The campus is so cute

328 Blood for Blood

Han Wenxuan lowered his head, not daring to say a word of resistance.It is true that last time he took action in Suhang, he failed completely. He did not complete the assigned tasks, but he almost died here.

After Wen Lan finished scolding him, she asked him some specific information about Suzhou and Hangzhou.Han Wenxuan acted positively and explained the situation in Suzhou and Hangzhou in detail. The information was basically obtained from the Duan family brothers and sisters, and it was very precious.

Later, Han Wenxuan talked about Han Zixuan, who was not what we imagined.He seems to know his life experience, and the purpose of catching me is to get our information.

Wen Lan remained silent, frowning.It seemed that someone assisted Han Zixuan and helped him understand himself.And at this time, Zhao Zekai, who rarely came out, showed up and went to Suzhou and Hangzhou in person. Could it be that their father and son had already met and recognized each other.

"Okay, although you haven't completed the mission this time, since it's your first time to go out, and now we need manpower, I won't punish you."

Han Wenxuan hurriedly fell to his knees, thanking her for not killing her.

Wen Lan glanced at him. After all, he was Han Xiaotian's grandson, and he didn't look at the face of the monk but at the face of the Buddha.Then his eyes were serious: "Remember, the next time you meet Guo Linghua, you must kill her no matter what."

No need to remind, Han Wenxuan hated Guo Linghua long ago.Damn bitch, he clenched his fist, if I meet her next time, I must humiliate her severely and let her live in hell for the rest of her life.

"You go back to rest and recuperate first, we will have a big operation here soon, and I will need your help then." Wen Lan showed a kind face, at this moment no one would imagine that she is the female devil of Yangcheng.

After Han Wenxuan left, the Duan brothers and sisters immediately stepped forward.Originally, they thought they would be reprimanded by Wen Lan, but on the contrary, Wen Lan greatly appreciated the two of them. Although the assassination mission was not completed, they obtained a lot of information and rescued Han Wenxuan.

Wen Lan praised the two of them, and hoped that they would go back and have a good rest first. There are more tasks waiting for you below.You are the future of Yangcheng and our hope.

The brothers and sisters of the Duan family were ecstatic on the surface, but they were afraid of the woman in front of them in their hearts. She was too terrifying, elusive, and a very formidable opponent.If Zixuan could defeat this woman, then he would have to pay a lot, perhaps with his entire life.

Wen Lan took a rest, then went back to her room, thought for a while, and went to find Han Xiaotian.

Came to Han Xiaotian's room, opened the door and went in, and suddenly found a stranger in the room.In fact, they are old acquaintances, but they haven't seen each other for many years.

"Ye Shengren." Wen Lan looked at Ye Qingsong in surprise.

Ye Qingsong was very calm, and took a look at Wen Lan: "Junior Sister Wen Lan, please call me Senior Brother Ye, after all, we are all from the martial arts world."

Ye Qingsong came with Han Xiaotian, Han Xiaotian was about to fight back, so he thought of contacting his old friends, of course Ye Qingsong was the most important person.

Ye Qingsong was very surprised when he saw Han Xiaotian, but not shocked.Because he knew that Han Xiaotian faked his death and escaped, deceiving Chu Xiaotian and the others.And when he comes out this time, he must be ready to counterattack again.Ye Qingsong was inexplicably excited because he had been waiting for this day to come.

Han Xiaotian invited Ye Qingsong out very easily, and with his help, he had greater reliance.

Wen Lan was also very happy. Although fighting now relies on weapons and strategies, martial arts masters are also very important, especially super powerful people like Ye Qingsong. They can accomplish many tasks that ordinary people cannot do.

"Senior brother, that's great. Brother Tian has worked hard for many years, and finally this day has come. Seeing you reminds me of the time when Molong was in glory. At that time, we were so powerful, but now, we are stronger than we were then. Stronger and more stable, without infighting and chaos."

This sentence reminded Han Xiaotian and Ye Qingsong of the past.

Han Xiaotian looked up at the ceiling: "Green pine, things change and people change, and time changes. After more than 20 years, we are all old. To be honest, now I have no energy, and I have lost a lot of desire."

Wen Lan hurriedly said: "Brother Tian, ​​you just stayed here for too long, and your will has been worn out. It doesn't matter. From now on, we will start a new battle."

After listening to Wen Lan's words, Han Xiaotian smiled slightly: "Well, anyway, my old bones have been idle for many years, let's burn them one last time. And this time, I will let them pay with blood."

Ye Qingsong looked at Han Xiaotian and said: "Brother Tian, ​​Zixuan has grown up. I sent him down the mountain two years ago to start a mission, and gain experience through experience. This kid is indeed a member of our Molong, and he has lived up to everyone." I don’t want to say that I have a good kung fu, and I have inherited your mantle, and I have many confidante around me, including He Tianbei’s granddaughter, Yang Qihua’s granddaughter, etc. I believe that it won’t take long before the seal will be broken and revitalization will be revived I am big Molong."

