The campus is so cute

319 You're going to kill me

Guo Linghua followed her sister back to the room, and found Susu lying on the bed crying bitterly, crying very sadly, shaking her body.

"Damn bastard, you bullied my sister like this." Guo Linghua cursed in her heart, but right now it's better to comfort her sister, and suddenly she thought, this is fine, my sister escaped from the clutches of the clutches, and the moment she was most looking forward to happened. .

"Susu, it's not worth weeping for that bastard. Today you can see his evil nature. What my sister told you before was not wrong. You should be happy. You finally recognized the ugly face of this person." Guo Linghua pulled Guo Linghua up, and took out a tissue to wipe away the tears on her face. The tears had ruined the make-up that was put on specially to welcome the chief today, and she looked a bit nondescript.

However, Guo Lingsu stared at her with wide-eyed eyes, and a sneer appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Sister, I guessed it right, you have an affair, that's why you don't allow me to like Han Zixuan. You and Han Zixuan deliberately directed a scene , you pretended to be indifferent in front of me, but behind your back you might all sleep together."

Guo Linghua opened her mouth wide, what was in this girl's head, how could she have such thoughts, she immediately corrected: "Susu, you misunderstood, we have nothing to do with each other at all."

"I don't believe it, sister, it doesn't matter if you like him, who makes him attractive. But it's your fault that you lied to me together." Guo Lingsu wiped away her tears and said to herself: "Sister, I'm fine. I Know the root cause, I am still young, I can wait for him."

Afterwards, Guo Lingsu sized Guo Linghua up, down, left, and right, with critical eyes, she snorted and said, "Are you average too, your figure is no better than mine."

Guo Linghua was dumbfounded, she really wanted to find a tree and hang herself.It's useless for her to say anything now, the little girl has completely lost herself.

"Sister, in the past few years of my growth and experience, you like him instead of me, love him well. But I will stand up again and take him back from your hands." Guo Lingsu seemed to be overwhelmed at the moment Xiaoqiang cheered up: "Tomorrow I will start exercising. Men like mature ones with big breasts. I will work hard in this direction."

Han Zixuan originally planned to leave the Guo family, but at this time two brothers from the Guo family happened to come out, hurriedly stopped him and said with a smile: "Brother Zixuan, what are you doing?"

Er, Han Zixuan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "Go out and get some air."

"You're already in the yard, it's very cool here." Monk Guo Xiaolei was puzzled, and then smiled: "Just now the chief said, we have dinner at our house at noon, you can't leave."

Before Han Zixuan could react, Guo Xiaolei had already pulled him back.

Guo Xiangtao was very happy today. He was able to have a private meeting with the chief and had a good conversation. The chief put forward many constructive suggestions. Guo Xiangtao felt that he agreed very much and kept nodding.

In the future, with the backing of the chief, the Guo family will definitely go to a higher level.So how to rely on it, Han Zixuan is the king, this young man is very capable, it would be a waste not to be a son-in-law.

When it was noon, the servants of the Guo family said that lunch was ready, and Guo Xiangtao immediately invited the chief to have lunch.

Zhao Zekai didn't refuse either, but asked not to be extravagant, just simple.

The Guo family is very rich, and there is a hall for dinner parties, which is a bit like a hotel.When everyone arrived at the hall, three tables of banquets had already been set up, because there were many people coming, including local government officials from Suzhou and Hangzhou, the accompanying personnel of the chief executive, etc. Guo Xiangtao had already arranged everything according to the people who came.

Everyone sat down for dinner, Zhao Zekai personally asked Han Zixuan to sit at the same table with him, his wife Wang Yunzhu looked at Han Zixuan with longing eyes.

Han Zixuan did not hesitate, and sat beside his wife, with Chen Yuluo closely following.The local officials in Suzhou and Hangzhou gathered together with the chief's entourage and formed two tables. One table was for the chief Zhao Zekai and his family members, and the other was for Guo Xiangtao's family members.

After Guo Lingsu finished crying, she was no longer sad, and had goals and motivation in her heart.I reapplied my makeup and came to dinner with my sister.After all, such an opportunity to have dinner with the chief is not something that can be encountered casually.

When Guo Linghua saw Han Zixuan, she pretended not to know him, but she murmured in her heart, who the hell is this fellow? Just now, the chief personally called him to have a dinner together, and everyone basically heard the truth.

Guo Xiangtao raised his glass, said some nonsense, expressed his gratitude to the chief, and so on.The chief, Zhao Zekai, said a few words and expressed his gratitude to the Guo family for their arrangement.

Everyone is a gentleman, knowing that this meal cannot be eaten too casually, and the wine is all ordered, mainly for communication.

Zhao Zekai was very easy-going, and chatted with Guo Xiangtao about homework.Guo Xiangtao talked about the two sons and two daughters in his family. Both sons have married and established businesses now, and only two daughters are waiting to be married.

Zhao Zekai had seen the two daughters of the Guo family a long time ago, they were beautiful and dignified, and he complimented them a few times.But at this time, Guo Lingsu brought vegetables to Han Zixuan herself. Although there was Chen Yuluo between them, the little girl was still very persistent.

