The campus is so cute

322 Passing on experience

The brothers and sisters of the Duan family really know what shamelessness is today. They are killers and they don't have so many thoughts. They only think about how to complete the task as soon as possible and kill them with one blow.

Duan Hongying originally had a very good personal impression of Han Zixuan. Even when his brother asked if he liked him, she would feel an inexplicable feeling in her heart, and her heart would be inexplicably nervous and beating violently.She is not very old, in fact, she is only two years older than Guo Lingsu, and she is just 20 years old.

At the age of 20, she has never been to school, and it is impossible for her to experience love on campus, so her emotional world is no different from a blank.Therefore, when she saw Chen Yuluo and Guo Linghua, the two goddesses she admired, they both chose love and gave up their original careers, which influenced her imperceptibly.So when her brother asked about starting over, she did not hesitate to choose an ordinary life and be a very ordinary woman.

Han Zixuan saw that she was in a daze, so he continued to tease and said: "Well, I think you are a little hesitant. I will call all the bodyguards and let you inspect the goods first." He has long seen that this girl is actually very pure. , but the special experience on her body made her look different.

It was like, when Chen Yuluo met for the first time, it was actually quite funny to tease the ice girl.

Duan Hongjun couldn't stand it anymore, and roared angrily: "Han Zixuan, kill us quickly."

Han Zixuan just smiled lightly, and suddenly came in front of Duan Hongying, Duan Hongying shrank back a little timidly.

"Don't be afraid. Actually, I can see that you have never had a boyfriend. Think about your death, but you must have a lot of regrets. I will make up for your regrets and let you know what a real woman is." As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to pull Duan Hongying up, and then lifted her up forcefully, dragging her out like a dead dog.

Duan Hongying screamed in fear, yelling not to.Han Zixuan took a look, what are you doing, I haven't found a man yet.

Duan Hongjun stopped shouting and just stared at Han Zixuan with resentment and murderous eyes.

Duan Hongying was a little uncomfortable with the sunshine outside. She squinted her eyes for a few seconds to get used to it, and then slowly opened her eyes and found Chen Yuluo standing beside her.

Han Zixuan said to Chen Yuluo: "Yuluo, first enlighten her and impart some experience." Afterwards, he left.

Chen Yuluo gave him a blank look, and then looked at Duan Hongying who was sitting on the ground at this moment, haggard and frightened, especially those eyes that were originally dark and bright, now a little hollow and without brilliance at all.

Chen Yuluo understood what Han Zixuan meant, and hoped that she could convince Duan Hongying that although the two didn't have much friendship, they had fought each other before.As the saying goes, if you don't fight, you don't know each other, and it can be used between women.

Han Zixuan saw Guo Linghua standing under a big locust tree in the courtyard of Shangguan's house, standing quietly, as if something was on his mind, so he walked over gently.

Guo Linghua felt a little uncomfortable when she realized it was him.But she wants to emphasize that I will never marry him.

Before Han Zixuan could speak, she said first, "Han Zixuan, no matter what my father and the chief's wife talk about, I decide my own affairs, and I won't like you."

"I know, I know myself." Han Zixuan still smiled lightly.

"Then why did you say that just now?" Guo Linghua referred to what he said just now in the secret room where the brothers and sisters of the Duan family were imprisoned.

"Show off, let's see how awesome I am. The most beautiful woman in Suzhou and Hangzhou is my wife. She showed it to Duan Hongying. I hope she will fall in love with me, and then post back, and finally be subdued by me obediently."

What kind of nonsense is this? Guo Linghua snorted coldly and emphasized: "I hope there will be no next time. If I hear it again, I will never let you go lightly."

Han Zixuan suddenly stopped looking at her, and turned to the south, thinking of Yangcheng.I don't know what's going on now, whether Tianxing and Yangcheng have started a fierce battle.

Wen Lan is actively preparing, and there is no news that the chief was stabbed to death from Suhang. She basically concludes that the brothers and sisters of the Duan family are broken up, and I am afraid they have died by now.She wouldn't care about their lives, and she wouldn't pin her hopes on those two children.

However, Han Shaofeng was pestering her under her nose, hoping that she could mobilize her manpower as soon as possible to rescue his son Han Wenxuan.

Wen Lan became furious, and stood up with an angry shout: "Han Shaofeng, you are such an idiot, do you really think that Chu Yuhang of Tianxing kidnapped your son?"

Isn't it? Han Shaofeng was puzzled.

Wen Lan glanced at him, Han Xiaotian was incompetent, and Han Xiaotian's son was also an idiot.

"Your son was hijacked by people from Suhang. It must be the work of Guo Linghua from Suhang. This stinky girl betrayed me, and Guo Xiangtao also betrayed me. But they are not the root cause, but Han Zixuan. He is in Suhang, He took your useless son."

Han Wenxuan is also regarded as the younger generation that Wen Lan values ​​more, but Han Wenxuan lives in a greenhouse and basically spends his time in Yangcheng. This is the first time he went to Suzhou and Hangzhou alone.Originally wanted to train him, who would have thought that this trash would be so procrastinating, not only did not complete the task of invading Shangguan's house, but also did not kill Guo Linghua, but instead became a prisoner.