Ye Qingsong was beaming when he said that, but Han Xiaotian and Wen Lan didn't smile at all.After Wen Lan just learned a lot about the situation, she decided that she had to adopt the second plan.

Soon, Ye Qingsong discovered something was wrong.Speaking of Han Zixuan, Han Xiaotian didn't smile at all, as if talking about a stranger.

"Brother Tian, ​​you must have never met Zixuan, right? Your grandson is just like you, handsome, handsome, and outstanding." Before Ye Qingsong finished speaking, Wen Lan stopped him.

"Senior Brother Ye, I'm afraid you don't know. Han Zixuan's real identity is very complicated. He is not a descendant of Brother Tian."

What, Ye Qingsong was stunned, his body tensed up.

"Brother Tian, ​​what's going on?"

Han Xiaotian showed a bitter face: "Qingsong, I did hide this matter from you. Because the situation was complicated at the time, I didn't tell you the truth. In fact, Han Zixuan was Zhao Zekai's son, and Zhao Zekai's father, Zhao Longyu, was the head of Huaxia at that time. I So he arrested his grandson with resentment in his heart, just a small means of revenge."

In an instant, Ye Qingsong understood.

"Brother Tian, ​​you understood the situation at that time. Zhao Longyu didn't abandon us, but he had his own difficulties. All his actions must take care of the Chinese people. Besides, it was not Zhao Longyu who ordered us to be exterminated, but Liu Peng's father Liu Zhongquan. How can you do this, don't you fight against the Zhao family."

"What are you afraid of? Anyway, our Yangcheng has already become independent, and we want to dominate the whole country. Then, the Liu family and the Zhao family are our enemies. Also, Brother Tian, ​​let me tell you, Han Zixuan knows about his identity just now. Moreover, in Suzhou and Hangzhou, Zhao Zekai met him, I am afraid that the two have already recognized each other." Wen Lan said worriedly.

Han Xiaotian smiled wryly: "What should come will always come. Although the development of Molong was supported by Chief Zhao Longyu at that time, I had already made a mistake at that time, and I had already turned against the Zhao family. I am not afraid of offending their family. "

Ye Qingsong naturally understands Han Xiaotian's ambition, but he doesn't believe that his brother will become such a person, he must be instigated by the person next to him.However, Ye Qingsong's heart is already dead, and he has no desire for a long time.When he came this time, he originally thought that he would support Han Zixuan in his position. After all, in his eyes, Zixuan is a talent that can be forged and can revitalize Molong's original appearance.

Unexpectedly, in the end, it was nothing.Not only did it not help, but it pushed Molong into the abyss. I don't know what kind of psychology this child is now, Zixuan. He must be blaming me and harboring resentment towards me.

"Qingsong, you won't blame me, you will definitely stand by my side this time."

No wonder his brothers all stayed away from him. How could such a vicious and vicious villain, who must take vengeance, become a big deal.I believe that your Yangcheng riot this time is nothing more than a joke.

"Brother Tian, ​​I'm tired, and I'm old. I still want to enjoy my old age quietly. It's said that I owe a woman too much, and it's time for me to make up for it." He had a desire to leave, he had to leave here, stay away from them.

"Qingsong, brother, we have known each other for so many years, and you have always stood by my side. Although I arrested Zhao Zekai's son, I didn't let him suffer. I did have a layer of selfishness at the time. If Han Zixuan If he doesn't know his own background, then he has always been the successor of our Molong. If it is accidentally exposed, I hope he can help us in the middle and hold Zhao Zekai back. Anyway, he has Molong Token in his body. He is our Molong man."

"Hehe, Han Xiaotian, congratulations. Your calculation can be said to have succeeded, because Han Zixuan has been working hard to unlock the seal and has paid a lot. But you are a loser because of the woman beside you."

Wen Lan's eyes suddenly became serious: "Ye Qingsong, what do you mean?"

What I mean is that you must be the one who arrested the Zhao family. Without you, Molong would not be destroyed and would not perish.It is your selfish desire that led to today's situation.And just now, you conspired against another act of treason.

Wen Lan laughed loudly: "Ye Qingsong, don't think that you are a master of martial arts, you can do whatever you want. To be honest, crushing you to death is as easy as crushing an ant. If you submit to me, I will let you do whatever you want." Live, if you talk nonsense to me again, I will let you die."

Han Xiaotian hurriedly smoothed things over, he didn't want his brother and his woman's blood to be splashed on the spot.He didn't doubt Wen Lan's words, it was her influence here, Ye Qingsong was indeed like an ant, very weak in front of her.

"Hmph, I'm going to leave here in a big way, what can you do to me." Ye Qingsong took a step forward and walked outside.

Wen Lan was furious, holding a remote control in his hand, and the alarm sounded.Immediately, many people came around, everyone with guns in their hands, looking at Ye Qingsong with gloomy eyes, as long as the master gives an order, they will immediately beat him into a sieve.

Ye Qingsong was not afraid: "Shoot, anyway, I have lived enough."

Han Xiaotian persuaded Wen Lan not to be angry. After all, he still had another black box in his hand, and killing him would not solve the problem.

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