The campus is so cute

321 Be merciful

Han Zixuan didn't stay at Guo's house any longer, he greeted Guo Xiangtao and left in a hurry, returning to Shangguan's house, where there were still two important assassins.

Guo Xiangtao immediately returned to his daughter's room, and told her to follow Han Zixuan quickly, and don't forget what I told you just now.Guo Linghua didn't take it to heart, but the chief came across an assassin on the way, and she already knew that they were the brothers and sisters of the Duan family.

Because of her previous contact with Yangcheng, Guo Linghua decided to check it out, but she told herself in her heart that she had absolutely no other selfish motives.

The brothers and sisters of the Duan family were not tortured or even interrogated, so they were thrown in a small dark room. The two brothers and sisters felt that their lives were coming to an end, so they might as well say some last words.

Duan Hongjun asked: "Little sister, if you can live again, how would you like to live?"

Duan Hongying was obviously attracted by this topic, and she had a smile on her face at the moment: "Brother, if possible, I will definitely not be born in the Duan family, and I should not think about a peerless female killer. , Chatting with colleagues, finding a boyfriend by the way, getting married and having children, taking care of husband and raising children, and being carefree for a lifetime.”

Duan Hongjun turned his head silently, and saw that his younger sister did not know when, a few crystal clear tears slid down her face. At this moment, she looked pitiful, she did not have the demeanor of a killer assassin.

Duan Hongying realized her ugliness and immediately lowered her head, not wanting her brother to see her helplessness and grievance.Yes, she felt a little wronged and thought of Chen Yuluo again.The happiness on her face infects her and affects her, why she can have a happy and happy life now, but she doesn't.

"Brother, what about you, what do you think?" Duan Hongying suddenly raised her head, revealing a sad and beautiful face.

Duan Hongjun remained silent, thought for a while and said: "If possible, I will definitely not take you with me on this mission, and I will not let you take risks with me."

In an instant, the brother and sister were just leaning on each other, the younger sister was crying, and the elder brother's eyes sparkled, looking at the room under the faint light, death was coming quietly.

As soon as Han Zixuan returned to Shangguan's house, Guo Linghua just followed behind.Just as he was about to say something, Guo Linghua spoke first: "I heard that the brothers and sisters of the Duan family attempted to assassinate the chief, so I came here specially to see if I need help."

"Help, maybe you want to save them." Han Zixuan's eyes shot out a faint light.

Guo Linghua was very upset and said, "You are still doubting me."

Han Zixuan smiled: "I just doubt myself. To be honest, I really don't want to kill the two of them. I'm thinking about how to win them over."

Guo Linghua was also reluctant to kill someone, because the Duan brothers and sisters were innocent, and Wen Lan was the mastermind behind it.She knew that the brothers and sisters of the Duan family were just like her fate, they were just killing machines at the mercy of others.

"Thank you, how about I meet them first." Guo Linghua's tone was filled with requests.

Han Zixuan nodded: "All right."

The door opened, and a ray of bright sunlight shone in. Suddenly, the Duan brothers and sisters felt a little uncomfortable. They hurriedly closed their eyes, and at the same time quietly waited for the coming of death.

Slowly, a person stopped at the door, and then stepped in with one foot.The brothers and sisters of the Duan family were stunned after watching carefully, it turned out to be Guo Linghua, the enchantress, how could she appear here.

The brothers and sisters of the Duan family didn't know that the demon girl had betrayed, and they didn't know that Wen Lan was trying her best to hunt down the demon girl. The brothers and sisters of the Duan family only knew a thing or two about many things in Long Mei. order them to do things.

Duan Hongying's first reaction was that Yao Ji came to rescue them. She knew that Long Mei was very powerful, so she was sure that the Holy Mother was worried about their brothers and sisters, so she arranged for people to rescue them.

"Sister Yaoji, come and save our brothers and sisters."

Duan Hongjun looked at the problem more comprehensively. This is Shangguan's family, the first family in Suzhou and Hangzhou.No matter how powerful Yao Ji is, she may not be able to break in easily, and there was no sound of fighting or gun battles at all just now. To illustrate, Yao Ji is very familiar with the Shangguan family. As for why, I don't know.

Guo Linghua glanced at the two of them and said, "My name is Guo Linghua, and I am no longer a demon girl. I have left Longmei, and my current identity is kept secret for the time being, but I am serving the country. The purpose is to kill the Longmei organization and kill Wen Lan."

The brother and sister were a little confused for a moment, they knew the name of Guo Linghua, and the name of Suhang Peerless Shuangjiao was very famous.What's the situation, she betrayed, and she wanted to turn back and kill Wen Lan.

Guo Linghua continued: "Let's talk about your assassination first. I don't need to say that I already know it. It must be Wen Lan who arranged for your brother and sister to do this."

The two remained silent, each thinking in their minds.

"How many assassinations have you carried out in total, and how many people have you sent to Suzhou and Hangzhou?" Guo Linghua asked again.

Anyway, it's a death, so there's no need to hide too much, Duan Hongying said: "I only know that the two of us have received this mission, and I don't know anything else about it."