"Get out, don't bother me here anymore." Wen Lan waved at him.

Han Shaofeng left helplessly, he turned around and thought about it, what Wen Lan said was indeed very reasonable, Han Zixuan, he started to blame Han Xiaotian again, it was all done by you old bastard.

Wen Lan waited for Han Shaofeng to leave, brought Qian Zhao in and asked him to contact someone.Soon a person appeared on the big screen, and it was Chu Xiaotian.

"Chu Xiaotian, what's going on over there?" Wen Lan said.

Chu Xiaotian said: "Liu Peng is actively preparing, as long as there is any movement from you, he will take action to wipe you out quickly."

Wen Lan smiled coldly after hearing this, but was not moved.Ask back: "You agreed."

Chu Xiaotian smiled inscrutablely: "Not yet, it depends on your sincerity. But you are the country's rebels. Liu Peng really wants to eliminate your meritorious performance. When next year's general election, he will be successful." became the number one chief."

"Chu Xiaotian, don't be too complacent. Liu Peng will attack you sooner or later. After all, he doesn't want anyone to interfere with his rights."

He, Chu Xiaotian smiled, thinking about the various cooperations with Liu Peng before, both parties have kept important audio-visual materials intact, once Liu Peng attacks him, then he will let these audio-visual materials flow out, Liu Peng His good days are probably coming to an end.He will definitely not cross the river and tear down bridges, and more importantly, no matter how awesome Liu Peng is, he is not controlled by the Americans.

Chu Xiaotian looked coldly and said: "Wen Lan, you have developed very strong these years, and you are indeed very powerful, but the strong dragon does not overwhelm the snakes, how can your country's army fight against the small land of Yangcheng. I will not make things difficult for you, as long as You give me the black box in your hand, and I will tell Liu Peng, forgive you, you can find a place to have fun."

The black box, Chu Xiaotian has always needed this, because it is a key to unlock the treasure.Wen Lan has one in her hand, and the other is in the hands of her junior sister Ma Yunfeng.Ma Yunfeng has nothing to worry about. The key is Wen Lan, who has worked hard over the years and is quite capable.

"How do you know this?"

Chu Xiaotian laughed out loud. When Han Xiaotian died, didn't he leave Roshchenk to me?At first, Roshchenke did have some ideas, waiting for Ye Qingsong to make Molong great.But time is too long, his patience is limited, and people's hearts will change.He has completely trusted me, and told me many secrets about Mo Long back then.

Wen Lan was not moved, but just smiled, but there was an incomprehensible meaning in the smile: "Chu Xiaotian, don't be delusional, it's useless for you to get the black box, after all, you don't have any Ink Dragon Order."

"It doesn't matter, I know that Mo Long Ling is on that kid Han Zixuan. He will untie it sooner or later, and I'll get it later." Chu Xiaotian didn't pay attention to Han Zixuan at all, even though this kid made his debut Since then, things have been in chaos.And in the confrontation with his grandson Chu Yuhang, he gained the upper hand.

But it doesn't matter, what kind of person Chu Xiaotian is, like the Tathagata Buddha, and Han Zixuan is Monkey Sun, who can't jump out of his palm.

"Wen Lan, don't look at you controlling Yangcheng, you have some troops under you, and you have plenty of weapons and ammunition. But don't forget, you are fighting against the country, just like Han Xiaotian back then. defeated by his men."

"Chu Xiaotian, do you think Han Xiaotian is really dead?" There was a sarcastic smile on the corner of Wen Lan's mouth.

Chu Xiaotian was stunned immediately, what does this sentence mean, it is possible that Han Xiaotian is not dead.

Wen Lan said: "It seems that Roshchenk didn't tell you the truth, you should ask him yourself."

Chu Xiaotian was watching TV and the screen was interrupted, and the other party canceled the contact.He immediately ordered someone to find Roshchenk, and he was very disturbed.

Roshchenk, the most powerful disguise master in the present age, such a person should be very proud.But Roshchenk looks very ordinary, if not for the gorgeous clothes, he would look like an old farmer in the countryside.He is over 70 years old, and a master of disguise can make himself look very young, but what's the use, he is still old after all.

The temples are gray, half of the hair is gray, wrinkles are piled up, and there are unsightly age spots on the old face.

But Chu Xiaotian is different. Although he is also in his 60s, he eats well, takes good care of himself, uses the best supplements in the world, and even works well in bed now, and wants a beautiful girl every week Serving, two kinds of people have two different ways of living.

"Roshenke, you didn't tell me the truth, is Han Xiaotian dead or not?"

Although Roshchenk lurked, life was hard.After all, he is making a living in the hands of others, even though Chu Xiaotian has treated him very well in the past 20 years.But he was very bitter, he missed Han Xiaotian, and hoped that Han Xiaotian could make a comeback as soon as possible.

It seems that now, that day has come.He has no regrets, but it's just a pity that his own family was ruined. His son, grandson, granddaughter, everyone's life has changed, and they are all suffering in pain.

"Indeed, Han Xiaotian didn't die back then." Roshchenke said.

Chu Xiaotian was quite angry, and slapped Roshchenke with his hands.

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