The campus is so cute

329 Intersection Blocked

Wen Lan waved his hand, making everyone else withdraw.Thinking about it carefully, Ye Qingsong can't be killed for the time being, this person does have a great effect.But now that he is no longer his own, there is no need to be polite to him.

"Brother Tian, ​​it's for your face, but Ye Qingsong can't just leave like this, he must be trapped."

Han Xiaotian showed a look of embarrassment, after all, only Ye Qingsong was on his side among the brothers back then, but now the two sides have conflicts and differences.But what Wen Lan said is quite right, Ye Qingsong can't leave this page, if he stands on the opposite side of him, he will definitely bring trouble to himself.

Apparently, Ye Qingsong heard their conversation, and smiled coldly: "Wen Lan, Han Xiaotian, you must kill me, or I will turn this damn place of yours upside down."

Wen Lan also sneered, picked up the remote control in his hand, and pressed a few buttons at will.Suddenly, a big hole appeared where Ye Qingsong was standing, and he immediately fell into it.

Wen Lan's underground secret base is full of agencies, and only she knows the location and function of each agency.Of course, there is also an escape route here. If the situation is not right, she will flee immediately.

Han Xiaotian didn't say anything, he just hoped that Wen Lan could treat his brother well.

Wen Lan didn't say a word, and said with deep eyes: "Brother Tian, ​​we must consider a very serious issue now. Now Han Zixuan is no longer under our control, and I didn't expect someone to rush ahead of us. We must consider the second plan, when it is necessary time to get rid of him."

"No, the Molong Token is in his body. Once Han Zixuan dies, the seal will be completely sealed, and he will never be able to get the Molong Token."

"It doesn't matter, we can't get it, and others can't get it. Anyway, we have abundant funds and sufficient weapons and war preparations. We don't need to use the treasure for the time being, and we can deal with the Chinese government. But if the treasure is obtained by others, it will be us greatest loss."

Han Xiaotian frowned, kidnapping Zhao Zekai's son, this move was actually a mistake, but the mistake has already been made, there is no room for turning back.The current situation is unclear, if Yangcheng is passive, then Han Zixuan will be the last straw.

Wen Lan was too murderous, Han Xiaotian had to frown: "Wen Lan, our main enemies right now are Chu Xiaotian and Liu Peng. We have nothing to do with the Zhao family for the time being, so Han Zixuan should not move."

"Brother Tian, ​​the Zhao family already knows that we have kidnapped their child, and the grudge has been formed, so there is nothing to worry about." Wen Lan's eyes were stern: "Don't worry, it's very easy to get rid of him, all I need is to press a button .”

"What do you mean?" Han Xiaotian suddenly became nervous.

"Remember when I sealed him back then, not only did I seal the Molong Order, but I also secretly implanted a death-killing chip in his body. Now that Qianzhao's technology is getting more and more mature, by then thousands of miles away Then he can control his life and death." Wen Lan was proud.

She got this method of killing from a foreign expert. Wen Lan knew that this method was very important to both the enemy and her subordinates.Among the people who joined Long Mei in everything, as long as Wen Lan felt that it was not safe, he would implant this small iron plate into the other party.

Han Xiaotian's face was dark, this woman is too vicious.But now he can't interfere. The reason why he hid here all these years has only one purpose, revenge.After that, he can leave easily.

The brothers and sisters of the Duan family returned home and saw Duan Fengchen.

Duan Fengchen has heard about the two of them a long time ago, he is also very happy, encourages them, and hopes that they will perform well in the future, the Holy Mother will definitely not treat you badly.

The two brothers and sisters have complicated thoughts, and it seems that they need to wait a while to talk about betrayal with their father.

Han Zixuan took Chen Yuluo and Guo Linghua to Yangcheng.Guo Linghua had to go, originally she planned to go alone, she didn't want to have too much contact with Han Zixuan, lest the other party gossip about herself.

But how could Han Zixuan let her take risks alone, even though she knew Yangcheng well.But now she is the enemy of Yangcheng, and she might be killed by someone hiding in the dark as soon as she arrives in Yangcheng.And the key point is that she has a life-threatening chip in her body, which makes Han Zixuan very worried.

Guo Xiangtao knew that his daughter wanted revenge and understood her feelings.But the only requirement is to be with Zixuan, to help each other and take care of each other.And now that you are Han Zixuan's daughter-in-law, why should the two separate.

For this reason, Guo Linghua had an argument with Guo Xiangtao, saying that she would not marry him.And this trip to Yangcheng is more or less auspicious, and whether he can survive is a question.But she is not afraid of death, death is actually around her.

The father and daughter did not reach an agreement, so Han Zixuan came in person and promised to take care of her safety and bring her back alive.

Before leaving, I originally wanted to say goodbye to Susu, but this girl went to school and lived in the school, so she didn't come back for many days.Han Zixuan was so emotional that he had no choice but to secretly send her a text message, and I left.

It's been a long time, text message reply, take care all the way, I'm waiting for you.

Before he knew it, Han Zixuan felt his eyes astringent and the tip of his nose slightly sour.

The three of them set out on the road and soon arrived at Yangcheng.

