The campus is so cute

327 The Bed Shakes Terribly

Suddenly, Han Zixuan felt that the bed was moving. Was it actually moving?It's just that the shaking is very violent, which feels a bit strange.

Han Zixuan stopped and asked Chen Yuluo who was panting under him, "Yuluo, did you hear the creaking sound of the bed?"

Chen Yuluo turned his head and gave him a sideways glance, and said in an infinitely charming way: "You are dead, you can't take it lightly. Fortunately, the bed in Shangguan's house is very firm."

"Don't make trouble, do you feel it?" Han Zixuan asked again.

Only then did Chen Yuluo realize that the two of them had stopped moving, and the bed was still shaking.She blushed, could it be that the bed was deliberately creating a mood.

Suddenly, the lights of Shangguan's house were brightly lit, and there was a mess outside. Occasionally, someone shouted that it was not good, and there was an earthquake.

Damn, Han Zixuan thought he wouldn't be so weak, so he ran away, but was grabbed by Chen Yuluo.Holding a pair of underwear in his hand, he handed it to him, and said angrily, "Put it on quickly, how can you get out like this."

Han Zixuan quickly put on his underwear, then turned his head and said, "Why are you hanging on, run away quickly. Although we both know martial arts, we can't stop earthquakes."

Chen Yuluo picked up the pajamas beside her and put them on, then followed Han Zixuan out.At this moment, there were many people standing in the yard, most of them were like him, disheveled, and some even came out naked, covering the ground and looking around, looking flustered.

Han Zixuan found that the chief and others were all there, they were very neatly dressed, how could they be so embarrassed by him.Damn it, whoever called the earthquake actually scared people.

Han Zixuan hurriedly came to the chief and the others, and asked what was going on, the bed was shaking just now.

Shangguan Fei came out suddenly, looked him up and down and snickered: "I've interrupted your good business, dammit, you really have the goods, that thing is bigger than mine."

"Fuck off, what's the matter." Han Zixuan raised his foot as if to kick someone, but Shangguan Fei dodged it.Then he said with a worried look: "Civil turmoil broke out in Yangcheng, and the cannons are being fired over there."

My god, what kind of artillery is this **** that is so powerful.Unless it is a nuclear weapon, Yangcheng sent people to kidnap Xiao En some time ago, it seems that they have indeed done some research in this regard.

Soon, the secretary next to the head came to report: "At present, Yangcheng has declared independence, threatened to break away from the control of the Huaxia government, and planned to go north. Head Liu Peng has responded quickly, and has arranged for the army to go to Yangcheng, intending to wipe it out in one fell swoop. Don't give them a chance to breathe."

Zhao Zekai nodded, then looked at Han Zixuan.Seeing him like this, his face was a bit ugly.This is where you have the best kung fu, but you are ashamed to show up like this.

Wang Yunzhu saw that her husband was very angry, but it was mainly because of the current situation that disturbed him.Immediately came to Zixuan's side, took a look at him, and looked him up and down.

Han Zixuan became inexplicably shy, and hurriedly covered his crotch with his hands, and said foolishly, "I'll go change clothes and come out again."

This brat, Wang Yunzhu's eyes were full of doting.Then she came to Zhao Zekai's side and said with concern: "It's okay, Yangcheng won't be able to cause much trouble, so you have to have confidence in us."

Zhao Zekai didn't say a word, his eyes were lost in thought.

Soon Han Zixuan came out fully dressed, he was really ashamed just now.It's all caused by Chen Yuluo, and she's still a little confused now.

Zhao Zekai glanced at him and said, "I have to go back to the capital to take charge of the overall situation. Suzhou and Hangzhou are basically stable now. The next step is Yangcheng. Although Liu Peng arranged the army, I know it must be the people from Tianxing. Zixuan, really To tell you the truth, although Liu Peng and I are friendly on the surface, we are at odds on the inside."

"I have always been aware of the developments in Yangcheng, but at that time I was exhausted, and it was not easy to annihilate them in one fell swoop. But now that the situation has come, we have a chance. I order you to go to Yangcheng in person. We must personally catch their leader, Wen Lan." Zhao Zekai patted him on the shoulder, originally he wanted to say more, but he held back due to the occasion.

Han Zixuan understood everything, no matter what the reason was, he would go to Yangcheng himself.

Afterwards, the chief made arrangements to return to Beijing, while Han Zixuan packed his things and rushed to Yangcheng.

In Yangcheng, Wen Lan sat in the center, with Xiao Sha's expression on his face.After the negotiation with Chu Xiaotian broke down, she started planning.Because, Chu Xiaotian will never give up this time.

"Brother Tian, ​​everything is waiting for your order, so you can announce it." Wen Lan then gave up the seat to Han Xiaotian, with the attitude of a good wife.Han Xiaotian did his part and sat in the center.

Although Long Mei was created by Wen Lan, it cannot be separated from Han Xiaotian's contribution.After Molong disbanded back then, many people secretly followed him.With the joint efforts of the two, it has become the scale it is today.

Han Xiaotian's face was full of smiles. Those who came to this meeting today are the core members of Longmei, Duan Fengchen of the Yangcheng Killer Alliance, Yang Song, the mayor of Yangcheng, Shao Bin, the director of public affairs in Yangcheng, and a number of troops in Yangcheng Major General Mi Jianfeng.

