekai looked down at the assassin. He was young and had an outstanding appearance, but unfortunately he was on the road of no return.

He ordered two bodyguards to send them back to Shangguan's house first, and deal with them later.

The brothers and sisters of the Duan family knew that their fate was over, and they felt regretful and disappointed.When the two passed by Han Zixuan, they all lowered their heads.Especially Duan Hongying didn't dare to look at Chen Yuluo.

The assassination turmoil subsided quickly, and the local officials in Suzhou and Hangzhou who followed him broke out in a cold sweat. Fortunately, the chief was quick-witted and adopted a strategy of swapping.But they were worried in their hearts, feeling that the guy who was eating on the top of their necks might not be able to keep them.

After all, he boasted to the chief just now, and there will never be similar incidents happening again.Zhao Zekai's face was very peaceful, he didn't say much, and continued on his way.

There was still some distance from Guo's house. Guo Xiangtao came out to greet him with his two sons and two girls. They thought that the chief had just driven in the car and was posing at the door of the house, waiting for the distinguished guests to come.He suddenly heard the commotion outside the door, looked carefully only to find that the chief had arrived, he didn't dare to neglect, and came out to greet him in person.

The two sides met and had some politeness. Needless to say, Guo Xiangtao led everyone to their house. The living room was very spacious and tidied up like a palace. Everyone talked and laughed.

Han Zixuan didn't enter the living room, he was not interested in the things inside, so he stood outside and chatted with Chen Yuluo, mainly about the brothers and sisters of the Duan family, how to deal with it.

Chen Yuluo had selfish intentions: "Zixuan, although their brothers and sisters committed unpardonable crimes, they must have been committed by Wen Lan. If they can sincerely repent, change their minds, and instigate them to join us, that would be the best strategy."

"Their brothers and sisters are indeed talented people. They dare to fight here. Knowing that there is a dead end, they still go forward bravely. This courage alone surpasses you and me." Although Han Zixuan is not afraid of death, he is really unwilling to take risks. Dry.

After the two daughters of the Guo family met with the chief, they came out.After all, the conversation in the room is about business, the country's economy, and development.The two of them were not interested, and they had an older brother and a father to socialize, so they found a reason to come out.

Guo Linghua found that the bodyguards who came with the chief were all well-behaved, standing still like a Buddha.There were only two exceptions, strolling around the scenery leisurely, even talking and laughing.These two people are too outrageous.

Through this incident, Guo Linghua discovered that Han Zixuan was even more mysterious, making him even more incomprehensible.In fact, Guo Linghua has been investigating this person's background, but he is getting more and more confused.

When Guo Lingsu saw Han Zixuan, her eyes lit up, and she ran over directly: "Brother Zixuan, sister Yuluo, it turns out that you are having a private tryst here."

Seeing their sisters coming, Han Zixuan hurriedly stopped their conversation, but at this time Guo Linghua rushed over immediately, and she wanted to monitor her sister closely.

"Why did your sisters come out?" Han Zixuan asked with a smile.

"It's boring. I just came out after meeting them. They are talking about the direction of the country, and I don't understand." Guo Lingsu suddenly smiled and said, "Brother Zixuan, I told you a little secret."

Han Zixuan pricked up his ears, expressing his willingness to listen.

"My father has decided to marry his daughter." Guo Lingsu said cheerfully.

Han Zixuan hummed: "Really, good thing, which man is so lucky to marry your sisters."

He instinctively thought that if Guo Xiangtao wanted to marry a daughter, it must be Guo Linghua, after all Susu was too young.Not of legal age.

"It's you, are you happy?" Guo Lingsu said sweetly, hoping that he would be happy.

Han Zixuan's face darkened immediately: "What, I won't do it."

"You, I'm so pissed off." Guo Lingsu immediately became unhappy, stomping her feet and digging her mouth in anger.