Yangcheng area, the south of Huaxia.Because of its developed economy, it is now a separate municipality directly under the Central Government.With a population of nearly [-] million, it is rich in resources and developed in industry.And close to Vietnam, Myanmar and other countries in the south, Yangcheng City is an international metropolis and has a very high reputation internationally, known as the New York of Asia.

When we arrived at the intersection of the highway leading to Yangcheng, we saw a lot of police and armed police checking, and any passing vehicles would be checked in detail, and they had a few photos in their hands, obviously looking for someone.

Han Zixuan parked the car, took a look at Guo Linghua and said, "It seems that it is difficult to get in. I guess the photos in their hands are about us. Besides, we have a lot of weapons in the trunk, so they will definitely be discovered by then."

Guo Linghua frowned and said, "Why don't we just kill them, anyway, there are only a dozen or so of them."

"After rushing in, you will inevitably face even greater difficulties. This method is not appropriate, it is a bad strategy."

When the three of them were thinking about it, suddenly the siren sounded in the distance, and five police cars came from the direction they came from, and quickly came to the highway intersection.

I saw the license plate of the police car, which was the license plate of Nanhai, a city north of Yangcheng. It seemed to be the local police in Nanhai.Presumably the country heard that there was a riot in Yangcheng, so they first arranged for the nearest Nanhai police to investigate the situation.

Han Zixuan smiled at the corner of his mouth: "It must be lively."

The police car stopped, the door opened, and a slim woman stepped out.Although the woman was covered by a police cap and couldn't see her face, her curvy figure made the man's heart skip a beat.

Han Zixuan and Chen Yuluo only took one look and recognized Xie Wenxuan.

Han Zixuan suddenly became nervous, started the car and slowly approached the highway intersection, and at the same time ordered Chen Yuluo to take out the weapon from the trunk, ready to fire at any time.

The loud noise in Yangcheng last night shocked Huaxia, and soon the next day, Yangcheng media reported that Yangcheng declared independence from the Huaxia government from today.

The high level of the country quickly made preparations. Because Zhao Zekai was ill and was visiting Suzhou and Hangzhou, Liu Peng issued an order.First of all, let the South China Sea police go to Yangcheng in person to find out the truth of the situation.And let the third brigade be on standby at any time, I am afraid that there will be a big battle about to start.

After Tan Chunqing received this order, he dared not neglect it.In the middle of the night, Xie Wenxuan, the action leader, was called and asked her to set off overnight to Yangcheng to check the situation.Try to avoid fire conflict and wait for the instructions from above.

Xie Wenxuan led a team of more than 30 police officers from the police station, armed with weapons and equipment, and set off overnight. At [-] o'clock in the morning, they arrived at the intersection of Yangcheng Expressway.

Xie Wenxuan is the overall person in charge of this operation. This task is arduous and dangerous.However, she was also very excited. She said that it had been a long time since she had made a big move, and she finally came here, but it was so huge. She didn't expect that the terrorist organization would split the sovereignty of the country. Dip in with me.

Soon, the highway police came to Xie Wenxuan's side and gave a military salute respectfully.This person's name is Gao Chang, and he is the captain of the Yangcheng traffic police brigade, so he has a lot of power.Usually he never goes out to the field, and basically drinks tea and watches the computer in the team, but today he also came out, and he had to take the lead in person.

Because there are many roads leading to Yangcheng, and this expressway is the key point, so he served as the commander-in-chief of this inspection.The city has already set a mission to intercept suspicious vehicles, focusing on a few suspicious people. In the photo are Han Zixuan and the others, as well as some main leaders of Tianxing.It was Wen Lan who gave the command, the mayor Yang Song carried it out, and arranged for the people below to operate.

The task also mentioned that once a vehicle from a government agency is encountered, it can be directly impounded without any explanation. If the other party refuses to obey, it can be resolved with firepower.Escorted to the traffic police team, if something goes wrong, the above will solve it.

When Gao Chang received this task, his mind was in a mess.Damn it, the officials in Yangcheng are completely crazy, maybe Xiaoming will be reimbursed this time.He is not from Yangcheng, but was transferred from other places, and he got to his current position through his own hard work and management.

The people here in Yangcheng are relatively wealthy, so his extra income is naturally high.Anyone who catches a drunk driving casually and is overloaded can get a lot of money.Life is fat and oily, he wants to take root for the rest of his life, and his grandson will also come to do this job when the time comes.

Unexpectedly, this happened today.Seeing the Nanhai police car in front of him, he knew in his heart that he must have come to investigate the Yangcheng riot.What should I do, is it really possible to use firepower to kill the opponent.

After the military salute, Gao Chang was very polite and asked the other party to show his ID.He glanced at Xie Wenxuan, the operation captain of the Nanhai Police Station.This little girl looks really good, with fair skin and a plump figure, why did she have to come here to die.

"Captain Xie, I'm very sorry. You are not allowed to enter, this is the regulation above."

Xie Wenxuan stared at her eyes: "Why, we went to Yangcheng to perform a mission. This is a national-level mission. If something goes wrong, can you take care of it?"

National mission, but it is not easy to use on the ground in Yangcheng now.

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