The campus is so cute

320 Don't Break Your Shoes

Facing Guo Lingsu's straightforward question, Han Zixuan hesitated, do you like it?

There is no doubt that Guo Lingsu has a sweet appearance, innocent and lively, and has all the external conditions to make a man's heart beat.And anyone can directly see the single-minded liking for him. This kind of girl is very simple, very persistent in love, and will not change easily.

Guo Lingsu saw Han Zixuan's hesitation, and hurried ahead of him and said, "I understand, I am young and my body is not as plump as sister Yuluo, so you are not interested in me for the time being."

"However, brother Zixuan, can you wait for me, I am still developing. And I have made up my mind to exercise every day, do yoga, and sooner or later, I will surpass sister Yuluo and make you fall in love with me." Guo Lingsu is a cheerful person, she will not be hit a little bit because of this, but she is full of motivation.

Chen Yuluo was sitting on the side, really couldn't bear to see Guo Lingsu continue to be sad, and secretly touched Han Zixuan who was stunned by the side.

Han Zixuan hurriedly said: "Susu, in fact, your body has developed very well, and you are quite outstanding among girls of the same age."

Guo Lingsu shook her head hastily: "No, my current cup size is just c. When I become an e, it will be perfect."

Han Zixuan felt dizzy for a while, and turned into an e, silently thinking of Ye Tianyu.That little girl is extremely talented, and she is probably still growing up. I don't know what model she has become now.

Guo Lingsu saw that he was a little distracted, and immediately said: "Brother, it's settled like this, I won't pester you now, I'm going to practice."

"Wait, you come back." Han Zixuan immediately stopped her: "Susu, other things, I don't like the ones that are too big, I can't hold them with one hand." Suddenly, a sharp pain hit her thigh.

Guo Lingsu's face was flushed, and suddenly she boldly came to Han Zixuan, summoned up her courage and said, "Brother, can you touch it, can you hold it?"

Guo Linghua happened to walk in, the little girl went to look for Han Zixuan, she also wanted to see what kind of tricks Han Zixuan was playing, she knew in her heart that he was doing it on purpose, whether it was to not embarrass herself or me.Inexplicable, I felt a little weird in my heart.

It happened that Guo Lingsu puffed up her chest and approached Han Zixuan, and the man's eyes were staring at him unscrupulously.Anger surged up immediately, and he rushed forward, grabbed Guo Lingsu, and glared at Han Zixuan angrily, "Han, you big bastard, you molested my sister in broad daylight."

Guo Lingsu blushed and turned her head to look at her sister: "Sister, it's not like this, I let brother Zixuan touch it."

Guo Linghua was so angry that her nose almost crooked. This prodigal girl is completely ruined. She doesn't know how important a girl's chastity is.He scolded her head and face and told her to go back to her room quickly.

Guo Lingsu also knew that she was indeed a bit shameless just now, and went back to her room disheartened, but before leaving, she said loudly: "Brother Zixuan, wait for me for two years."

Guo Linghua's angry body trembled a little, but fortunately she came in time, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.By the way, did he touch it just now?

"Han Zixuan, did you miss that just now?" Guo Linghua questioned.

Han Zixuan didn't bother to pay attention to her, and fell asleep soundly.Chen Yuluo hastily stopped her and continued to press her: "Guo Linghua, don't worry, he didn't touch a single finger, if he did, I wouldn't be happy."

"Hmph, you are a pair of adulterers, and neither one is good. You cheated on my sister together, Han Zixuan, get up for me, let's make things clear today." Guo Linghua chattered endlessly.

Han Zixuan suddenly sat up, watching Guo Linghua's menacing approach without any fear: "Say it, I'm all ears."

"Okay, what's going on with the marriage proposal?" Guo Linghua just wanted to ask, who did you come to my house to propose marriage to? I'm still my sister.

Chen Yuluo saw that the matter had been exposed, and there was no need to continue to hide it, so she explained the truth. In order to get close to Guo Lingsu, she deliberately made up this set of reasons. There was no malice in it, so it was a joke.

Is there such a joke, but I also blame my younger sister. If another man proposes marriage, the younger sister will definitely reject it.After all, it was Han Zixuan's fault.

"Then what happened to what I just said in the yard." Guo Linghua was embarrassed to mention the matter of proposing marriage to herself.

Chen Yuluo had a mirror in his heart, deliberately pretending to be confused: "What is it?"

Guo Linghua couldn't bear it anymore and stared at Han Zixuan.

Han Zixuan shook his head hastily: "There's no such thing, don't think about good things."

Pooh, Guo Linghua spat and cursed, then left angrily.

As soon as Guo Linghua walked away, Chen Yuluo laughed wantonly: "Zixuan, it seems that Guo Linghua is also interested in you."

"No, I don't want this broken shoe." Han Zixuan said,

Outside the door, Guo Linghua heard it very clearly, and an unknown tear flowed out.

The chief and his party finished their meal and planned to visit Guo's company and factory in the afternoon. Guo Xiangtao drank a little too much because he was happy at noon, so he asked his two sons and some leaders from Suzhou and Hangzhou to accompany him.