It can be said that Long Mei has ruled Yangcheng like a rock, and all the forces here have been controlled by them.

Han Xiaotian ordered Yang Song, the mayor, to serve as the first governor of Yangcheng. Tomorrow daytime, Yangcheng will be declared independent in People's Square and become an independent country.And asked him to explain to the people that Yangcheng will be more prosperous, the people's living standards will be greatly improved, and at the same time, many taxes and fees will be exempted in the early stage, with the purpose of buying people's hearts.

Then, they arranged for the police chief to dispatch all the police forces. One of the goals was to maintain law and order. After all, many people might not agree with their actions. There would inevitably be radicals. When encountering such people, there was only one way to do it: kill them.The second purpose is to closely observe the people coming and going. Among them, there must be many spies arranged by China, find them out, and kill them.Of course, the most important thing is the killers arranged by the Tianxing organization and the agents sent by the Huaxia Security Bureau. They must be killed.

In the end, Han Xiaotian told Mi Jianfeng to be ready for battle at any time, and don't worry about weapons and ammunition.There is only one requirement, no riots in the army.

In the end, Han Xiaotian put forward his own ideal, independence is not the goal, possession is the way out.The next goal is to attack Nanhai, the southern city of Huaxia. Taking Nanhai means that the southern gate of Huaxia will be completely pierced by us, so that we can go further north. Otherwise, it is meaningless to stay in Yangcheng, a tiny place.

After Han Xiaotian finished speaking, he finally said: "The commander-in-chief of this operation will be Wen Lan."

Wen Lan declined to let Han Xiaotian take the responsibility, Han Xiaotian smiled and said that I am old and my energy is limited.It's better for you to come, and you are very familiar with this place, and you basically control the power here.

Wen Lan did not refuse in the end, she is a woman with a very strong desire to possess power.Even if Han Xiaotian didn't recommend her, she would still point fingers from the sidelines.

"Okay, then the first thing is to fire the cannon to shock the maggots in the Huaxia government."

Wen Lan arranged for Qian Zhao: "Don't we have that thing in our underground base, use it this time, and give them some color."

Qian Zhao understood and began to arrange.Wen Lan's underground base has its own research and development laboratory. There are many scientists here, all of whom are hired by Wen Lan with high salaries.Research and develop many weapons and manufacture combat supplies.Bullets, bombs, grenades, etc., they can all be self-sufficient.

Therefore, Han Xiaotian just said that the weapon is enough, don't worry, it is not to scare people.

Of course, Wen Lan's biggest ambition is to study nuclear weapons, after all, these things are very powerful.The last time American Sean came to China, they hijacked him.I thought I could secretly get the nuclear fuel and the starting device shipped by North Korea, but I gave up halfway.

However, they already have a foundation in this field. Although the technology has not yet met the requirements, the new gadgets developed are so powerful that they can fool some laymen.

That's why, with the shaking of the astonishing power just now, the locals of Yangcheng certainly felt it more intensely.Then they knew that Yangcheng had erupted.

Because, the local government had already started distributing leaflets, and many people walked on the street to do questionnaires about the independence of Yangcheng, what do the citizens think, and so on.

Yangcheng is located in the southernmost part of China, and it is also close to several surrounding countries.In the early years, it was very chaotic here, so the people here were basically very wild, and all of them were bandits.Hearing that Yangcheng is going to become an independent country, many rioters responded one after another, and they wanted to leave the Huaxia government a long time ago.

In China, Yangcheng is very rich, while the north is much worse.The citizens of Yangcheng have a sense of pride. Once the new country is established, it will definitely be richer and will enter the ranks of developed countries.

However, some people worry that there will definitely be a big war.But everyone here knows that there is a Holy Mother in Yangcheng, and it is rumored that this person has three heads and six arms, and is very powerful.Huaxia's useless political parties are not opponents at all, and the north of Huaxia is also in chaos, maybe he won't have time to take care of it when the time comes.After a long time, Yangcheng may really become independent.Anyway, people have a lot of ideas, but most of them hold the theater in their hearts.Regardless of whether you are independent or not, my life will not be disturbed, and some unscrupulous black-hearted businessmen are secretly happy, and they can definitely make a fortune by taking the opportunity.

When the brothers and sisters of the Duan family hurried back to Yangcheng with Han Wenxuan, the cannon fire had already ended.They heard it on the way, and Han Wenxuan was very excited, calling long live.Fortunately, you brothers and sisters came early, otherwise I would definitely have died in Suzhou and Hangzhou.

Seeing that it was getting late, Han Wenxuan asked the Duan family brothers and sisters to go home to rest first, and will personally thank them tomorrow.

Han Wenxuan's return made Han Shaofeng very happy.He thought his son was dead, but he escaped unexpectedly, and briefly asked the specific reason, Han Wenxuan explained the truth, he was plotted by two adulterers, Han Zixuan and Guo Linghua, this loss must be paid back.

Han Shaofeng nodded: "Just come back, let's go, I'll take you to see the Holy Mother. She is in a good mood today, and she must be very happy that you can come back."

The two went to see Wen Lan, and Wen Lan was very angry when she heard that Han Wenxuan had returned intact, and scolded her head and face.

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