Guo Linghua came over: "Susu, what nonsense are you talking to him, hurry up and follow me." She didn't hear it very clearly, but this man made Susu unhappy, there must be nothing good.

"Sister, let me go. Today I have to ask clearly, if not, I will jump into the river." Guo Lingsu held Han Zixuan back: "Brother Zixuan, did you plan to come to my house to propose marriage? Did you lie to me?"

"I didn't lie to you, I did have this idea at the time." Han Zixuan felt that everything was dark, and he turned his face to stare at Chen Yuluo fiercely. If she hadn't made up nonsense at that time, there would be no trouble today.

"Alright, since you've come to my house today, you have to explain to my father when the chief and the others leave later." Guo Lingsu held on to Han Zixuan, this scoundrel, don't even think about running away after deceiving him.

Guo Linghua felt too ashamed to see her younger sister dragging a man.He hurriedly pulled her to his side, and asked in detail what was going on, what did this bastard do to you.

Guo Lingsu then mentioned that brother Zixuan came to our house to propose marriage, but he was embarrassed.Please, sister Yuluo came to find me, if you don’t believe me, just ask sister Yuluo.

Black lines appeared on Guo Linghua's face, and she stared at Han Zixuan with fiery eyes, you are a beast, my sister is only so young, so you just lied to her.No wonder she misses you day and night, it turns out that you have cast the bait long ago.You are an old hooligan who picks up girls, coaxing and cheating, can my sister not take the bait?

Afterwards, she looked at Chen Yuluo again, you two shameless people are working together to deceive my sister.

Han Zixuan felt a little outrageous. Once this matter broke out, it would damage his reputation if it got out.After all, Guo Lingsu is less than 20 years old, although she can fall in love.But after all, he is a married man, and he belongs to the feeling of playing with his little sister.

Chen Yuluo was also slightly dumbfounded, and turned his head: "Susu, I'm sorry. My sister made a mistake at the time. In fact, Zixuan likes your sister Guo Linghua. Your sisters look so much alike. I mistakenly mistaken my identity."

I was dizzy, Han Zixuan almost foamed at the mouth, and just passed out.This can also be oolong.

Chen Yuluo continued: "It was only after I got home that I realized that I had made a mistake, so I explained the situation to Zixuan. Zixuan scolded me, but that's the end of the matter, so let's do this first. I'll find an opportunity to report to you later." You explain, Susu, didn't you realize that Zixuan is very enthusiastic about you, in fact, he has no feelings for you, and you are too young, so he wouldn't have that kind of thought."

Han Zixuan listened carefully, it's good to say so, and save Guo Lingsu from pestering him in the future.After all, I took advantage of others at the time. Fortunately, I have gone through many tests and still have great immunity to the little lolita, so I didn't stretch out the wolf's hand to take advantage of it.

Guo Lingsu listened carefully, especially the last few sentences, Zixuan has no feelings for you.That's true, except for the meeting at the zoo, Han Zixuan teased the little girl a few words, and later, when Han Zixuan dealt with the problems around him, he also ignored her.

It turns out that brother Zixuan has never liked me.The little girl burst into tears and ran back to her room.

Guo Linghua looked at the two with resentment, and hurriedly followed her sister.

Han Zixuan covered his forehead: "Yuluo, you have caused me a lot of trouble."

Chen Yuluo didn't care much and said, "I did this for the good of our family. When I came out, Sister Yu told me that no other women would be allowed in. I did this to get rid of Susu's little trouble, and Guo Linghua will definitely not like you, wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone."

"Especially because you have a special status now, and the daughter of the Guo family, to be honest, I really don't believe it. Once they know your other status, they won't be able to do anything else." Chen Yuluo said something. Reasonable, but more selfishness at work.

"It's okay, Susu is a child, she just fell in love with you for a while, she will come out of the shadows in a short time."

Han Zixuan nodded, I hope so, that's fine, let's stop staying in Guo's house, Guo Linghua is not a good person, she will definitely settle accounts with me.

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