Wang Yunzhu came to see Han Zixuan on purpose, and saw that Han Zixuan and Chen Yuluo were talking and laughing, his brows were lightly stretched, and then he walked with steady steps.

Chen Yuluo immediately got up from Han Zixuan's arms, straightened his clothes a little, blushed and said, "Ma'am, you are here."

Han Zixuan suddenly became alert and hurriedly pretended to be asleep.

Wang Yunzhu smiled: "Zixuan, stop pretending."

Han Zixuan continued to be thick-skinned, patted his head and said: "Madam, I was a little dizzy just now, I took a nap, and I'm much better now."

Wang Yunzhu didn't expose it, so he simply sat aside and asked: "Zixuan, do you like the eldest lady of the Guo family? I was embarrassed by the crowd just now, so I used the name of being drunk to fool me."

Han Zixuan hastily denied it, but Wang Yunzhu just smiled lightly: "It's okay, a man and a woman love each other, and shouldn't be constrained by everything in the world. Although a man violates the moral law with three wives and four concubines, as long as both men and women have no objections, they will No problem. I'll go to Guo Xiangtao now to facilitate good things between you two."

What's the matter, Han Zixuan got up to stop him, but his wife turned around and disappeared.

Chen Yuluo pouted: "It seems that this Guo Linghua won't be able to get rid of it."

Guo Xiangtao did drink too much, but with hangover soup and hangover medicine, he soon regained his energy.At this time, the chief's wife came, and she became more sober at once. After hearing what the chief's wife said, she suddenly became active.

"Really, that's great, ma'am, this is you setting up a line for the media, and you must not go back on your word. I'm afraid that Zixuan won't agree. You've seen our family, Linghua, and the number one beauty in Suzhou and Hangzhou is definitely not bragging." Yes, and he is proficient in everything from Wen Tao to Wu Lue, and his match with Zixuan is not too bad, and he didn't lose too many points. But relationships need to be based on fate, but you can rest assured that there are 1 people from my Linghua, there is absolutely no problem, all problems , it's all on Zixuan's side."

Madam said there was absolutely no problem, and she was worried that Linghua would have other ideas. After all, Zixuan had Ms. Chen next to her, and they fell in love with each other.

Guo Xiangtao chuckled, ma'am, you see my Guo as too simple, what is a good man with ten or eight wives, you may not know, Zixuan married Shen Hanyu, the number one beauty in Beijin Ma'am, I don't care about any of this at all.

Oh, Wang Yunzhu laughed, he didn't expect his son to have a few brushes, and seeing that Chen Yuluo was doing her best to take care of Zixuan, it can be seen that he is very attentive to the girls around him.As long as it's not promiscuous.

The two sides reached an agreement, and Guo Xiangtao was happier, and he didn't need to tell Zixuan. With his wife's guarantee, this kid would definitely not be able to escape from his palm.And the head's wife personally acted as a matchmaker, making this kid's background even more mysterious.

Guo Xiangtao immediately went to the eldest daughter's room and found that her daughter was not in a good mood and seemed to have cried.In his impression, the eldest daughter was strong and unyielding, and she had endured all kinds of hardships without seeing her shed tears. What happened today must be trapped by love.

"Linghua, what's wrong with you." Guo Xiangtao came over with concern.

Guo Linghua touched the tears on her face, and said forcefully: "It's okay, I miss my mother. It's such a glorious day for the chief to come to our house, but my mother is gone."

Guo Xiangtao believed it was true, and felt the same way.My wife died of illness a few years ago. At that time, the whole family was really depressed for a while, but they persevered afterwards.

"Linghua, don't think too much. Your mother must have seen today and was happy for us in another place. Think about it, by the way, let me tell you a big happy event."

"Happy event." Guo Linghua's mouth twitched, obviously not interested.

"The chief's wife is a matchmaker and betrothed you to Han Zixuan." Guo Xiangtao said cheerfully, observing his daughter's reaction secretly. If his guess is correct, her daughter is a little bit interested in Han Zixuan, but she has to be strong and has a lot of thoughts hidden in her heart.

Guo Linghua was dumbfounded, what a joke.

She was just about to say something, but was stopped by Guo Xiangtao: "This marriage has been finalized. This is the country's mother who is a matchmaker. Ordinary people don't have such a blessing. Our family should keep quiet for now, just keep it in your heart. When the time is right, I will definitely organize your wedding in a splendid manner."

"During this period of time, you should keep in touch with Zixuan and cultivate the relationship between the two parties." Guo Xiangtao said secretly: "Actually, I know that you like him. Linghua remembers what her father said, you are no longer that enchantress under Wen Lan's subordinates." , you will live a normal life in the future, be a mother, and be a mother. Zixuan is a good choice, and I believe in the gifts of the party and the government to our family."

"Okay, I won't say more, you can have fun secretly." Guo Xiangtao left humming a ditty. This day, I was so fucking happy, and there were happy events one after another.

Guo Linghua smiled wryly for the gift, then shook her head, not taking it seriously at all.Because he won't like me at all, he described me so badly.

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