"Brother Zixuan, eat more. It's your first time to eat at our house, so you don't need to look outside." Guo Lingsu still smiled innocently, and when she smiled, the dimples on both sides showed, very charming.

Guo Linghua took a look, but didn't make a sound, just kicked her sister lightly a few times, telling her to pay attention, there are so many people watching.

Wang Yunzhu glanced at Han Zixuan, saw that he was a little embarrassed, and smiled slightly.

Han Zixuan said in his heart that this meal was really uncomfortable, so he lowered his head, ate hard, and retreated quickly after eating.

Zhao Zekai continued chatting along the topic just now, and asked Guo Xiangtao's eldest daughter if she got married or if she had a boyfriend.

Guo Xiangtao hesitated for a moment and said not yet, this girl is heartless and has no intention of being here at all.

Zhao Zekai laughed, looked at Guo Linghua and said: "Linghua is both talented and beautiful, she must be very picky, this is normal."

Guo Lingsu suddenly said, "Dad, my sister has a boyfriend."

This sentence was like a muffled thunder, which not only alarmed Guo Xiangtao, but also pulled Han Zixuan, who was eating rice, out of the thought of how to retreat while bowing his head to eat. He suddenly raised his head and looked at Guo Lingsu blankly, begging for mercy. .

Little aunt, there are so many people, don't play with me.

Guo Linghua was stunned, and immediately retorted: "Susu, what are you talking about, there are so many big people here."

The people at the other two tables also stopped. They all knew that there was a famous Guo Linghua in the Guo family, but they had never heard of a man.Hey, the Guo family is a celebrity, and of course there are a lot of people who gossip.

Although Guo Linghua married Shangguanting last time, she was only taking the place of Luo Shumin at that time, except for the members of the Guo family and Han Zixuan, no outsiders knew about it.

At this time, Wang Yunzhu suddenly interrupted and asked: "Lingsu, tell me, whose family is that man, we want to see if we can match your sister."

Han Zixuan hurriedly stood up, picked up the wine bottle and said, "Everyone, I'll pour wine for you. It's meaningless to just eat without drinking, or you will waste Uncle Guo's kind invitation. Mr. Chief, you are drinking, there is nothing in the afternoon It's time to go back and rest."

Zhao Zekai was very relieved and nodded.

Everyone was full of wine, Han Zixuan said, my task this time is to protect the chief's safety, I am just a bodyguard.Thanks to the chief's love, I was honored to have dinner with all of you. I remember this special day today, so I did it.

Han Zixuan raised the wine in his glass and drank it immediately.After finishing, the body fell down with a bang.Chen Yuluo hurriedly cooperated and said, "I'm sorry, everyone, Zixuan was too drunk and passed out."

No matter what the situation, pour a cup, and everyone doesn't believe each other.

Wang Yunzhu panicked a little, and hurriedly ordered Yuluo to help Zixuan out, and ordered Guo Xiangtao to make some hangover soup.Guo Xiangtao didn't know what was going on, so he did it right away.

Seeing that Han Zixuan was drunk, Guo Lingsu didn't feel like eating, so she hurried out to see what was going on.Guo Linghua also found a reason to go out, so the topic stopped there.

No one continued to ask, but Guo Xiangtao knew very well in his heart that what Susu said was true, Linghua's boyfriend was Han Zixuan, that's really great.

Han Zixuan collapsed in the living room of Guo's house, and Chen Yuluo wiped his face with a towel beside him, and said with a snicker, "You can act, you scare them."

"Otherwise, what should I do? If that little girl says that Guo Linghua's boyfriend is me, what will I do? First of all, Guo Linghua is embarrassed, and I am also embarrassed. This girl said that I have come to Guo's family to propose marriage, etc., and my life will be even more difficult."

"Brother hooligan, stop pretending." Guo Lingsu ran out and came to Han Zixuan.

Han Zixuan immediately shut up and snored like thunder.

Guo Lingsu ignored it, and pinched Han Zixuan's face fiercely.Han Zixuan sat up cleverly, and bluffed, "There are mosquitoes."

"Get up, or I'll file a complaint." Guo Lingsu's tone was threatening.

Han Zixuan showed a bitter attitude: "Little ancestor, what are you going to do, you must play me to death, right?"

Guo Lingsu had a smile on her face, very proud, pinching Xiao Man's waist and playing arrogantly: "Tell me, what do you want to do, what do you think?"

Han Zixuan shook his head, expressing that he did not understand.

Guo Lingsu continued to ask: "It seems that you don't like my sister, or else you can't do this. Once I said it just now, and my father and the chief are in the middle, my sister must marry you."

"By the way, Erya, you know me best. I thank you very much, but you didn't say it." Han Zixuan couldn't help but reached out and grabbed Guo Lingsu's delicate white hand, expressing his gratitude in his heart.

Guo Lingsu was held by the other party, feeling warm in her heart.Zixuan doesn't like my sister, so why did I cry sadly just now, does it mean that I still have a chance? Let me just say, my sister's advantage is not much stronger than mine.

"Then do you like me?" Guo Lingsu asked shyly.

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