This is also in line with Wen Lan's temperament, and there is basically no reliable news from their brothers and sisters.Because they are not the core personnel of Longmei, they know very little about it.

"What do you think?" Guo Linghua said here, her voice was very soft.

For Duan Hongying, the excitement was great.Sister Yuluo found a good man, another god in her heart, Guo Linghua betrayed Long Mei, and started a brand new life.And they all seem to have made the right choice, but for themselves, they can only wait for death silently.

Duan Hongjun didn't understand: "What do you mean, we have no idea, just want to die quickly."

Duan Hongying also nodded at the side: "Guo Linghua, please don't torture us, it's useless to torture us, we only know a little bit."

"Okay, but I can point out a clear path for you. Abandon the darkness and turn to the light, get rid of the dragon demon, and choose the right path. Why don't you use all your abilities to protect the country and the interests of the people."

Duan Hongjun sneered: "Hey, you think everyone is as spineless as you. You actually became a traitor that everyone scolded, die of that, we won't betray."

"Really, do you have backbone?" Suddenly Han Zixuan got in.

The brothers and sisters of the Duan family looked at Han Zixuan, with completely different expressions on their faces, Duan Hongjun was angry, and Duan Hongying looked bewildered.

"Daughter-in-law, how is the interrogation going?" Han Zixuan turned his face to look at Guo Linghua.

Daughter-in-law, Guo Linghua was stunned for a moment, her face turned red and then white. Fortunately, the secret room was a bit dark, so she couldn't see clearly.

"What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Who's talking nonsense, Madam told your dad about the matchmaker. When I came out of your house just now, your dad stalked me so badly that we two should cultivate our relationship and try to have a big fat boy next year." This sentence The words are not nonsense, indeed what Guo Xiangtao said just now.

In Han Zixuan's heart, she didn't refute it, she could only wish her bad luck, and the old woman she didn't recognize carelessly acted as a matchmaker for her. She said that the matter has come to this point, and she can't repent at all.Then train it first and see, if it doesn't work, just shoot it and break it up.

Guo Linghua didn't refute it either, she guessed that her father would definitely be able to do such a shameless thing.Feeling a little uncomfortable, I twisted my body: "You ask, I'll go out."

Duan Hongying was dumbfounded again, Sister Shenren was going to marry Han Zixuan too.

Duan Hongjun was not interested in how Han Zixuan seduced women, and looked at him indifferently: "Don't waste your efforts, our brothers and sisters will not betray."

Han Zixuan looked at Duan Hongying, she still had short hair, but it grew a little bit longer, which looked a little nondescript, but her face was heroic, incomparable to Guo Linghua's peerless elegance, and she didn't have the demeanor of Shen Hanyu's mature and ladylike.But women have all kinds of tastes, Duan Hongying's one is considered rare in the world.

"What about you, what do you think?" Han Zixuan lowered his head with a smile on his face, and unknowingly stretched out his hand to touch her fragile skin.

Duan Hongjun immediately cursed: "Shameless, scum. Han Zixuan, in my eyes, you are also a man, how can you do such a nasty thing."

Duan Hongying blushed, it was the first time his face was touched by a man, and in such an environment.The dissatisfaction of the elder brother around him made him look as if his reputation had been tarnished.

Han Zixuan put on a nonchalant attitude, and even praised his skin for being pretty good. Women who practice kung fu are different, so your skin must be smoother.

These words were even more explicit, Duan Hongying couldn't help scolding: "Han Zixuan, get out of here."

Han Zixuan stood up and clapped his hands and said, "Now there are two ways for you to choose, the way of death and the way of life. The way of life, my wife also said just now, I hope you will betray Long Mei and stand in my camp. The way of death, that is dead."

Duan Hongjun and Duan Hongying said at the same time: "We choose to die."

They are not afraid of death, because death has happened around them every day since the beginning of the mission, but they are lucky to escape every time by virtue of their personal ability and a little bit of good luck.This time, it was just bad luck, and he died.

Han Zixuan smiled nastyly: "Death, I have only one way to die."

The two looked up at him at the same time, but through his smirk, there was a feeling of scalp numbness, and he was waiting for the two to ask.

Sure enough, the elder brother asked: "If there is anything, just come, I am not afraid."

"Okay, it's refreshing enough. A man is sodomized, a woman, hehe, I don't need to explain it clearly." Han Zixuan felt that he was evil enough, but there was no way, who let the two people in front of him walk on the edge of the death knife for many years, Ordinary ways of death certainly don't matter.

Duan Hongjun and Duan Hongying were angry, and they cursed Han Zixuan as a scum in their hearts. We helped you save a woman back then, have you forgotten?

Duan Hongying immediately said: "Han Zixuan, we are not afraid of death, but please let us brothers and sisters die more honorably. Since our brothers once helped you save a woman in Beijin, please spare our brothers and sisters."

Han Zixuan thought for a while, then nodded: "What you said makes sense. What I thought just now was really not thoughtful enough, it was a bit too dark."

"How about this, Sister Xiaoying, all of our bodyguards here are strong and strong, you can choose one at will, one person is always fine, I have already shown mercy."

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